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Blackpill Anybody else hate their own race?



Sep 18, 2018
No, I am not an ethic. I am white. And yes, I still hate my own race.

Sure, you can make fun of blacks/hispanics/Asians/whatever all you want. But that doesn't change the fact that white people are ultimately the most pathetic race of all time as of today.

What makes the white race so pathetic is that most of it's "virtues" are self-destructive and ultimately lead to it's own race being destroyed. Most whites are clueless morons who are so use to living in a first world paradise that they are basically the modern day version of delusional kings who have never seen life outside of their castle and thus don't have any understanding whatsoever of how things work outside of their bubble. As a result they just assume everybody else in the whole world thinks just like they do, and will automatically embrace their "values" just as long as they are exposed to them enough. They can't wrap their heads around the fact that white values such as altruism, liberalism etc are basically exclusive to them and aren't embraced anywhere else. There is no such thing as a liberal altruist society that doesn't have white people in it. The moment whites become a minority liberalism and progressivism will die (don't make me laugh by calling the modern sjw madness liberal or progressive).

But most of them can't see this, because they are braindead consumer whores living in their own bubble world. Now when I hear the term "white person" these are the first mental images that pop up into my mind:



So we have basically gone from this:


To this:


Yes we still (for now) have higher IQ averages than the brownies but so fucking what? Our culture has become so utterly pathetic that it basically has no redeemable characteristics now. Once the white holocaust comes as a result of the brownies turning on us frankly I'm not sure if I will even really care. White people will have brought it unto themselves anyway with their massive degeneracy.

And before all the stormfrontcels even say it: No, the jews did not do this. You are fucking delusional if you think white people aren't retarded enough to do this to themselves. They have become a victim of their own success and thus decided to throw all of their old values away in favor of degeneracy and the mass importing of foreigners in a desperate attempt at sustaining their unsustainable welfare state so that they can enjoy life without any effort by exploiting third world labor. Jews aren't needed for any this to happen you stupid fucks. This would still have happened even without them.

So yea, fuck the white race. I am sick of it and it deserves what is coming to it.

Anybody else hates their own race, and if so then why?
Go back to Reddit you cuck.
The most cuck shit i’ve read in awhile, made my testosterone go down

So are you saying the white race isn't committing slow suicide and that it isn't going straight down into hell?

Just lmao at being a blackpiller and not seeing what is happening in the west. How the fuck can you even be an incel and not realize this? Feminism plays a huge part in the downfall of the white race. Do you think it's by chance that so many of the white incels here are stormfront/WN phaggots?

And just fucking lmao at calling me a cuck because I have become disillusioned with white culture. The glorious white race you WN phaggots are picturing in your head hasn't existed for at least 70 years. The glory days are over, and decay and degeneracy have replaced them.
Being slav is suicide inducing you literally are born with NW2 and go bald by 22 we also have small dicks and our women prefer ethnics.
i hate the human race
yeah i see what you mean. both blacks/whites have incredibly toxic cultures especially in the west. must be even harder, being a ''woke'' white american.
people who hate their own race are lame. Honestly all races are trash because people are trash. At this point I'm convinced that racism happens because everyone is shit so of course if you observe any race its going to be a shitshow.
i bet julius ceasar was a slav with his norwooding lmao
Reddit would love you white blamer
sjw tier p0st

You retards don't even know what sjws are. Sjw has become a generic insult against everybody who dares question the alt-right narrative. It's the right-wing version of calling somebody a racist. Do you think I have a high opinion of the low IQ brown hordes that are pouring into the west? Do you think I would rather have Hillary as president in the USA instead of Trump? The hell I do.


I use to listen to alt-right rhetoric for years. But now I am starting to learn towards the idea that while the left may indeed be as disgusting and degenerate as the alt-right says they are, the left is actually still correct about right-wingers being a bunch of low IQ morons. The reason for why right-wingers believe in values such as tradition, nationalism etc is largely because they are losers who can't stand out as individuals. Pretty much all of conservatism was invented to protect beta losers against chads. Yes, liberals are more selfish. But the reason they are more selfish is because their higher intelligence and better looks allow them to be more selfish. Granted that this has changed with the rise of the sjw/cultural marxism, but even then I would argue most alt-righers are just white incels in denial about how pathetic they are and thus they use WN bullshit as a form of cope.

And the fact is this: White culture as utterly worthless degenerate trash. The other races actually have some form of unity and traditionalism, where as with white people it's just raw degeneracy and hyper consumerism. It's the most worthless culture ever. I don't need to be a colored person to see this.

In the past I would have considered myself a white nationalist of sorts. I don't anymore because I am so fucking fed up with listening to all the delusional bullshit coming from the alt-right. Does that mean I now have a positive opinion of coloreds? No. But I no longer give a shit about white people either. They can rot in their own ignorance until some other more disciplined culture destroys them.
Spot the jew.

And then there is also this bullshit. I am not sure if the WN retards who say this are actually stupid enough to believe this (or that is, that it's only the jews who are hating on them, rather that literally everybody who doesn't have a sub-90 IQ) or if they are merely trolls. But in any case anti-jew cope is fucking pathetic.

And no, I am not a jew.
Whatever retard. Keep convincing yourself that only soyboy losers think you are a fucking joke for buying into the whole "the reason I can't get laid is because of jews" bullshit. Chads will always get laid. Always. The fact that you people are incels has fuck all to do with jews. Western civilization does not need jews to fail.

Honestly the more I am exposed to the likes of you the more I am beginning to gravitate towards the idea that maybe incel haters might have a point (to a degree).
i hate being black. blacks in the west are degenerate coons who act like apes and the culture in general is subhuman. we are subhuman with lower IQ and uglier facial features. i even hate the fucking accent and that im stuck with it.
Why would I? It's not my responsibility what all the other white people do.
I hate the White Women that date Black or Oriental Men.
I don't have virtues. I am not altruistic
I wish bad on all people. If I'm miserable, I like it when other people are miserable.
I don't care about the starving children. It's the mothers' fault for having so many babies, with Black Man.
I have no friends and no family. I do not care.
I treat people like they treated me, for 55 years.
Spot the jew.
Jews hate me. I live in New York. I see it first hand, They hate White people.
I know a lot of Jews that date Black Men (They don't date Black Women)
Jews will complain when a Black gets killed, but not a White.
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Being a self hating black is worst thing I can be
i hate being black. blacks in the west are degenerate coons who act like apes and the culture in general is subhuman. we are subhuman with lower IQ and uglier facial features. i even hate the fucking accent and that im stuck with it.

Don't be too harsh on yourself. At least your own kind actually has some form of brotherhood. Whites don't give a shit about each other at all.
Don't be too harsh on yourself. At least your own kind actually has some form of brotherhood. Whites don't give a shit about each other at all.

i dont want to be brothers with gang niggers. id rather be left alone tbh, i dont speak anyway.
I hate white degenerate foids, that doesn't mean i hate the whole white race.
Yes I wish I was born Japanese so instead I pretend that I'm half Japanese.
Whatever retard. Keep convincing yourself that only soyboy losers think you are a fucking joke for buying into the whole "the reason I can't get laid is because of jews" bullshit. Chads will always get laid. Always. The fact that you people are incels has fuck all to do with jews. Western civilization does not need jews to fail.

Honestly the more I am exposed to the likes of you the more I am beginning to gravitate towards the idea that maybe incel haters might have a point (to a degree).
Jew and fakecel spotted.
Go back to Reddit you fucking fakecel kike!


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lawl at all the stormfront phaggots in this thread.

You do realize that just calling somebody a kike doesn't actually count as an argument right? In fact I bet most of the dudes at stormfront would probably think of you as losers as well because you are users on a incel forum. So basically nobody likes you idiots.
i hate the human race
I hate the stupidity and weakness of whites.
I mean, we had an empire that covered most of the world.
Why my grandparents etc. would have willingly given that up is beyond my understanding.
The other races were not grateful, they are full of a desire for vengeance. Once we are weakened enough, there will be genocide of whites.

It’s mind boggling. White people were the only race in the history of the world to voluntarily free their slaves and promote equality for POC. Yet they are endlessly hated. Meanwhile other races keep slaves today and are ignored.
I hate the stupidity and weakness of whites.
I mean, we had an empire that covered most of the world.
Why my grandparents etc. would have willingly given that up is beyond my understanding.
The other races were not grateful, they are full of a desire for vengeance. Once we are weakened enough, there will be genocide of whites.

It’s mind boggling. White people were the only race in the history of the world to voluntarily free their slaves and promote equality for POC. Yet they are endlessly hated. Meanwhile other races keep slaves today and are ignored.
if whites should perish let us serve as a lesson for the lesser races. No act of kindness goes unpunished
It’s mind boggling. White people were the only race in the history of the world to voluntarily free their slaves and promote equality for POC. Yet they are endlessly hated.

What the retarded blue piller whites can't can't seem to understand or accept, is that fascism and to a degree even marxism were basically correct about how the world and human nature works. There isn't such a thing as peaceful coexistence. Everybody, be it classes or nations or races, are in constant conflict with each other for resources and power. Hitler, Mussolini, and Marx were all right. World history is a history of conflict, where only the strongest win. Those who tolerate others, will be destroyed themselves. The only reason white people can't understand this and instead fall for all of the live and let live garbage is because they are spoiled brats living in a first world nation where they don't understand the meaning of struggle. They are going to be horrified once they realize that all their commitment to multiculturalism and pandering to minorities will make absolutely no difference whatsoever, and that coloreds will start oppressing them the very moment they become a minority. Once this happens to them, they will suffer the biggest red pilling moment in history, except it will be too late.
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self race hate is one of the most cucked bluepill things you can do


i don't feel pride or guilt, it's just a thing you are born with you have no control over
The only reason white people can't understand this and instead fall for all of the live and let live garbage is because they are spoiled brats living in a first world nation where they don't understand the meaning of struggle. They are going to be horrified once they realize that all their commitment to multiculturalism and pandering to minorities will make absolutely no difference whatsoever, and that coloreds will start oppressing them the very moment they become a minority. Once this happens to them, they will suffer the biggest red pilling moment in history, except it will be too late.

You summarise the situation perfectly.
How did u come up with that statement

He means that if the white race gets raped by others than the rest should consider it a warning as to what happens why you think you can make others not compete against you by being nice to them. Which does't work.
I don't but i hate how i can't find shit i want in my country like specific books or fucking screentones or 0.1 dip pen nibs.


self race hate is one of the most cucked bluepill things you can do


i don't feel pride or guilt, it's just a thing you are born with you have no control over
>"god damn i love being white"
No but everybody here hates it for some reason
Cope. If you cant be proud of your own race you should rope imo..

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