I believe so. What's good for men is bad for women, and vice versa. There is not a single example of any society, historical or modern, in which there was true gender equality and men and women were both happy, because true equality is impossible. There will either be patriarchy/men happy (the West before the 1960s) or gynocracy/women happy (the West after the 1960s). You can only give more rights to women by taking rights away from men (and vice versa). When women gained the right to no-fault divorce their husbands, men lost the right not to be divorce raped. When women gained the right to vote, the value of a man's vote was cut in half. When women gained the right to enter the workforce, the glut of labor drove wages down for male workers. When women gained the right to #metoo a guy, men lost the right to due process. Same thing with the other direction, for example, when patriarchy gave men the right to a loyal looksmatched wife, women lost the freedom to slut around with every chad they could find. Men's interests and women's interests have always been in conflict with one another.
Bluepillers who say "i sUppOrT tRuE eQuaLiTy" and think a perfect world with no feminism and no patriarchy can be achieved are hopelessly ignorant and naïve. The fact that it's never once happened in the thousands of years and hundreds of different civilizations of human history should be a clue.