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Serious Any other white dudes get nasty dirty looks and stares from ethinks at the gym/everywhere?



Feb 3, 2018
I'm average white dude, probably 5/10 muscular, prominent jawline, full lips,,5'11 but everytime I go to the gym the same indian/mexican/black guys will always give me dirty stares, literally eyeballing me, I have no choice but too look away most time because they just stare and frown, it fucking sucks but at the same time they're the ones with no girls around them but they seem to have good jobs and money. But anyone else feel this pain? Thinking about moving gyms literally today group of indians just eyeballed like gays. Oh and haven't talk to a girl in years, struggling to find jobs and have no car, no money, bad credit, and they still give me these nasty looks like I'm privileged somehow..

and I'm not hot because than i'd be hot to most girls due to the 80/20 rule but I literally have got rejected by every single girl I've gone up to, I've gotten fired from my jobs because girls hated me, sure 1 fat girl said i look okay but even i got rejected by her.

But it too note it's funny how the best looking white guys in the gym will give me this gay passive look sometimes, almost feminine like because the goodlooking white guys will never stare and eyeball me, the look they give says "I'm goodlookig and privileged so It' hard for me to hold grudge have animosity to staredown anyone" instead of ethnik dude frowning and glaring, it's always the ethniks that give me the nasty look and stares.
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You described yourself as chadlite so I guess there jealous

also gtfo fakecel

7547F54F 2FFC 45DC AB9F F1A4862D3E7E
5.5/10 muscular, lean, prominent jawline, full lips, high zygos, 5'11" == you are hot.

That's why they stare at you.

Next time you should wear a thong:


LMFAO, btw, I think you wont find any gym without curries.

Why do all these curries go to gym? I have also noticed this, what do they actually do there? Just curious.
GTFO you fucking Normie
they wanna fuck you in the ass

ethnics are addicted to sex with whites, sex/gender doesn't matter
I don't go to the gym, and I don't really get any looks from ethnics as I live in a 95%+ white town.
because they see you as subhuman. Curries are the real master race. You will notice that goodlooking whites tend to have curry features
gayest shit i've seen on this board
They're watching you so you dont steal their women
They want to seed your white boypuzzy.
I can't help it but stare at people. I don't like to but it's in my nature to 'size people up'.
5.5/10 muscular, lean, prominent jawline, full lips, high zygos, 5'11" == you are hot.

That's why they stare at you.

Next time you should wear a thong:


LMFAO, btw, I think you wont find any gym without curries.

Why do all these curries go to gym? I have also noticed this, what do they actually do there? Just curious.
They are probably lookism aspies analyzing your face to assign a PSL rating
I'm ethnic so I can't relate.
this happened to me when i used to gymcel but in reverse all the white normies would bully me shut doors in my face drop weights on me tell me to commit sui and the workers would laugh at me they eventually bullyed me out of the gym and i never went back since
Maybe because you are a muscular 180 cm average white dude with prominent jawline? Just food for thought...
this happened to me when i used to gymcel but in reverse all the white normies would bully me shut doors in my face drop weights on me tell me to commit sui and the workers would laugh at me they eventually bullyed me out of the gym and i never went back since
What kind of gym did you go to? I am an ugly indian guy but nobody gives a fuck, I do my workout and leave, even in my university gym I never got bullied for just working out. Sure people were kind of cold or rude to me and I got disgusted stares from females sometimes, but dropping weights and telling people to suicide, who does that? Sounds like a nightmarish racist white town or some kind of middle/high school mentality. I am starting to think you are a troll.
What kind of gym did you go to? I am an ugly indian guy but nobody gives a fuck, I do my workout and leave, even in my university gym I never got bullied for just working out. Sure people were kind of cold or rude to me and I got disgusted stares from females sometimes, but dropping weights and telling people to suicide, who does that? Sounds like a nightmarish racist white town or some kind of middle/high school mentality. I am starting to think you are a troll.

fine think what you want but everything i said is true
fine think what you want but everything i said is true
If that is really true what was the context behind these incidents, it is unlikely they just happened because you are ugly and indian.
Yeah, I get some dirty looks from other guys too. But I just go on and continue about my day.
I don't go anywhere so no

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