Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Any super oldfags here?



i think im big meech
Feb 20, 2021
I used to be on the love-shy forum back in 2010... anyone remember that shit? long time ago
I used to lurk in those days. Thought to myself: "Can't be me."

Now look where I'm at now?
How was it back then?
I was bluepilled till I was 20 so no.
How old are you? I was on Wizchan back in 2012 and I thought, "JFL by the time I'm 30, I will have forgotten about this place."

How wrong I was.
I used to lurk in those days. Thought to myself: "Can't be me."

Now look where I'm at now?
based oldcel

How was it back then?
same as it is now, very pessimistic (understandable) crazy how it's gotten WORSE for society since then!

How old are you? I was on Wizchan back in 2012 and I thought, "JFL by the time I'm 30, I will have forgotten about this place."

How wrong I was.
im an oldfag, 31, I was using 4chan in 07-08 lol
@Emba is the oldest oldcel
im an oldfag, 31, I was using 4chan in 07-08 lol
Ah. I'm 29. What prevented you from killing yourself on your 30th birthday? I can't imagine facing my 30s as a virgin.
Ah. I'm 29. What prevented you from killing yourself on your 30th birthday? I can't imagine facing my 30s as a virgin.
lack of motivation lol
wizardmaxxxxed a while ago, JFL at the ethnic kids on here shilling sex tourism like they have any idea wtf they're talking about
2010 feels like a lifetime away. I was still in school. Still had hopes and dreams from this life.
2010 feels like a lifetime away. I was still in school. Still had hopes and dreams from this life.
Never imagining how shitty things are going to become
dang hurts so much thinking bout how i've literally wasted my life for the past 13+ years
Wizzardmaxxed oldfag here.
I remember everything :feelsrope:
I was blackpilled in 2003 but didn’t know what to do with it, just kept it inside until I found r/incels 12 years later, I also remember that time when PUAs were worshipped and talked about all the damn time
2010 is nothing. My life in 2021 is the same as my life in 2010 (no job, no friends, no GF, still virgin, browsing the Internet, playing video-games, watching "porn"). Some of us (not me, I am only 31 years old) have been on the scene since Usenet newsgroups.
2010 is nothing. My life in 2021 is the same as my life in 2010 (no job, no friends, no GF, still virgin, browsing the Internet, playing video-games, watching "porn"). Some of us (not me, I am only 31 years old) have been on the scene since Usenet newsgroups.
I remember Usenet!

Good Times!
(bon temps! 'mi!)
I used to be on the love-shy forum back in 2010... anyone remember that shit? long time ago
yeah I remember that too. also the days when r9k was relatable
Ah. I'm 29. What prevented you from killing yourself on your 30th birthday? I can't imagine facing my 30s as a virgin.
My 30th birthday was a few weeks ago. I literally had to hold back my tears.
Worst birthday hands down.
My 30th birthday was a few weeks ago. I literally had to hold back my tears.
Worst birthday hands down.
Hang in there lad(no pun intended).
After you pass the 30 barrier, you dont feel anything at birthdays ever again.
My 30th birthday was a few weeks ago. I literally had to hold back my tears.
Worst birthday hands down.
Understand how shitty that must feel. I turn 20 this summer, what keeps you going in life, and how can I make it to 30 without roping if that’s recommendable
I didn't really care about the incel shit until I was like 26 and realized what was going on.
Before then I would just joke about virginity with my virgin internet friends.
Now they've all had sex with multiple women and have gfs and I'm 31 and just as incel as ever.
I didn't really care about the incel shit until I was like 26 and realized what was going on.
Before then I would just joke about virginity with my virgin internet friends.
Now they've all had sex with multiple women and have gfs and I'm 31 and just as incel as ever.
nice username, and ok avi
amazing thread
2010 feels like a lifetime away. I was still in school. Still had hopes and dreams from this life.
Yeah. Same. Funny how things went.
25 in 2 months :feelsbadman:
27yo alzheimermaxxer

32 here. I used to browse puahate, watched the very first faceandlms video back in 2013, used to be a bluepiller then redpiller then got blackpilled, watched egg whites take the black pill vid when he first dropped it. I've been around.

In 2008 when I turned 20 I sat on my dorm room bed at university absolutely crushed and confused about being a 20 yo virgin. Most people lost it at 14-16 where I lived and being 20 and a virgin was an immense humiliation I thought to myself "I'm so old" LMAO.... and looking back I was just a kid but now I'm 32 it's insane, its fucking unbelievable, I literally cant believe this has happened to me lol
32 here. I used to browse puahate, watched the very first faceandlms video back in 2013, used to be a bluepiller then redpiller then got blackpilled, watched egg whites take the black pill vid when he first dropped it. I've been around.

In 2008 when I turned 20 I sat on my dorm room bed at university absolutely crushed and confused about being a 20 yo virgin. Most people lost it at 14-16 where I lived and being 20 and a virgin was an immense humiliation I thought to myself "I'm so old" LMAO.... and looking back I was just a kid but now I'm 32 it's insane, its fucking unbelievable, I literally cant believe this has happened to me lol
same shit sitting in my down at 18 in 2008, was so fucked up then, all i did was videogame and sleep 16 hours a day til i flunked out
I used to be on the love-shy forum back in 2010... anyone remember that shit? long time ago
I knew of the love-shy forum - about the same time you were there I was active on the original Incel-support forum because it seemed to fit my problems better than the Love shy label. I read Dr Brian Gilmartins book "Shyness and love". The incel support forum was kind of shit. They were normietards and foids just like the kind of people who are active on most of reddit. There was this passive aggressive bitch called "Vokoulja" or something like that there and she was fucking one of the mods. There were a bunch of cucks who were fucking single mothers and women who would write endless pages of post modernist critical theory analysis. I was actually one of the few real Incels there as far as I could see and in the end they banned me. Then something happened and they got shit canned and some of the users ended up on a forum called "you're not alone" and I was active there for a while.

Pickings were slim back there - the only real manosphere as such back in the mid 00's was the PUA's like Double your dating and Real social dynamics. I fell for that scam, got ripped off and then stumbled deeper into the Abyss looking for answers in Yahoo answers and obscure forums and blogs and I remember finding a site called "Nice guys - American women suck" who had struggled with women. Ended up being driven to near suicide by a bipolar woman and then he went to Japan and found a wife there. I also think I found the term "Omega male" and there was a blog called "Omega male in revolt" or "co-alpha male" or something like that.

Then I found r/ForeverAlone and then foids and cucks drove out the guys like me to r/Incels and the rest is history.

I think there was a guy interviewed on the Incel podcast by (((Naama))) that had been active on there and I think FACEandLMS was also active on the original Incel forum. It's so crazy to think that I left highschool in 2004 and all this time has gone by and I'm still fucked. :feelsbadman:
32 here. I used to browse puahate, watched the very first faceandlms video back in 2013, used to be a bluepiller then redpiller then got blackpilled, watched egg whites take the black pill vid when he first dropped it. I've been around.

In 2008 when I turned 20 I sat on my dorm room bed at university absolutely crushed and confused about being a 20 yo virgin. Most people lost it at 14-16 where I lived and being 20 and a virgin was an immense humiliation I thought to myself "I'm so old" LMAO.... and looking back I was just a kid but now I'm 32 it's insane, its fucking unbelievable, I literally cant believe this has happened to me lol

Yeah - most of the guys I knew busted their cherrys in highschool. I might as well have been a different species. I hung out with a bunch of freaks and degenerates and spent an awful lot of time fighting or scheming to get out of trouble or thinking about real stuff like DVD and game pirating or fixing bikes or motorbikes for money. All normietards cared about was getting their dicks wet, hanging out and drinking and smoking weeds with other retards and making fun of me.

I never had a hope in hell looking back on it. If there is one thing I regret its not getting myself kicked out when I was 14. I wasted so much time in school with worthless fucking retards, 3rd world dregs and being a bitch for the left wing Jewish education system. Just FML. :feelsohgod:
I was blackpilled in 2003 but didn’t know what to do with it, just kept it inside until I found r/incels 12 years later, I also remember that time when PUAs were worshipped and talked about all the damn time
I read "The Games" by Neil Strauss in 2005. Then I read Double your Dating by David DeAngelo in 2006 and then I paid for some of his material. I also remember Real Social Dynamics. Coach Corey Wayne and a bunch of other PUA's from back in those days. Me being a PUA ended about as well as you expect. There was fuck all of a manosphere back then. It was 2009 before I found the original Incel Support Forum and read Dr Brian Gillmartins book. The Incel support forum was cucked like Reddit is. I got banned after 2 years.
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I knew of the love-shy forum - about the same time you were there I was active on the original Incel-support forum because it seemed to fit my problems better than the Love shy label. I read Dr Brian Gilmartins book "Shyness and love". The incel support forum was kind of shit. They were normietards and foids just like the kind of people who are active on most of reddit. There was this passive aggressive bitch called "Vokoulja" or something like that there and she was fucking one of the mods. There were a bunch of cucks who were fucking single mothers and women who would write endless pages of post modernist critical theory analysis. I was actually one of the few real Incels there as far as I could see and in the end they banned me. Then something happened and they got shit canned and some of the users ended up on a forum called "you're not alone" and I was active there for a while.

Pickings were slim back there - the only real manosphere as such back in the mid 00's was the PUA's like Double your dating and Real social dynamics. I fell for that scam, got ripped off and then stumbled deeper into the Abyss looking for answers in Yahoo answers and obscure forums and blogs and I remember finding a site called "Nice guys - American women suck" who had struggled with women. Ended up being driven to near suicide by a bipolar woman and then he went to Japan and found a wife there. I also think I found the term "Omega male" and there was a blog called "Omega male in revolt" or "co-alpha male" or something like that.

Then I found r/ForeverAlone and then foids and cucks drove out the guys like me to r/Incels and the rest is history.

I think there was a guy interviewed on the Incel podcast by (((Naama))) that had been active on there and I think FACEandLMS was also active on the original Incel forum. It's so crazy to think that I left highschool in 2004 and all this time has gone by and I'm still fucked. :feelsbadman:

dang I remember incel-support, if you complained ppl would be like YOU NEED TO TOUGHEN UP AND TRY HARDER IN LIFE!!11!!! meanwhile love-shy forum was extreme pessimism like this one :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
dang I remember incel-support, if you complained ppl would be like YOU NEED TO TOUGHEN UP AND TRY HARDER IN LIFE!!11!!! meanwhile love-shy forum was extreme pessimism like this one :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Yeah - it was shit. I felt worse about myself after being on there. A bunch of sex havers, foids, and white knights. There were 1 or 2 actual celibate men but they were generally white knights too. I did browse the love sky forum a few times. I'm sure that was the place where some guys used to talk about government mandated girlfriends. I probably would have fit in well on PUA hate but I didn't know it existed until after the Isla Vista shooting.
Puahate became sluthate and was quite the ride. Lots of copecels thinking they could mew into chaddom though.
I used to be on the love-shy forum back in 2010... anyone remember that shit? long time ago
I used to lurk on that forum, back when I was bluepilled and delusional and tried to find love in the middle of nowhere Indiana as a norwooding 27 year old 5'4 ricecel manlet.

fuck me.
Understand how shitty that must feel. I turn 20 this summer, what keeps you going in life, and how can I make it to 30 without roping if that’s recommendable
Just cooming and coping really.
I keep my mind occupied all the time with hobbies. I think I have OCD too which can fixate my mind on stuff and dilute the existential dread.
Grey hair and old age, sucks to be alive tbh. The rope calls me everyday, it's only a matter of time...
32 here. I used to browse puahate, watched the very first faceandlms video back in 2013, used to be a bluepiller then redpiller then got blackpilled, watched egg whites take the black pill vid when he first dropped it. I've been around.

In 2008 when I turned 20 I sat on my dorm room bed at university absolutely crushed and confused about being a 20 yo virgin. Most people lost it at 14-16 where I lived and being 20 and a virgin was an immense humiliation I thought to myself "I'm so old" LMAO.... and looking back I was just a kid but now I'm 32 it's insane, its fucking unbelievable, I literally cant believe this has happened to me lol
I'm 30 and it's so obvious at this point that it was over from the start. I was always going to be this way. Puberty ended my life and I've had no life since I was 14/15 years-old. Ugliness dominates every part of my life. If you're ugly you are doomed, period. Guys don't want an ugly friend and girls don't want an ugly guy. The world rejects you and very quickly. Before puberty I had no issues, really. After it my whole life was over and gone in no time. Genetics are everything. If you're not at least a normie looks-wise you're done for. Our generation lives in the end times. It is our generation in a big way although half of Gen Xers might have also struggled with looks and life in the age of Tinder. Boomers and beyond that lived in a different world when they were younger. Tinder and social media made a problem that was already bad for ugly males a problem from hell. We're worthless to the world and to women. If you're a truecel like me you understand that it was always bad, with or without our current Tinderized world and social media. I was ugly and treated badly no later than 2003/2004 when I was in middle school. It has only gotten worse with time. All we can really do is find a way to go all Fight Club on this gay Earth and fuck everybody over that we can through some Project Mayhem shit and total chaos. We need a hero to give us the right to interact on the internet and to speak freely on social media. We can't do this now and so we're being eliminated from life even more than we already were. There are a lot of us out there and a lot of delusional, failed normies in denial who would be susceptible to our messaging and thoughts if only they could hear them and hear us.

It's all so depressing. It has been so long since I've lived and I'm not human anymore. I haven't been human in nearly 10-15 years now.

I feel like I'm in prison or solitary confinement. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do. People have been done with me for a long time now and I have no value to them or the world any longer. It's time for me to die but I'm afraid and the world is very tired of me and wants me to just jump to my death. I can feel this sensation all the time. No one smiles at me, no one wants me, no on cares me. I can't believe that there used to be a time when I was happy and treated well by the world. I realize now that it was over 15 years ago and that it was always going to be this way. The genetic lottery is all that matters. There is very little free will. If you're dealt a bad hand of cards then it's over 4 u.

I never thought that life could be or would be so painful or sad. Everyone hurts and abuses me, even my family. The #1 reason is because i'm ugly and weak and I have little-to-no control over this. I was born to lose and born to die. Why me, God...why me...
I'm 30 and it's so obvious at this point that it was over from the start. I was always going to be this way. Puberty ended my life and I've had no life since I was 14/15 years-old. Ugliness dominates every part of my life. If you're ugly you are doomed, period. Guys don't want an ugly friend and girls don't want an ugly guy. The world rejects you and very quickly. Before puberty I had no issues, really. After it my whole life was over and gone in no time. Genetics are everything. If you're not at least a normie looks-wise you're done for. Our generation lives in the end times. It is our generation in a big way although half of Gen Xers might have also struggled with looks and life in the age of Tinder. Boomers and beyond that lived in a different world when they were younger. Tinder and social media made a problem that was already bad for ugly males a problem from hell. We're worthless to the world and to women. If you're a truecel like me you understand that it was always bad, with or without our current Tinderized world and social media. I was ugly and treated badly no later than 2003/2004 when I was in middle school. It has only gotten worse with time. All we can really do is find a way to go all Fight Club on this gay Earth and fuck everybody over that we can through some Project Mayhem shit and total chaos. We need a hero to give us the right to interact on the internet and to speak freely on social media. We can't do this now and so we're being eliminated from life even more than we already were. There are a lot of us out there and a lot of delusional, failed normies in denial who would be susceptible to our messaging and thoughts if only they could hear them and hear us.

It's all so depressing. It has been so long since I've lived and I'm not human anymore. I haven't been human in nearly 10-15 years now.

I feel like I'm in prison or solitary confinement. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do. People have been done with me for a long time now and I have no value to them or the world any longer. It's time for me to die but I'm afraid and the world is very tired of me and wants me to just jump to my death. I can feel this sensation all the time. No one smiles at me, no one wants me, no on cares me. I can't believe that there used to be a time when I was happy and treated well by the world. I realize now that it was over 15 years ago and that it was always going to be this way. The genetic lottery is all that matters. There is very little free will. If you're dealt a bad hand of cards then it's over 4 u.

I never thought that life could be or would be so painful or sad. Everyone hurts and abuses me, even my family. The #1 reason is because i'm ugly and weak and I have little-to-no control over this. I was born to lose and born to die. Why me, God...why me...

Fucking brutal fren. But high IQ post, you're basically me but 2 years younger.
I'd love to lie and say I'm a mentalcel or have autism or something like that but it's all looks I'm a legit 1/10 subhuman goblin in terms of looks. And as you say even straight men dont want to be friends with low status males.

All the stuff about fight club and project mayhem is cope tho, we'd be just as hopeless at that as we are at getting women or living in normie status quo society. We are going to die alone and sad.

It's a lonely life no friends no sex no relationships no love no memories no moments. Just tedium.
And it is mostly genetically predetermined.
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When at 13 everyone turned into a normie-chad via puberty, i ended being an ugly recessed 13 yo duckling forever. Can't say i lived the past 16 years or so either.
When at 13 everyone turned into a normie-chad via puberty, i ended being an ugly recessed 13 yo duckling forever. Can't say i lived the past 16 years or so either.
I only got halfway through puberty lol

I'm 31 but look like I'm 18, sad. Bitches don't want to fuk someone who looks like a pimply teenager

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