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Are women biologically the more attractive gender?

Deleted member 195

Deleted member 195

Nov 8, 2017
Its been shown that on average, male and female brains are wired differently. Males brains are wired to be a lot more "visual" than females while females are wired to govern memory.

Strip clubs are visited by males far more than females, most prostitutes are female, most people that pay for sex are male, most initiations for sex, a relationship or just a call out of someone's beauty is by the male, there's a hilariously uneven balance on online dating stats regarding gender/preferences showing how desperate the average male is for female's attention, males watch way more porn than females.

Women also did not release any oxytocin when they kissed their man while men released it. Implying that women don't really enjoy all that physical stimulation that males enjoy but play along because they know it'll make their man feel good/desired. Unlike men, Women attraction towards men, despite his appearance, rose by 4X when the males high encomic status was revealed, while males payed way less attention to such things.

Not to mention, Men also have a lot more testosterone and higher sex drives then women. Maybe this explains why the uneven online dating stats/preferences and why most cultural norms depict a women as a prize to be earned and a man's worth/attractiveness being analogued to his economic status. Or why men seem to want to be around women so much more than women wanting to be around men.

Are women just biologically more physically desirable due to the nature of both genders?

Is a woman's love earned and only conditional? All the evidence says that it is, at least the stuff I could find.
Genders are attractive to each other naturally lol
What is more beautifull a lion or a lionnes? Men are objectifaly much more impressive looking. Women are only good looking for men. If an alien race would come they would see women as weak ugly handicapped creatures.
Genders are attractive to each other naturally lol
yeah but for entirely different reasons. It seems a woman's love is conditional
What is more beautifull a lion or a lionnes? Men are objectifaly much more impressive looking. Women are only good looking for men. If an alien race would come they would see women as weak ugly handicapped creatures.

I ain't never thought bout it like that. Good point
"It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of the fair sex; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. One would be more justified in calling them the unaesthetic sex than the beautiful."
Arthur Schopenhauer
No, if males didnt have testosterone they wouldnt be attractive
Men have to work harder for their bodies to look good than women tbh. Women just don’t have to eat like a fucking pig and they’ll look fine.

Thus I’m more impressed if a man looks good than a woman. No homo.
Yes. The average male could inseminate 5 females a day. Women do not have that kind of sex drive. On the contrary; they are picky because they are biologically 'wired' to allow only the genetically fittest of males to inseminate them.
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Its been shown that on average, male and female brains are wired differently. Males brains are wired to be a lot more "visual" than females while females are wired to govern memory.

Strip clubs are visited by males far more than females, most prostitutes are female, most people that pay for sex are male, most initiations for sex, a relationship or just a call out of someone's beauty is by the male, there's a hilariously uneven balance on online dating stats regarding gender/preferences showing how desperate the average male is for female's attention, males watch way more porn than females.

Women also did not release any oxytocin when they kissed their man while men released it. Implying that women don't really enjoy all that physical stimulation that males enjoy but play along because they know it'll make their man feel good/desired. Unlike men, Women attraction towards men, despite his appearance, rose by 4X when the males high encomic status was revealed, while males payed way less attention to such things.

Not to mention, Men also have a lot more testosterone and higher sex drives then women. Maybe this explains why the uneven online dating stats/preferences and why most cultural norms depict a women as a prize to be earned and a man's worth/attractiveness being analogued to his economic status. Or why men seem to want to be around women so much more than women wanting to be around men.

Are women just biologically more physically desirable due to the nature of both genders?

Is a woman's love earned and only conditional? All the evidence says that it is, at least the stuff I could find.
High IQ post OP.
What is interesting about this subject is that females of OTHER species are more visual, or they use what we call visual markers to deem a mate attractive or not.
Differences Between Peacock and Peahen

The question is how we humans are different from other animals. I have reason to believe that we are not all that different, that what counts as status (high end clothes and cool expensive toys) is tied to our worth with the more primal aspect: our looks. The human brain is composed of different parts some which are mutated on later, the "lizard brain" still overrides a lot of our higher consciousness and it is easy to revert to lower thoughts that do not require much thinking. Women do not need to have higher thoughts so it was mostly bred out, men however, do.

Also did you misquote?

We found that ratings of attractiveness were around 1000 times more sensitive to salary for females rating males, compared to males rating females.
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What is more beautifull a lion or a lionnes? Men are objectifaly much more impressive looking. Women are only good looking for men. If an alien race would come they would see women as weak ugly handicapped creatures.
Now this is James Clerk Maxwell IQ


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Definitely not, foids are almost completely fake, makeup, implants, botox, even their personalities are fake. When a male is attractive he is truly just genuinely attractive, he can't fake it like a foid can.
Definitely not, foids are almost completely fake, makeup, implants, botox, even their personalities are fake. When a male is attractive he is truly just genuinely attractive, he can't fake it like a foid can.
High IQ post OP.
What is interesting about this subject is that females of OTHER species are more visual, or they use what we call visual markers to deem a mate attractive or not.
View attachment 74617
The question is how we humans are different from other animals. I have reason to believe that we are not all that different, that what counts as status (high end clothes and cool expensive toys) is tied to our worth with the more primal aspect: our looks. The human brain is composed of different parts some which are mutated on later, the "lizard brain" still overrides a lot of our higher consciousness and it is easy to revert to lower thoughts that do not require much thinking. Women do not need to have higher thoughts so it was mostly bred out, men however, do.

Also did you misquote?

Wow, there are a lot of great posts here. Honestly wasn't expecting that for this topic. Thanks
nah. superior foids look more like men
No, they just have make up.

If make up didn’t exist I wouldn’t have boner around 90% of females. They are ugly creatures
Theyre certainly the pickier gender, 8+ or death
Men are more attractive because we don't use fake-up.
The answer is simple guys, don't complicate it.

To us, 80% of women are attractive or could be attractive.
To them, 20% of men are attractive or could be attractive.

The top 20% of men mate, and the top 80% of women mate. So on average 1 of the top men will get 4 women.

It's over boys.
Unless you're Chad/Tyrone, you're fucked.

But in seriousness I sometimes wonder if it's really worth the headaches of trying to attract a foid, something that's complex,fickle and can leave you at any given moment.
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Wow, there are a lot of great posts here. Honestly wasn't expecting that for this topic. Thanks
You put in the work then sometimes HI IQ cels come, sometimes you get no hits.
unfortunately, male humans do not have manes. even if we did, the purpose of a lions mane is to compete for and attract the "less attractive gender".

without bias, women are the more attractive gender. in an evolutionary sense, we are hardwired to find babies/toddlers cute so we're more inclined to protect and raise them to increase our species survivability. a womans femininity resembles a babies features moreso than a males masculinity, hence the higher attractiveness in women, to both genders.
They're called beards which are attractive to women

In nature this is not true for any other species. Of course FOIDs are more attractive to you as a man.
beards aren't congruent with manes. all human body hair is for the purpose of retaining heat, while a lions mane is to attract mates.
the fact that beards are a sign of masculinity and attract women is coincidence, not function.
Cat hair is also for the purpose of retaining heat, and beards do attract females as do manes. You aren't making a better point, FOIDs like beards. Women with beards attractive to you? Or is that another coincidence?
purely biologically speaking, i think they have some natural advantages, like clearer skin and a face with naturally higher contrast (natural make-up basically), and better health from: stronger immune system from less testosterone, resistance against face-deforming genetic defects from double XX chromosomes that repair each other

i think this should give females at least one extra point in a looks analysis, meaning you are slumming it if you, who have several disadvantages in this race, look exactly the same as your female partner
the evolutionary purporse of a mane is to attract mates.
the evolutionary purpose of a beard is to retain heat.
its an apples to oranges comparison

the fact that beards attract mates is coincidental. beards are generally a package deal with high T and masculinity, which is what women are attracted to. do you know why facial hair doesn't do anything for soyboys? because they're not masculine.

and no, women with beards are not attractive to me, males do not seek masculinity. i don't understand what you're saying
Do you have proof?
There is no way to tell if women are more attractive than male, or vice versa.
It's like asking "Is a tree more attractive or a pillow?"
They aren't in the same category, Can't compare.
What is more beautifull a lion or a lionnes? Men are objectifaly much more impressive looking. Women are only good looking for men. If an alien race would come they would see women as weak ugly handicapped creatures.

Women require outside sources and trending social norms to assist females in broadcasting their "beauty." (Fake-up, latest hair styles) You know how in children, where the only way you can tell a boy or girl apart (other than their crotches) is the way they dress or their hair is worn, women are similar.

Look at women from different ages and eras, since those styles and trends aren't in fashion anymore, most women looked like shit, whereas the men seemed better looking, looking at it from an outside, modern day perspective. You could easily spot the Chad back then or normie tier men, whereas all women pretty much looked the same and gross. Like lionesses look exactly alike and the adult male lions can have different characteristics in looks, particularly the alpha lions, the ones all the dime a dozen lionesses want. The alpha Chad lion just takes pride in easily slaying all the lionesses pussy. It's all the same to him.
i really shouldn't have to prove to you that we had body hair for heat retention
Its because you can't. You shouldn't make false claims. Feel free to justify why pajeets are so hairy in hot climates.
Men can fuck as many women as possible. Women get fucked once and gotta out life on hold for 9 months to carry offspring. Naturally, men therefore have a much much higher tendency to want sex. Women on the other hand get approached by multiple men and choose the man with the best looks (genetics). After that, we come to existance. All there fucking is to it.
There is no way to tell if women are more attractive than male, or vice versa.
It's like asking "Is a tree more attractive or a pillow?"
They aren't in the same category, Can't compare.
If you read more than the title its more than that. But you can compare them, its just a bias of straight males.
Men have to work harder for their bodies to look good than women tbh. Women just don’t have to eat like a fucking pig and they’ll look fine.

Thus I’m more impressed if a man looks good than a woman. No homo.
Good point. Very thankful for the responses in this thread.
What is more beautifull a lion or a lionnes? Men are objectifaly much more impressive looking. Women are only good looking for men. If an alien race would come they would see women as weak ugly handicapped creatures.

Lions, gorillas, elephants, most birds, even cattle —- the male is the more impressive looking gender. Modern humans don’t see this because men are driven by testosterone to ogle and obsess over women, and media has become female centered, skewing our mindset that women are more impressive and magical looking. I agree that aliens would very much be more impressed with males.
I don't buy the myth that men have higher sex drives. Women go CRAZY when they see a chad. They only reject average guys due to having short term access to chad. But to answer your question, males naturally mog females. Females only look good due to makeup, hair dye/extensions, form fitting clothing, and and high heels.
men do have higher sex drives, biologically. science is not a myth
I think it's largely over exaggerated and overshadowed by women simply not being interested in the average man.
No, OP, just, no.
JFL at this shitty popscience,foids are and will ever be far more visual,men can fall in love with minds,cunt's can't unless in extremely uncommon exceptions that in no way represent the average
On average, yes, of course. But the top tier men mog top tier woman due to more striking bone structure
does it make sense that the "higher sex drive gender" would be waiting around for a better suitor (women), rather than sexually lusting at everything around them (men)? i see your train of thought in that "their sex drive only kicks in with chad" but if their sex drive was higher, they would not wait for chad, the same as how men do not wait for stacy. higher sex drive = fuck anything that walks. lower sex drive = more choosey

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22552705 here if you don't believe me. sex drive is defined by hormones.
I never said they had a higher sex drive than men.
What is more beautifull a lion or a lionnes? Men are objectifaly much more impressive looking.

gaycel =volcel

Males pursue females in 99% of animal species. It's biology.
What is more beautifull a lion or a lionnes? Men are objectifaly much more impressive looking. Women are only good looking for men. If an alien race would come they would see women as weak ugly handicapped creatures.
this is a remarkable quote
Chads are more visually impressive but attractive women are more attractive. There is a reason why most women are bisexual.
it comes down to neoteny. Youth is inherently attractive as it signals fertility. women retain their juvenile features until their mid-twenties then things start deteriorating. men get their adult features rather quickly once puberty hits.
unfortunately, male humans do not have manes. even if we did, the purpose of a lions mane is to compete for and attract the "less attractive gender".

without bias, women are the more attractive gender. in an evolutionary sense, we are hardwired to find babies/toddlers cute so we're more inclined to protect and raise them to increase our species survivability. a womans femininity resembles a babies features moreso than a males masculinity, hence the higher attractiveness in women, to both genders.

Well then nature fucked up. Babies/toddlers are disgusting as fuck, little kittens and puppies or even fucking small crocodiles are milion times better looking than human babies.

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