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Blackpill As blacks keep getting status boosts, it wont be long untill curries will take place as the least wanted ethnicity by a large margin

hehe xd

hehe xd

Jan 4, 2018
Gangsta thug nigga, funny black guy, athlete black guy, bbc tyrone, and now black panther, blacks are incredibly priveleged for an ethnic, i predict no more than 10 years for them to out desire curries who are already an undesired meme

Jfl at curries and nigga/chink mixed arabs (aka genetically curries)
black males were never the least wanted ethnicity black females were

curry males have always been the least wanted ethnicity (excluding aboriginals but they are a much smaller minority)
Blacks have rap music which increases their social status.
Curries don't have anything except "nerdy" jobs like programmers etc.
Race is fucking cope. I am white and I can't get laid.
Race is fucking cope. I am white and I can't get laid.
It would be easier if u had blue eyes blonde hair and harder if u had black skin black fuzzy curly hair
As I already said, curries are already at the bottom. Sand monkey kebabs like arabs and middle easterners are right next to them in the same dirty looking, inferior ethnic group that women are repulsed by so jfl if you think you are any better.
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black males were never the least wanted ethnicity black females were

curry males have always been the least wanted ethnicity (excluding aboriginals but they are a much smaller minority)

Aboriginals are more robust and "wild" in the eyes of a Western woman. They don't fear fauxtough Indians or convenience store operators.

Oreo-ass pussy ass nigga. You must let the thugness flow through you. If the police aren't messing with you daily, you've failed as a black man.
Aboriginals are more robust and "wild" in the eyes of a Western woman. They don't fear fauxtough Indians or convenience store operators.
Woah this is mega retarded

Show me westren women chasing abos

Some west european foids chase robust syrian rapefugees, never happens with curries or abos tho
As I already said, curries are already at the bottom. Sand monkey kebabs like arabs and middle easterners are right next to them in the same dirty looking, inferior ethnic group that women are repulsed by so jfl if you think you are any better.
Kek curry shill strikes back

Meanwhile crazy scandinavian foids are lusting over tobust chabdallahs while curries remain stemcels

Just lol at tri racial heavy negroid curries saying they are the same as superior 100% caucasoid middle eastreners hahahaha curries are best copers afterall
Kek curry shill strikes back

Meanwhile crazy scandinavian foids are lusting over tobust chabdallahs while curries remain stemcels

Just lol at tri racial heavy negroid curries saying they are the same as superior 100% caucasoid middle eastreners hahahaha curries are best copers afterall

You're still not blackpilled and a coper. Women see sand monkey kebabs like you and curries as the same smelly, dirty brown associated inferior group throughout the world. They do not care to differentitate since you all look the same to them. Middle easterners are nicknamed as sand negroids, not sand caucasoids so stop the copes.
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Curries always were and always will be the least desired men. A ghetto black drug dealer with no hs diploma has 100x the smv as an Indian programmer. That's how undesirable they are to women.

And I'm not saying it's right or fair. I feel sorry for them. But that's just how it is.
You're still not blackpilled and a coper. Women see sand monkey kebabs like you and curries as the same smelly, dirty brown associated inferior group throughout the world. They do not care to differentitate since you all look the same to them. Middle easterners are nicknamed as sand negroids, not sand caucasoids so stop the copes.

Yeah, white trash women maybe.

You ever been to Europe? The women LOVE middle-east guys and you see couples all over. That's why there's been an uprise in bitter stormcels there (though they are a definite minority as Europeans tend to be very liberal). Yet you don't see the same with Curry men because they're just that undesirable.

I can see people not differentiating between NORTH Indians and middle-easterners (and there is some ethnic relation there to punjabis and some mid-east ethnicities if I'm not mistaken) but you practically black dravidian curries are a completely different story and are usually what people mean when they talk about "currycels."
its never been a better time to be black..
Rap/hip hop is the most popular genre.
Not just the music but now most girls are talking like they are black.
Most girls prefer to date guys who dress and act like thugs.
White girls associate black guys with hip hop so now they are dating these black guys because of it.
Blacked and other porn sites always showing black guys with big penises and if you look at the view counts for those videos.. its ALWAYS higher than other videos. White girls are watching those videos.
Even if you watch the amateur videos now. Innocent looking shy asians are having sex with giant black guys.
Id say blacks are on top right now.
Its easy to brainwash women
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Woah this is mega retarded

Show me westren women chasing abos

Some west european foids chase robust syrian rapefugees, never happens with curries or abos tho

I never said they “chased” Abos but would they be preferred to curries? I have to believe so.
Yeah, white trash women maybe.

You ever been to Europe? The women LOVE middle-east guys and you see couples all over. That's why there's been an uprise in bitter stormcels there (though they are a definite minority as Europeans tend to be very liberal). Yet you don't see the same with Curry men because they're just that undesirable.

I can see people not differentiating between NORTH Indians and middle-easterners (and there is some ethnic relation there to punjabis and some mid-east ethnicities if I'm not mistaken) but you practically black dravidian curries are a completely different story and are usually what people mean when they talk about "currycels."

I've been to London and saw curry men with white girls there too. Seeing these exceptions as with middle eastern guys do not mean anything. I've lived in Canada and US where curries and kebabs are looked at as roughly the same. Women see them as part of the dirty looking inferior ethnic sand negroids and repulsed in the same way.
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It’s still over for Somalicels. We’re at the bottom.
Race is fucking cope. I am white and I can't get laid.


It would be easier if u had blue eyes blonde hair and harder if u had black skin black fuzzy curly hair
black males were never the least wanted ethnicity black females were

curry males have always been the least wanted ethnicity (excluding aboriginals but they are a much smaller minority)
Abbos aren't human imo.
You're still not blackpilled and a coper. Women see sand monkey kebabs like you and curries as the same smelly, dirty brown associated inferior group throughout the world. They do not care to differentitate since you all look the same to them. Middle easterners are nicknamed as sand negroids, not sand caucasoids so stop the copes.
Didnt know shitndia had parrots
Idk there does seem be some cool 1st generation Indian-Americans dating white chicks. Overall its getting trendy to have an ethnic bf, ethnikcels rejoice
Idk there does seem be some cool 1st generation Indian-Americans dating white chicks. Overall its getting trendy to have an ethnic bf, ethnikcels rejoice
It's trendy to be pro immigration, not to actually date them. all the leftist females that virtue signal about how we should have more immigrants always exclusively date whites.
Where tf is my girl then? If you’re ugly you’re ugly.
In America at least, what “sex symbol” do Indian guys have? They’re all comedians.
Curries are good at running high LMS game, also betabux game though many of you don't respect it the fact is many women over age of 25 actually get turned on sexually for decent looking betabux and curries can be surprisingly good at fitting that role

I live London and I've even met white women that prefer curry men, I know it sounds crazy. They have to be decent looking curry though
Only if curries change their skin color
What are you talking about? Curries already are the least wanted ethnicity. Curries are the "most unwanted" in any social gathering.
Black panther movie only benefitted the dark skin niggas, not the light skin ones like me
Idk there does seem be some cool 1st generation Indian-Americans dating white chicks. Overall its getting trendy to have an ethnic bf, ethnikcels rejoice
virtue signalling for aryan chad
In America at least, what “sex symbol” do Indian guys have? They’re all comedians.
self degrading comedians, not even charistmatic comedians like whites or funny comedians like blacks or funny self depreciating comedians like jews, just self degrading walking memes
What are you talking about? Curries already are the least wanted ethnicity. Curries are the "most unwanted" in any social gathering.
they might be least desired sexuallly, but blacks are still the most hated globally
they might be least desired sexuallly, but blacks are still the most hated globally
Lol stop this cope, sand nigs are easily more hated due to their terrorist and rapefugee status.
self degrading comedians, not even charistmatic comedians like whites or funny comedians like blacks or funny self depreciating comedians like jews, just self degrading walking memes

Yep and they took a big hit with Aziz being portrayed as the creepy 7-11 type of curry. From -10 status to -30.
curries were always unwanted in the eyes of western women, and lol @ the ppl saying mideast men are the same level, if thats true why are there syrian rapefugees and european women couple pairings and why are euro women not swooning over curry men

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