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LifeFuel As a 6'9 tall guy I can relate to all of you my fellow inkwells.



Stand proud, you're strong
Mar 5, 2023
Hello. I am 6'9. I am also an incel just like you guys. I can't get any foids. I get constantly approached when I am in public I just don't know what I should do. I am too autistic to talk to women. I think I really do belong on this website :feelsUgh:. I am tired of you people saying that TALLFAGS ARE FAKECELS. NO, THEY ARE NOT :feelsree::reeeeee::reeeeee:. Just because a few foids approach me doesn't mean I am fakecel ffs. Just because I had a few female friends also doesn't mean I am fakecel!!! How dare you call me fakecel you basement dwellers. Being tall is not enough.

Height isn't everything you guys. It's all about face at the end of the day.

All you manlets should kill yourselves for saying I am fakecel due to me being 6'9. TALLFAGS STRUGGLE TOO. WE CAN'T FIND GENUINE LOVE.

- average tallfag on .is
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can’t forget the personality:feelsokman:
@Friezacel @To koniec @DarkStar @Ron.Belgrade @ItsovERfucks @NeverEvenBegan @WorthlessSlavicShit It's so over for tallfags
Ban this nigger :banhammer:
Bottom line is: If a tallfag wants to vent about his celdom, don't mention height! Talk about your other features which are supposedly flawed enough to hold you back! Tallposters will just say "I'm tall but I can't get girls" without saying why; the only thing they let you know about them is that they're tall.
Bottom line is: If a tallfag wants to vent about his celdom, don't mention height! Talk about your other features which are supposedly flawed enough to hold you back! Tallposters will just say "I'm tall but I can't get girls" without saying why; the only thing they let you know about them is that they're tall.
As a 6'9 I have to mention my height. It's a very important part of pERsonality!!!
"I can't breed" - 6'3 guy with 5/10 face
Fuck you nigger. i am 6'2, never got any foid to intentionally approach me or touch me in any sort of way. The only interaction i ever get out of them is looks of pure disgust or laughs.

I also don't have any friends, not even male ones.

My face is super fucking deformed, i look like i got ran over by a train. Being """tall""" is in fact not enough if your face is deformed.
Fuck you nigger. i am 6'2, never got any foid to intentionally approach me or touch me in any sort of way. The only interaction i ever get out of them is looks of pure disgust or laughs.

I also don't have any friends, not even male ones.

My face is super fucking deformed, i look like i got ran over by a train. Being """tall""" is in fact not enough if your face is deformed.
> Face deformed
If you are actually deformed then 6'2 won't save you. Get more inches manlet.
Fuck you nigger. i am 6'2, never got any foid to intentionally approach me or touch me in any sort of way. The only interaction i ever get out of them is looks of pure disgust or laughs.

I also don't have any friends, not even male ones.

My face is super fucking deformed, i look like i got ran over by a train. Being """tall""" is in fact not enough if your face is deformed.
Over for under 7'0 cels !
Hello. I am 6'9. I am also an incel just like you guys. I can't get any foids. I get constantly approached when I am in public I just don't know what I should do. I am too autistic to talk to women. I think I really do belong on this website :feelsUgh:. I am tired of you people saying that TALLFAGS ARE FAKECELS. NO, THEY ARE NOT :feelsree::reeeeee::reeeeee:. Just because a few foids approach me doesn't mean I am fakecel ffs. Just because I had a few female friends also doesn't mean I am fakecel!!! How dare you call me fakecel you basement dwellers. Being tall is not enough.

Height isn't everything you guys. It's all about face at the end of the day.

All you manlets should kill yourselves for saying I am fakecel due to me being 6'9. TALLFAGS STRUGGLE TOO. WE CAN'T FIND GENUINE LOVE.

- average tallfag on .is
Me too at 6'10
Hello. I am 6'9. I am also an incel just like you guys. I can't get any foids. I get constantly approached when I am in public I just don't know what I should do. I am too autistic to talk to women. I think I really do belong on this website :feelsUgh:. I am tired of you people saying that TALLFAGS ARE FAKECELS. NO, THEY ARE NOT :feelsree::reeeeee::reeeeee:. Just because a few foids approach me doesn't mean I am fakecel ffs. Just because I had a few female friends also doesn't mean I am fakecel!!! How dare you call me fakecel you basement dwellers. Being tall is not enough.

Height isn't everything you guys. It's all about face at the end of the day.

All you manlets should kill yourselves for saying I am fakecel due to me being 6'9. TALLFAGS STRUGGLE TOO. WE CAN'T FIND GENUINE LOVE.

- average tallfag on .is
The funny thing is, some tallfags are really like that. They come here, brag about their height and claim they are somehow incel just because of "muh asburgerss"
Yes Im 7'2, yes women want to sit next to me everywhere I go, I get 100 matches on Tinder per minute but Im so autistic brah. Im the truest trucel on this forum brocels...
They also turn out to be mtn+ and occasionally chadlites. (Also, 7'1 is the average zoomer height you're pretty short honestly)
This one's beyond saving @VictimofBpillReaper @VideoGameCoper
> Face deformed
If you are actually deformed then 6'2 won't save you. Get more inches manlet.
Anyone who claims to be deformed is a normie exaggerating
Do manlets genuinely believe this is the reality of being above average height? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

Holy fucking shit the copium is coming out of my monitor.
12 feet tall minimum to ascend
Do manlets genuinely believe this is the reality of being above average height? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

Holy fucking shit the copium is coming out of my monitor.
Its not cope. Being above average height gets you respect from people amd you have way more chances than if you are a manlet. Height is just as important as face I would say
I would literally sell my kidneys and cut my arm to be above 6'0 tall. No joke
Its not cope. Being above average height gets you respect from people amd you have way more chances than if you are a manlet. Height is just as important as face I would say
I would literally sell my kidneys and cut my arm to be above 6'0 tall. No joke
You said nothing wrong, but people on here really believe that you'll GET APPROACHED by foids if you're above average height.
Also "had female friends" jfl :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: . Having female friends LITERALLY means that you're not attractive enough aka lack looks to be dating material.
Also "had female friends" jfl :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: . Having female friends LITERALLY means that you're not attractive enough aka lack looks to be dating material.
That is true tbh. I saw many very ugly dudes with female friends. In fact the chads were the ones who didn't actually have any female friends
You said nothing wrong, but people on here really believe that you'll GET APPROACHED by foids if you're above average height.
There was some user here who was around 6'7ft (2m) tall and said he got approached by a foid for his height, its only when she saw his face she was disgusted. So yes, tallfags can get approached for height alone
Hello. I am 6'9. I am also an incel just like you guys. I can't get any foids. I get constantly approached when I am in public I just don't know what I should do. I am too autistic to talk to women. I think I really do belong on this website :feelsUgh:. I am tired of you people saying that TALLFAGS ARE FAKECELS. NO, THEY ARE NOT :feelsree::reeeeee::reeeeee:. Just because a few foids approach me doesn't mean I am fakecel ffs. Just because I had a few female friends also doesn't mean I am fakecel!!! How dare you call me fakecel you basement dwellers. Being tall is not enough.

Height isn't everything you guys. It's all about face at the end of the day.

All you manlets should kill yourselves for saying I am fakecel due to me being 6'9. TALLFAGS STRUGGLE TOO. WE CAN'T FIND GENUINE LOVE.

- average tallfag on .is
I am six feet but was an outcast loser my whole life. Face is law. Close to average height is worthless. :society:
In reality, there are multiple minimum thresholds of being acceptable, manletcel. Even if you get height lenghtening surgery, it's still over, unless you get surgeries on your face after that. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Anyone who claims to be deformed is a normie exaggerating
What are examples of people being deformed?
I am deformed with very crooked teeth.
I don't know about face.
There was some user here who was around 6'7ft (2m) tall and said he got approached by a foid for his height, its only when she saw his face she was disgusted. So yes, tallfags can get approached for height alone
Yes if he's 6'7 he will get approached. People act like anyone over 6ft will get this treatment jfl. And like you said he got rejected because of his face.
That is true tbh. I saw many very ugly dudes with female friends. In fact the chads were the ones who didn't actually have any female friends
Chads have foid friends but only with benefits.
Tallest man on earth or its over.
@Friezacel @To koniec @DarkStar @Ron.Belgrade @ItsovERfucks @NeverEvenBegan @WorthlessSlavicShit It's so over for tallfags
Tallfag life is truly hell, imagine being so tall you can't even see us shorties as we sneakily crawl by you to cuck you with your women, literal nature-made cucks, truly a curse of a life:fuk::feelsbadman:.
Hello. I am 6'9
6’9” is average height in the US TBHNGL.
Ignore the statistics bro they included old guys and boomers, average teenager is 7’6” in modern day America and 8’0” in Europe. It’s over for you.
6’9” is average height in the US TBHNGL.
Ignore the statistics bro they included old guys and boomers, average teenager is 7’6” in modern day America and 8’0” in Europe. It’s over for you.
You are right. I am coping my balls off. I am manlet in this day and age. I need to accept things for what they are.
Do manlets genuinely believe this is the reality of being above average height? :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

Holy fucking shit the copium is coming out of my monitor.
I know dude. Wtf is this insane coping. I’m 6’0” which is 3” above average where I live and it doesn’t get me anywhere with women. Not one time has a woman complimented my height or showed serious interest in me.
Its not cope. Being above average height gets you respect from people amd you have way more chances than if you are a manlet. Height is just as important as face I would say
I would literally sell my kidneys and cut my arm to be above 6'0 tall. No joke
I know you are exaggerating but come on dude. You are 5’10”. No way you’d lose an arm just to be 6’0”. Average height 5’9” guys get girlfriends all the time. It just doesn’t happen to be us because we have other major flaws like autism, face, frame width, and many more
I know dude. Wtf is this insane coping. I’m 6’0” which is 3” above average where I live and it doesn’t get me anywhere with women. Not one time has a woman complimented my height or showed serious interest in me.
It just makes it so you don't get bullied as easily which is good and not trying to sound like a coper here but makes you have good fight potential
It just makes it so you don't get bullied as easily which is good and not trying to sound like a coper here but makes you have good fight potential
Yes, this is the main benefit. I know it makes people think twice before starting shit with me. It will get you more respect from other men. It doesn’t tend to matter to women much though with many other flaws
I know dude. Wtf is this insane coping. I’m 6’0” which is 3” above average where I live and it doesn’t get me anywhere with women. Not one time has a woman complimented my height or showed serious interest in me.
Not everything is about muh getting foids. Being tall automatically makes people respect you more and you are statistically less likely to kys and for every additional inch your salary will be higher. Tallfags dont know how lucky they are
Not everything is about muh getting foids. Being tall automatically makes people respect you more and you are statistically less likely to kys and for every additional inch your salary will be higher. Tallfags dont know how lucky they are
Not trying to sound like a bluepiller right now but if you are going to make more money as a short man you better hope to be extremely talented in something that will bring you money
Not everything is about muh getting foids. Being tall automatically makes people respect you more and you are statistically less likely to kys and for every additional inch your salary will be higher. Tallfags dont know how lucky they are
I am aware. That’s why I usually mention that it gets me more respect from other men even though women don’t care. I just don’t feel like typing an entire esssay every time I respond to one of these posts that y’all guys can’t be incels.
Noone ever had been aproached on this site jfl.
more likely he will claim it’s over due to being ethnic @tehgymcel420

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