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Serious Are there any fandoms left that haven't been normified?

Redpill Robert

Redpill Robert

Supreme Gentleman. King of Incels. Pro slut-shamer
Nov 27, 2017
Whether we're talking about comics, games, whatever... almost any fandom I can think of that was once a refuge for introverted and nerdy males 10+ years ago is now just completely dominated by NT foids, normies, and soybeards who have destroyed these things with their trendy left-wing politics and the like. I mean I used to be HUGE into Marvel comics and the like. And I do mean HUGE. But I mean if I log into FB or go anywhere online these days, I see far, far more NT foids and normies even talking about these kinds of things than I do my brethren (who have obviously moved on and for good reason). Do we really even have anything left? And if so, what?
There is nothing.
Mangas about romance between lolis or JBs and adult men like Kodomo No Jikan and Miman Renai.
Mangas about romance between lolis or JBs and adult men like Kodomo No Jikan and Miman Renai.

Anime/manga in general is seemingly dominated by fat ugly wapanese landwhales who expect a man who can look like a 14 year old pretty-boy forever though (i.e. they'll likely be single forever, but these WGTOW's are at least content patting their smelly fishy petunias while reading yaoi fanfics on deviantart forevermore as opposed to actually settling for their looksmatches who are even lower than most of us lookswise)
true. i liked vertigo comics in high school now faggots in antifa walk around with v for vendetta masks. sandman is still pretty unknown tho
Anime/manga in general is seemingly dominated by fat ugly wapanese landwhales who expect a man who can look like a 14 year old pretty-boy forever though (i.e. they'll likely be single forever, but these WGTOW's are at least content patting their smelly fishy petunias while reading yaoi fanfics on deviantart forevermore as opposed to actually settling for their looksmatches who are even lower than most of us lookswise)
I don't think such types are a relevant proportion of the aforementioned mangas' fanbase though.
Normans are like locusts. They will not relent in their destructive impulses.
Elliot Rodger fandom

If you want to look "alternative", and "different from others", and "not conformist", you have to say manhwas are better than mangas.
I don't think such types are a relevant proportion of the aforementioned mangas' fanbase though.

True, just whenever I hear "anime/manga" I immediately think of those wapanese hambeasts. Maybe I'll check those out though
What about warhammer 40k? Its always repelled women like DEET to mosquitoes.

The emperor of man was the greatest, most supreme chad to have ever lived but he is mummified corpse now, foids probably can't handle that.
true. i liked vertigo comics in high school now faggots in antifa walk around with v for vendetta masks. sandman is still pretty unknown tho

V for Vendetta masks have been normie tier for years now
I misread “fandom” as “femdom”

Was about to ping my bro @Blacktarpill
Oh looks like I did anyway..
No. Everything is completely cucked and normiefied.
Anime/manga in general is seemingly dominated by fat ugly wapanese landwhales who expect a man who can look like a 14 year old pretty-boy forever though
Nah, the anime fandom is completely normiefied too. Used to be less so until around 2007/2011, even if anime got mainstream way before that (late 90s in North America, late 70s/early 80s in Italy/France).
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Absolutely nothing. Which is why I say fuck it and enjoy whatever I want to fucking enjoy. Trying to find things that set you apart is just for the edgy 14 year olds tbh.
model plane building, stamp collecting, there's some for sure
TBH anime fandoms are cucked to shadow realm. It pains me to say it but it's the truth.
Cucktears got triggered because deep down they know I'm right

These retards miss the point: I never said comics were right-wing and there have always been hints of progressivism (largely due to the fact that the entertainment industry in general has always tended to lean left) talk of egalitarianism etc in comics. But we've never been at a point like we are today where outright identity politics have creeped into the storylines and so on, where feminists are whining about how the women in comics look (lol, look at the men).
Probably one you'd never expect: guitar playing.

Now sure this one is "normified" in a certain sense, but in reality, it's not that bad... reason being: there virtually no women! Are there normalfag men? Sure. But there are virtually no women guitar players, and especially if you creep into metal or classical scenes, there's basically zero. In these scenes, it's a bunch of men talking technical music, similar to men talking about technical PCs or It or something like that.

These normalfag men tend not to act too retarded since there are no women around to white knight.

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