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Venting Are incels really that hideous or are there just no looksmatches for us . . .



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
When I think of an incel I don't think of guys like this (IT's idea of what they WISHED incels looked like):

2020 02 05 17 23 55 beard soy   Google Search
2020 02 05 17 27 22 neckbeard   Google Search
2020 02 05 17 33 07 neckbeard   Google Search

They may be soy as fuck, stink like feces, or be overweight, so long as they are over 6'1", even if they don't go to the gym or take a shower, or develop hobbies outside gaming, there are still PLENTY of lookmatches for them out there. When I go out, I see plenty of guys like this in relationships. Let's face it, there's a sea of fatties out there that would be with a guy just because he has a large/dominant frame that would make them feel small and feminine in comparison.

Compare that to MY idea of an incel:

2020 02 05 17 36 15 filipino man   Google Search
53 man
2020 02 05 17 35 08 elliot rodger   Google Search
2020 02 05 17 35 22 shahan   Google Search

Decent face or not, none of these men have dominant frames, and all are under 5'9". These are the kinds of men you constantly see alone, just invisible, as they are not even ugly enough to be interesting. For these men, there are only a small percentage of women are petite enough in frame to be considered an adequate looksmatch, AND THEY ARE ALL GOING TO CHAD/ CHADLITE/BRAD. Sure these men could try and date down, date a fatty, but even the fatties will DUMP them, because women are biologically programmed to want to feel small. Fatties understand that to be with a smaller man is a lie. Women hate vain men that try too hard to look good. Don't let FDS fool you, male good looks should be effortless, and above all, a natural extension of the Chad lifestyle. Pumping iron 5 nights a week is vain gymcelling, chopping wood because you are a literal lumberjack = CHAD. Women want to be the small, beautiful ones in the couple, not the gross, fat, ugly one. To be with a small feminine man for them, would be an act of self-hatred.

So there you have it. inceldom by short squeeze.
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Still not convinced guys on the top mog the guys at the bottom.

In any case, its a moot point. It's over for both.
Well, none of those guys is actually hideous cause it's not like they're deformed or something. What happens is that what we consider hideous is different from what women consider hideous. Foids, are extremely shallow and picky and they can recognize any imperfection in men from a mile away. If a woman has two men competing for her, both attractive, but one has a nose slightly bigger that the other one, she's going to avoid that big nose man and go for the one with a straight nose. That's how foids think. They always go for la crème de la crème or no deal.
BO2cel is like 6'3 :feelskek:
Dr Pizza looks like the top guys.
I think that most guys on here are average with a few being genuinely ugly. I'm not calling them fakecels because in 2020 even high tier normies are struggling or get nothing at all.
It's face + height, without face you'll end like Jsanza or FaceandLMS.


Another coping manlet thread.

Tallfags never get respect.
Good morning I fucking hate women.
Well, none of those guys is actually hideous cause it's not like they're deformed or something. What happens is that what we consider hideous is different from what women consider hideous. Foids, are extremely shallow and picky and they can recognize any imperfection in men from a mile away. If a woman has two men competing for her, both attractive, but one has a nose slightly bigger that the other one, she's going to avoid that big nose man and go for the one with a straight nose. That's how foids think. They always go for la crème de la crème or no deal.
Well, none of those guys is actually hideous cause it's not like they're deformed or something. What happens is that what we consider hideous is different from what women consider hideous. Foids, are extremely shallow and picky and they can recognize any imperfection in men from a mile away. If a woman has two men competing for her, both attractive, but one has a nose slightly bigger that the other one, she's going to avoid that big nose man and go for the one with a straight nose. That's how foids think. They always go for la crème de la crème or no deal.
love to see it ... and then the average looking man is told he just needs to work hard and get a goob job while foids just apply makeup on and choose whoever they think deserves them JFL
who cares? it's already over
We are not hideous. What the blackpill teached us is that the threshold to be an 'attractive man' is extremely high, comically so, where as for women it is much much lower. Imagine the bar is set at 6.2 meters for men, you have to jump over that to be attractive, for women its set at 2.2 meters.

Men who are lean, average height and are 5's are ugly to the vast majority of women. Non-fat female 5's are attractive or passable to the vast majority of men, including men well above their own 5/10 SMV.

Truth be told, landwhales, low quality-looking, and ethnic ugly holes are always punching above their league, but when we try to punch above our league or date a looksmatch, it's white supremacy, entitlement, "wanting hot girls" and fatphobia. They enforce this narrative to propagate the idea of them being an underclass. They rely on the lie of us being "Stacy chasers only" to support their victimhood. It's also a desperate attempt to hide their hypergamy because of something we did, not what we are (ugly sub 7 men).
We are not hideous. What the blackpill teached us is that the threshold to be an 'attractive man' is extremely high, comically so, where as for women it is much much lower. Imagine the bar is set at 6.2 meters for men, you have to jump over that to be attractive, for women its set at 2.2 meters.

Men who are lean, average height and are 5's are ugly to the vast majority of women. Non-fat female 5's are attractive or passable to the vast majority of men, including men well above their own 5/10 SMV.

Truth be told, landwhales, low quality-looking, and ethnic ugly holes are always punching above their league, but when we try to punch above our league or date a looksmatch, it's white supremacy, entitlement, "wanting hot girls" and fatphobia. They enforce this narrative to propagate the idea of them being an underclass. They rely on the lie of us being "Stacy chasers only" to support their victimhood. It's also a desperate attempt to hide their hypergamy because of something we did, not what we are (ugly sub 7 men).
Newton IQ post
Majority of users are lower tier normie looking between 3/10 and 4/10 here, with a few being 5 or 6 and very small per cent being <3/10 or 2/10 looking. I can say safely we don't have any 0/10 or 1/10 looking here because that would be a very brutally facially deformed person which is rare.

The problem is holes are very hypergamous especially when they're young because their value is high at that time that they take advantage of. So the situation turns like this.

7 to 10/10 looking holes are taken by chads, 5 to 6/10 looking holes are taken by chadlites, 4 to 5/10 looking holes are taken by upper tier normies and 3 to 4/10 looking holes are taken by normies. Thus, lower tier normies looking guys get nothing and as a result, they become incels, a few exceptions. This situation changes somewhat when the holes get old because their SMV drops and some low tier normies who have earned enough are able to get wife this betabuxxing way after 30. Funny holes call us shallow when they are the one who are shallow.
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Incel doesn't mean ugly. I'm tired about this arguments, in 2020 standards are way higher than just being an average looking guy.
Cute teen girls are picky ageist cunts
Majority of users are between 3/10 and 4/10 looking here, with a few being 5 or 6 and very small per cent being <3/10 or 2/10 looking. I can say safely we don't have any 0/10 or 1/10 looking here because they would be a very brutally facially deformed person.

The problem is holes are very hypergamous especially when they're young because their value is high at that time of which they take advantage. So the situation turns like this.

7 to 10/10 looking holes are taken by chads, 5 to 6/10 looking holes are taken by chadlites, 4 to 5/10 looking holes are taken by upper tier normies and 3 to 4/10 looking holes are taken by normies. Thus, lower tier normies looking guys get nothing and as a result, they become incels.
Tbh I think most of the guys here, specially young people, are between 4-6 looking. But they say they are less just to fit in here.

PD: all holes are taken by chad eventually. They only use normies as providers.
Jsanza is more of a autistcel to me. He looks like a mix of Adam Driver and Steven Crowder in the face. If he was jacked and neurotypical he could fuck for sure.

Jsanza would benefit from a looksmax and slight surgeries. He was big (6'3) and good at hockey. He would mog me after he got lean / got better skin + style.
Tbh I think most of the guys here, specially young people, are between 4-6 looking. But they say they are less just to fit in here.

PD: all holes are taken by chad eventually. They only use normies as providers.
Of course, they are never attracted to normies and see them only as providers.
Of course, they are never attracted to normies and see them only as providers.
How ironic that the status of "provider" means jack SHIT. They'll put providers in the Seven Dwarves cuck harem, but prioritize the one CHAD Charming they have exclusively for fucking.
How ironic that the status of "provider" means jack SHIT. They'll put providers in the Seven Dwarves cuck harem, but prioritize the one CHAD Charming they have exclusively for fucking.
That's the way they are.

I have been rated 1/10 twice. I am the greatest truecel imaginable.
If you are mogged Adam Pearson or are equal to him facially, you are 1/10 looking.
It used to work as the values a man was judged on were different in that there was more criteria than just looks & height, women not having the access to money & career options like they do now forced them to shack up with regular guys, religious & moral codes of the day tried to somewhat restrict whoring around & being single so women got married young & in turn had children during their peak years unlike now when they're having their first child with the eggs that are the scrapings from the bottom of the barrel, hello malformed child.

Women knowing that they have no limitations imposed upon them & in fact hold all the aces, have access to men they'd never meet irl, makeup to fraud it hard & an array of simps desperate for anything; treating them like goddesses.

Add that together & a man with a job ain't shit, a few inches taller ain't shit, average in many ways ain't shit.

Women want like op said, large framed men to feel like a lil' cutie that's protected, they want to be catered for financially & can do that themselves or just go on social media, an attractive faced man is rare, muscles only work if the face is right & now there's all these guys going to the gym is lessens the value, supply & demand dictates the value of something so it should be apparent what's happened.

Women don't want a good man, they want a rare man, somebody that stands out & mogs hard, he has to be spectacular in something to induce jealousy in her friends & other women, if he isn't attractive to others then she's signalling low value by being with him, everything is a populatity contest with the majority of holes.

Other things they like in a man is huge cock, dark triad personality & super confidence but if the guy is ugly or tiny then it don't work, every positive is easily removed by a negative.

Super confidence but tiny? He's a jester to be laughed at. Dark triad but ugly as fuck, woman's probably only with him for free drugs. Millionaire, upscale betabux bitch probably screwing the cheaffeur on the side. Women can't stand high inhibition non hostile men, they don't respect a gentleman, you can only get away with "wimpy" behaviour if you're Chad.

It's all one big money in the bank ladder match, multiple contestant's but one prize; they're ok with sharing it on the down low though.
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Jsanza is more of a autistcel to me. He looks like a mix of Adam Driver and Steven Crowder in the face. If he was jacked and neurotypical he could fuck for sure.

Jsanza probably roped sadly. FaceandLMS needs to Africamaxx instead of wasting his time with British roasties.
Jsanza probably roped sadly. FaceandLMS needs to Africamaxx instead of wasting his time with British roasties.
Or thugmaxx. Which is hard if you have a relatively Posh accent like he does. Also being black and thugmaxxing, it's so risky there is almost no way around jail, which is why it's so effective in a dark triad sense.
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I dont believe in the concept of looksmatch anymore because foids naturally want someone significantly better looking

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