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Venting Are you religious?



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Nov 8, 2020
I have chosen to end my life of atheism. I have acknowledged it to be degenerate and i wish to change. I'm having issues with finding faith but i'm trying. How about you, are you religious if not, why not? If so, any advice on how to find faith within you?
reffer to the whitepill
reffer to the whitepill
Religion is a cope, but it was effective to keep foids and normies in place
I have chosen to end my life of atheism. I have acknowledged it to be degenerate and i wish to change. I'm having issues with finding faith but i'm trying. How about you, are you religious if not, why not? If so, any advice on how to find faith within you?
Religion is cringe
Quite the opposite. Being an atheist is universally seen as pathetic.

Uh why? By who?

Being an atheist is universally hated by theists because they are all still playing the same game of make-believe even though they have different fairy tales. Atheists straight up aren't having any of the believing in magic, fairy tales, and absurdity. So hated? Yes. Seen as pathetic? Not a chance.

Religion is tera cope. It's totally cucked too. Remember that traditional conservative religionist crap also didn't look fondly upon men fucking around before marriage either. They just weren't as likely to be killed or ousted for it.

If you were born into a non-religious home and weren't indoctrinated then you're going to find it very hard to actually believe in any religious bullshit.
Atheism is for arrogant people. And as incels, we have no ground to be arrogant. I'm a christian because Jesus actually respects incels. Just look at the story of Zacheus, a manlet who coped by moneymaxing. Jesus was the only person to treat him like a human being, and it changed his life.
Atheism is for arrogant people. And as incels, we have no ground to be arrogant. I'm a christian because Jesus actually respects incels. Just look at the story of Zacheus, a manlet who coped by moneymaxing. Jesus was the only person to treat him like a human being, and it changed his life.
I agree. Only people who think that they are the center of the world are atheists. Anybody with any sort of humility knows that rules all.
Yes, I am Islamic.
everything is cope if you ugly
I have chosen to end my life of atheism. I have acknowledged it to be degenerate and i wish to change. I'm having issues with finding faith but i'm trying. How about you, are you religious if not, why not? If so, any advice on how to find faith within you?
go read the gospels.you will learn there much more then you would ever learn here.
Atheism is a belief, not a life. You can be both an athiest and proponent of enforced monogamy.
honestly, fuck whomever governs this hellish realm
Gnostics say it's Demiurge AKA the Old Testament God
some Christians say it's Satan
some Satanists say it's ackshually God, and Satan is the good guy

maybe I'm a genuine retard but religions seem very inaccessible to me
there are many of them, but within each religion you have different groups, denominations, theological schools -- very often it feels like everyone just has his own version of God and will just bend scripture of choice to support that (and the interpretations often make sense; I'm not a Bronze Age Middle Easterner, whatever seems internally logical is fine with me)
if I wanted to give a fair shot at even just major religions, I'd run out of time: there are thousands books, commentaries and people will claim that ackshually you have to read the original languages, so just lemme learn Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Arabic, Pali, Sankskrit and whatever
everything seems so complex and finding one answer just creates more questions

I'm not a huge fan of Christianity as practiced by many modern Christians, because they really seem obsessed with mercy and "mercy" is very often just a synonym for accepting evil
>bro, who are you to hate child rapists, you're not perfect yourself :soy:
>Stacy may have ridden the cock carousel all her life but she's, like, very sorry now, so you have to forgive her :soy:
I'd rather see God who is only just, not merciful, I can even go to hell myself if that means punishing evil
I hate when Christians pull this shtick "noooo, you can't judge, you're also a sinner! you can't call out Jeremy Meeks and his worshipers, you're also evil because you coom occasionally or feel hate which is also evil! you also must forgive him because he's, like, very sorry! "
there are also of course based Christians who will pull out a different interpretation, because justice is also important to God in the Bible, obviously, but I can't even tell who's actually right, because there seems to be infinite ways to read the Bible -- idk, maybe stupidity

I've tried to become religious many times as a form of whitepill -- even if it's not true, it's still beneficial to believe; even if there's no justice at all, I'll sleep better pretending there is
unfortunately I grew up in an athetist if not outright anti-theist home and it all seems like gigalarp for me, I'm not sure if you can grow the religious parts of your brain if you missed that as a child
some Christians said to me
>bro, just pray and read the Bible for some time and Jesus will start speaking to you and you will totally understand everything, just try it, bro :soy:
so I tried and it doesn't feel any different to imagining my pony waifu and hoping that maybe I'll meet her after death, even if that's just a giant cope, a desperate wish rather than a genuine conviction

I'm kinda jealous of religiouscels, it seems like a great cope (and hey, maybe it's even real, I'm not ruling anything out), but I can't do it

disclaimer: I wrote a lot about weird Christian interpretations and I understand that random "Christian" Karen's opinion doesn't represent the whole Christianity, I'm just writing about my experience: it's obvious that, as an athetist, I look at modern practice for insight, because I can't just contact the Holy Spirit or whatever and have him say "yup, that interpretation is terrible, ignore modern Christians, just read theologian X, bruh"

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@gymletethnicel are you surprised that OP is already banned?
I see it served you right
Religion is put in place to keep society in check since society is too cucked to enforce monogamy anymore
Not really... Well i'm a tree hugger. I worship trees.
Religion, especially religions that are deeply tired to a nation's culture, are great for society. But I do not believe in God
I've become an atheist because no god would make me an incel, hence they don't exist.
Do you really think we're here by accident?

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