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Anyone else going to uni because is forced by parents?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 36342
  • Start date
Are you in 1 right now or going to one soon ?
I was pressured into it and ended up dropping out. i never wanted to go.

now im in great debt
Yes. Me.
Parents constantly cry whenever grades don't fit them.
For a bad B my mother once flipped completely out.
Hate my fucking studies and would have rather done a vocational training.

I fit through the exams, but doing shit on my own is impossible for me. Actual research requires more than learning skills, it requires intuition/creativity (=things I lack).
Funny thing that my mother forbad me from going there (even under threats) because I am physically disabled (shitty hands) but then forced me to go into a field where precision is more important than anything (which means despite good theoretical grades I can do nothing with my degree and I was only not filtered out because of COVID still closing the unis in my country). And furthermore: Physical ineptitude (like perpetually shaking hands or low precision) is easier to fix than my mental ineptitude for everything that requires more than carrying out orders.

I would have been a good man for carrying out orders, I can do whatever people want of me if they give me a clear task, but I am not a thinker or an intellectual, but nowadays you are forced to study unless you are physically the best of the best and can actually serve in the military or survive the "boomer alpha male culture" in other jobs, for a physically below average and mentally at best average man there is almost no place in this world anymore.
If it wasn't for my parents, their ridiculous overestimation of my actual skills, their thinking that they know me better than myself and their force I would be working in my wished job (preparator/section assistant and/or tax specialist and/or fish engineer/butcher and/or salesman - which I wanted to do) now which would be more suited for my (at best) average IQ. Now I have studied for years for a worthless meme degree which I cannot use, simply because they fell for the university meme. I know myself, I know my (very low) limits and would have made a better decision.
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No my mom wanted me to but my dad doesn't seem to care if i lay down and rot away in my room forever
To be able to afford to not go to a university is such a first world trait
I was pressured into it and ended up dropping out. i never wanted to go.

now im in great debt
I dropped out of university recently. Jfl at paying some openly commie marxists thousands of dollars to push globohomo on you
I was pressured into it and ended up dropping out. i never wanted to go.

now im in great debt
I'm final year at uni but will drop out soon probably, without a gf and friends it's totally pointless for me, i unironically preffer working as a cashier
I was pressured into it and ended up dropping out. i never wanted to go.

now im in great debt
That's awful indeed, thank God that here in my country there's no such thing as "student debt", you just pay your semester tax.
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I actually want to go and in my country college is free
For a bad B my mother once flipped completely out.
for a physically below average and mentally at best average man there is almost no place in this world anymore.
YEP, that's me (the physically below average part - 172cm skinny framecel)
Now I have studied for years for a worthless meme degree which I cannot use,
Same, i study history - one of my hobbies and interests, but it def won't help me find a decent job even if i somehow finish uni
I actually want to go and in my country college is free
Nice, here in Bulgaria (EU) uni was free too durring socialism (1944-1990). Give it a try, at worst you'll just waste a few years but atleast you won't waste any money :feelsYall::feelsokman:
No my mom wanted me to but my dad doesn't seem to care if i lay down and rot away in my room forever
To be able to afford to not go to a university is such a first world trait
Bulgaria is in le Second world although being a EU member (poorest and most corrupt country in EU) but anyway
I dropped out of university recently. Jfl at paying some openly commie marxists thousands of dollars to push globohomo on you
Literally :feelshaha::feelshaha:
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Not going to college (or going but in a shit career) is low iq trait :feelsYall:
Yes. Was potent ragefuel for me. My mother broke off her studies within her first days and due to that she has absolutely insane standards towards me.
Sadly I am from a very competitive family. For that grade she yelled at me for a few weeks, complained that my father and my extended family have ruined it (because she again broke off a fight in the days prior to the exam/she thought that the stress led to the "failure" & that this was a deliberate sabotage of other family members to further their own kids) & nearly she even made an accident in the car because she became so angry among other shit. A grade other people would kill for became a complete family crisis.
Luckily they don't kick me out unlike other parents do, so I have still no right to complain.
YEP, that's me (the physically below average part - 172cm skinny framecel)
Am a manlet too (~172cm if standing completely upright/with shoes/without hunch, ~55kg in weight).
Same, i study history - one of my hobbies and interests, but it def won't help me find a decent job even if i somehow finish uni
Good. History is very interesting. Particularly Rome/the Middle Ages. A very good subject. My favorite topic were personally the Landsknechts (medieval mercenaries) who left quite an impressive musical legacy. Hope you enjoy your studies as much as possible and that with the jobs later you will find something.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpZc6CdYI18
Not going to college (or going but in a shit career) is low iq trait :feelsYall:
90% of normtards are negative iq, regardless of chosen sphere in uni, even regardless of whether going to uni or not so what's your point kek :feelsaww::feelsautistic:
Listen to this guy, he spittin facts:
Jfl at paying some openly commie marxists thousands of dollars to push globohomo on you
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No uni for my height
Yes. Was potent ragefuel for me. My mother broke off her studies within her first days and due to that she has absolutely insane standards towards me.
Sadly I am from a very competitive family. For that grade she yelled at me for a few weeks, complained that my father and my extended family have ruined it (because she again broke off a fight in the days prior to the exam/she thought that the stress led to the "failure" & that this was a deliberate sabotage of other family members to further their own kids) & nearly she even made an accident in the car because she became so angry among other shit. A grade other people would kill for became a complete family crisis.
Luckily they don't kick me out unlike other parents do, so I have still no right to complain.
That's awful indeed, my father has a uni education, my mom wasn't accepted to uni in the 1980s (although she had a very good exam grade) literally because her grandpa was an "enemy of the people" (a term that the communists used in Bulgaria to label everyone who was their opposition, probably was used in other ex-socialist countries), so they too expect from me that i'll get a degree too kek
~55kg in weight
Good. History is very interesting. Particularly Rome/the Middle Ages. A very good subject. My favorite topic were personally the Landsknechts (medieval mercenaries) who left quite an impressive musical legacy. Hope you enjoy your studies as much as possible and that with the jobs later you will find something.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpZc6CdYI18

Nice, my field of interest is mainly the 20th century although i know different facts from Ancient and Medieval history too
That's awful indeed, my father has a uni education, my mom wasn't accepted to uni in the 1980s (although she had a very good exam grade) literally because her grandpa was an "enemy of the people" (a term that the communists used in Bulgaria to label everyone who was their opposition, probably was used in other ex-socialist countries), so they too expect from me that i'll get a degree too kek
Very brutal. In the DDR they did roughly the same in our country with many not being allowed to study because a) they were middle-class or rich prior to the socialist regime or b) political opposition.
Nice, my field of interest is mainly the 20th century although i know different facts from Ancient and Medieval history too
The 20th century is very based too. Sadly often not very well presented by teachers in school.
90% of normtards are negative iq, regardless of chosen sphere in uni, even regardless of whether going to uni or not so what's your point kek :feelsaww::feelsautistic:
Listen to this guy, he spittin facts:
I completely agree that most of the people who have a diploma are retarded.

But what's better, going to uni (provided you choose a good career) or wageslaving as a cashier or uber driver forever? The choice is obvious :society:

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