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Serious are there a lot of incels

My Name Jeff

My Name Jeff

Jul 18, 2022
been doing a lot of grocery shopping recently for my parents since they say they hurt too much. so ive been seeing a lot more of the public.

everyone i see outside, even subhuman men, are in relationships. im in no way saying this disproves the blackpill as im well aware subhuman men can get into relationships if they become house slaves (do all chores, give their paychecks to the foid, act like a cuck to her, tolerate her shit test such as "im going out with my guy friends from work tonight, you dont mind do you?") but i am questioning how many incels there really are.

what do you think? anyone have any non-bias statistics about the incel %? im moreso intersested on over age 25 too since a lot of people under 20 who are "incels" are basically volcels who gigarot despite being easily able to ascend *cough cough* all the tallfags here who say they are 18 and 6ft2 *cough cough*

if i had to guess id say before under 20 maybe its 10%, 20-25 5%. after 30 id think 2%.
Im KHHV at 25, wont change for the rest of my life
everyone i see outside, even subhuman men, are in relationships. i am questioning how many incels there really are.
@incelerated look, another one awakes to the truth that everybody fucks, even sub5 men and that the only reason why you are not is that God hates you.

To answer the question, I would guess that incels are maybe 5% of the population.
Im KHHV at 25, wont change for the rest of my life
same as me. i didnt know how bad it could get at 20. i can say now, it got very worse. 25 feels like the actual point of no return. fuck all these youngfags "im 18 and khhv its so over there is no going back"
@incelerated look, another one awakes to the truth that everybody fucks, even sub5 men and that the only reason why you are not is that God hates you.

To answer the question, I would guess that incels are maybe 5% of the population.
it has to be an extreme minority, which was already a given but ive seen new studies that make it sound like a majority of new-age men are now incels. i dont think this is the case and is just spergy youngcels who havent tried yet and will eventually succumb to being betabuxx house slaves and get starfish sex with a becky once a month,
been doing a lot of grocery shopping recently for my parents since they say they hurt too much. so ive been seeing a lot more of the public.

everyone i see outside, even subhuman men, are in relationships. im in no way saying this disproves the blackpill as im well aware subhuman men can get into relationships if they become house slaves (do all chores, give their paychecks to the foid, act like a cuck to her, tolerate her shit test such as "im going out with my guy friends from work tonight, you dont mind do you?") but i am questioning how many incels there really are.

what do you think? anyone have any non-bias statistics about the incel %? im moreso intersested on over age 25 too since a lot of people under 20 who are "incels" are basically volcels who gigarot despite being easily able to ascend *cough cough* all the tallfags here who say they are 18 and 6ft2 *cough cough*

if i had to guess id say before under 20 maybe its 10%, 20-25 5%. after 30 id think 2%.

I disagree, I think there are tons of incels, they just don't go out in public often. Normies probably take more regular trips to the store than incels because women are needy and inefficient, while most single men just buy a bunch of groceries at once to tide us over for a while.
in my country there are a lot of sexhavers. but also there are many incels.
It's all about environment, NT and looks.
I disagree, I think there are tons of incels, they just don't go out in public often. Normies probably take more regular trips to the store than incels because women are needy and inefficient, while most single men just buy a bunch of groceries at once to tide us over for a while.
thing is, its going out too. just people on the streets, people in other stores like gas station, mcdonalds, etc. etc.

i see crack addicts with girlfriends, i see short currycels with girlfriends. i see fat soys walking around a college cmapus with girlfriends. really not sure what the fuck to say.
This is telling:

Screen Shot 2019 11 11 at 74029 PM

Also a major blow to JBW copers
This is telling:

View attachment 1246424

Also a major blow to JBW copers
i always find these polls hard to give any credit to as foids have an incentive to lie and claim to be virgins, whilst men have an incentive to lie and claim to be non-virgins simple out of our biological drive.
>chart shows that more women are virgins than men in all but one race

fraudulent data
What age group is this based off?
It's college students, so Gen-Z

Also, as another pointed out, foids can & will lie
i always find these polls hard to give any credit to as foids have an incentive to lie and claim to be virgins, whilst men have an incentive to lie and claim to be non-virgins simple out of our biological drive.
So in reality, the foids who claim to be virgins should be lower & males should be much higher.
this graph is vague

I did a thread covering the full-article & linked it
Being in a relationship is like having a second job and I don't like working
It's college students, so Gen-Z
genz are such shitposty brainrotted faggots im confident half that poll is lies
So in reality, the foids who claim to be virgins should be lower & males should be much higher.
yes. but also doesnt relate to my main post as i speak of broad society and i cant tell what sample size that is or where its from. its college students, did they interview kids studying IT or kids studying general studies on sports scholarships who are basically chad and stacies.
i see crack addicts with girlfriends, i see short currycels with girlfriends. i see fat soys walking around a college cmapus with girlfriends. really not sure what the fuck to say.
Jack Nicholson Yes GIF
self-report graphs are always almost useless but it is all you have to go off of for this.
Well I mean, it does at least show that a good amount of males are reporting sexlessness
Well I mean, it does at least show that a good amount of males are reporting sexlessness
basing your view of the incel % from college student polls is useless tbh. you are taking a very small and usually higher IQ group of people and polling them. high IQ foids are obviously going to be more hypergamous and such. demand more from men, you get the idea.
I go to the gym late at night, and out of the 10 men there, 9/10 were by themselves, including me. I think incels usually go out at odd times and to less public spaces
I go to the gym late at night, and out of the 10 men there, 9/10 were by themselves, including me. I think incels usually go out at odd times and to less public spaces
i doubt men with GFs are hauling them GFs to the gym late at night for a workout sesh
been doing a lot of grocery shopping recently for my parents since they say they hurt too much. so ive been seeing a lot more of the public.

everyone i see outside, even subhuman men, are in relationships. im in no way saying this disproves the blackpill as im well aware subhuman men can get into relationships if they become house slaves (do all chores, give their paychecks to the foid, act like a cuck to her, tolerate her shit test such as "im going out with my guy friends from work tonight, you dont mind do you?") but i am questioning how many incels there really are.
I also see men worse looking than me in relationships. I figure most are betabuxx though and being incel is better than that
what do you think? anyone have any non-bias statistics about the incel %? im moreso intersested on over age 25 too since a lot of people under 20 who are "incels" are basically volcels who gigarot despite being easily able to ascend *cough cough* all the tallfags here who say they are 18 and 6ft2 *cough cough*
All I have to say about this is that is a younger talk guy like me could easily ascend, he’d be out doing it, not posting here. Nobody here gets paragon with little sewer posting unless they are a true incel. I fucking wish you were right and I could easily ascend. Unfortunately, women are always bitchy and uninterested in me when I try to talk to them. They give me one word responses and do not engage or give any indications of interest.
If i had to guess id say before under 20 maybe its 10%, 20-25 5%. after 30 id think 2%.
Kinda agree with these numbers honestly. Not many guys in high school were single the whole time. Even less older guys never had a gf. Even at 19 like me, the social stigma around never having had a gf is insane. I can’t let it on to anyone outside of family or they would bully the fuck outta me and ostracize me more then they already do
i doubt men with GFs are hauling them GFs to the gym late at night for a workout sesh
True, but many of these guys look like gymcels. Many have far worse faces than me and only mog me with muscle size. To foids, muscle size means little and it’s about bone structure and face. I do believe at least half of them are incels or very fucking close to incels
everybody fucks, even sub5 men and the only reason why you are not is that God hates you.

Regarding the question, with my sample size being all the guys I know from work I'd say 2% of men are incels.
ofc its
been doing a lot of grocery shopping recently for my parents since they say they hurt too much. so ive been seeing a lot more of the public.

everyone i see outside, even subhuman men, are in relationships. im in no way saying this disproves the blackpill as im well aware subhuman men can get into relationships if they become house slaves (do all chores, give their paychecks to the foid, act like a cuck to her, tolerate her shit test such as "im going out with my guy friends from work tonight, you dont mind do you?") but i am questioning how many incels there really are.

what do you think? anyone have any non-bias statistics about the incel %? im moreso intersested on over age 25 too since a lot of people under 20 who are "incels" are basically volcels who gigarot despite being easily able to ascend *cough cough* all the tallfags here who say they are 18 and 6ft2 *cough cough*

if i had to guess id say before under 20 maybe its 10%, 20-25 5%. after 30 id think 2%.

Id say 20% for teens, 10% guys in 20s and like under 5% on global population.

But dont let some copers here catch you saying things like this. Apparently 80% men are incels now and revolution is just around the corner. jfl
There aren't a lot of truecels like me.
To be a truecel you need to have no looks(deformed face, short height, small dick), no social skills, no talents(talents that can get you rich enough to betabuxx)
But dont let some copers here catch you saying things like this. Apparently 80% men are incels now and revolution is just around the corner. jfl
But if you say Its not 80% you are somehow the one coping :feelskek:
I wish It was 80% of men that were incels
If I cant have a good life I wish they wouldnt either but thats not the way it is
It would make living in society easier too since we wouldnt be judged as much

It shows how powerful the instinct to cope is in people

You would think In a community like the BP community that mainly attracts realists people would see this is just a cope that they’ve made up just to feel like they aren’t as left out as they really are but apparently not
Its also probably so the fakecels can feel like they fit in more and like you said so they can cope by thinking a revolution will come soon which will never happen

Most people get to live normal lives they don’t have to live like us
Obviously they don’t get to live good like chad but they still have decent lives most of the time
We are all just unfortunate in life compared to most people
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After 24-25 you become an incel, before then you are on trial period / shareware version, after 25 its <1% statistically
But if you say Its not 80% you are somehow the one coping :feelskek:
I wish It was 80% of men that were incels
If I cant have a good life I wish they wouldnt either but thats not the way it is

It shows how powerful the instinct to cope is in people

You would think In a community like the BP community that mainly attracts realists people would see this is just a cope that they’ve made up just to feel like they aren’t as left out as they really are but apparently not
Its also probably so the fakecels can feel like they fit in more and like you said so they can cope by thinking a revolution will come soon which will never happen
Yeah, many people are quite unrealistic here.
Most people get to live normal lives they don’t have to live like us
Obviously they don’t get to live good like chad but they still have decent lives most of the time
We are all just unfortunate in life compared to most people
We are still the minority, but things ARE getting worse for average men. In 50-100 years, many more men will be incels. That's when there might actually be a societal collapse from these men giving up, but that is a long way away.
it has to be an extreme minority, which was already a given but ive seen new studies that make it sound like a majority of new-age men are now incels. i dont think this is the case and is just spergy youngcels who havent tried yet and will eventually succumb to being betabuxx house slaves and get starfish sex with a becky once a month,
the 66% stat references the amount of U25s that have never approached a woman in real life. But it ignores the existence of tinder successes. And 80% of relationships start on tinder. So it's actually full of sexhavers who either never have to approach, or know it's dying
Studies have to outline their methods in the first part of where they publish. Articles however can take the results and use them to indicate things that are not true.
Note: This may just reply to 1 stat I am thinking of in particular
But if you say Its not 80% you are somehow the one coping :feelskek:
I wish It was 80% of men that were incels
If I cant have a good life I wish they wouldnt either but thats not the way it is
It would make living in society easier too since we wouldnt be judged as much

It shows how powerful the instinct to cope is in people

You would think In a community like the BP community that mainly attracts realists people would see this is just a cope that they’ve made up just to feel like they aren’t as left out as they really are but apparently not
Its also probably so the fakecels can feel like they fit in more and like you said so they can cope by thinking a revolution will come soon which will never happen

Most people get to live normal lives they don’t have to live like us
Obviously they don’t get to live good like chad but they still have decent lives most of the time
We are all just unfortunate in life compared to most people
pretty much how i see things. i think a lot of zoomers here to grift want incels to be a bigger populous than they really are.

even in areas with low birth rates a lot of people are in relationships and are opting out because of costs.
After 24-25 you become an incel, before then you are on trial period / shareware version, after 25 its <1% statistically
this is the truth but if you say it here a bunch of grifting retarder zoomers gang up on you like a hive mind

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