Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Anybody born after the millennium really shouldn't be here



Jan 13, 2018
The users here know who they are. You need to put all your effort into looks-maxing before it's too late, get advice from lookism or wherever, the younger you are the more potential you have. This forum should be for people who have missed their prime (high-school) and are struggling with the consequences.
I want to be here
Disagree. I think most would benefit from this forum and it will reduce the amount of blue pilled cucks that are around right now
By 18, many people already knew it was over.
testacccount99 said:
Disagree. I think most would benefit from this forum and it will reduce the amount of blue pilled cucks that are around right now

they should be redpilled and focused on looksmaxing. When all that fails then they should take the blackpill
I can't imagine people born after 1999 to be anything but kids. Jfl if you weren't born in the 90s at the very least.
You know its over by the time your 13-14
Popbob said:
You know its over by the time your 13-14

this is getting ridiculous
_incelinside said:
Popbob said:
You know its over by the time your 13-14
this is getting ridiculous

You should be atleast 21 to be allowed to post.
Cynistic said:
You should be atleast 21 to be allowed to post.
As soon as your growth plates have fused
I look at a guy like rafaelvicuna and he’s not a bad-looking guy but he looks androgynous. Throw in the fact that he knows about this place and he’s an incel. 14 or not, this is a MSTOW. Not a man but a male, he may become a normie one day but maybe not.
_incelinside said:
As soon as your growth plates have fused

yeah because as soon as your growth plates fuse you magically become a male model
Teencels still have some hope to escape. Once you're a twentiescel it's fucking over.
I think we should welcome the younger incels, it's not like they're magically gonna grow up to become Chads

Better they can be blackpilled early and live a cope free life
Popbob said:
yeah because as soon as your growth plates fuse you magically become a male model

how old are you
My advice for youngcels is to read up on some red pill strategy, specifically holding frame, shit tests, and negging. But light hearted, fun negging, not abusive shit. Not holding frame and shit tests have fucked me over. I find you can ignore the other crap and "just be your self." But within "being yourself" you have to be funny, charming, smooth, and have game in general.
Sub8Hate said:
My advice for youngcels is to read up on some red pill strategy, specifically holding frame, shit tests, and negging. But light hearted, fun negging, not abusive shit. Not holding frame and shit tests have fucked me over. I find you can ignore the other crap and "just be your self." But within "being yourself" you have to be funny, charming, smooth, and have game in general.

all that is cope. they should only be focused on looksmaxing
Popbob said:
You know its over by the time your 13-14

Your body can still change up to 18, and up to 21 for the latest bloomers.

You can’t complain about bad genes unless you know your genes are bad.

I’d say you should be 18+
_incelinside said:
all that is cope. they should only be focused on looksmaxing

I can't believe I forgot looksmaxxing. This is the most important one. But of course, rules 1 and 2 always apply, I just assume it to be a given LOL. 

Sub8Hate said:
I can't believe I forgot looksmaxxing. This is the most important one. But of course, rules 1 and 2 always apply, I just assume it to be a given LOL. 


being NT is enough to get laid as long as the girl is attracted to you. Game isn't gonna make much of a difference
Popbob said:
18 kissless virgin

that's fine. I'm talkng about youngcels who haven't finished growing. Once your bones fuse whatever you have (facial bones, frame and height) you are stuck with, its over
_incelinside said:
being NT is enough to get laid as long as the girl is attracted to you. Game isn't gonna make much of a difference

I'm trying to help the youngcels ascend. I'm nearly 40 years old and know what I'm talking about. I am a black pilled norman. Now if you also have a good amount of experience, then I apologize. But if not, I'd rather he listen to me and have a good chance of making something happen. 

Now, game won't work if you're ugly, but it will if she finds you attractive. You will not always know if they find you attractive in any way. Orbiters are real, if they're all on the same level of looks, game will win out. I've seen it with my own eyes a few times. This is where the alpha stuff comes in. But you don't have to stress that, only holding frame in general.

Also if they're 17 or something they have no idea what they're capable of. Let them try first.
Sub8Hate said:
I'm trying to help the youngcels ascend. I'm nearly 40 years old and know what I'm talking about. I am a black pilled norman. Now if you also have a good amount of experience, then I apologize. But if not, I'd rather he listen to me and have a good chance of making something happen. 

Now, game won't work if you're ugly, but it will if she finds you attractive. You will not always know if they find you attractive in any way. Orbiters are real, if they're all on the same level of looks, game will win out. I've seen it with my own eyes a few times. This is where the alpha stuff comes in. But you don't have to stress that, only holding frame in general.

Also if they're 17 or something they have no idea what they're capable of. Let them try first.

40 damn. Guess you have the life experience then
Sub8Hate said:
I'm trying to help the youngcels ascend. I'm nearly 40 years old and know what I'm talking about. I am a black pilled norman. Now if you also have a good amount of experience, then I apologize. But if not, I'd rather he listen to me and have a good chance of making something happen. 

Now, game won't work if you're ugly, but it will if she finds you attractive. You will not always know if they find you attractive in any way. Orbiters are real, if they're all on the same level of looks, game will win out. I've seen it with my own eyes a few times. This is where the alpha stuff comes in. But you don't have to stress that, only holding frame in general.

Also if they're 17 or something they have no idea what they're capable of. Let them try first.

Of the guys here that have posted pics, a handful had some semblance of dimorphism. Game would help a Tellem type of guy but even then, by providing a mask for him to be more confident.
_incelinside said:
that's fine. I'm talkng about youngcels who haven't finished growing. Once your bones fuse whatever you have (facial bones, frame and height) you are stuck with, its over
Yeah but I knew I was going to be a kissless virgin since 14
TheRealChincel said:
Of the guys here that have posted pics, a handful had some semblance of dimorphism. Game would help a Tellem type of guy but even then, by providing a mask for him to be more confident.

I agree that my advice would mostly help the mentalcels. I am well versed in the tenets of the black pill, so I know some guys are just fucked. It's not going to work for a 5'2" blading Indian janitor, lol. No disrespect to curries. 

Even if it's a mask, it would be well crafted and could result in validating sex. Could get them sex, bro. 

Isn't that the whole point?
Sub8Hate said:
I agree that my advice would mostly help the mentalcels. I am well versed in the tenets of the black pill, so I know some guys are just fucked. It's not going to work for a 5'2" blading Indian janitor, lol. No disrespect to curries. 

Even if it's a mask, it would be well crafted and could result in validating sex. Could get them sex, bro. 

Isn't that the whole point?

Yes, it is, I’m just saying game isn’t so great. Most of us are fucked though, not just the 5’2 balding curry.
TheRealChincel said:
Yes, it is, I’m just saying game isn’t so great. Most of us are fucked though, not just the 5’2 balding curry.

I recognize that, I agree with you. That's black pill 101. But I'm just the type of person to dole out advice if I feel I can really help someone. I won't do it otherwise, I don't do it constantly.

_incelinside said:
40 damn. Guess you have the life experience then

I'm old as fuck! Still playing tekken shmoking weed and hating stingy bitches!
The thing is Black Pill shouldnt make you apathetic, cause avolition. My interpretation of substance of the Black Pill is realisation that genetics are crucial in every part of the life, you are what your genetics and nurture theory is a bit overrated. This doesnt mean you cant try to "self overcome" (überwindung) againts a deterministic world, where you accept the life with everything it includes (amor fati) and try to make/create something really meaningful.

Or i am just a rambling idiot, who knows.
Maeror said:
The thing is Black Pill shouldnt make you apathetic, cause avolition. My interpretation of substance of the Black Pill is realisation that genetics are crucial in every part of the life, you are what your genetics and nurture theory is a bit overrated. This doesnt mean you can try to "self overcome" (überwindung) againts a deterministic world, where you accept the life with everything it includes (amor fati) and try to make/create something really meaningful.

Or i am just a rambling idiot, who knows.

This. The blackpill should inform not encourage apathy
The Black Pill is acceptance that is over. Fighting nature is pointless.

Teencels should be Red Pilled and try to escape, while they can.

When it fails, come to this forum and leave the Red Pill at the door.
_incelinside said:
This. The blackpill should inform not encourage apathy

@Kointo This is a good summary of my stance, figured it might help to see it coming from someone else since you seem to be particularly angsty about my stance recently.

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