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Are small cities better than bigger cities?



Nov 19, 2017
I live in a very big city (2 millions+ people) and sometimes looking at other people's life I get the impression that in small city it's easier to get into a romantic relationship with a girl without being a Chad. 
I see guys from small cities on my same looks level that have gf but in very big city that almost never happen at the same level of looks.

In big cities there are more Chad around, girls are more entitled, they don't settle unless they guy MOG them by at least 2 points, they sleep around more, they're more stuck up and they can just hop on Tinder and found a guy 4 points above their SMV and fuck him, next week another guy, next week yet another....and this goes on forever because a big city give them more privacy. 
They're more used to get attention from guys way above their SMV

In a smaller city (less than 100,000 person) I think it's more about having a social circle and get a girl from there and the competition isn't as insane as in capital cities. 

The looks level required to get a 6s in very big city is without a doubt higher than in a city of 60,000.

This is a guy I know in real life, he's from a small city of roughly 40,000 person and the girl too.
The girl is way hotter than him and they have been together for 4 years.
He has absolutely zero money (he's a mechanic) and zero status.
She's also very nice and kind, it will never ever happen in the city where I live. And I could post many other example

Them together:

Absolutely. When I was 15 and I lived in a small town in Texas the girls there were very wholesome and kind. No Stacy's to be found even though there were plenty of humble and attractive girls. Lots of marriages with no issues as well.

When I moved to upper class/middle class Houston however, the Stacy's are EVERYWHERE. Everyone is getting divorced and every single femoid wants a 6'3 big frame chad god cowboy with 10" cock.
I need to move to a shithole village.
I am citycel, i'm in NYC. It's torture here. I can imagine it's same for places like London, Cali, Australia.
cupcaker said:
Absolutely. When I was 15 and I lived in a small town in Texas the girls there were very wholesome and kind. No Stacy's to be found even though there were plenty of humble and attractive girls. Lots of marriages with no issues as well.

When I moved to upper class/middle class Houston however, the Stacy's are EVERYWHERE. Everyone is getting divorced and every single femoid wants a 6'3 big frame chad god cowboy with 10" cock.

Yes I got the same impression, I met some guys that are from small cities and they seem to have very happy relationships with their girlfriends and the girl is even better looking than the guy and they are very nice and kind, they were nice and respectul to me when I meet them.
The girls also have was less followers on social media and less likes.....

Meanwhile I live in a fucking big city of almost 3 millions and things like that would never happen.....here girls ride the cock carousel until their late 20's (at the least) and they refuse categorically to fuck their looksmatch, no matter what. 
They all share the same guys, they sleep around like crazy, they are status obsessed, they have tons of followers, orbiters.....they suck, it's impossible to get a nice girl if you live in a very big city unless you get really lucky

Zielony4 said:
I am citycel, i'm in NYC. It's torture here. I can imagine it's same for places like London, Cali, Australia.
yeah I think NYC must be hell....the bigger the city the worst it is
big cities are heaven for girls because they can achieve their hypergamous goals and for Chad that can fuck all of them but it's absolute hell for every sub 8 man.
Subhuman said:

yeah I think NYC must be hell....the bigger the city the worst it is
big cities are heaven for girls because they can achieve their hypergamous goals and for Chad that can fuck all of them but it's absolute hell for every sub 8 man.

True. My exact experience. I'm pretty much invisible here.
Fuck no, I've lived near a big city All my life and moved to a small town and now I'm going completely bat shit crazy. This is just temporary so I'll get over it but small town living sucks.

Small towns are for normal poeple that want to raise a family...

Biggest thing I have noticed about small towns is you have to always be worried about your reputation. Everyone knows each other and if you fuck up or do something not socially exceptable then you will be shunned. Last thing you want to be known for is being an incel in a small town!
I'm willing to bet that 80% of incels live in an urban area.
NegroKing said:
I'm willing to bet that 80% of incels live in an urban area.

absolutely I think the same, can we make a poll? it would be interesting

I just don't know how to make a poll
Subhuman said:
absolutely I think the same, can we make a poll? it would be interesting

I just don't know how to make a poll

Holy fuck actually I don't know how either. I thought you just clicked the button but apparently not.
I would think smaller cities are better. I live in a big city and it is inhuman, just masses of people that are impossible to stand out from each other. No fucks are given by anyone now, especially since waves of mass-immigration in the past 70 years destroyed any community spirit.

I hope to move to a large town a few hundred miles away, but it will take a decade, knowing my luck.
both are shitty. im gonna have to move to a secluded village in the future.

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