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Serious Are they not satisfied?



Trust my eye contact
Aug 21, 2018
Incels ar becoming there own circle slowly and yet other media pages still care to put incels down. I thought this is what they wanted. Are they not satisfied with with incels having their own circle, it’s not like they’re not gate keeping people from coming back socially into society. Kek
they want to drone us to shit and wont be satisfied until every sub4 male is wiped off the face of the earth
Not until you and I and every other man that doesn't worship women blindly like queens are dead
Most media people are either foids, numales, or increasingly out of touch Gen Xers. There's almost no chance they will ever even understand the blackpill, let alone accept it.
It is over. Completely over. Why should i not just rope now?
Most media people are either foids, numales, or increasingly out of touch Gen Xers. There's almost no chance they will ever even understand the blackpill, let alone accept it.
They don’t accept it.
they want to drone us to shit and wont be satisfied until every sub4 male is wiped off the face of the earth
Leave that job to the army...
Are we the chosen ones of the upcoming L0Lcaust ?
blackpill is a hard one to swallow.
They will never be satisfied. Even hypothetically if they could get rid of everyone who doesn't swallow the bluepill, they would find a new, even more restrictive delusional dogma to uphold. They will always seek to enshrine a more and more rigid orthodoxy and to cast out anyone who strays. There's a need for drama and to quest for power that will never be satisfied. That's why you should not bother giving even an inch. It won't change anything, you're not going to be able to placate them, so stand your ground.
they will only be satisfied when it's legal to throw rocks at sub-8 men
The only way for them to be satisfied is with us gone
jfl they don't want us to know that we are sane and that we have the truth. they want each of us to think that we are an isolated case, the odd one out. that there is something wrong with us, and that we must "self improve". they want us to believe that we have a crazy unrealistic extremist world view, and that reality is a much more tamed down, "realistic" "reality" than what we say on the forum.
These feminist, SJW, self-proclaimed "progressive" types actually hold the most extreme us vs. them, black and white, one-dimensional, you're with us or you're against us mentality in history. To them, you're either a purple-haired transgender radical socialist, or you're a literal Nazi. The concept of in-between doesn't even register in their closed, puny minds. They see all human beings as chess pieces. After all, chess pieces have to be either black or white, one side or the other. There's no such thing as a neutral chess piece.

Those who are not members of the SJW rainbow of tolerance (heh) are the wicked otherkin, untermensch, unpersons. Ironically, it is the feminist swine who are literally acting like Nazis, because they think we unpersons should have no rights at all. They think it should be legal to murder us, and they would murder us, many of us, at least. Millions, dare I say perhaps six million? Or more. But at the same time, they need an eternal enemy, a group to hate forever and ever, to complete their terrifying fantasy of endless social warfare, where they rule over this group of otherkin, occasionally culling them with pogroms and the like, but never completely exterminating them, because that would mean an end to the war. A feminist's dream is everyone else's nightmare.

IncelTears cucks and other leftards who are reading this, you know I'm right. I've called you out on your genocidal, neo-fascist fantasies and you know it.

If we ever gain power, we should do to them what they would do to us (and in some cases are already doing to us). It would be karmic justice.
they want to genocide every ugly male
Some normoids are just sadistic psychopats. I am sure raito of incels who unironically want to go ER and useful soy purple hair idiots which want bring actual genocide on men is like 1/1000.
they want to drone us to shit and wont be satisfied until every sub4 male is wiped off the face of the earth
My theory of them creating nukes targeted at populations of ugly males or making parasites that attack males with recessed jaws is still possible and stands.
in the year 2050, they'll be a new generation of incels who'll see us as the founding fathers of the incel communities along with the blackpill

they'd discuss how resilient we was despite being banned, strawmanned, gaslighted, demonised, and how even the military got involved

and hypergamy would become so inflated that this guy is considered a truecel:

They will only be satisfied when we are dead.

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