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Discussion Are you incel if you've never approached a woman for sex or never approach women for any reason?



You’d walk right over me.
Feb 4, 2018

I am 28 years old and I've never approached a woman. I think I've talked to maybe 3 or 4 women at the same age bracket as me... In my ENTIRE LIFE.
If you are Chad women approach/gravitate around you. Its over.
If you are Chad women approach/gravitate around you. Its over.

BUT DUDE IF WE BELIEVED INCELTEARS, we should just go out and BE OURSELVES and we'd get laid... :)))))))))))))))))
BUT DUDE IF WE BELIEVED INCELTEARS, we should just go out and BE OURSELVES and we'd get laid... :)))))))))))))))))
Just to to prison theory xd

Pick up is quickly becoming illegal.
If women show you nothing but constant disgust, yes.

I am 28 years old and I've never approached a woman. I think I've talked to maybe 3 or 4 women at the same age bracket as me... In my ENTIRE LIFE.
If women aren't repusled by you then I think you might be a mentalcel

As a child girls didn't like me, but after I got older and looksmaxxed they just view me as invisible, rather than desirable enough to approach or ugly. I'm either a mentalcel or a legit incel who overrates his looks
If you haven't had sex then you are an incel. PERIOD

If you haven't approached women, it's BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU"RE UGLY, AND THEREFORE YOU ARE INCEL
It's funny, because this question would've been met with a completely different response in 2018.

I agree, if you haven't been approached then its a large signal that you aren't desirable pewpew.
Yes. If no girl have showed interest in you throughout your whole life , you’re clearly incel
If women aren't repusled by you then I think you might be a mentalcel

As a child girls didn't like me, but after I got older and looksmaxxed they just view me as invisible, rather than desirable enough to approach or ugly. I'm either a mentalcel or a legit incel who overrates his looks

Non-existence cels as I call you guys. In some ways I am happy to be a rage & sickening discomfort inducing incel.

In highschool there was a few guys in my grade who the girls honestly didn't know existed.
It's funny, because this question would've been met with a completely different response in 2018.

I agree, if you haven't been approached then its a large signal that you aren't desirable pewpew.

Ya we adapt our wisdom in light of new ideas, whereas most other philosophies are stuck in stone, and thus over time lose relevance & importance.

The blackpill grows in strength & importance over time as it becomes ever more wise and objective.
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Yes, in fact, chances are that you are a truecel.
Yes, and a fortunate one at that. Foids enjoy rejections, it's their guilty pleasure.
If you have to ask, the answer is you're an incel.

Every non-chad is an incel. Some are just lifelong and others go through temporary phases where they get some sex, but eventually they all come back. Unless you're chad.
If women aren't repusled by you then I think you might be a mentalcel

As a child girls didn't like me, but after I got older and looksmaxxed they just view me as invisible, rather than desirable enough to approach or ugly. I'm either a mentalcel or a legit incel who overrates his looks

I don't want to comment on my looks because I know it's against the rules to say anything else than, "I'm ugly" but what if I told you I had a different reason why women see me as invisible? It's a disability that isn't even visible until someone speaks to me. It's one of the reasons why I never approach.
No you aren't, if you can't put in any effort to at least even try then you don't know.
got ghosted or insulted

not worth it
I am 28 years old and I've never approached a woman. I think I've talked to maybe 3 or 4 women at the same age bracket as me... In my ENTIRE LIFE.
No you aren't, if you can't put in any effort to at least even try then you don't know.
If women don't approach you're not a chad right? In 2020 terms that means its over unless you have serious money
I'd call that volcel. You could be normie enough to succeed given effort. To not go near women is a choice you've made. So it's not involuntary
I don't think it's a choice tbh.
If women don't approach you're not a chad right? In 2020 terms that means its over unless you have serious money
Irrelevant, it's an unwritten rule that you must at least try to get a woman and if all else fails then by all means you are an incel. Otherwise what the fuck is the point, you become no different from femcels.
I asked a girl out online once
but that's it
I asked a girl out online once
but that's it

I had a girlfriend on runescape. The only reason she was my gf was because I gave her free shit and I was a lvl 126 loser who was rich(rich in runescape that is). It was funny how even on runescape, hypergamy exists.
Of course, if you aren't getting laid but you want to your an incel. There's a 1% chance your a mentalcel ie. you can date the top 80% of women without betabuxxing.
Irrelevant, it's an unwritten rule that you must at least try to get a woman and if all else fails then by all means you are an incel. Otherwise what the fuck is the point, you become no different from femcels.
But If you aren't showered with praise for being a chad your whole life you automatically believe you'll make an embarrassment of yourself trying to approach a foid
I had a girlfriend on runescape. The only reason she was my gf was because I gave her free shit and I was a lvl 126 loser who was rich(rich in runescape that is). It was funny how even on runescape, hypergamy exists.
mogs me for having Runescape gf
To never approach a woman for any reason in your life ever? Unless you're in prison or have an illness that makes you bedridden, it's a choice.
Autism, Social phobia, gynophobia, bullying, schizoid personality disorder, etc. are death sentences for average looking guys. And even if you suffer from a mental illness and you're attractive foids will approach you. I've seen many foids approaching handsome guys. If foids treat you like a ghost then there are high chances you're ugly. I personally upproached 3 times in my adolescence and stopped trying and now I'm almost 25. Being ignored is far better than being rejected and sometimes in a sadistic way (especially from average and below average foids).
you automatically believe you'll make an embarrassment of yourself trying to approach a foid
That's not true i tried everything, including bluepilled advice before saying "enough is enough". There is a reason teens are told to GTFO from here, the blackpill is esentially emotional suicide, you only pop it when all other options are depleted and you want to know WHY those options didn't work.
Mentalcel then tbh. But chances are if a person had all those, they would be fucking trashed anyway. But only if that's actually the case
Mentalceldom is legit but only for average looking guys (below average guys are fucked anyway), chads always win with or without a mental illness.
That's not true i tried everything, including bluepilled advice before saying "enough is enough". There is a reason teens are told to GTFO from here, the blackpill is esentially emotional suicide, you only pop it when all other options are depleted and you want to know WHY those options didn't work.
Well then someone who doesn't even have the mental strength to exhaust their options well past high school could only be a mentalcel, and later a oldcel
I remember some mentalcel chad on YouTube.
Eventually ascended I think. I can attest though, I have met and seen plenty of chads with mental ailments and all were still able to slay.
That's what I said a chad will always slay no matter how fucked in the head he is.
Yes, you had an internalized version of the blackpill. Women would have approached you for sex if you were attractive.

If you were even normie looking they would've at least asked for help or something in class trying to get something out of you a few times.

I am 28 years old and I've never approached a woman. I think I've talked to maybe 3 or 4 women at the same age bracket as me... In my ENTIRE LIFE.
Yes, if you were good looking, toilets would approach you.
You dont exactly need a scale to decide if one weight is heavier than the other. Usually eyeballing it is enough.

But why not be sure of it?
I remember some mentalcel chad on YouTube.
Eventually ascended I think. I can attest though, I have met and seen plenty of chads with mental ailments and all were still able to slay.
Some average looking mentalcels might also have standards that are too high. Take George Sodini. Average looking guy who turned into an autistic mentalcel and couldn't have sex for 20 years, was probably only exhausting options that involved women out of his league. I guess people like this also fall into the oldcel category
I had a girlfriend on runescape. The only reason she was my gf was because I gave her free shit and I was a lvl 126 loser who was rich(rich in runescape that is). It was funny how even on runescape, hypergamy exists.
makes me remember a time I paid a "girl" on runescape to do the bow emote while i did the headband emote behind her:feelsugh:
If no girl interest its over
If women aren't repusled by you then I think you might be a mentalcel

As a child girls didn't like me, but after I got older and looksmaxxed they just view me as invisible, rather than desirable enough to approach or ugly. I'm either a mentalcel or a legit incel who overrates his looks
Being friendzone material doesn't mean you're a mentalcel brother.

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