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Blackpill Are modern women possessed by demonic entities?



Phoenician Nationalist
Jun 7, 2018
I would honestly argue that the modern woman is possessed by the Jezebel demon of lust.

Traits of the Jezebel spirit:

She loves authority and being in control

This statement perfectly summarizes the wish of females/feminists today-constantly demanding more rights and entitlements. Also females use their sex appeal to basically control beta orbiters into giving them what they want.

She is manipulative and Loves to conquer

Again, modern females manipulate beta cucked men into giving them rights and more privileges, while fucking Chad all the time.

Never accepts guilt and very defensive

When average men tell women to admit that "looks" are the reason they reject them, femoids feel very guilty, defensive, and instead tell them that it's their "personality" that made them undesirable in the first place. These satanic beasts do not want to admit their hypergamous tendencies.

She uses beauty and sex to her advantage

I think this is pretty self explanatory. Women use their fake beauty to essentially scam men, making them buy things for them and offer constant validation toward them, without giving them sexual favors as a fair return for all the support they are given.

She is against true God prophets

Modern women act in a degenerate and sick anti-religious way. Even the self proclaimed "religious" ones are all whores and lust after Chad's cock.

She lies

There is no bigger liar than the female human. All the rising false rape charges essentially prove this. All the false hope they give toward sub8 men also proves this fact.

As a result, we must admit that female nature is essentially satanic and corrupted. Literally controlling women is the way to go.

Source: http://www.christiantruthcenter.com/jezebel-traits-the-spirit-in-many-women-today/
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Lol not sure if kidding or religous weirdo
could this be a certain Arab's alt account?
Gotta take that atheist/existential nihilist pill brother
Atheist cucks use every opportunity to bash the Bible for "sexism" and "misogyny." No thanks.
Yes they are all possessed by jinn explaining their devilish behaviour
The bible is fiction :feelsgah:
But that's what you guys do. You bash it for "misogyny" and horrible view of women.

The Bible is the most blackpilled book on earth.
But that's what you guys do. You bash it for "misogyny" and horrible view of women.

The Bible is the most blackpilled book on earth.
Bahahahahahaha you gotta be trollin
The reason women act degenerate and have high ego, is because we have given them Freedom, take their freedom away and they will be loyal like a german sheperd, I kid you not.
The reason women act degenerate and have high ego, is because we have given them Freedom, take their freedom away and they will be loyal like a german sheperd, I kid you not.
I agree. That's my point. Female nature is corrupted, satanic, and needs to be controlled by superior men of intelligence. ER was right on this.
Conspiracycels coping
The reason women act degenerate and have high ego, is because we have given them Freedom, take their freedom away and they will be loyal like a german sheperd, I kid you not.
You know what's most important? They love to be loyal. Patriarchy is not about benefint men only and oppress women. It's about creating a healthy society with healthy values, where everyone would be happy. Femoids don't realise that patriarchy would benefit them as well, making them live a healthy lives as faithful wives belonged to their hunsbands.
But that's what you guys do. You bash it for "misogyny" and horrible view of women.

The Bible is the most blackpilled book on earth.
bro the reason atheists bash the bible is because its fake not because of its horrible view of women.
The anti christ cels tremble
Females aren't possessed by demonic entities. Females are demonic entities.
"Are modern women possessed by demonic entities". Fascinating idea. In other words, is there something diabolic that have seized women, overwhelmed their souls, displaced their essential goodness, that is responsible for the plight of the men they consider undesirable?

Fascinating idea, really. Reminds me of a scene from "The Last Temptation of Christ" in which Jesus finds himself tormented by disembodied voices whispering apparently blasphemous ideas into his ears. Our hero claws at his head, writhes upon the ground and cries out but, for all of his efforts, the seemingly infernal voices refuse to relent. Concerned for her son's sanity and soul, Mary urges Jesus to find some exorcist capable of driving the demons tormenting him out. In agony, Jesus responds by broaching the very worst possibility any man tormented by spirits could possibly face. What if the voices driving him to madness aren't from Satan but from God? What if his pain doesn't arise from forces arises from the corruption of the world, the miasma slipping up from the vents leading down into Hell, but rather from the Architect of the world Himself? Because, horrifyingly enough, if that was the case there was no exorcist Jesus could possibly have supplicated. You may be able to invoke God to drive out a devil, but there is neither sorcerer nor priest, no magic spell nor prayer, with sufficient power to drive out God.

It would be a pleasant thing to imagine that women finding me repulsive is some perversion, the symptom of a fallen world. How nice it would be to think that when a woman looks at me with disgust it's not because of some inherent flaw of my own, whether it by my disgusting face or repulsively emaciated, but because some imp is whispering in her ear, convincing her that my essential beauty is actually ugliness. Now, rational men that we are all, we are far too sophisticated for imps, devils and demons. So we'll replace them with social media, unfair and inflated expectations with regard to male beauty, and the other assorted specters the haunted refer to when they feel compelled to replace one boogeyman for another.

Sadly for poor Jesus, tormented by the Holy Spirit driving him to a brutal and humiliating death, there was no exorcist capable of driving God from his skull. Just as tragically for the truly ugly man, there is no philosophy, religious or otherwise, able to drive Nature from the souls of women. For them to look at us with anything other than revulsion would be infernal delusion, the work of a liar clouding their perception rather than perfecting it. Perhaps you could enslave them, chain their impulses with social mores and dictates. Maybe you could work some necromancy that revived the long dead corpse of a world in which society retained something like coherence by promising every man, regardless of how physically unappealing he may be, the promise of a mate if he sacrificed sufficiently for the society in question.

Well, the artifices of even the most sophisticated of sorcerers pales in comparison to the brutal, uncompromising power of God. The ancient Hebrews, becoming radical monotheists, didn't outlaw witchcraft because it was a threat to the Almighty but rather because it was an absurd redundancy. Why bother to influence Reality if you've at long last come to the realization that Reality is beyond supplication, beyond control, beyond tricks and trinkets with the power to distract it for so much as a moment.

The era of the illusionists is over, the intricacies of their routines exposed and, having been laid bare, no longer capable of distracting our once suggestible race. It was noted in the Book of Job that dread Leviathan could be conjured up by magicians, but for only a brief time. Eventually the primordial dragon even the gods feared would snap its bindings and rise up again.

Nature can't be restrained indefinitely and we are living in an era that serves as testament to that fact. Once again, ugliness is reviled and beauty is celebrated. I'll confess there are moments when I lament that fact. It would have been nice, on a superficial level, to have had a wife and children despite all of my egregious faults. However, after a moment of reflection I acknowledge that said wife would have resented my touch, that she would have been disgusted by my embrace and have hated her children for having inherited my horrifying features regardless of whatever moment in history they had been conceived during.

I don't want that. I want to have a relationship with a woman who actually desires me, not some prolonged state-sanctioned rape.

A silly fantasy, of course, just as absurd as the notion that one could call upon God to exorcise God. I would have been a monster regardless of when or where I had been born. As much as I curse the Spirit of Nature for forcing me to live like an abomination, at the very least I can offer It the smallest prayer of gratitude for allowing me to die honestly as one.

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