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Experiment Are you jealous of women in general or just concerning relationships?

Would you have rather been born as a woman than a man?

  • Yes (I am jealous of their life in general)

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Yes (But mainly because I feel more like a woman, I don't think they have it easier)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes (other reason)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maybe (other reason)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No (I think life as man is still easier)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • No (But I still think they have it easier in relationships)

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No (But mainly because I am so hypermasculine I would likely feel as a man even with one X inore)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No (Other reason)

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sep 11, 2023
So I am really jealous of the life women have, at least in the western world: They get all the social benefits, have it easy to get into a relationship and the physical disadvantages don't matter that much now.

So I would like to ask: Would you have preferred being born as a woman instead of a man? But no cheating: Your Y chromosome gets replaced by your father's X chromosome, all other genes do not change. So you don't suddenly get hot or anything. Also, you are just born as a woman, so you are a completely normal woman who is fertile (with high probability) etc. and have hormones typical for women (except if you e.g. have way too much test, then you also will have too much as a woman, but it will still be less). It also means you are heterosexual, so you will have to have sex with men, but you will be attracted to them (but less than you are attracted to women now,, just as it's typical for women). As you are born as a woman you obviously don't have any problems being trans would have (e.g. being still perceived as a man, having defunct genitals, being even more strongly discriminated against etc.)

If you live in a society where women are discriminated against, you will be discriminated against. If you live in a society where women get all benefits, you will get all benefits etc.

Of course it's hard to imagine how your life would have been had you been born completely differently. For example, if I had the exact same interests as a woman things would likely have been great. But I imagine that I would also have different interests as my brain would be structured differently, but probably would still go in the same direction as it goes now.

So: What would have been different in your life? What would have been better, what would have been worse?
Whilst their lives are easier, I'd still prefer to be male in a different life
Whilst their lives are easier, I'd still prefer to be male in a different life
No cheating! You have the same life (or at least the same parents etc.), but are a woman. You have to make that decision.
Toilets live life on tutorial mode, literally every person they meet automatically likes them and wants them to be happy, especially complete strangers. It doesn't matter what they want to do, doors open for them and they have 0 enemies, 0 bullies, and tonnes of emotional and financial support for anything.
no I don't want to get fucked by some rando's dick ew
no I don't want to get fucked by some rando's dick ew
Even if you would be attracted to men? I think it would be similar to how fucking extremely ugly landwhales would be to you now.
state of gays.IS
It's not gay, it's heterosexual. If you are gay, you are attracted to the same sex, so if you were a woman, you would be attracted to other women. But because you are heterosexual, you would be attracted to men had you XX instead of XY.
Their life is easier but I'm not sure their life is better. From a male pov, living like a woman (depending entirely on others for everything) would be deeply humiliating and emasculating (duh).

Also I'm not sure my life would have actually gone any better as a woman.
I'm not jealous of foids. Imagine wanting to be a cum bucket.
Their life is easier but I'm not sure their life is better. From a male pov, living like a woman (depending entirely on others for everything) would be deeply humiliating and emasculating (duh).
That's a really interesting perspective. Do you live in a "western" country, a MENA country or somewhere else?
There's nothing to be jealous off with women, they are inferior men.

Make the votes public so we can out the troons.
But don't women enjoy a lot of rights there and thus are pretty independent?
I don't consider society and the government giving them everything they want as independence, and rights don't mean much when it comes to real life relationships. They still naturally choose to submit to men, and they need a man's help for almost everything.
There's nothing to be jealous off with women, they are inferior men.
Physically yes, they are less capable. But don't you think society makes their life easier?
Make the votes public so we can out the troons.
I thought of it, but then I added an actual troon option so I decided against it. But currently no one has picked it yet.
So you don't suddenly get hot or anything. Also, you are just born as a woman, so you are a completely normal woman who is fertile (with high probability) etc. and have hormones typical for women (except if you e.g. have way too much test, then you also will have too much as a woman, but it will still be less). It also means you are heterosexual, so you will have to have sex with men, but you will be attracted to them (but less than you are attracted to women now,, just as it's typical for women). As you are born as a woman you obviously don't have any problems being trans would have (e.g. being still perceived as a man, having defunct genitals, being even more strongly discriminated against etc.)
So you won the lottery? :feelskek:
An average foid with half her brain working is already living life on easy mode since they are born, their family will always look for her before caring about their male sons.
In High School, again as a foid with half her brain working, she'll get everything that she wants just by using a mini skirt and some make up. she literally can't fail.
In college is the same, put a mini skirt and heels and enjoy the best of EVERYONE, but also she'll enjoy getting fucked by the prettiest chads out there, she gets drinks and sex for free, she doesn't need to pay shit.
University? Mini skirt and heels, she'll get pleasure from athletes and also free parties, drinks, money.
Professional life? Mini skirt and high heels and you're just a BJ away of a new job any time that you want, but why even care? you'll get free dinner and money from your 500 simps on any dating app, or you can play some online games where you die 100 times and yet your simps will donate you $500 because you're wearing some cat ears and acting cute
That's it, since you were born with at least half a brain, you realized the huge advantages of your gender and how to cheat on life in every single moment, and that's why all failed foids are literally braindead, taking the worst decisions that you can imagine like marrying a nigger or fucking drug dealers, that's how braindead they are, they have the best tool and weapon in the whole planet and many of them can't even use it.
An average foid with the intelligence level of an average Joe will earn millions doing nothing, just look at TikTok, Tinder, Onlyfans, Twitch, etc.
I don't consider society and the government giving them everything they want as independence, and rights don't mean much when it comes to real life relationships. They still naturally choose to submit to men, and they need a man's help for almost everything.
Makes sense, that's not real independence. I didn't really think of that.
Physically yes, they are less capable. But don't you think society makes their life easier?

I thought of it, but then I added an actual troon option so I decided against it. But currently no one has picked it yet.
Dogs have an easier life as well. Doesn't mean I'd want to be one.
If i had chad looks and height 100% yes
Well, that's why I added the assumption that none of your genes would change except for the Y chromosome. If you are an ugly man you will also be an ugly woman.
Dogs have an easier life as well. Doesn't mean I'd want to be one.
But dogs have fewer rights. Their owner can do whatever he wants with them, including killing them. Women, in modern/western societies, have more (or at least equally as many) rights as men. So dogs cannot _choose_ to be independent, but women can (but often don't, but it's still their choice)
But dogs have fewer rights. Their owner can do whatever he wants with them, including killing them. Women, in modern/western societies, have more (or at least equally as many) rights as men. So dogs cannot _choose_ to be independent, but women can (but often don't, but it's still their choice)
There's no such thing as an "Independent woman" They all rely on men to some extent.

Also if an owner kills his/her dog he/she will get an "Animal abuse" Charge.
There's no such thing as an "Independent woman" They all rely on men to some extent.
Very indirectly, yes. I have to admit that I really forgot that. I like my independence and would not have that as woman.
Also if an owner kills his/her dog he/she will get an "Animal abuse" Charge.
Only if they do it non-professionally.
So you won the lottery? :feelskek:
An average foid with half her brain working is already living life on easy mode since they are born, their family will always look for her before caring about their male sons.
Yeah, that's what I am thinking as well.
In High School, again as a foid with half her brain working, she'll get everything that she wants just by using a mini skirt and some make up. she literally can't fail.
Tbh I would probably be still ugly as a girl, so it could get difficult. And I would imagine that other girls in the class would ostracize me for wearing too sexy clothes. But probably I could still get some male friends who would "protect" me and it doesn't matter that I would be regarded as pick-me. And then I could get into a relationship with one of my male friends. And I think that would be good enough.
That's it, since you were born with at least half a brain, you realized the huge advantages of your gender and how to cheat on life in every single moment, and that's why all failed foids are literally braindead, taking the worst decisions that you can imagine like marrying a nigger or fucking drug dealers, that's how braindead they are, they have the best tool and weapon in the whole planet and many of them can't even use it.
That's true. While women always complain that men only think with their dick, women also often base their decisions just on attraction and not what rationally would be best for them. But that's another point, as women I'd likely be less intelligent/rational. Not sure how much it mattered though.

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