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Are ethnics more religious because of low iq?



Fesikhcel From Zabbaleen
Nov 10, 2017
I've noticed that the most lax Muslims countries are the ones where the people look less ethnic like Turkey or Lebanon. The most savage Muslim countries are the more ethnic ones like Pakistan.
I have a hard time believing you are actually Egyptian after reading this.
Americunts are literally retarded, are you claiming America is an "Islamic" country now according to your retarded standards?

I have a hard time believing you are actually Egyptian after reading this.

He's just another deathnik cuck, kek.
I've got an average IQ + I'm white but I'm still religious.
You sound like a typical white militant atheist reddit numale neckbeard.
I'm an atheist and one of the biggest self haters here.
I'm an atheist and one of the biggest self haters here.

See, @Jockcel? Told you he's a deathnik. (Deathniks I use for self-hating ethnics, not for ethnics overall)
I think the mix of poverty and low education level is the main cause.
Turkey and lebanon are less religious cause they're closer to europe. Its also why they look less ethnic.
See, @Jockcel? Told you he's a deathnik. (Deathniks I use for self-hating ethnics, not for ethnics overall)
Am I wrong though? There is that guy who got his eyes gouged out and many similar stories from Pakistan.
Kek. I hate deathniks more than liberal westerners.

Highly agreed. Those deathniks want to please their liberal western masters. Nothing more pathetic than that.

Am I wrong though? There is that guy who got his eyes gouged out and many similar stories from Pakistan.

Yes, you're wrong. You're obviously low IQ so I won't bother explaining either...
You sound like a numale with far right views about skin color.

Pakistanis are like that cos they could handle the fact that the Brits bested them because the Empire wasn't wholly Christian anymore near the end due to modernization.

Meanwhile the Muslims in British India reacted and resisted modernization.

Hence Partition.

Yes, Lebanon, Tunisia and the coast of Syria are filled with Muslims who favor secularism over whatever brand of Islam.

Their ancestry basically is mixed Arab, Greek, Western European and Turkic so they pass for white. After all, Arabs pass too.

However, they rich too.

Pakistanis are not all savages. Therefore your racism smells like a racewar troll.

OTOH Syrians who are rich and Alawi Muslim have Crimean brides. The secular Syrians settle for Ukrainian brides.

The moral of the story: get rich and settle.

Oh JFC no, I don't mean that.
@13k @randomguy1235 Thoughts?
You sound like a numale with far right views about skin color.

Pakistanis are like that cos they could handle the fact that the Brits bested them because the Empire wasn't wholly Christian anymore near the end due to modernization.

Meanwhile the Muslims in British India reacted and resisted modernization.

Hence Partition.

Yes, Lebanon, Tunisia and the coast of Syria are filled with Muslims who favor secularism over whatever brand of Islam.

Their ancestry basically is mixed Arab, Greek, Western European and Turkic so they pass for white. After all, Arabs pass too.

However, they rich too.

Pakistanis are not all savages. Therefore your racism smells like a racewar troll.

OTOH Syrians who are rich and Alawi Muslim have Crimean brides. The secular Syrians settle for Ukrainian brides.

The moral of the story: get rich and settle.

Oh JFC no, I don't mean that.

He is a deathnik bro, no sense in discussing with deathniks. Anything to please white people. Giga kek.
indirectly yes. but there is more to it

the real reason ethnics are more religious is because they are UGLY. it is all about LOOKS.

Looks have a HUGE impact on your IQ. Lower IQ = more religious
View attachment 14315

Shitskins like to cope by "our countries are shitholes because muh poverty muh ignorant uneducated population" LOL NO

Middle eastern is shithole for 1 simple reason: people are UGLY.

My Chadullah friend mogs every guy I have seen here in Europe; white Chads, black Tyrones, fellow Chadullahs, etc. And he's very religious, so your theory is bullshit to say the least.
If you believe in any religion you’re 100% LOW IQ
indirectly yes. but there is more to it

the real reason ethnics are more religious is because they are UGLY. it is all about LOOKS.

Looks have a HUGE impact on your IQ. Lower IQ = more religious
View attachment 14315

Shitskins like to cope by "our countries are shitholes because muh poverty muh ignorant uneducated population" LOL NO

Middle east is shithole for 1 simple reason: people are UGLY.
So what if ugliness is filtering your view if thing?
My Chadullah friend mogs every guy I have seen here in Europe; white Chads, black Tyrones, fellow Chadullahs, etc. And he's very religious, so your theory is bullshit to say the least.
The most religious be often smart enough to actually practice it.

The low IQ who r bluepilled may practice religious fanatically.

They r both religious but it ain't looks nor nor iq. It's either Islam or die.

They religiouscel cos otherwise they get murdered by their parents, because the prospect of having democratic atheists who endorse secularism would cause Muslim parents to honor kill any of their children who stray.
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indirectly yes. but there is more to it

the real reason ethnics are more religious is because they are UGLY. it is all about LOOKS.

Looks have a HUGE impact on your IQ. Lower IQ = more religious
View attachment 14315

Shitskins like to cope by "our countries are shitholes because muh poverty muh ignorant uneducated population" LOL NO

Middle east is shithole for 1 simple reason: people are UGLY.

Good post as always akhi, keepin' it real for these ethnic copers. There are countless studies that show an inverse correlation between intelligence and religiosity (The more religious someone/a group is = lower average IQ).

And before anyone goes "Bu-bu muh astrophysicist Christian/Muslim/etc friend is smarter than everyone!", exceptions and anecdotal evidence do not invalidate statistics. I know a tall Chinese guy IRL. Does that mean all Chinese people are tall and that their average height of 5'7'' is bullshit? No, of course not.
Am I wrong though? There is that guy who got his eyes gouged out and many similar stories from Pakistan.

Don't bother listening to these ethnik copers bro, they have absolutely no conception of IQ and the intelligence differences across races and ethnic groups. They call you self-hating because you speak the truth, even though truth makes you acknowledge unfortunate realities about different peoples.

"What do you mean street shitters in India with an average IQ of 81 aren't the best people on earth?! We Indians are proud!111!" They're a fucking joke bro.
So what if ugliness is filtering your view if thing?

The most religious be often smart enough to actually practice it.

The low IQ who r bluepilled may practice religious fanatically.

They r both religious but it ain't looks nor nor iq. It's either Islam or die.

They religiouscel cos otherwise they get murdered by their parents, because the prospect of having democratic atheists who endorse secularism would cause Muslim parents to honor kill any of their children who stray.

Actually his parents are quite liberal, so he had no outside influence of him being a pious Muslim. However I do agree that there are a number of people who larp as Muslims because their parents are forcing them.

Good post as always akhi, keepin' it real for these ethnic copers. There are countless studies that show an inverse correlation between intelligence and religiosity (The more religious someone/a group is = lower average IQ).

And before anyone goes "Bu-bu muh astrophysicist Christian/Muslim/etc friend is smarter than everyone!", exceptions and anecdotal evidence do not invalidate statistics. I know a tall Chinese guy IRL. Does that mean all Chinese people are tall and that their average height of 5'7'' is bullshit? No, of course not.

And the same can be said otherwise. Statistics mean jack-shit at the end of the day. Statistically speaking, black people are shot more often by cops than white people are, but white people still die the most because of cops.
Don't bother listening to these ethnik copers bro, they have absolutely no conception of IQ and the intelligence differences across races and ethnic groups. They call you self-hating because you speak the truth, even though truth makes you acknowledge unfortunate realities about different peoples.

"What do you mean street shitters in India with an average IQ of 81 aren't the best people on earth?! We Indians are proud!111!" They're a fucking joke bro.

What truth are you referring to? Self-hatred? JFL, deathniks always have each other's back. You aren't getting any brownie points from white people, mind you.
In a way, everyone has a religion. Even some so-called atheist. Faith is an essential aspect of the human condition. You can’t get rid of faith and idolization.
I think poor people tend to be the most religious. I think I saw that on a graph somewhere.

A lot of people are predisposed to believe in religion; theoretically it acted as a source of relief and as a bonding agent among tribes. But I think as we gradually instill logic and science into children, rather that devotion to god, we can start to break free of these ridiculous old beliefs.

Unfortunately many people are dead set on not making any progression. Not only that, but the idea of different religious and ideological theories make them irate - as it threatens the core of their belief system. How can they reconcile cell-phones, when it was built using godless science? This sort of cognitive dissonance can actually increase the fervency of belief. Like doubling down on a losing hand in poker.

Take this example (via Wikipedia):
The early hypothesis of belief disconfirmation presented in When Prophecy Fails (1956) reported that faith deepened among the members of an apocalyptic religious cult, despite the failed prophecy of an alien spacecraft soon to land on Earth, to rescue them from earthly corruption. At the determined place and time, the cult assembled; they believed that only they would survive planetary destruction; yet the spaceship did not arrive to Earth. The disconfirmed prophecy caused them acute cognitive-dissonance: Had they been victims of a hoax? Had they vainly donated away their material possessions? To resolve the dissonance, between apocalyptic, end-of-the-world religious beliefs and earthly, material reality, most of the cult restored their psychological consonance by choosing to hold a less mentally-stressful idea to explain the missed landing. That the aliens had given planet Earth a second chance at existence, which, in turn, empowered them to re-direct their religious cult to environmentalism; social advocacy to end human damage to planet Earth. Moreover, upon overcoming the disconfirmed belief by changing to global environmentalism, the cult increased in numbers, by successful proselytism.[7]

Oh yeh, this was supposed to be about ethnicity and religion. Everyone's got their 2 cents to add on religion, don't they. -_-
Let's be done with self hatred.

The less I hated myself, the less I inceled.

It's not women who are the problem.
It's how they misuse feminism.
Being Atheist makes you low IQ.

Atheists cope with the "intellectual" meme.
You sound like a typical white militant atheist reddit numale neckbeard.
But his post history says otherwise, he is allowed to make observations here and there, he is right about the Pakis and Iranis those fucks have Nuclear power for some reason, and it may be related to IQ if anything.
Yeah probably lol. There might be some sort of correlation there.
And the same can be said otherwise. Statistics mean jack-shit at the end of the day. Statistically speaking, black people are shot more often by cops than white people are, but white people still die the most because of cops.
Statistics is a scientific discipline involved in every facet of our life for a reason. Statistics is not some arbitrary nonsense like leftist sociology. BTW, a sample of 10,000+ people from a randomized, reputable study >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your friend being an exception.

What truth are you referring to? Self-hatred? JFL, deathniks always have each other's back. You aren't getting any brownie points from white people, mind you.
What you call "self-hatred" is laughable. Me admitting the factual reality of intelligence disparities between human groups (eg. North East Asians having higher IQ on average than White people AND Palestinians) is called humility.

When ethniks go around saying they're the best things since sliced bread yet choose to LEAVE their own ethnik countries in favor of white countries, the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is palpable.
Actually his parents are quite liberal, so he had no outside influence of him being a pious Muslim. However I do agree that there are a number of people who larp as Muslims because their parents are forcing them.

And the same can be said otherwise. Statistics mean jack-shit at the end of the day. Statistically speaking, black people are shot more often by cops than white people are, but white people still die the most because of cops.

What truth are you referring to? Self-hatred? JFL, deathniks always have each other's back. You aren't getting any brownie points from white people, mind you.

Yeah, no matter how autistic this dude is, if he is actually Muslim I would have his back because we share the same religious beliefs and values.
I think poor people tend to be the most religious. I think I saw that on a graph somewhere.

A lot of people are predisposed to believe in religion; theoretically it acted as a source of relief and as a bonding agent among tribes. But I think as we gradually instill logic and science into children, rather that devotion to god, we can start to break free of these ridiculous old beliefs.

Unfortunately many people are dead set on not making any progression. Not only that, but the idea of different religious and ideological theories make them irate - as it threatens the core of their belief system. How can they reconcile cell-phones, when it was built using godless science? This sort of cognitive dissonance can actually increase the fervency of belief. Like doubling down on a losing hand in poker.

Oh yeh, this was supposed to be about ethnicity and religion. Everyone's got their 2 cents to add on religion, don't they. -_-

Poor people are lower IQ on average, so OP's premise still stands.
Statistics is a scientific discipline involved in every facet of our life for a reason. Statistics is not some arbitrary nonsense like leftist sociology. BTW, a sample of 10,000+ people from a randomized, reputable study >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your friend being an exception.

What you call "self-hatred" is laughable. Me admitting the factual reality of intelligence disparities between human groups (eg. North East Asians having higher IQ on average than White people AND Palestinians) is called humility.

When ethniks go around saying they're the best things since sliced bread yet choose to LEAVE their own ethnik countries in favor of white countries, the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is palpable.

This is something that needs to be addressed, good post. Great blackpill here.
Yeah, no matter how autistic this dude is, if he is actually Muslim I would have his back because we share the same religious beliefs and values.

Except you don't, you slander a huge chunk of Muslims by saying they are degenerates, that makes you a certified kufr.
Statistics is a scientific discipline involved in every facet of our life for a reason. Statistics is not some arbitrary nonsense like leftist sociology. BTW, a sample of 10,000+ people from a randomized, reputable study >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your friend being an exception.

What you call "self-hatred" is laughable. Me admitting the factual reality of intelligence disparities between human groups (eg. North East Asians having higher IQ on average than White people AND Palestinians) is called humility.

When ethniks go around saying they're the best things since sliced bread yet choose to LEAVE their own ethnik countries in favor of white countries, the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is palpable.

A sample of 10,000+ people from a 7 billion population is accurate and credible how? You deem yourself as inferior because of you belonging to another race, wishing to be a white person instead. That is the definition of self-hatred, and thus the title of deathnik applies to you and people like @satoshisacuck, @13k and @tehgymcel420 to name a few. Just lol at lack of self-awareness.
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A sample of 10,000+ people from a 7 billion population is accurate and credible how? You deem yourself as inferior because of you belonging to another race, wishing to be a white person instead. That is the definition of self-hatred, and thus the title of deathnik applies to you and people like @satoshisacuck, @13k and @tehgymcel420 to name a few. Just lol at lack of self-awareness.
You're saying no one is inferior to anyone else? That we are all equal to these people too?
Ethnics are low iq in general why do you think every world famous mathematician is white other than that 1 street shitter ramanujan who did fucking nothing
Botsuana has one of highest atheist/non-religious population (20% of total) in Africa and also one with the highest investing in education in this continent. Not a coincidence. More education=more IQ=more atheists.
You sound like a typical white militant atheist reddit numale neckbeard.
Pretty much.

Soon he will write a book about something he "merely lacks belief" in but can't stop talking about it.
Even people who believe moon landings never happened know how to stfu
(((Secularism))) is destroying western civilization
Religion is just a coping mechanism. It let's you blame all peoples faults on a god that may or may not exist.
yeh youre right. There is an inverse relationship between IQ and religion. The most religious states in America (ex: missisippi) happen to be the least educated and overall lower IQ.
Jfl at this bump. Never realized people assumed deathniks worshipped whites, I just believe that they are the most physically attractive race by a long shot.

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