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SuicideFuel Anybody else always disappointing their parents?



Nov 7, 2017
Im not even just talking about being a virgin loser with no real friendships.
In general I disappoint them.
The fact that all I do is watch shows/ play games/ and browse the web.
The fact that im insanely high inhib and garbage whenever we are in social situations.
The fact that I didnt reach their insane expectations for my grades.
Niggas always expected me to be Einstein level iq and literally get 100's in all my classes.
Honestly they should have thought this out before waiting until old age to have a child and then only being able to have one child.
Fuckers stuck themselves with only one child that could never meet their expectations.
Im not even going to be able to have children so their dream of ever having grandchildren is crushed.
It's hard to disappoint people with no expectations or ambitions themselves. My parents don't give a shit at all.
Yeah since my teens I have always been the black sheep of my family even though they love me. I have even been kicked out of school now and going to rope soon and they nothing, I just fail them over and over I am such a terrible person..
No. My parents still think im a secret slayer or something lul
IQ is inherited so it's your parents' fault if you have mongoloid IQ
Probably, I never speak to them.
IQ is inherited so it's your parents' fault if you have mongoloid IQ
I don´t think that is entirely true my dad is really smart especially at math and can finish a rubix cube pretty fast and my IQ is "only" 109.
I know that feel.
It's even worse if you have over-achieving siblings.

"modus coperandi why can't you be like your brother?"

can finish a rubix cube pretty fast
that's way easier than you think it is. you always use the same moves.
IQ is inherited so it's your parents' fault if you have mongoloid IQ
Its not even like im stupid.
I always did good in school and usually scored 80-90 in grades but these low iq mongols always qanted me to be the top of the school and had insane expectations.
I am still the black sheep at 28 letting em down left and right. At least they got my sister to give em a grandkid before she blacklisted men.

I have a job, I pay for my own shit, I don't cause trouble, but my mother is disappointed in me because she wanted me to be an outgoing Chad with an MBA, a six-figure salary, and a wife and kids instead of the aspie incel I am. I want to tell her, "It's your genes that made me a manlet."
They disappointed me first.
Oh, god, yes! I've been waiting to get my registration approved to reply to this. I am a disappointment to my family, and a failed son just because I failed at math during school! I was a straight-A student, but when it came to math in the last three to four years, I was getting something like C+ or something. That meant I am a disappointment, a retard, and worth nothing. And don't get me started about how they treated me and called me names when I got a tattoo. My career is over, they said (although at the time I didn't even have one), no one will take me seriously, and I am a whore who will end up getting drilled in the ass by some fat ugly faggot (that is actually what they said).
But the worst thing was my younger sister. She's 6-7 years younger (I mean, I was 6 when she was born, but in a few months I turned 7, so I'm not sure which number is more valid), and she's the sunshine of their lives. Whatever she fails, she's allowed to do that. She can wear whatever she wants, look however she likes, choose any profession she wants, make tattoos, dye her hair, wear slutty make-up, etc., and she's allowed to, because, quote, "she's a girl". What the actual..!? So she's a girl and she's allowed to be a braindead bimbo, but a boy fails at one subject (which I don't need for my job, and never needed in my life thanks to modern technology), and he's a disgrace to the family?
I know that feel OP. Now that Im in my 20s my parents especially seem bothered by the fact that I have no gf and no friends, my mom regularly asks me when am I gonna find some friends and get a gf and she often offers to introduce me to her friends sons/daughters (who are around my age) which is extremely humiliating

I of course decline, just thinking how that would go makes me sick
"Hey here is my son, he has no friends would you mind being his friend?"
I have but tbh fuck them I don't give a fuck.
i dont give two shits about their expectations. its their fault for having mediocre genes and fucking then not aborting me and thus they pay the price for it.
I know I am a mega disappointment to my parents, me and my siblings, but my parents are disappointment to me so it balances out. They did a poor job raising me, they are the reason i'm not NT right now, just clueless as parents.

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