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Serious Are there any Muslimcels on this forum?



Fesikhcel From Zabbaleen
Nov 10, 2017
Like devout Muslim, do you believe you will ascend in paradise if you are well behaved on earth?
Yes, the super sonico guy.

Though I'm yet to see a devout hindu
you will ascend in paradise where every man that has died as a martyr will receive a harem of 70 stacies and eternal sex with each one of them
Much better than cucktianity
@idk125 @The Grinch @Ricordanza @I.N.C.E.L.S. Boss @Shahist Persian
Going to tag those I suspect or know of off the top of my head... :feelshehe:

@idk125 @Lonely @Transcended Trucel @yez @Caesercel @Diocel @Shahist Persian @Iranianoldcel

Though I do believe this is somewhat of a cope. :feelsjuice:
yes but its really hard to be pure in a degenrate world
Going to tag those I suspect or know of off the top of my head... :feelshehe:

@idk125 @Lonely @Transcended Trucel @yez @Caesercel @Diocel @Shahist Persian @Iranianoldcel

Though I do believe this is somewhat of a cope. :feelsjuice:
exmuslim. am Buddha maxxer now
Islam is for bluepiiled cucks.
@idk125 @The Grinch @Ricordanza @I.N.C.E.L.S. Boss @Shahist Persian
@Shahist Persian is shia not muslim
The rest are only born Muslims they don't believe in the religion
There is also @MiSKiRaT @gymletethnicel
Most here are going to be atheists but we do have a few christcels.

I think if you're blackpilled, you're less likely to be religious.
Going to tag those I suspect or know of off the top of my head... :feelshehe:

@idk125 @Lonely @Transcended Trucel @yez @Caesercel @Diocel @Shahist Persian @Iranianoldcel

Though I do believe this is somewhat of a cope. :feelsjuice:
i dont care tbh
@Shahist Persian is shia not muslim
The rest are only born Muslims they don't believe in the religion
shia are still muslim
shia are still muslim
They say ya ali madad madad ya husayn, this is major shirk. They hate and curse the sahaba. Most sunni scholars agree that shia are mushrik and a deviant sect of Islam
I literally have hentai figures in my bedroom. Just because I'm a sandnigger, doesn't mean I am Muslim. :feelskek:
Although I used to be.
Why did you become a murtad?
For me the first thing that started my path away from Islam is the contradiction between being al rahman al raheem and eternal torture
How is it contradictory? Even if you sin you may still enter jannah if you're repentance is sincere. Even if you commit a grave sin like zina, with proper repentance Allah is merciful and you are not barred from entering jannah. Also look around you, even the kuffar get to experience joys of life, success etc, their life isn't miserable even though they have clearly rebelled against God
if you actually read the Qur'an and look at the actions of Muhammad you will see that it doesn't add up.
What actions are you talking about? Every muslim is supposed to imitate the prophet alayhi salatu was salam because according to the Quran itself he is a shining beacon of morality for the rest of us to follow
Take surah al Isra verse 16 for example:
"When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them: then (it is) We destroy them utterly."
Is this not about the destruction of sodom and Gomorrah because Allah sent Lut to warn his people of the sin of homosexuality. The verse itself says 'and yet transgress' meaning Allah sends his commandents for the people to follow in exchange for their material wealth, if the people then rebel against God, they are punished for it. It makes perfect sense

The tafsir here states that Allah never creates people with the sole intention of destroying them
But it can also mean that he send orders to commit sin and based on that he destroyed the entire town, which is even worse.
Are you sure you're not confusing this with qadar (predestination) because I find this hard to grasp as well. Qadar implies that because Allah controls everything, you sinning is also allahs will and as such the punishment you incur for it is because Allah just likes to play around with people like a puppetmaster who controls his dolls
No but I'd gladly convert if it means I get w virgin Muslim wife
@ilieknothing @Made in Heaven @Ricordanza
These guys are the biggest muslim copers imo.
They say ya ali madad madad ya husayn, this is major shirk. They hate and curse the sahaba. Most sunni scholars agree that shia are mushrik and a deviant sect of Islam
cant blame them
the sahaba are power hungry corrupted politicians
I don‘t believe in Islam but I like it’s anti foid policies, that is why we should all try to spread Islam. The more Islam, the worse it is for foids
cant blame them
the sahaba are power hungry corrupted politicians
The point about deifying ali, hasan and husayn still stands. Shias make images which is also not permissible, they have their own Quran of fatima which they follow, shia ahadith are a literal meme.
I don‘t believe in Islam but I like it’s anti foid policies, that is why we should all try to spread Islam. The more Islam, the worse it is for foids
Other religions have stronger anti foid policies than Islam. Based buddha himself said that if women are allowed to pass on his teachings they will get corrupted in 500 years instead of 1000 years, also women can never attain true nirvana like men, the highest woman monk is inferior to the lowest male monk
Going to tag those I suspect or know of off the top of my head... :feelshehe:

@idk125 @Lonely @Transcended Trucel @yez @Caesercel @Diocel @Shahist Persian @Iranianoldcel

Though I do believe this is somewhat of a cope. :feelsjuice:
Fuck religions
The point about deifying ali, hasan and husayn still stands. Shias make images which is also not permissible, they have their own Quran of fatima which they follow, shia ahadith are a literal meme.
they dont deify ali
they have the same coran
they believe in the same ahadits (mostly)
not that it matters since most ahadits are fake anyway
Because Islam has holes in it. For me the first thing that started my path away from Islam is the contradiction between being al rahman al raheem and eternal torture. Allah is just incredibly unjust and if you actually read the Qur'an and look at the actions of Muhammad you will see that it doesn't add up.

Take surah al Isra verse 16 for example:
"When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them: then (it is) We destroy them utterly."

So basically Allah wants to destroy a town, but he has to make up a reason.
So depending on the tafseer you read this will differ, either he sends a commandment down so that the inhabitants will disobey (him knowing this full well) and so that he can say oh I was right completely destroying this town was absolutely justified because they didn't listen to me. But it can also mean that he send orders to commit sin and based on that he destroyed the entire town, which is even worse.

Would you call this just and merciful?
Islam also has this problem like Christianity for sure.
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Merely being told by some random schizo to follow his bs, then you refuse it, you get permanently doomed to hell. No second chances, no retry. One mistake and permanent doom. Ofc this isn't the only hole, just one of many, like how Muhammad cucked his adopted son and then banned adoption because his adopted son's fiance was too attractive. How they claim the moon split but 0 evidence nor records from anywhere.
Like devout Muslim, do you believe you will ascend in paradise if you are well behaved on earth?

Going to tag those I suspect or know of off the top of my head... :feelshehe:

@idk125 @Lonely @Transcended Trucel @yez @Caesercel @Diocel @Shahist Persian @Iranianoldcel

Though I do believe this is somewhat of a cope. :feelsjuice:
Not a muslim
Other religions have stronger anti foid policies than Islam. Based buddha himself said that if women are allowed to pass on his teachings they will get corrupted in 500 years instead of 1000 years, also women can never attain true nirvana like men, the highest woman monk is inferior to the lowest male monk
Islam enforces foid subjugation the best these days though. If you look at a Buddhist country like Thailand and see how the foids act there, they would rightly be stoned in an Islamic nation.
they dont deify ali
How is saying ya ali madad not shirk?
Inb4 the prophet alayhi salatu was salam also called upon ali for help therefore we can do it as wel
they believe in the same ahadits (mostly)
Sunnis have al bukhari, muslim, abu dawood, tirmidhi etc. By comparison in shia ahadith the isnad is weak you have literal flying elephants and talking trees
not that it matters since most ahadits are fake anyway
Quranism is bs. Sunnah is just as important as quran
they have the same coran

View: https://youtu.be/VGzbTH4qpMc
"How to follow Muhammad: Fucking prepubescent children, banning adoption because you wanted to fuck your adopted son's fiancee, having "Allah" defend you when you fuck your slavegirl on a day in which you weren't supposed to, thus breaking a rule you made to stay just to your wives, murdering barely pubescent boys of a tribe you had beef with, saying that both of your parents will go to hell for not following your god even though they had never even known about him."

Truly a shining beacon of morality ngl
Name one premodern military and political leader who did not engage in such acts. Name me one bible verse that explicitly and categorically condemns slavery and minor marriage
Quranism is bs. Sunnah is just as important as quran
not talking about quranism
through out the years many people made fake hadits to justify their political actions
Sunnis have al bukhari, muslim, abu dawood, tirmidhi etc. By comparison in shia ahadith the isnad is weak you have literal flying elephants and talking trees
shiia belive in those too
How is saying ya ali madad not shirk?
its way more complicated than that
not talking about quranism
through out the years many people made fake hadits to justify their political actions
True but nothing wrong with following sahih ahadith
shiia belive in those too
They have their own collection of ahadith like al kafi
its way more complicated than that
Elab also are you a closeted shia I’ve never seen you debate so much for Islam let alone Shias
True but nothing wrong with following sahih ahadith

They have their own collection of ahadith like al kafi

Elab also are you a closeted shia I’ve never seen you debate so much for Islam let alone Shias
shias are more respect worthy than sunnis. They work harder, are smarter, and more morally good.
shias are more respect worthy than sunnis. They work harder, are smarter, and more morally good.
Indeed shias are so morally good they let their women hook up with chad in a completely legal ‘islamic’ way
are you a closeted shia I’ve never seen you debate so much for Islam let alone Shias
no dude
its just that this is bullshit
both sunna and shia are flawed
the whole religion is
the thing
shia vs sunna is just about power and politics
it was never about the religion
both sunna and shia are flawed
the whole religion is
Saying Islam is flawed is a form of kufr btw. I know you're not practicing anymore and dont care but I still wish you went back to your 2020 self
shia vs sunna is just about power and politics
it was never about the religion
Yesbro ismail forcibly converted iran to shiism for political gains. There was a mughal emperor called humayun who lost his throne and fled to iran where the safavids gave him support under the condition that he converted to shiism. Most people don't really care about religion as much as they do about personal gain

On an unrelated note I finished season 1 of the boys because your best friend @Idotms wouldn't shut up about it. Does the series get better in the next seasons because season 1 was decent but nothing special

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