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Blackpill Are Hapas (short ones especially) the only race more crazy than blacks

Are they

  • Hapas are

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Blacks are

    Votes: 17 81.0%

  • Total voters


Jan 2, 2018
A lot of them are ugly and short and usually potential ER

Yeah blacks are animals but disproportionately Hapas are crazy
Hybrid or Ape?
Caucasian/Asian mixes were responsible for most of the steppenigger rampages throughout recorded history. Africans don't come close to their body count, even taking into account the Bantu migration.
Caucasian/Asian mixes were responsible for most of the steppenigger rampages throughout recorded history. Africans don't come close to their body count, even taking into account the Bantu migration.
What kind of psychological thing happens to eurasians in your opinions.
What kind of psychological thing happens to eurasians in your opinions.
Whatever kind of omnicidal hapa rage ER had, the same kind of destructive energy lurks deep inside the soul of every hapa
they're similar height to african americans and mog them facially. If they go ER, it's due to being an outlier in the physical department or severe autism. Most school shooters are white so clearly autism and something else is needed. I think whites are the most likely to have mental illnesses. Blacks commit way more crime and hapas are overrepresented at ivy league schools, it's not even close. Getting into an ivy league school requires sanity as mental illness makes it hard to hold down a job, and by extension, study hard to get into a top college.
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if hapas are crazy it's cause of their white parent, and even then the avg homo erectus is more psychopathic
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Caucasian/Asian mixes were responsible for most of the steppenigger rampages throughout recorded history. Africans don't come close to their body count, even taking into account the Bantu migration.
Caucasian/Asian mixes were responsible for most of the steppenigger rampages throughout recorded history. Africans don't come close to their body count, even taking into account the Bantu migration.
they're similar height to african americans and mog them facially
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
and mog them facially.
Both are ugly facially. But blacks are taller and have bigger dongs have media halo. That's why they have more smv
Blacks easily. You see apes and other lower primate species who haven't evolved always act violent and aggressive when they are confused and don't know what to do. That's just an instinct for them, a natural response to a situation that the retarded ape isnt familiar with. They don't have reasoning and thinking abilities like humans. They just chimp out, throw a few hands, kill themselves or others in the process and think about it afterwards.
Most people hete hate blacks. That's why everyone is voting Black.Blacks might be lower IQ and they might commit more crime. But they're not as crazy as Hapas.
Blacks easily. You see apes and other lower primate species who haven't evolved always act violent and aggressive when they are confused and don't know what to do. That's just an instinct for them, a natural response to a situation that the retarded ape isnt familiar with. They don't have reasoning and thinking abilities like humans. They just chimp out, throw a few hands, kill themselves or others in the process and think about it afterwards.
Sure. But that was not what he meant I think. Hapas are crazy.
Sure. But that was not what he meant I think. Hapas are crazy.
Blacks are way more impulsive and unhinged. They are the definition of crazy. They don't up shoot up schools or aren't serial killers because they are too low iq for that.
Blacks are way more impulsive and unhinged. They are the definition of crazy. They don't up shoot up schools or aren't serial killers because they are too low iq for that.
Ah, ok understood

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

Both are ugly facially. But blacks are taller and have bigger dongs have media halo. That's why they have more smv
If theyre taller its not by much lol. It depends on the asian/white mix. korean/dutch hapas height mog avg african american: ~179cm vs 175.5. Average hapa mix is probably around 175 which is basically avg aa height. Dick size is cope after 5.5 inches so most hapas are safe. Blacks are barely above whites in proper studies. BBC is a myth. You have a vendetta against asians, it must be because theyre getting popular and you cant cope since that means more competition in the racial hierarchy. The ugliest hapas have mulatto-esque failos but they still have light skin and caucasian features; none have nigger-esque features.
If theyre taller its not by much lol. It depends on the asian/white mix. korean/dutch hapas height mog avg african american: ~179cm vs 175.5. Average hapa mix is probably around 175 which is basically avg aa height. Dick size is cope after 5.5 inches so most hapas are safe. Blacks are barely above whites in proper studies. BBC is a myth. You have a vendetta against asians, it must be because theyre getting popular and you cant cope since that means more competition in the racial hierarchy. The ugliest hapas have mulatto-esque failos but they still have light skin and caucasian features; none have nigger-esque features.
All cope. Asians have small dicks and blacks are taller. Stop denying reality.
also, i was talking about hapas, nigger
How many Dutch -asian hapas are there? The vast majority look ugly and Don't pass as white like Amelia. What's so Hard to understand? Elliot Rodger had a small dong as well. And cope, women always say 6-6.5 Inches is ideal. Asians/HAPAs have 4 Inchers. There's a reason foids don't find you attractive.
Average hapa mix is probably around 175 which is basically avg aa height
Source: your ass
Dick size is cope after 5.5 inches so most hapas are safe.
Source: your ass
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Blacks are barely above whites in proper studies. BBC is a myth
I never mentioned BBC. I said they do have media halo, which Asians lack. Kpooooooop doesn't count, it's niche. Blacks mog Asians overall, they're equal to Whitu man when it comes to dong size, and shorter then Whites. But they are taller and have bigger dongs then Asians/hapas And they have better media halo.
You have a vendetta against asians, it must be because theyre getting popular and you cant cope since that means more competition in the racial hierarchy.
It's because, nobody talks about how white worshiping you are, I don't have anything against anyone. I'm fact I feel bad for you. There's no competition. Kpoooop won't change your eye shape or skull keep coping.
The ugliest hapas have mulatto-esque failos but they still have light skin and caucasian features; none have nigger-esque features
Hapas too almost never inherit the White skin fron their white side that's why HAPAS with white skin and a Caucasian jaw are praised. It's rare. You are only slightly lighter then blacks. Blacks might be ugly facially, but their height and dong size makes up for it. Add media halo and they completely mog Asians.
How many Dutch -asian hapas are there? The vast majority look ugly and Don't pass as white like Amelia. What's so Hard to understand? Elliot Rodger has a small dong as well. And cope, women always say 6-6.5 Inches is ideal. Asians/HAPAs have 4 Inchers. There's a reason foids don't find you attractive.

Source: your ass

Source: your ass
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I never mentioned BBC. I said they do have media halo, which Asians lack. Kpooooooop doesn't count, it's niche. Blacks mog Asians overall, they're equal to Whitu man when it comes to dong size, and shorter then Whites. But they are taller and have bigger dongs then Asians/hapas And they have better media halo.

It's because, nobody talks about how white worshiping you are, I don't have anything against anyone. I'm fact I feel bad for you. There's no competition. Kpoooop won't change your eye shape or skull keep coping.

Hapas too almost never inherit the White skin fron the white side that's why HAPAS with white skin and a Caucasian jaw are praised. It's rare. You are only slightly lighter then blacks. Blacks migh be ugly facially, but their height and dong size makes up for it. Add media halo and they completely mog Asians.
asians range from 5’7 to 5’9 with most being situated near the middle. Average of 5’8 and 5’10 is 5’9. Hapas are 5’9 on average, which is similar to african americans. I knew a lot of 6’+ plus ones. Dick size is cope and below most other features. Hapas arent small anyway as white genes saves them. My dick is 7 inches for example. Skin lightness is cope lol. Fitzpatrick 2-3 is ideal and even you said that, schizo. Undertones are cope once you’re tanned. Japanese men are commonly tanned in summer and japanese women have stated a preference for that. Also, ive seen hapas with red undertones so it’s heritable like most other traits except blue eyes. Asian jaw is one of the biggest halos for asians. Not getting caucasian jaw isnt a desth sentence, especially if your face is wide and you can still have a diamond face. You are an anti asian psyop, probably mossad. You hate on asians more than blacks and spics despite openly describing why those groups are problematic. You’re a psyop and you’re scared of asian smv leading to an overwhelming win for asians against arabs and other races. You are insecure about your race’s position relative to gooks so you sperg out and mistake innocuous content for ragebait since sandniggers lose in every department.
How many Dutch -asian hapas are there? The vast majority look ugly and Don't pass as white like Amelia. What's so Hard to understand? Elliot Rodger had a small dong as well. And cope, women always say 6-6.5 Inches is ideal. Asians/HAPAs have 4 Inchers. There's a reason foids don't find you attractive.

Source: your ass

Source: your ass
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I never mentioned BBC. I said they do have media halo, which Asians lack. Kpooooooop doesn't count, it's niche. Blacks mog Asians overall, they're equal to Whitu man when it comes to dong size, and shorter then Whites. But they are taller and have bigger dongs then Asians/hapas And they have better media halo.

It's because, nobody talks about how white worshiping you are, I don't have anything against anyone. I'm fact I feel bad for you. There's no competition. Kpoooop won't change your eye shape or skull keep coping.

Hapas too almost never inherit the White skin fron their white side that's why HAPAS with white skin and a Caucasian jaw are praised. It's rare. You are only slightly lighter then blacks. Blacks might be ugly facially, but their height and dong size makes up for it. Add media halo and they completely mog Asians.

It's penis size. According to the latest, most comprehensive study to date using 500,000 males, the average length of a Japanese male's erection is 13.56 centimeters (5.33 inches), with a diameter of 3.53 cm (1.39“) at the head and 3.19 cm (1.25”) at the shaft, writes Tokyo Reporter
blaks are on average crazier but their schizo tier nigger speak and loud obnoxious behavior is more accepted by society for some reason while hapa autism is perceived as psychopathy
Women are anti Asian
theyre anti many races and groups of people. Most here are victims of women and barely any are asian. It’s not like asians are that rare in the US or in european countries which frequent these forums. I see asian men with asian women and even white women occasionally. Also, i went to asia a few years ago and saw many young couples and only 2 wmaf couples my entire time there lol. One of the couples looked international since the girl had dyed hair. Contrast this with Manila where you see wmaf very often. You’re just anti asian and a psyop trying to spread propaganda. I doubt you’re who you say you are; it’s a facade to help your propaganda be more valid (anyone can see it’s not anyway)
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How many Dutch -asian hapas are there? The vast majority look ugly and Don't pass as white like Amelia. What's so Hard to understand? Elliot Rodger had a small dong as well. And cope, women always say 6-6.5 Inches is ideal. Asians/HAPAs have 4 Inchers. There's a reason foids don't find you attractive.

Source: your ass

Source: your ass
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I never mentioned BBC. I said they do have media halo, which Asians lack. Kpooooooop doesn't count, it's niche. Blacks mog Asians overall, they're equal to Whitu man when it comes to dong size, and shorter then Whites. But they are taller and have bigger dongs then Asians/hapas And they have better media halo.

It's because, nobody talks about how white worshiping you are, I don't have anything against anyone. I'm fact I feel bad for you. There's no competition. Kpoooop won't change your eye shape or skull keep coping.

Hapas too almost never inherit the White skin fron their white side that's why HAPAS with white skin and a Caucasian jaw are praised. It's rare. You are only slightly lighter then blacks. Blacks might be ugly facially, but their height and dong size makes up for it. Add media halo and they completely mog Asians.
also, im not gonna respond to your rebuttals since they’ll inevitably be shit and I’m not spending anymore time arguing with a schizo third worlder for now
Blacks on average commit way more crime, its just that IF hapas commit crimes like murder, then they go complete apeshit and show no mercy
blaks are on average crazier but their schizo tier nigger speak and loud obnoxious behavior is more accepted by society for some reason while hapa autism is perceived as psychopathy
i believe american users who say blacks are crazy. Most ive encountered online were crazy and terrorisers. Blacks complain about racism but because of their low iq, they cant separate race and the individual more than other races, which makes them the most racist. Yea, hapas are wrongly perceived as sociopathic/psychopathic or crazy. Name a mass shooter other than ER who was hapa?
also, im not gonna respond to your rebuttals since they’ll inevitably be shit and I’m not spending anymore time arguing with a schizo third worlder for now
Because, there's no rebutal to facts. Also it's funny how Lebanon was prosperous before Isreal and America ruined it. While, Japanese chinksects are killing themselves, even though, America supports you.
Chingchong admits Arabs are superior.i would larp as white if I wanted to make it more valid lol.
Also you're projecting here. You once said that reason you wouldn't show us your eye pic, is because, it would make the shit you say less valid. It's almost like you're an insecure, coping gook.
i believe american users who say blacks are crazy. Most ive encountered online were crazy and terrorisers. Blacks complain about racism but because of their low iq, they cant separate race and the individual more than other races, which makes them the most racist. Yea, hapas are wrongly perceived as sociopathic/psychopathic or crazy. Name a mass shooter other than ER who was hapa?
Yeah, I mean i'm definitely a bit fucked up person from growing up hapa but I never did half the shit most blacks do. Blacks are just allowed to act like gangsters and people tolerate it and then foids say they have a better personalities, but thats only because they are the only race that is allowed to exhibit traditional masculine behaviors like violence and aggression. Society tells them they deserve to act like that since they were oppressed.

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