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Serious Argentinians can't be incels



Sexlessness survivor
Nov 4, 2022
An Argentinian can't be an incel, they are naturally soccermaxxed, jestermaxxed and arrogantmaxxed, and all of that attracts women, they have the charisma of latinos and the looks of a white nordic viking, such a creature can't be an incel. As a Colombian, I'm convinced Argentina as a society is waaayy more sexual than my country, the reggaeton music they make is more sexual than ours.

When I was a kid I used to think Argentina was like Europe, it used to be a very promising country for European immigrants, but they did things wrong from the start, they relied too much in primal resources instead of manufacturing and they had problems with classism, that's why their success was short term, today I see many Argentinian women on Instagram behaving like thots and reproducing at a very young age, they are so sexual that they insult virgins calling them "virgos" which makes me hate them, they are hostile to us virgin men. I've seen YouTube videos of a black Brazilian incel debating feminists, but I can't find Argentinian incels, they're too white, tall, have a sexy accent, are extremely NT and they're so charismatic that they seem to have advanced flirting knowledge pre-installed in their heads.

They're also not very politically correct, they have a culture of "if I offend you, I win", if you're a sensitive person you should stay away from Argentina as much as possible, if you don't want to be laughed at for being fat, thin, old, weak, gay, having big ears or being black don't touch that country, that's how they treat each other and that's how they'll treat you, it's not that they're racist, they are just too fucking edgy and have a very acid sarcasm.
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DNR, absolute cope.

All races, ethnicities and nationalities have incels, no matter where, who and when.
DNR, absolute cope.

All races, ethnicities and nationalities have incels, no matter where, who and when.
In theory, but I'm yet to see an Argentinian man who is so ugly, weak and ND that can't lose his virginity.
"X cannot be incel"

Cope and foid tier logic
If I went to Argentina, I would be an incel, only immigrants or non-whites can be incels in Argentina. An Argentinian incel is a discovery of a lifetime.
Argentinian can't be an incel, they are naturally soccermaxxed, jestermaxxed and arrogantmaxxed, and all of that attracts women, they have the charisma of latinos and the looks of a white nordic viking, such a creature can't be an incel. As a Colombian, I'm convinced Argentina as a society is waaayy more sexual than my country, the reggaeton music they make is more sexual than ours.

When I was a kid I used to think Argentina was like Europe, it used to be a very promising country for European immigrants, but they did things wrong from the start, they relied too much in primal resources instead of manufacturing and they had problems with classism, that's why their success was short term, today I see many Argentinian women on Instagram behaving like thots and reproducing at a very young age, they are so sexual that they insult virgins calling them "virgos" which makes me hate them, they are hostile to us virgin men. I've seen YouTube videos of a black Brazilian incel debating feminists, but I can't find Argentinian incels, they're too white, tall, have a sexy accent, are extremely NT and they're so charismatic that they seem to have advanced flirting knowledge pre-installed in their heads.

They're also not very politically correct, they have a culture of "if I offend you, I win", if you're a sensitive person you should stay away from Argentina as much as possible, if you don't want to be laughed at for being fat, thin, old, weak, gay, having big ears or being black don't touch that country, that's how they treat each other and that's how they'll treat you, it's not that they're racist, they are just too fucking edgy and have a very acid sarcasm.
Argentinian women are beautiful and 90% of Argies are 6'+ Chads who bully all their neighbors
DNR, absolute cope.

All races, ethnicities and nationalities have incels, no matter where, who and when.
"X cannot be incel"

Cope and foid tier logic
JFL at these JBW deniers
90% of Argies are 6'+ Chads who bully all their neighbors

JFL at these JBW deniers
Be white in Whiteistan. Fool.

You may debate that all whites are locationcels, but JBW in a white country does not mean you cannot be incel in among the people of your own race.
How do you know us so well sir?

Yes, we are quite politically incorrect, we always insult each other

But the majority of us are not Nordic but Mediterranean, nor do we have the typical Latin character but rather it is a mix of Italian and Spanish in personality.

Luckily I am "white" (I am a descent of Italian grandparents), if I were mestizo or Amerindian I would want to kill myself

No woman wants me anyway

The Argentine woman is hypergamic and whore like any other

Being an average 5'7 Mediterranean dude is equivalent to loneliness nowadays.

Unfortunately there is an alpha male Casanova culture in this country, as in all of Latin America. The more women you fuck, the more respect you earn in the eyes of society.

You can see our genetic composition in the soccer team we had recently: Most of us are "white" Mediterranean Italians with some mestizos and an Amerindian from time to time (Di Maria)
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Now we have Latin American wars alongside curry caste wars
How do you know us so well sir?

Yes, we are quite politically incorrect, we always insult each other

But the majority of us are not Nordic but Mediterranean, nor do we have the typical Latin character but rather it is a mix of Italian and Spanish in personality.

Luckily I am "white" (I am a descent of Italian grandparents), if I were mestizo or Amerindian I would want to kill myself

No woman wants me anyway

The Argentine woman is hypergamic and whore like any other

Being an average 5'7 Mediterranean dude is equivalent to loneliness nowadays.

Unfortunately there is an alpha male Casanova culture in this country, as in all of Latin America. The more women you fuck, the more respect you earn in the eyes of society.

You can see our genetic composition in the soccer team we had recently: Most of us are "white" Mediterranean Italians with some mestizos and an Amerindian from time to time (Di Maria)
It really must be tough being an incel in such a sexual JBW country, and you're right, latino women aren't even ashamed of being hypergamous whores, at least in the nordic countries the 50/50 culture is more accepted, women here just want the man to pay for everything.

I had to learn that Argentinians have a very politically incorrect culture, by seeing at the behavior of your president and by seeing Argentinian people brigade us and insult us Colombians just for winning us in soccer. Here in Colombia we have incels, but they're not visible, they try to hide their virginity and to be honest they don't speak English so they aren't connected to the incel culture.
Yeah they're the most fakecel hispanic nation
They're not even fakecels, they literally bully virgin men and the women there are narcissists and fuck all the time.
It really must be tough being an incel in such a sexual JBW country, and you're right, latino women aren't even ashamed of being hypergamous whores, at least in the nordic countries the 50/50 culture is more accepted, women here just want the man to pay for everything.

I had to learn that Argentinians have a very politically incorrect culture, by seeing at the behavior of your president and by seeing Argentinian people brigade us and insult us Colombians just for winning us in soccer. Here in Colombia we have incels, but they're not visible, they try to hide their virginity and to be honest they don't speak English so they aren't connected to the incel culture.

Yes, it is a violent country in which people constantly insult each other, but for me that is good, it makes our skin tougher, it also gives you a free pass to insult women a little more.

Although feminism is prevalent here, it is probably the most feminist country in all of Latam, shit.

Yes, here "virgos" are bullied, they are excluded and treated badly, the same if you don't play soccer.

The level of hypergamy and virgin shaming in this country is definitely connected to the level of feminism and misandry.
They're not even fakecels, they literally bully virgin men and the women there are narcissists and fuck all the time.
"Virgo", "petiso", "negro" are common slurs for them

Just look how they treat their lolcows like july3p or elvirguero777
"Virgo", "petiso", "negro" are common slurs for them

Just look how they treat their lolcows like july3p or elvirguero777

Oh july3p, the epitome of autistic virginity in Argentina, is like the king of the incels here
Yes, it is a violent country in which people constantly insult each other, but for me that is good, it makes our skin tougher, it also gives you a free pass to insult women a little more.
Interesting, I don't know if I would like to live in those conditions for years, but at least it seems better than living in a politically correct country like the USA, a country in which every joke can get you cancelled and where you have to speak very carefully as if you were walking on eggshells. Also, there are many racists in the USA, and the fact they can't show their true colors until it's too late for you to avoid them is something I'm not sure I'd like.

To be clear, here in Colombia we aren't as politically correct as first worlders either, but Argentinians seem to be too far gone with how politically incorrect they can be.
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Interesting, I don't know if I would like to live in those conditions for years, but at least it seems better than living in a politically correct country like the USA, a country in which every joke can get you cancelled and where you have to speak very carefully as if you were walking on eggshells. Also, there are many racists in the USA, and the fact they can't show their true colors until it's too late for you to avoid them is something I'm not sure I'd like.

To be clear, here in Colombia we aren't as politically correct as first worlders either, but Argentinians seem to be too far gone with how politically incorrect they can be.
Yes, it is a country with an extremist collective unconscious and given to emotional shocks.

But you have to understand that many "insults" are also used in a friendly way, many friends give each other nicknames depending on their physical characteristics: Cabezón, Gordo, Negro, etc. They can be friendly nicknames, it all depends on the context.

Hell, my best friend called me narigon when I was a teenager jfl

For me it is better that it be like this, I am happy to be Argentine, but as I said above, it is a good place for me because I am a med, if I were mestizo or Amerindian this country would be a horror for me, I would feel the contempt and hate of people on the streets all the time, so are the things.
Latin America is lawless, even more so than Africa, and fiscally irresponsible. Down there, you can probably just sexually assault a girl and then convince her to date you, lest she remain poor. There’s a trope of there being few Hispanicels and there might be some truth to that.
Manlets can Messimaxx
Gigamanlets can Maradonamaxx
Argentinian women are beautiful and 90% of Argies are 6'+ Chads who bully all their neighbors
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: No they’re not bro fuck off dude you’ve never met an Argentinian guy
Manlets can Messimaxx
Gigamanlets can Maradonamaxx
High iq response. Latinos whining about the height pill are just copers they can’t accept that it’s their looks or they’re just non NT spergs
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: No they’re not bro fuck off dude you’ve never met an Argentinian guy
I did, Argentinians are 99% whites despite the memes (mostly from Mexicans who hate them) and I've BEEN IN ARGENTINA.
Argentinian foids are shoot Europeans, tall white blue eyed, it physically hurts you to look at them they're so beautiful, and also you'll barely see fat foids there, fuck not even the guys there are fat.
imagine being white and suffering in Argentina, it's literally impossible these fucks value skin more than anything if you're brown it's ovER.
Messi had to take HGH to get to his height
Messi is a special case and yet his moniker is La Pulga (literally insect :feelskek: ) for how short he is, Argies are the most cruel fucks in Latin America even more than Chileans.

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