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Experiment Are you a descendant of an inferior bloodline?


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Transcended Trucel

Transcended Trucel

Peace & Dharma ; Vishwaguru India!
Feb 16, 2019
Inferior bloodline is whatever you believe it tibbe for the sake of the question.

For me a bloodline can be considered inferior if :
  • it is significantly uglier/shorter/unhealthier than the vast majority of humanity
  • It is poorer than the vast majority of humanity
  • It has no ancestors who've acheived greatness
Based on this definition, my bloodline is genetically inferior in every sense of the word.
I have had relatives who've died young(50-60s) from the following:
  • died from alcholism (easily fall into addiction plus weak subhuman shitskin livers).
  • died from diabetes + some other stuff ( weak shitskin bloodline)
  • died from cancer
Very weak filthy cuckold bloodline.
I don't have any records of any of my ancestors past my grandparents by the way. Why? Because they're genetic garbage. Genetic trash has never acheived greatness. Trash is trash even across a trillion generations. Filthy rice farming shitskin pajeets. Lowest form of human life. Human equivalent of cockroaches and dung beetles.

Regardless due to following the s@ndn1gg3r religion they've reproduced over and over. Spreading their filthy DNA over and over. Very sad. Same with many other filthy curry bloodlines.

I can't express in words, how sad it is to realize your entire lineage is nothing but filthy rice faming cousin fucking subhuman shitskin moon worshipping redneck curries.

White Chads often have ancestors who made history. Made great acheivements. Almost every white person can trace their bloodline to find a great ancestor. Filthy shitskins such as myself do not have such a privilege, as the vast majority of shitskins have been nothing but human cockroaches for the last 500+ years. And it will remain this way forever. No matter how much a shitskin acheives, his bloodline is forever inferior.
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Outside filthy cockroach dalits, my bloodline is as inferior as one can get. Even filthier than dalits from a health and height perspective. Complete garbage.
I'm a high-caste Hindoo.
I'm a high-caste Hindoo.
Hindus were mogged by whites and Muslim curries for centuries. I can't consider them to have good bloodlines. Tbh no curry does.
i have an aunt who died from diabetes (father's side), and my dad is a shitskin fob nigger, but my mom has decent ancestors she said.

My great grandfather from my mother's side was an officer in the IJN and was captured in the first year of WW2 (her words not mine). He was described as tall and has a prominent nose (he might be hapa jfl).
i have an aunt who died from diabetes (father's side), and my dad is a shitskin fob nigger, but my mom has decent ancestors she said.

My great grandfather from my mother's side was an officer in the IJN and was captured in the first year of WW2 (her words not mine). He was described as tall and has a prominent nose (he might be hapa jfl).
I have a great grandpa who fought in war as well. But it was against other curries. Nothing to brag about. Ethnics killing fellow ethnics for absolutely nothing.
Hindus were mogged by whites and Muslim curries for centuries. I can't consider them to have good bloodlines. Tbh no curry does.
I would say the boomers in my family are taller, smarter, and healthier than 99% of curries in their age group, but they're barely better than the Western-born curry zoomers that are getting high on HGH. Face-wise, almost all of them range between trucel-MTN.
Yes, at least one side is just shitskin sewer dwelling bugs. I don't know their history. I don't know what they did, if they did anything. The problem is curries have just been conquered fucking slaves for so long, especially Northern ones. Afghans, Iranians, Steppeniggers, Britbongs, now chinks. Slaves. Even some rural white Irish nigger probably had warrior ancestors. :feelsUnreal:
I would say the boomers in my family are taller, smarter, and healthier than 99% of curries in their age group, but they're barely better than the Western-born curry zoomers that are getting high on HGH. Face-wise, almost all of them range between trucel-MTN.
Mogs me brutally. My bloodline is subhuman garbage even among the billions in the shitholes of lundia and porkistan.
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Yes, at least one side is just shitskin sewer dwelling bugs. I don't know their history. I don't know what they did, if they did anything. The problem is curries have just been conquered fucking slaves for so long, especially Northern ones. Afghans, Iranians, Steppeniggers, Britbongs, now chinks. Slaves. Even some rural white Irish nigger probably had warrior ancestors. :feelsUnreal:
Yup it is very shameful. I cannot take pride in anything. All of our personal acheivements are meaningless in the face of being such inferior trash and having Garbage ancestors.
I'm a desert monkey pisspoor trash nobody
We had one life possibly and had to be born among filthy inbred moon worshipping shitskins. It isn't even about women. The sheer shame of being from such a filthy bloodline is too great.
Mine is a weird mix, though it's mostly shit tier genetics from what I could tell
Everyone in my family is constantly dying from diabetes at around 60
Mogs me brutally. My bloodline is subhuman garbage even the billions in the shitholes of lundis and porkistan.
My family is becoming more subhuman each generation. If I didn't inherit the shittiest genes possible, I wouldn't be here.
Everyone in my family is constantly dying from diabetes at around 60
Us ethnics are cursed with the most inbred, bug like cockroach genetics ever.
Yes, poor mentality with tons of addiction. And none of them that I’m aware of have even tried to treat their addiction. Like none at all, most addicts struggle but ones in my family seem to never even want to get help.
i might larp as a sandnigger but generically i am still berber which isn't sandnigger but jews mixed with other races. and pretty much all the north africans are berber mixed with jew DNA. and berber are known to have done nothing in their whole history, they're an infamous race that no one have heard of.
most of the people in my family have either diabetes or some kind of a disease and i already grew up and live in a failed country (libya) so i do consider my bloodline as inferior.
I belong to a scheduled tribe.

My Father was 40 and mother 30 when they had me. So deteriorated sperm-egg quality.

Father is a heavy smoker(he's been smoking since he was 14). Had a heart- attack few years ago. He was skinny.

Mother suffers from high bp. She was extremely thin and skinny when she was young. She gained alot of fat. She only weighs 50kg but she has embodiment of what they call skinny fat body.

Almost all males in my family lost their hair in their 30s. One even lost them in his early 20s.

Am malnourished. Low bone density with really thin frame. Long skinny/boney legs and smaller torso compared to them. Asymmetric body. Small skull, long neck, long skinny arms. I can go on and on about this.

Am saving money to get genetic ancestry test
I belong to a scheduled tribe.

My Father was 40 and mother 30 when they had me. So deteriorated sperm-egg quality.

Father is a heavy smoker(he's been smoking since he was 14). Had a heart- attack few years ago. He was skinny.

Mother suffers from high bp. She was extremely thin and skinny when she was young. She gained alot of fat. She only weighs 50kg but she has embodiment of what they call skinny fat body.

Almost all males in my family lost their hair in their 30s. One even lost them in his early 20s.

Am malnourished. Low bone density with really thin frame. Long skinny/boney legs and smaller torso compared to them. Asymmetric body. Small skull, long neck, long skinny arms. I can go on and on about this.

Am saving money to get genetic ancestry test
It's over. Relatable subhuman curry DNA here. Reincarnation is the only hope
My bloodline is mostly white, tall, and handsome. However, the men in my family have foidlet festishes, and after three generations of women 5’0” or shorter, I came out under 6’0” with an average-sized cock and an ugly, immasculine face.

Avatar The Last Airbender History GIF

Also, my family worships Jews and started circumcising all male children 60 years ago. I’m at a greater disadvantage than virtually every man in my family ever.

The worst part is my bloodline will continue without me. My sister is having a son that’s already 95th percentile in height in the womb, and I convinced her not to circumcise him.

Basically, there’s about to be another blonde-haired, blue eyed, 6’4” Aryan Chad with an uncut dick. My parents do not need me or my brothers to breed, because my sister has already produced 3 girls and is about to give them the Chad male heir they want.
My family has extremely poor mental health so we are probably all subhumans
I come from an incredibly goodlooking family on both sides, my mother was confused with a popular weather girl and got free meals at restaurants, my father was a prettyboymaxxer and looked like some boyband member, my brother has a chad face

And going back further I come from a soldier family fighting under the royal cavalry of _____ (don't wanna dox myself) so everyone in my family are attractive, healthy, the men broadly build, but I came out subhuman. Fucking sucks dood.
I am a curry and being a curry automatically means an inferior bloodline. But my parents are actually pretty gl. My father is 5'10 which is taller than the avg and also jacked and my mother is 5'7 again taller than the avg. I'm 6'1. My grandfather was in the army as well and was a pretty based dude. We have accumulated a good amount of wealth although most of my ancestors were in the military or the police
Yes I am a lower caste dindu most my relatives die early from shitty curry heart problems
it is significantly uglier/shorter/unhealthier than the vast majority of humanity
I'm 5'7 and my father aswell as grandfather are both 5'7.
It is poorer than the vast majority of humanity
not exactly poor compared to rest of the world's population living in Africa , Asia and latin America. But still bad, my annual income is 5k dollars a year. I do have some generational wealth in form of land and couple of houses in rural areas.
It has no ancestors who've acheived greatness
My ancestor founded a kingdom that ruled most of north india back in 7th century. So not exactly shitty bloodline.
I am the only male in my family under 6ft
My father and my grandfather are highly neurotic, introverted sub5 males. My mother is low iq, ugly, masculine women that is in charge of the "family".
I belong to a scheduled tribe.

My Father was 40 and mother 30 when they had me. So deteriorated sperm-egg quality.

Father is a heavy smoker(he's been smoking since he was 14). Had a heart- attack few years ago. He was skinny.

Mother suffers from high bp. She was extremely thin and skinny when she was young. She gained alot of fat. She only weighs 50kg but she has embodiment of what they call skinny fat body.

Almost all males in my family lost their hair in their 30s. One even lost them in his early 20s.

Am malnourished. Low bone density with really thin frame. Long skinny/boney legs and smaller torso compared to them. Asymmetric body. Small skull, long neck, long skinny arms. I can go on and on about this.

Am saving money to get genetic ancestry test
My sympathies man, being a lower caste or tribal in India is brutal, pajeets are hella casteists and sectarians they hate eachother for retarded reasons like caste despite looking the same. I have seen how my castemen and other UC fags treat lower caste people, its too brutal, subhuman on subhuman violence.
The truth is my bloodline is in fact superior on both sides of my parents. Both of my grandfathers (deceased) come from nobility, and both were scholars and philosophers (I'm as serious as cancer, no larp). Paternal grandfather has wrote several books and was a highly respected member of his community. Maternal grandfather was deeply involved and a high level, central figure at the highest level of politics. Father's side of the family has chads, stacies and athletes. Mother's side has high IQ, and highly educated (both STEM and social sciences) career and business people.

And then you have me, a dead branch of the genetic tree. Six inches of height and a few millimeters of bone is all it took for my existence to be pitifully cruel fate. If genetic recombination turned out in my favor, I probably would have had a 15 year old son by now. God knows what he could have achieved. Instead, here I am, coping and posting on an incel forum. Both of my grandfathers would weep, if they could see how one of their shared descendents turned out through no fault of my own.

My existence is truly a tragedy of cosmic proportions.

Holy fuck, thinking about this makes me want to go ER.
My mothers side is filled with sub5, bald, short men with mental illnesses, my grandfather had a personality disorder and roped after his wife died, his brother had schizophrenia who also roped in his 40s, he was a recluse just like me.
@wereq Genocide , eugenics or sterilization ?
My great grandfather practiced Santeria.

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