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Serious Are niggers the most black pilled race? (No pun intended)



Jan 13, 2021
They usually refuse to simp and betabuxx for their women and treat them realtively harshly unlike whites, curries, asians etc who are 100% cucks.

Are niggers the most black pilled race about female nature?
I'd say Muslims.
I think jews are more blackpilled, because they go out of their way to leverage stereotypical aspects of people into the way they build their livelihoods. If that isn't blackpilled I don't know what is.

Koreans are also more blackpilled than blacks due to the sheer volume of surgery.

Blacks are more redpilled than blackpilled.
So blacks are the most black pilled. Blacks me.
Damn, if only Colvin was here to deboonk threads like these :feelsbadman:
Idk about the most, but many other blacks I've been around were somewhat redpilled, Music definitely plays a role in it.
Are native americans the most red pilled?
Niggers are far from blackpilled. Niggers act like women and women hate other women.
tbh rap is based af.
Damn, if only Colvin was here to deboonk threads like these :feelsbadman:
300px This
They're hyper-masculine and have embraced gangster culture. And their women are the least attractive race, so that gives them a lot of leverage.
I think jews are more blackpilled, because they go out of their way to leverage stereotypical aspects of people into the way they build their livelihoods. If that isn't blackpilled I don't know what is.

Koreans are also more blackpilled than blacks due to the sheer volume of surgery.

Blacks are more redpilled than blackpilled.
this seems more accurate

whites are definitely the most bluepilled
No because they think its "game" and "swagger" that attracts women.
Yes. I unironically think of African Americans as the Noble Savage.
That would be Native Americans. They sadly have very high suicide rates.
Blacks and Arabs.
No. More like redpilled. MGTOW is also really a thing among many black male communities.
JFL if you think the average nigger is blackpilled. If they were, they'd be killing themselves en masse due to their subhumanity.
JFL if you think the average nigger is blackpilled. If they were, they'd be killing themselves en masse due to their subhumanity.
If you use this logic why aren’t most killing themselves on here, why aren’t you killing yourself. Most that are vocal on their suicide plans on here tend to keep pushing back the date, pussing out indefinitely.

They never even try to improve themselves like moneymaxx etc. Yet talk about what copes they like/want, yet can’t buy shit because they are broke as fuck. It might be because their parents baby them and neetbux is just enough to go by. Note most aren’t on neetbux and most neetbux pay shit. They are complaint with their shit 'life' which kind shows their life really isn’t as bad as make seems.

I’m from a poor background and I can’t afford do shit like this. If I fail at success I’m definitely roping. They should just rename this site to doomers.co.
I see, thanks for letting me know :feelsokman:
and looksmax.org the threads are better than .co/.is at times. I lurk there from time to time.
Exact opposite. Blacks are the most feminized race. Half of them are being raised by single mothers so this is obviously coming from that.

think about rap, what is rap? What is black culture. Black culture (actually Jewish given) is
-very much based on status
-promiscuous (twerking, extreme sex perversion and the destigmatization of sex)
One look at a rap video can tell you all of that. and it’s now extending to a lot of other races in America too because the Jews and globalists are pushing that culture to everyone.

what are women? All of those things. Women love heels, black youths love Jordan’s. They both love jewelry.

what you’re talking about (blacks leaving their women pregnant or whatever) is not “based”. It’s just being poor or stupid. They don’t betabuxx because “man fuck women she gon cheat”. It’s because they don’t have the income or responsibility capability for a child. And for black domestic violence it’s not because of misogyny but because of ape rage.
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Arabs are.
Whites least black pilled
American black culture is probably the most misogynistic of all the subgroups in america, but they are the least incel, so I wouldn't call them blackpilled. It's more of a general awareness that women are not to be trusted than any in depth understanding
Exact opposite. Blacks are the most feminized race. Half of them are being raised by single mothers so this is obviously coming from that.

think about rap, what is rap? What is black culture. Black culture (actually Jewish given) is
-very much based on status
-promiscuous (twerking, extreme sex perversion and the destigmatization of sex)
One look at a rap video can tell you all of that. and it’s now extending to a lot of other races in America too because the Jews and globalists are pushing that culture to everyone.

what are women? All of those things. Women love heels, black youths love Jordan’s. They both love jewelry.

what you’re talking about (blacks leaving their women pregnant or whatever) is not “based”. It’s just being poor or stupid. They don’t betabuxx because “man fuck women she gon cheat”. It’s because they don’t have the income or responsibility capability for a child. And for black domestic violence it’s not because of misogyny but because of ape rage.
also the high rates of homosexuality just fucking lol at calling niggers "blackpilled". Rappers have to take jewish cock up the ass in order to make it mainstream, so there goes the myth of "muh dick" and their hypermasculinity. Asians are more masculine than niggers because asians don't obsess over "muh dik". Niggers like to brag about their big dick, but they're getting colonized by chinks :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah: @Blackpill Rage I guess niggers put all their skill points into their dick instead of intelligence

Fuck niggers

ITT - nobody wants to cross the street when they see a nigger and then get shot because they relaxed
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cuz their music b like "yo nigga, imma slap that ho, FUK payin child support"
Exact opposite. Blacks are the most feminized race. Half of them are being raised by single mothers so this is obviously coming from that.

think about rap, what is rap? What is black culture. Black culture (actually Jewish given) is
-very much based on status
-promiscuous (twerking, extreme sex perversion and the destigmatization of sex)
One look at a rap video can tell you all of that. and it’s now extending to a lot of other races in America too because the Jews and globalists are pushing that culture to everyone.

what are women? All of those things. Women love heels, black youths love Jordan’s. They both love jewelry.

what you’re talking about (blacks leaving their women pregnant or whatever) is not “based”. It’s just being poor or stupid. They don’t betabuxx because “man fuck women she gon cheat”. It’s because they don’t have the income or responsibility capability for a child. And for black domestic violence it’s not because of misogyny but because of ape rage.
This. Not to mention most black men always go on about “game”. Kek.
This. Not to mention most black men always go on about “game”. Kek.
Yeah blacks are more "redpilled" than blackpilled
Actually, A lot of Black Guys call Black Women Queens and put their Mothers on a pedestal.
Alot of them are either bluepilled or redpilled with a few of course being blackpilled as well.
I'd say Sandniggers are the most blackpilled. Niggers are not blackpilled at all. They have high homosexuality rates, many of them are raised by single mothers who pollute their brains with all that feminism crap, and as a result they grow up to pedestalize women. African Blacks are somewhat blackpilled, but African Americans our Westernized Blacks are the nowhere near being blackpilled.
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Yes blacks are the most blackpilled compared to other races of course with some exceptions to the rule. This is why being a blackcel is looked at as an ultimate failure of human life. Black culture is very misogynistic and alpha male and sjws/cancel culture let them get away with it. Hip Hop celebrates pimp culutre and "all women are bitches/hoes" mindset, there are popular club/strip club rap anthems that degrae women and they don't give a fuck, but if you call them hoe on the street as a blackcel or a non-black, you will get physically assaulted. But the blackpill mindset is viewed selectively by normies according to who is saying it.

The shit that Oreoman is saying is the same shit that tyrones say/pimps say and rappers say. Oreoman opinion on anything gets immediately dismissed because he is a virgin wizard (which is considered an catastrophic failure as a straight black male according to black normies) and a tyrone or a rapper can drop the same blackpill and gets praised Foids and normies as "keepin it 100".

Degernerate Hip hop culture is the biggest music out there and it's constantly dropping blackpills about foids and male supremacy in almost every song that is being blared out on the radio/social media. Meanwhile incels get attack and dismiss when we drop blackpills on social media posts because we 'hate women' and look at foids as objects. The ones who attack us are the same ones who have their phones filled up with rap/r&b songs and rap artist that promote misogyny.

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