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Serious Are we in Adolous Huxley's "Brave New World?"



May 1, 2020
"You don't seem very glad to see me, John," she said at last.

"Not glad?" The Savage looked at her reproachfully; then suddenly fell on his knees before her and, taking Lenina's hand, reverently kissed it. "Not glad? Oh, if you only knew," he whispered and, venturing to raise his eyes to her face, "Admired Lenina," he went on, "indeed the top of admiration, worth what's dearest in the world." She smiled at him with a luscious tenderness. "Oh, you so perfect" (she was leaning towards him with parted lips), "so perfect and so peerless are created" (nearer and nearer) "of every creature's best." Still nearer. The Savage suddenly scrambled to his feet. "That's why," he said speaking with averted face, "I wanted to do something first … I mean, to show I was worthy of you. Not that I could ever really be that. But at any rate to show I wasn't absolutely un-worthy. I wanted to do something."

"Why should you think it necessary …" Lenina began, but left the sentence unfinished. There was a note of irritation in her voice...."

"At Malpais," the Savage was incoherently mumbling, "you had to bring her the skin of a mountain lion–I mean, when you wanted to marry some one. Or else a wolf."

"There aren't any lions in England," Lenina almost snapped.

"And even if there were," the Savage added, with sudden contemptuous resentment, "people would kill them out of helicopters, I suppose, with poison gas or something. I wouldn't do that, Lenina." He squared his shoulders, he ventured to look at her and was met with a stare of annoyed incomprehension. Confused, "I'll do anything," he went on, more and more incoherently. "Anything you tell me. There be some sports are painful–you know. But their labour delight in them sets off. That's what I feel. I mean I'd sweep the floor if you wanted."

"But we've got vacuum cleaners here," said Lenina in bewilderment. "It isn't necessary."

"No, of course it isn't necessary. But some kinds of baseness are nobly undergone. I'd like to undergo something nobly. Don't you see?"

"You silly boy!" she was saying. "I wanted you so much. And if you wanted me too, why didn't you? …"

"But, Lenina …" he began protesting;....
"Lenina!" he repeated apprehensively.

"Sweet!" said Lenina and, laying her hands on his shoulders, pressed herself against him. "Put your arms round me," she commanded. "Hug me till you drug me, honey." She too had poetry at her command, knew words that sang and were spells and beat drums. "Kiss me"; she closed her eyes, she let her voice sink to a sleepy murmur, "Kiss me till I'm in a coma. Hug me, honey, snuggly …"


The hands that held her wrists were trembling. He breathed deeply and irregularly. Faint almost to imperceptibility, but appalling, she suddenly heard the grinding of his teeth. "What is it?" she almost screamed.

And as though awakened by her cry he caught her by the shoulders and shook her. "Whore!" he shouted "Whore! Impudent strumpet!"

"Oh, don't, do-on't," she protested in a voice made grotesquely tremulous by his shaking.



"Damned whore!"


The Savage pushed her away with such force that she staggered and fell. "Go," he shouted, standing over her menacingly, "get out of my sight or I'll kill you." He clenched his fists.
I'm for the legalisation of all drugs tbh, I think that book had a fictional drug, never read it tbh.
We are the Gammas

Huxley felt like that increasing hedonism and industrialization would lead to a horrifying form of Eugenics and hierarchy such that it was systematically and artificially maintained (for the purposes of economic efficiency), but more importantly, would lead to most of the population into being hedonic children. That is, people who never "found God", people who never fought to win the love of women, people who never learned maturity, morality, professionalism, philosophy, religion - the conveniences of capitalism would render these experiences obsolete and replaced with bastions of hedonism. Further, the government would reinforce this for the purposes of efficiency in a totalitarian way.

Men and women would just want base pleasures and nothing more. Food. Drugs. Sex. And the whole human experience of suffering, finding purpose, winning over a loved one, chivalry - all dead.

We are the Gammas

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“Children will be taught— by methods which will become increasingly effective as educational psychology develops—to be creative, inquiring, appreciative of the arts and sciences, interested in their studies—perhaps they will even be taught nonconformity. But of course this will not be merely random nonconformity but “creative” nonconformity. Creative nonconformity simply means nonconformity that is directed toward socially desirable ends. For example, children may be taught (in the name of freedom) to liberate themselves from irrational prejudices of their elders, “irrational prejudices” being those values which are not conducive to the kind of society that most educators choose to regard as healthy. Children will be educated to be racially unbiased, to abhor violence, to fit into society without excessive conflict. By a series of small steps—each of which will be regarded not as a step toward behavioral engineering but as an improvement in educational technique—this system will become so effective that hardly any child will turn out to be other than what the educators desire. The educational system will then have become a form of psychological compulsion. The means employed in this “education” will be expanded to include methods which we currently would consider disgusting, but since these methods will be introduced in a series of small steps, most people will not object—especially since children trained to take a “scientific” or “rational” attitude toward education will be growing up to replace their elders as they die off. For instance, chemical and electrical manipulation of the brain will at first be used only on children considered to be insane, or at least severely disturbed. As people become accustomed to such practices, they will come to be used on children who are only moderately disturbed. Now, whatever is on the furthest fringes of the abnormal generally comes to be regarded with abhorrence. As the more severe forms of disturbances are eliminated, the less severe forms will come to constitute the outer fringe; they will thus be regarded as abhorrent and hence as fair game for chemical and electrical manipulation. Eventually, all forms of disturbance will be eliminated— and anything that brings an individual into conflict with his society will make him unhappy and therefore will be a disturbance. Note that this whole process does not presuppose any anti-libertarian philosophy on the part of educators or psychologists, but only a desire to do their jobs more effectively.” - 1971

“Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy, then gives them drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own society. It is well known that the rate of clinical depression has been greatly increasing in recent decades. We believe that this is due to disruption of the power process, as explained in paragraphs 59-76. But even if we are wrong, the increasing rate of depression is certainly the result of SOME conditions that exist in today’s society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed, modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect, antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual’s internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable. (Yes, we know that depression is often of purely genetic origin. We are referring here to those cases in which environment plays the predominant role.)” - 1995

“Education is no longer a simple affair of paddling a kid’s behind when he doesn’t know his lessons and patting him on the head when he does know them. It is becoming a scientific technique for controlling the child’s development. Sylvan Learning Centers, for example, have had great success in motivating children to study, and psychological techniques are also used with more or less success in many conventional schools. “Parenting” techniques that are taught to parents are designed to make children accept fundamental values of the system and behave in ways that the system finds desirable. “Mental health” programs, “intervention” techniques, psychotherapy and so forth are ostensibly designed to benefit individuals, but in practice they usually serve as methods for inducing individuals to think and behave as the system requires. (There is no contradiction here; an individual whose attitudes or behavior bring him into conflict with the system is up against a force that is too powerful for him to conquer or escape from, hence he is likely to suffer from stress, frustration, defeat. His path will be much easier if he thinks and behaves as the system requires. In that sense the system is acting for the benefit of the individual when it brainwashes him into conformity.)” - 1995

Thanks for spoonfeeding me. Gonna read it tomorrow :feelsokman:
We are the epsilon semi-morons.
Thanks for spoonfeeding me. Gonna read it tomorrow :feelsokman:

I'm serious, I think you'll like it and find much of what it says to be true.

I'm sure many have read it in high school and can't remember it, but in light of contemporary society, we should all read it when we are older.

DO NOT take the Bill Gates mRNA vaccine. It will change you genes. It will change how your brain works - permanently. This affects a person's descendants as well.

mRNA vaccines haven't been used before. They are programmed viruses, similar to gene therapy. The vaccine will do whatever they want it to do and more (side effects).

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give me some fucking soma
It's both Brave New World and 1984.

Huxley felt like that increasing hedonism and industrialization would lead to a horrifying form of Eugenics and hierarchy such that it was systematically and artificially maintained (for the purposes of economic efficiency), but more importantly, would lead to most of the population into being hedonic children. That is, people who never "found God", people who never fought to win the love of women, people who never learned maturity, morality, professionalism, philosophy, religion - the conveniences of capitalism would render these experiences obsolete and replaced with bastions of hedonism. Further, the government would reinforce this for the purposes of efficiency in a totalitarian way.

Men and women would just want base pleasures and nothing more. Food. Drugs. Sex. And the whole human experience of suffering, finding purpose, winning over a loved one, chivalry - all dead.

Yeah, high IQ, I think I’ve maybe mentioned this before.

We are certainly living in a dystopia.
It's both Brave New World and 1984.
Correct. We are living in a blend of these dystopias.

1984 almost perfectly describes the totalitarian communist society that liberals are creating and their brainwashed hatred of Trump and desire to eliminate free speech is basically straight out of 1984.

Brave New World perfectly describes how Chad and Stacey (the alphas) live in a completely different world where money and sex is plentiful and they live a life of utter luxury and leisure, and the rest of society are servants, and janitors, forced to work menial jobs for scraps and are supposed to enjoy our servitude.

Huxley felt like that increasing hedonism and industrialization would lead to a horrifying form of Eugenics and hierarchy such that it was systematically and artificially maintained (for the purposes of economic efficiency), but more importantly, would lead to most of the population into being hedonic children. That is, people who never "found God", people who never fought to win the love of women, people who never learned maturity, morality, professionalism, philosophy, religion - the conveniences of capitalism would render these experiences obsolete and replaced with bastions of hedonism. Further, the government would reinforce this for the purposes of efficiency in a totalitarian way.

Men and women would just want base pleasures and nothing more. Food. Drugs. Sex. And the whole human experience of suffering, finding purpose, winning over a loved one, chivalry - all dead.

Damn this is amazing, I’m going to read this book.
Read the entire book Over the past two days. It was really a journey I hope I can find another blackpilled book like this
Read the entire book Over the past two days. It was really a journey I hope I can find another blackpilled book like this
Awesome. Easily one of my favorite books, shows you how screwed up our world is right now and what direction we are heading.
Awesome. Easily one of my favorite books, shows you how screwed up our world is right now and what direction we are heading.
A lot of the concepts in the book like taking drugs to cure happiness and having sex with different people habitually is something I forget that is promoted in today's society! It's almost shocking when you look at this book and life today, maybe we're not so far from a brave new world as Aldous thought, I mean we've already got most of the principles down!
that book is blackpill fuel

If I'm not mistaken even the author wrote essays later on about how much the world was heading to the dystopic and exaggerated universe he created. The book is from the early or late 30's I guess, imagine if he could see what's happening today.
We are heading there even with the hierarchy component.

Ugly, unattractive, stupid men are left to the dirt with no support, working shitty jobs for shitty pay, having to work or face death, whereas attractive, intelligent young men don't have to do jack shit and they get nothing but sex, drugs, and fast food, besides working as hard or less with jobs that "require more intelligence," with everyone having no meaningful relationships, God, or chivalry. We are living Eugenics as we speak; scientists are predicting a future that looks lighter skinned and six foot or higher.

All use food, drugs, and sexual pleasure in absurd quantities.

And just like how most men and women in the brave new world are brain dead industrial droids in that society, a lot of people are waking up to how "robotic" people have become. Just look at our internet culture; NPC memes, "Femoids", etc.

We can reduce the typical relationship between men and women to a formula that works, it's disgusting. Women whore it up as much as possible caring nothing but sex, then they get used up, and then they target more successful men who are not as attractive just to leech off of, where they become depressed and want sexual adventures outside of it, because that's been there entire relationship history.

Like fuck.

that book is blackpill fuel

If I'm not mistaken even the author wrote essays later on about how much the world was heading to the dystopic and exaggerated universe he created. The book is from the early or late 30's I guess, imagine if he could see what's happening today.
He's an absolute genius to notice small, short term trends like that and predict a disturbingly accurate picture of our society. Not perfect, of course (we've "moved past racism" lol), but disturbingly accurate.
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Correct. We are living in a blend of these dystopias.

1984 almost perfectly describes the totalitarian communist society that liberals are creating and their brainwashed hatred of Trump and desire to eliminate free speech is basically straight out of 1984.

Brave New World perfectly describes how Chad and Stacey (the alphas) live in a completely different world where money and sex is plentiful and they live a life of utter luxury and leisure, and the rest of society are servants, and janitors, forced to work menial jobs for scraps and are supposed to enjoy our servitude.
the scariest part is that we are most likely still in the first/second stage of our real life dystopia. In my country the government is littarly making a App that tracks the user when installed (because of the 'coronavirus') even normshits were freaking out because of it.

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