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Anyone here have experience with nerd/weeb meetups?



Buff Auschwitz Escapee
Jan 17, 2018
So there's this monthly anime meetup at my town taking place this Saturday at the public library. I'm not even a weeb per se, as every attempt I've made at getting into anime has come out flat, but I'm thinking I might be able to find other ugly/unattractive men there to network with. The men seem to be roughly around my looksmatch, and the female profile pics are either frauded to hell or some cartoon, leading me to suspect they're roughly the same looks-wise (but not SMV-wise obviously, JFL at the thought of me getting a date there).

I'm asking if any of you have been to these kinds of meetups so I know what to expect as an incel, and if I should even bother going.
yup my parents forced me to go to a group meetup thing for other guys who "apparently" didn't have much friends when i was in 11th grade. It was a total disaster, everyone else was 2-3 yrs younger then me, they were the biggest nerds ever... i had nothing in common with anyone, i was the only one who had horrendous anxiety, and they also made fun of me for being different or "too quiet" as well. God fuck them, i still have terrible flashbacks of it
if you are not NT you will likely get excluded even there not to mention low lvl males there will compete hard for attention of few females while trying to socially dominate other males. You should try tho i guess might get lucky and find some friends
ppl that go to those places arent good looking at all, but theyre NT
no, those places are filled to the BRIM with the world's biggest simps and cucks. They'd orbit, m'lady fedora tip any lady within their line of sight. And some nerds are normies or chadlites pretending to be geeky while they fuck some hot nerds. :feelsree::feelskek:
if you are not NT you will likely get excluded even there not to mention low lvl males there will compete hard for attention of few females while trying to socially dominate other males. You should try tho i guess might get lucky and find some friends
I was going to bring my laptop so that in the likely case I'm excluded there, I can at least get some writing done and not beat myself up over how badly I'm getting mogged.

Yes all anime conventions are filled with NTs/normalfags. The people who are going with you are probably also NT, I'm pretty sure I documented my entire anime convention experience in a thread I made a couple of weeks ago.

Nobody's going with me. If I go, I'll be alone.
I was going to bring my laptop so that in the likely case I'm excluded there, I can at least get some writing done and not beat myself up over how badly I'm getting mogged.

Nobody's going with me. If I go, I'll be alone.
Good, you don't have to deal with a bunch of normalfags screaming and blaring their shitty music. I swear while riding on the bus me and my friend couldn't even hear ourselves think.
And some nerds are normies or chadlites pretending to be geeky while they fuck some hot nerds. :feelsree::feelskek:
This is what I'm afraid of. Getting mogged by normies and Chadlites.

Good, you don't have to deal with a bunch of normalfags screaming and blaring their shitty music. I swear while riding on the bus me and my friend couldn't even hear ourselves think.
I remember school field trips. Truly horrible, how normies treat incels in the bus. You have my condolences.
An accurate sample of the population of nerd cons in 2019.


  • 1546296354942.jpg
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An accurate sample of the population of nerd cons in 2019.
Eeh, besides the fat, these guys are roughly my looksmatch. If there aren't a ton of foids harvesting orbiters, I might be able to make a friend or two.
Eeh, besides the fat, these guys are roughly my looksmatch. If there aren't a ton of foids harvesting orbiters, I might be able to make a friend or two.
They mog me. The one in the red Canadahoodie is low tier normie, but in 2019 that's cuck/incel tier.
You dont want to associate with people who like anime, especially if you actually like anime.
Weebclub without femoids maybe not bad idea. Weebclub of my city looks like this now:
I'm still not sure if I should go. I'm probably not weeb enough to fit in, and there's an 80% chance I'll get mogged into the dirt by lanky 6'5'' normies with harems of fat crazy weeb girls. The only reason I haven't made a hard decision to not go is because there's no obligation to stay the full 4 hours.

If I go, then if nothing else, it'll be a brutal blackpill for me. I've been intermittently slipping into bluepilled thinking, which I think only a soul-crushing IRL blackpill will fix.

Also sent an application to volunteer at a local animal shelter, which will probably get rejected. Even if it doesn't, I'll probably get rejected after the interview. Imagine being so subhuman, you're not even allowed to work for free, JFL.
Only in fantasy nerds meetup long ago, and it sucked
I went to one, everyone was soy and SJW types and they played Magic the Gathering while talking about Naruto. I left promptly.
It depends. Please give it a try at least, it can be pretty cringy as some users pointed out, but you can also meet some really chill dudes to hang out with and play games.
No man, I am not a weeb fag.
I wouldnt reccommend it
Awkward as fuck,I don't recommend them either.And if there is a single female she/they get orbitted to death or are uglier than a sin

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