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Serious Are you permanently scarred from social rejections/ridicule?



Jan 8, 2018
Some brutal unsolicited ridicule still stands out to me even to this day

As a shy, introverted, mostly friendless (aka ugly) I was bullied relentlessly for just being the silent type. I remember vividly when I was 17 this girl I was paired with in chemistry class to work on a project--during a completely dead silent moment in the classroom said this to me, "you have shit colored eyes". The majority of the class looked at us and one kid obnoxiously bursted out laughing and most of the class followed suit. This girl was constantly lauded for being a complete Stacy asshole the entire year to these two other sub5's that I conversed with as well and that was the first time she ever did something l like that to me

I've had hundreds of social rejections in my life that have scarred me

What social rejections have you had that are the most memorable?
Damn, that sucks OP

In high school a few foids told me I looked like a sociopath/school shooter
I recently got ghosted for no fucking reason and I feel like strangling that bitch to death
Sorry to hear that bro.

I’ve experienced my fair share of bullying, as a lot of people here also have. I’m quiet and autistic so I was a perfect target. One of the worst was having food thrown at me by some asshole kid and then a group of girls started giggling. I completely snapped when I heard them giggling and started beating on this kid. I got into a lot of trouble for it even though I was just standing up for myself. My parents were behind me at least but the school seemed to view me as the oppressor and him as the victim.

Fuck school.
I tried to approach a femoid in a discoshit, she turned towards me, called me a "monster!!!" and then she fled the dance floor. It was one of the worst rejections I have suffered, ever.

The cumulative effect of rejections has warped me beyond repair. Not even the most TheRapeyutic TheRapist could fix me.
Far too many to remember & anything you can imagine. People here who only have experience of social rejection from trying to approach women just reek of normal face.
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I tried to approach a femoid in a discoshit, she turned towards me, called me a "monster!!!" and then she fled the dance floor. It was one of the worst rejections I have suffered, ever.

The cumulative effect of rejections has warped me beyond repair. Not even the most TheRapeyutic TheRapist could fix me.
That sounds like something out of a movie, if that really did happen to me I would probably cry myself to sleep.
i've been called ugly or it was implied that I was ugly to my face, I can go on and name alot more. pretty much anything u can imagine like foids staying away from me for no reason
Far too many remember & anything you can imagine. People here who only have experience of social rejection from trying to approach women just reek of normal face.


I went out of my way to avoid other people because when you're sub5 and known as a friendless loser people confront you and gang up on you with other people as a sort of entertainment.

It may not seem like a big deal to most people but you have to be me or be like me to completely understand. Even as a 15-16-17 year old I would all too frequently get home and start crying with the deepest feelings of despair in my entire life. I have never recovered mentally. Partly why I am hiki.

If I was 6'4+ and handsome literally none of this would have ever happened to me.
Sorry to hear that bro.

I’ve experienced my fair share of bullying, as a lot of people here also have. I’m quiet and autistic so I was a perfect target. One of the worst was having food thrown at me by some asshole kid and then a group of girls started giggling. I completely snapped when I heard them giggling and started beating on this kid. I got into a lot of trouble for it even though I was just standing up for myself. My parents were behind me at least but the school seemed to view me as the oppressor and him as the victim.

Fuck school.
I always tear up on those bullying stories because I know how you felt. I went trough the same thing. Have a virtual hug, I don't care if it's gay.
I always tear up on those bullying stories because I know how you felt. I went trough the same thing. Have a virtual hug, I don't care if it's gay.
That’s real nice bro. Thanks. :heart:

Nah it’s not gay at all.

I dont do anything and hence have nothing to talk about with people

If i talk too much about shows or sports they'll catch on that im a loser who stays indoors all day

And this is now. Before i couldnt even talk to people without getting anxiety
That sounds like something out of a movie, if that really did happen to me I would probably cry myself to sleep.

Unfortunately it's really happened. It has been just an attempt out of desperation. That night I couldn't sleep at all, I felt empty inside.
Yeah, I’m fucked. Social rejection lead me to sociopathy and a schizoid mindset.

The root of my behavioral problems re social situations are ingrained, involuntary, defensive behavioral patterns that make me seem "off" to normal people when I get close to them.
I'm still suffering from social rejection and it killing me
I've been called ugly to my face more than once.

The worst things, however, are preemptive rejections, where you're not even thinking about asking a woman out but she feels the need to make some kind of indication that she's grossed out by you.
I tried to approach a femoid in a discoshit, she turned towards me, called me a "monster!!!" and then she fled the dance floor. It was one of the worst rejections I have suffered, ever.

The cumulative effect of rejections has warped me beyond repair. Not even the most TheRapeyutic TheRapist could fix me.
Scarred for life. Social isolation is cope for me, but it's slowly making me go insane
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No I move on and cope
Some brutal unsolicited ridicule still stands out to me even to this day

You have shit colored eyes
I've noticed normalfags do this all the time. When they see an ugly guy first of all they can't wait to humiliate him but second of all they can't just say he's ugly straight up, they'll just pick one random seemingly unnoticeable feature and start from there. I had a guy tell me I look like shit because of a tiny skin colored mole right below my nose. They WILL find something to fuck with you. Also about the brutal rejection stories, first of all see this thread hehe https://incels.is/threads/blackpilled-tale-from-middle-school.98593/#post-1921702, I've also had girls tell me I'm ugly to my face, trying to emasculate me call me gay, call me a faggot, a princess, had randoms take pictures of my ugly face in public to show their normie friends, what can I say, me not going ER yet is a miracle, but we'll see I suppose.
Some brutal unsolicited ridicule still stands out to me even to this day

As a shy, introverted, mostly friendless (aka ugly) I was bullied relentlessly for just being the silent type. I remember vividly when I was 17 this girl I was paired with in chemistry class to work on a project--during a completely dead silent moment in the classroom said this to me, "you have shit colored eyes". The majority of the class looked at us and one kid obnoxiously bursted out laughing and most of the class followed suit. This girl was constantly lauded for being a complete Stacy asshole the entire year to these two other sub5's that I conversed with as well and that was the first time she ever did something l like that to me

I've had hundreds of social rejections in my life that have scarred me

What social rejections have you had that are the most memorable?
I have shit eye color thats bull crap
I’ve experienced my fair share of bullying, as a lot of people here also have. I’m quiet and autistic so I was a perfect target. One of the worst was having food thrown at me by some asshole kid and then a group of girls started giggling. I completely snapped when I heard them giggling and started beating on this kid. I got into a lot of trouble for it even though I was just standing up for myself. My parents were behind me at least but the school seemed to view me as the oppressor and him as the victim.
Well done for sticking up for yourself.

My rejections have pretty much all been from girls. Sure, when the rejections become constant, it can get demoralising, but I've built up enough mental resilience to not become too depressed by it all.
It took me years to learn to interact with people

Even now it still hurts me
Only romantic rejection has scarred me.
No, it did stop me from getting a girlfriend since they lowered my self esteem and I believed I was a fucking fat ugly loser, but it didn't scar me. I actually bounced up, but I can't really continue because of the rules so
I once got tricked by this pretty ugly 5.5/10 foid with a crooked nose that she would take me to the bushes in the park and give me a blowjob.

Then about 6 of her friends showed up, threw me on the ground and took my pants and draws off and threw them over an old lady's garden.

Then I had to knock on the gate with my other hand over my cock and balls and ask for them back, much to my embarrassment.

Then they tried to make out I was a paedophile because initially she said she was 16 but then said she was 15. I was 16 at the time. That was the closest I would get to a foid as a teenager.

That was my only experience with a foid who wasn't a prostitute. It wouldn't be until 9 years later at 25 when I finally had sex with a prostitute foid.

My life is so sad.
Sorry to hear that bro.

I’ve experienced my fair share of bullying, as a lot of people here also have. I’m quiet and autistic so I was a perfect target. One of the worst was having food thrown at me by some asshole kid and then a group of girls started giggling. I completely snapped when I heard them giggling and started beating on this kid. I got into a lot of trouble for it even though I was just standing up for myself. My parents were behind me at least but the school seemed to view me as the oppressor and him as the victim.

Fuck school.
Im glad you beat him up
i've been called ugly or it was implied that I was ugly to my face, I can go on and name alot more. pretty much anything u can imagine like foids staying away from me for no reason

Also I feel for you OP. Bulliedcels unite <3
Once in middle school when my friends were face timing a girl, then they turned the phone towards my face and she screamed " eewwww he so ugly!" that still haunts me till this day.
I'm being bullyed in college and in my work now, and it is making me fucking crazy, it won't STOP IT WILL NEEVER FUCKING STOP
I believe the majority of the students from highschool thought something was off or wrong about me due to my extreme quietness.

I did not make a single friend but I will admit a lot of the students were nice I would hope was out of kindness and not out of pity.

But yeah I was a weird ass
I was physically bullied by the people I thought were my friends, I had food thrown at me, I had foids humilate me by pretending to like me jfl, Now I avoid interaction and I am socialcel as a result. My parents didnt emotionally support me either so I had nobody to speak too while the ground crumbles below me
yes, now when I interact with someone I analyze every move or word they say to see if they are trying something bad and if I assume that something is wrong I want to torture them
I don't even try.

It takes an incredible amount of effort and I still mentally fall apart, especially in large groups. In that case I just slip away and Uber to the closest bar for a few drinks.

The root of my behavioral problems re social situations are ingrained, involuntary, defensive behavioral patterns that make me seem "off" to normal people when I get close to them.
Though, lower now than a few years ago, I think I accepted it, at least partially, and can move on.
I literally had the nickname 'Columbine' in school. I still get paranoid when speaking to people. I expect betrayal at any corner.

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