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Serious Are incels alt right?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22572
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Deleted member 22572

Deleted member 22572

Nov 12, 2019
I know fuck all about politics. (I only know as much as the average person my age does however they just say that they know more.)

In America I would never vote the blue ppl I would almost always go with red (Trump).

In the UK however I prefer labour atm.

Not like it matters anyway. No matter who wins as president/primeminsiter we all know it's the Rothschilds and the Clinton's and the rockerfellers and the CIA and people who are so ((())) that they don't even have any form of identification that are really in power and are the slave masters.
I write with my left hand tbh but I'm not too sure if they are or not
I have a feeling most incels are, don't have evidence for it but would be nice if there was. But i also think incels are probably not even politically affliated and it's only the media who actually give us a category in order to send us more hate.
Idk I'm not ,dont care about politics tbh
no tbh, if anything blackpill theory more matches up with left wing ideals than right wing. Right wingers tend to be the "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" type than blackpilled. If anything incel culture tends to be economically left and socially conservative.
Idk I'm not ,dont care about politics tbh
politics as an incel is a waste of time since society will always screw you over tbh.
You'd vote for Labour but also for Trump? What?

Do you just like the colour red or something?
Taxes in UK are already sky high and you support labour moment
If anything incel culture tends to be economically left and socially conservative.
politics as an incel is a waste of time since society will always screw you over tbh.
You'd vote for Labour but also for Trump? What?

Do you just like the colour red or something?
No jfl. The red in America has more of a positive social impact for incels. The left social impact in America would be DISASTROUS.

Whereas in the UK I prefer labour economically and neither parties in the UK have much social impact

Btw I just got fucking mad de ja vu I feel like I remember having this convo with you in a dream before or somethn
Well both hates feminism and political correctness. Besides that nah
I'm ancap, not alt right. Alt right is powerless low tier whites cope.
Anarcho capitalist.
Basically, horizontal hierarchies and no public services. No rulers, no taxes.
Sounds good but the (((media))) only shows two of the political parties n the sheep only gonna vote for them so it's only between them two you're able to vote for I'm afraid
I don’t really give a fuck about politics as neither side wants to help us
Sounds good but the (((media))) only shows two of the political parties n the sheep only gonna vote for them so it's only between them two you're able to vote for I'm afraid
Such is life :( .
I have no political alignment
I'm right wing and I like Trump but from what I've gathered most incels don't care about politics except for policies which benefits women.
I know fuck all about politics. (I only know as much as the average person my age does however they just say that they know more.)

In America I would never vote the blue ppl I would almost always go with red (Trump).

In the UK however I prefer labour atm.

Not like it matters anyway. No matter who wins as president/primeminsiter we all know it's the Rothschilds and the Clinton's and the rockerfellers and the CIA and people who are so ((())) that they don't even have any form of identification that are really in power and are the slave masters.

I'm rightwing because leftwing = welfare for single mothers & trannies.
politics is rubbish because it doesn't really concern us or matter
I know fuck all about politics. (I only know as much as the average person my age does however they just say that they know more.)

In America I would never vote the blue ppl I would almost always go with red (Trump).

In the UK however I prefer labour atm.

Not like it matters anyway. No matter who wins as president/primeminsiter we all know it's the Rothschilds and the Clinton's and the rockerfellers and the CIA and people who are so ((())) that they don't even have any form of identification that are really in power and are the slave masters.
no politics is the same crap as those who have different religions. There is always another party pulling the strings for both groups.
Anarcho capitalist.
Basically, horizontal hierarchies and no public services. No rulers, no taxes.
This would lead to another impositon of those things however. The wheel doesn't stay ancap forever, it will hit back to order.
Why anyone would vote for Trump is beyond my comprehension. There has never been a bigger con man and idiot as president ever

If you are a poorcel and vote for him, you are literally the dumbest most gullible person alive.
Why anyone would vote for Trump is beyond my comprehension. There has never been a bigger con man and idiot as president ever

If you are a poorcel and vote for him, you are literally the dumbest most gullible person alive.

Misguided smug liberal assumptions about what poorcels are supposed to value in life.

Why anyone would vote for Trump is beyond my comprehension. There has never been a bigger con man and idiot as president ever

If you are a poorcel and vote for him, you are literally the dumbest most gullible person alive.

1. Poorcels could care about more than just money. Middle America voted Republican because Republicans weren't openly hostile to their way of life (God, guns and other related stuff).

2. Economy-wise it depends on what type of poorcel you are. If you are in a client group in the Democrat alliance, sure vote blue to get the gubment gibsmedat, if you are not in a DNC client group Trump's economic populism and protectionist policies could actually benefit you. Provided Trump can actually implement his agenda and isn't sabotaged by establishment Republicans, bureaucrats or gridlocked by Democrats.

Republican party, formerly the party for the country club set, is quickly realigning into a middle/working class party for rural and suburban American interest, whereas Democrats are the urban, coastal party for economic and cultural elites and a broad array of client groups (blacks, mexicans, gays, careerist foids, trannies etc).
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Yeah bro, I am altrighter depite being a poor ethnic. For godsake
incel culture tends to be economically left and socially conservative... politics as an incel is a waste of time since society will always screw you over tbh.
Beyond trying to spite soys and roasties, what's the point of being socially conservative when society will always screw you over?
As far as the ruling Jews are concerned every last incel on the planet is a far right wing Nazi racist white supremacist even though National Socialism is NOT a right wing ideology and there’s a disturbing amount of self hating white communist pieces of shit on Wizchan and half if not more of the incel community including this message boards is comprised of non whites sure Jews we’re definitely ALL white Aryan super Nazis.

Fucking kike retards.
Yes, and they very well should be. Liberal ideas are a privilege of females and Chads

An incel voting for wealth distribution, much of which goes to females, , is voting against his own interest.
An introverted stemcel voting for leftists that favor preferential hiring of women is voting against his own interest.
A betabuxxer voting for politicians that favor easy access to contraception is voting against his interests
CuckTears definitely overestimates the percentage of alt-right incels. Alt-righters do try to recruit displaced men, but not everyone bites, especially among ethnicels.

Why anyone would vote for Trump is beyond my comprehension. There has never been a bigger con man and idiot as president ever

If you are a poorcel and vote for him, you are literally the dumbest most gullible person alive.
I'm not a Trump supporter and I don't disagree with your assessment, but at least he's obvious about screwing over everyone who isn't him. Some people voted for him purely to piss others off, and they aren't disappointed with what they got.

"Smart" presidents don't give any more of a shit about us and in fact have the cognitive ability to hate and disenfranchise us more. Trump's opponent Biden is almost as dumb but on top of that has gotten a ton of feminist shit passed into law and (unlike the more far left) still hates the poor anyway, so there's no improvement on the horizon under him, just less entertainment.
Leftism seems like a religion in that it is an extreme rejection of reality and a whole bunch of convenient lies/copes. We here seem to have more of a relationship with reality than most other groups so I’d wager most of us lean right.
Most incels dont care about politics
I know fuck all about politics. (I only know as much as the average person my age does however they just say that they know more.)

In America I would never vote the blue ppl I would almost always go with red (Trump).

In the UK however I prefer labour atm.

Not like it matters anyway. No matter who wins as president/primeminsiter we all know it's the Rothschilds and the Clinton's and the rockerfellers and the CIA and people who are so ((())) that they don't even have any form of identification that are really in power and are the slave masters.
I am a white male and therefore everything else would make no sense. The biggest mistake of western individualism is the wrong assumption that everyone lacks tribalism - no only western cucks don't have it, but every other group has it, so stopping tribalism for your group is delusional at best and your downfall at worst.

The fact that identity politics are a swear word for neoliberal boomers shows their delusion, everyone votes according to their identity - if you are poor you won't vote for policies that only benefit the rich, if you are a migrant you won't vote for ethnocentristic parties and if you are rich you won't vote for higher taxes.

There is no objectively speaking right/wrong in politics and it's only a question of perspective - you vote for the thing that benefits your group the most. Even if someone is willing to reject tribalistic thinking others won't do the same.

Incels aren't alt-right judging from the majority here but I support the right-wing because we share certain goals and it represents my views the best.
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There are stormfrontcels but obviously not all like the media paints us as.
My brother who didn't graduate from high school, who currently lives in assisted living, has been on every government program in existence for his entire 38+ year life.

Voted Trump.

That's the problem, people don't even realize they are fucking idiots.
Both sides are against incels but the left is still worse.
I know fuck all about politics.

That's all you need to know, tbh ngl ded srs.

Politics is nothing but ideological tribalism. You take a collection of beliefs, then using the left-right spectrum model, you take those beliefs and package them into an ideology that you label and identity as. Anybody else who comes into the conversation with a laundry list of beliefs you try to pigeonhole them into the classifications you're familiar with. This categorization is a simple and convenient way to determine if this new person's beliefs make them a friend or foe.

Then you bicker and insult the other guy. The rest is dick swinging and popularity contests.

Politics is low IQ.

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