I'm a fatcel, so yes. Been using the gym past year.
At the very least I physically feel better. Not overall because I have other issues. But I can tell my blood pressure is better, I can move faster. Clothes are cheaper because I don't have to go to Big Man stores. Honeslty if I didn't lose weight I would be dead right now. But I'm also semi-suicidal (think about it a lot but never made concrete plans)
I used to be around 480 pounds (srs), now at about 290 but it fluctuates a bit. I do a mix of weight machines and cardio at the gym. I think it's a natrual sort of anti depressant. If I look better and am more attractive to women, fine. But one should do it for themselves, not to become uncel. That was my initial reason but it's not a good mentality to have. I started losing weight to increase chances withn a oneitis a few years ago (I know, wrong reasons but thought I had a shot because we were already sort of in LDR) but then finally got over that but just kept with it.
At my old job I always felt so exhausted with my weight being on my feet all day. Looking back I don't even know how I got through the day. There was quite a bit of walking and moving around too. I used to struggle to lift even small items, just carrying in bags of groceries or whatever. It's definitely had a positive impact on my life, working out even though any muscle gains are still buried under the fat and loose skin.