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SuicideFuel Are women superior? (Dnrcels DNE) (Modcels please read all!)



Male Disposability Pill
Dec 1, 2023
I am aware this is a very controversial opinion on this forum and I thought about this for a long time before creating this post.

Many incels here cope by claiming that women are inferior and men are superior. However, that cannot be right. Women are the ones depriving us of two of the most important things a man needs: sex and intimacy. We do almost nothing in retaliation to this mistreatment.

Men die for women. Men work in mines and sewers for women. Women might be physically and intellectually inferior to us in almost every way but I bet you anything that any one of you will turn against your "brocels" in an instant if some whore sent you a nude. Pussy is the ultimate resource that can be traded for everything. Even human lives. I made a poll a few months ago asking users here if they would massacre the entire forum for pussy. Unsurprisingly, the majority would.

Reproductive value >>> Physical and Intellectual value. Men cannot give birth sperm is extremely cheap. The life of a human male is cheaper than the dirt zoo animals shit on. Despite decades of scientific research, there's still no machine that can accurately imitate the human womb. Sperm banks have existed for decades. If all men die now sure humans would be sent back into the Stone Age but we wouldn't go extinct because women would just take sperm out of sperm banks.

Women turn men into their slaves. Both men and women subconsciously treat women better because of in-group preference. The harsh truth is that only 1/17-40% of men ever reproduced. Most men died virgins. There are stone-age remains where all of the tribe's women were buried next to one man (which paleontologists assume to be the leader) who died. One man and maybe his close friends (Chad and his fuckboy buddies) fucked all the women in the tribe. (Humans transitioned to monogamy but we are seeing the return of this prehistoric behavior in modern soyciety) The rest of the men are disposable burner fuel.

Women are the reproductive bottleneck, not men. Even if women refuse to give birth (modern soyciety) men would still treat them like kweens. Notice how everybody and their mom is talking about violence against women. Even though most victims of almost all types of crime are men, nobody bats an eye.

I suspect many brocels here know this subconsciously. They cannot take it because truth HURTS. A big part of the BP is about accepting the truth.
@LeFrenchCel Move to id please
Many women (like Norah Vincent) become suicidal after realizing the harsh reality of being male. "just another male" brootal stuff.
@anandkonda I know you are viewing this post pm me your thoughts
Women aren't superior, they are non-actors. They are a resource, and subject to the whims of the men on top.
Saying women are superior is like saying cattle is superior to men because men fight over it.

Men don't do things FOR women, they do it to ACQUIRE women.
No far from it. They are physically weaker, age like shit, bleed once per month & have to carry tits when they walk/run. They are also super emotional & have little impulse control.
@Zhou Chang-Xing
Yeah women rule, nothing you can do...
Women aren't superior, they are non-actors. They are a resource, and subject to the whims of the men on top.
Saying women are superior is like saying cattle is superior to men because men fight over it.

Men don't do things FOR women, they do it to ACQUIRE women.
This resource has single-handedly destroyed your life has positions in power and can even land you in jail at the slip of a tongue. Men everywhere I see simp pathetically for women only to be rejected
Women aren't superior, they are non-actors. They are a resource, and subject to the whims of the men on top.
Saying women are superior is like saying cattle is superior to men because men fight over it.

Men don't do things FOR women, they do it to ACQUIRE women.
Cattle are slaughtered women leech off men. Know the difference
This resource has single-handedly destroyed your life has positions in power and can even land you in jail at the slip of a tongue. Men everywhere I see simp pathetically for women only to be rejected
All the doing of men.
Whether their simping is successful or not isn't important imo
Cattle are slaughtered women leech off men. Know the difference
cattle are used for food and leather
women are used for sex and children
Every man on earth is pussywhipped in one way or another so yeah you’re kind of right
cattle are used for food and leather
women are used for sex and children
If anything men are resources
Women are refusing to give birth and still, politicians bend to their demands
Men are used to fight wars
Men are used to do dangerous jobs
Men are taxed more
Men are wage slaves who either work their entire lives or die in some senseless war.
cattle are used for food and leather
women are used for sex and children
The Elites care far more about the interests of women than the interests of men. Women live lives way better than the average man.
They're only superior due to the remains of a patriarchal society that has coddled, listened to their issues, infantilized them and centered itself around them for 10 centuries or so, they're only superior in inherent value I definitely agree, on the other hand I kinda feel like us men are the wielders of reality, the makers of change, think of any insane change that happened to our species in it's existence and who did it ? A man, men aren't valuable but they are creators of value and change in the world.

Also as men, we're supposed to be tough and deal with shit on our own, which in it's own a sign of superiority, independence, resilience, intelligence and freedom, I hate seeing men turn into practically women, needing ''men's rights activists'' and all that bullshit support groups etc, that's women shit, they need it because they're weak, find the toughest/most intelligent woman out there and guess what ? she's an ultra masculine girl who turned that way from life or have some masculine genetic traits.
Men are used to fight wars
Men are used to do dangerous jobs
Men are taxed more
Men are wage slaves who either work their entire lives or die in some senseless war.
used by who ? by the MEN who run the world

The Elites care far more about the interests of women than the interests of men
the elites are men
why would they care about their competition ?
Tldr they're only valuable because of us men, once we drop that for them it's over for them.
The complete dismantling of patriarchy will actually hurt them more than they know because they're not ready to assume masculine roles fully in society and we clearly see that.
What I fear is that it might not happen and we will end up with a partial dismantle in which once again men will be serving their needs still. (kinda what we have in the west right now)
In a way, I feel this post is just recycled water

It's water (pussy/sex is EVERYTHING pill) under a clickbaity engaging title

Not to shit on your post or anything, that just feels like the past 5 sort of "must read" threads i've seen on here, it's just water framed differently, or framed a little controversial

I think in the hierarchy of it all, women are only topped by chad, a male has a higher peak potential
As seen here
There are stone-age remains where all of the tribe's women were buried next to one man (which paleontologists assume to be the leader) who died.
Women are 2nd on the hierarchy, below the women are all the normie 80% of men
Thx for tagging me :)

My comment here

MALES are superior!
You just summarized this book from 400 years ago essentially:

Not sure if i agree with it though
Not to shit on your post or anything, that just feels like the past 5 sort of "must read" threads i've seen on here, it's just water framed differently, or framed a little controversial
This is because the blackpill has already been "solved" in a way, all new shit is basically a repetition of the same stuff we have talked about for years, just phrased differently.
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This Is actually a really interesting thread. Thank for the tag brocel.

This is why I never understood the cope of "Muh men are superior!" Because even if that was the case, we are still living shitty lives. We are still replaceable, we are still getting hit with double standard after double standard, we are still cucked by soyciety, we are still pawns.

Doesn't look like we are living the superior life
Its hard to admit, but you are right
Yes, the world revolves around women, a woman's pain is worth more than a man's, if a woman suffers then the whole country and the world must change because of it
(Notice on social media how anything that causes minimal suffering to a woman should receive as much attention as possible)

Even in ideologies, the communism that once swore to fight for the proletarian man today only has a spectrum of what this proletarian is, He's a man, he's ugly, he's poor, women don't care about him
When modern academics write about the poor, academics are rich they always write their definition of poor according to an unconscious manginism.

It's difficult to even describe where the desire to attract female attention shapes our culture but there are still exceptions, in fact in the last few millennia there have been exceptions.
But this primitive manginism has been resurfacing in recent centuries
Our inherent need to earn a woman's seal of approval is the only edge they have over us
Women are still largely at the mercy of rules imposed and sustained by men. It just so happens that we live in a gynocentric era with cucked lawmakers (who are still largely male and figured out women are a more profitable group to cater to). the freedoms and powers that modern women hold today aren't representative of what women had historically.

TLDR: Women today are more powerful than men (I wouldn't say superior since 95% of them are brainwashed NPCs). But historically men held more power.
foid worshipdom discussed
ok go for a walk in a city and tell me how many things you see were built and designed by men

then we can discuss how males weren't important to human history and development, their 'physical and intellectual' superiority was never important, and foids are superior bc you're a horny degen
ok go for a walk in a city and tell me how many things you see were built and designed by men

then we can discuss how males weren't important to human history and development, their 'physical and intellectual' superiority was never important, and foids are superior bc you're a horny degen
ok dnrfag
ok go for a walk in a city and tell me how many things you see were built and designed by men

then we can discuss how males weren't important to human history and development, their 'physical and intellectual' superiority was never important, and foids are superior bc you're a horny degen
You aren't proving anything. In fact, you're proving me correct. Men died and built everything for the benefit of foids. You can cope all you want. The reality is that most men are disposable slaves.

Foids contributed nearly nothing besides giving birth, and yet they enjoy all the benefits of modern society. They are infinitely more privileged than the average man. Ukraine foids are having the time of their lives in London/warsaw while their looksmatches in ditches. Foids have single-handedly ruined your life. And you still claim that you are superior.
You aren't proving anything. In fact, you're proving me correct.
ok so men being central to human development and dominance = inferior

but foids = superior bc you want to fuck them

that changes nothing abt the point I was making

I think you just have skewed coomer priorities, like all foid worshippers
'people in comas are superior bc we keep them on life support, they enjoy all the benefits but all they have to do is lie around'

'niggers are a superior race bc of affirmative action and blm'
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ok so men being central to human development and dominance = inferior

but foids = superior bc you want to fuck them

that changes nothing abt the point I was making

I think you just have skewed coomer priorities, like all foid worshippers
Once again you're proving to be a 60IQ retard. Everywhere you go foids are infinitely more valuable. Women are superior because they can turn men into their servants. I'm losing braincels arguing with your retardation.
'people in comas are superior bc we keep them on life support, they enjoy all the benefits but all they have to do is lie around'
False equivalence. People in comas aren't enjoying themselves. Your looksmatch is partying right now getting pumped by Chad while you rot away in your home thinking "I'm superior!" "I'm superior!" If WW3 comes you will sent to the front lines to die while your female counterpart boards ships to find refuge in another country.
Yes, you are. Like a bluepiller, you cannot accept the turth because it hurts your feelings. You skew my words away from their original meanings. Welcome to my nignore list. Only true retards end up there.
Once again you're proving to be a 60IQ retard. Everywhere you go foids are infinitely more valuable.
'foids are more valuable bc of jew-sponsored feminism' is really not much different from saying niggers are superior bc of 'anti-racism'

people saying that males are superior are talking abt the physical + intellectual traits of males and their role in the development of the species. some would say that's 'valuable.' but you choose to simply ignore it bc it's inconvenient

men have known for centuries that foids are inferior, and this is why they kept social order under a patriarchal system. foid-worshipping simps like you are the people who allowed these systems to be dismantled
Your looksmatch is partying right now getting pumped by Chad [why does OP wish he was getting fucked by chad is he gay] while you rot away in your home thinking "I'm superior!" "I'm superior!"
I don't have to think that. I am a male, I know it by instinct

It's not as if people had to go around thinking 'I'm superior!' to establish a patriarchy, implement burqas or arranged marriage. it is simply something that real males grasp by instinct

and meanwhile her arab cousin is sitting at home in a headscarf after the taliban forbade her from education
If WW3 comes you will sent to the front lines to die while your female counterpart boards ships to find refuge in another country.

Welcome to my nignore list. Only true retards end up there.
I'm flattered.

If I was a foid, I wouldn't be on your ignore list bc you'd be too busy creepily gooning at me due to your perverted femdom obsession.

This just further proves my superiority
Any economic or social advantage foids have over men in soyciety is conferred upon them by men. Their 'superiority' isn't a inherent property of being a female so it's not intrinsically linked to their sex biologically on a tangibly material and physical basis like men possessing physically superiority. In the inverse way, male disposability isn't a bug of the system but a feature built into our species naturally by design, if millions of years of evolutionary history and development counts as design for the sake of comparison here.
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Women are only superior when it comes to sex because they control it. And they are perhaps superior as a collective then men because they unlike men don't have individuality.
Women aren't superior, they are non-actors. They are a resource, and subject to the whims of the men on top.
Saying women are superior is like saying cattle is superior to men because men fight over it.

Men don't do things FOR women, they do it to ACQUIRE women.
Women aren't superior, they are non-actors. They are a resource, and subject to the whims of the men on top.
Saying women are superior is like saying cattle is superior to men because men fight over it.

Men don't do things FOR women, they do it to ACQUIRE women.
Foids are just good at manipulation. Even when there confronted after being caught lying. They use there emotions to try to garner sympathy.
Women lowkey just mog men in everything except physical strength. Just look at a female orgasm. They quiver in pleasure and black out for half a minute. And what do we get? A 3-5 second dick sneeze. You ever shake with pleasure after an orgasm?
Women lowkey just mog men in everything except physical strength. Just look at a female orgasm. They quiver in pleasure and black out for half a minute. And what do we get? A 3-5 second dick sneeze. You ever shake with pleasure after an orgasm?
Forgot to add, men on average brutally IQmog women. That's the only consolation since physical strength doesn't matter in a society with laws.

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