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Discussion Any other silence-cels?

  • Thread starter ShadowTheEdgehog
  • Start date


El Capitano
Jan 6, 2020
I really enjoy silence and being alone.

Growing up, I would get up early and make myself tea in the kitchen.
Then I would sit there for an hour and just read or do nothing.
Not even listen to radio.

Sometimes I would also make breakfeast for my younger siblings and pack their lunchboxes.

At some point, my mom started working again.
Compared to me, my mom is like Taz, the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes.


She is loud.
She dominates.
She makes her territory very clear by making as much noise as possible and expanding her sphere of influence.
When she shows up its like a cluster bomb has been dropped.

I remember the day, I was sitting there in the kitchen doing my ritual, drinking tea.

Then, I hear a noise in the basement where my parents sleep.
My mom comes up, naked.
Thats another thing, she is always naked.
Like I said, domination shit, animal IQ.

She will start doing 10 things at once.
Maximum Noise, radio on, start coffee machine, brush teeth, wake up siblings, get dressed...
everything at once, ok?

So for example, she is half naked in the living room, folding laundry while brushing her teeth and listening to the radio in the kitchen at the same time.

It is fucking mental.

The first time she interrupted my routine like that,
I went to my room and started crying.
Like actually crying with tears.

I need my quiet time.
And when I tried to explain it to my parents they would just say "you have enough time, stop complaining"

But I need 100% silence to recover.
Even if a person is in another room, I cant cope.
It is like people radiate stress.
I can feel someones vibe the second they come in the door, even if I am somewhere else in the house.

I can tell how they feel by the way they walk or the sound of them taking off their shoes.
Or when my dad would put his keys down, I can tell when he is pissed by the amount of energy he is using.

So i have to be completely alone to relax.
No other way.


I need my peas and quiet and I am sensitive to even minor noise and peoples overall energy levels.
So I cant relax unless I am in complete silence without people around.
Anyone else like this?
I like being alone but I dislike complete silence. I always have background music when using my computer.
I like being alone but I dislike complete silence. I always have background music when using my computer.
I see.
Maybe your mom put headphones on her belly when you were still in udderus?

no, I cant do that.
I am easily over stimulated.

So when try listening to music and do something else at the same time, my focus shifts constantely.
So I am either listening or doing the other thing.
And even this only works if I am sitting down.

Once I start moving or go outside... I can do it.
I cant listen to music and walk, it fucks up my rythm, it feels weird, alien.
It feels unnatural to walk through the country and listen to music, like it interfers with my senses.
I see.
Maybe your mom put headphones on her belly when you were still in udderus?

no, I cant do that.
I am easily over stimulated.

So when try listening to music and do something else at the same time, my focus shifts constantely.
So I am either listening or doing the other thing.
And even this only works if I am sitting down.

Once I start moving or go outside... I can do it.
I cant listen to music and walk, it fucks up my rythm, it feels weird, alien.
It feels unnatural to walk through the country and listen to music, like it interfers with my senses.
I'm the exact opposite. I'd say that listen to calm music and walking through a forest with no one around is my favorite way to pass time.
I like peace and solitude, yes. But I always welcome intelligent company for some good conversation (yes, I realize that I sound 90 when I say that). Great ideas need friction and resistance to move and grow.
I'm the exact opposite. I'd say that listen to calm music and walking through a forest with no one around is my favorite way to pass time.
ah probably because you are a cow so you like listening to music on the job.

but srs tho
i cant do that.
I enjoy the sounds of the forest.

If you go in the forest and you walk against the wind, you often get really close to big animals.
I have surprised a lot of resting deers and rabbits like that.

Also, the forest speaks, there are so many sounds, so much information.
If you sit down and wait and you stay completely still, the forest comes alive around you.

Animals suddenly leave their hideouts, birds start flying again.

Also, animals communicate a lot.
Birds will indicate the presence of big animals witih different calls, if you listen closely.

I cant tell much apart but sometimes you notice them getting exited in a certain direction so usually something is happening over there.
ah probably because you are a cow so you like listening to music on the job.

but srs tho
i cant do that.
I enjoy the sounds of the forest.

If you go in the forest and you walk against the wind, you often get really close to big animals.
I have surprised a lot of resting deers and rabbits like that.

Also, the forest speaks, there are so many sounds, so much information.
If you sit down and wait and you stay completely still, the forest comes alive around you.

Animals suddenly leave their hideouts, birds start flying again.

Also, animals communicate a lot.
Birds will indicate the presence of big animals witih different calls, if you listen closely.

I cant tell much apart but sometimes you notice them getting exited in a certain direction so usually something is happening over there.
Theyl forest is calming, I agree. I don't just listen to music there. I like to just sit and relax my mind, maybe read a book too.

I haven't seen any deers or rabbits only cats. Probably because it's not that big of a forest and there aren't such animals around.
I like peace and solitude, yes. But I always welcome intelligent company for some good conversation (yes, I realize that I sound 90 when I say that). Great ideas need friction and resistance to move and grow.
idk, i feel more like im about to become a blood fountain most of the time.
Fucking bloathead mc fatty fuckface here.

I am not a very efficient thinker. If anything I could use some leaden IQ grease to create a new pattern for my drywalls.
same it always feels like everyone wants me to do something
Theyl forest is calming, I agree. I don't just listen to music there. I like to just sit and relax my mind, maybe read a book too.

I haven't seen any deers or rabbits only cats. Probably because it's not that big of a forest and there aren't such animals around.
i have never seen a cat in the forest ngl.
I live in the countryside though so we have pheasants in your yard sometimes.

yes true, i read there too.
same it always feels like everyone wants me to do something
elab, do you have an example?
feel like I may be able to relate if you illustrate.
I have heard peopel say similar things before, trying to find a pattern here.
idk, i feel more like im about to become a blood fountain most of the time.
Fucking bloathead mc fatty fuckface here.

I am not a very efficient thinker. If anything I could use some leaden IQ grease to create a new pattern for my drywalls.

Well, your thoughts are like objects and actions in some sense. They can be planned and organized.

If you want to improve your thinking, start writing and then reading it with a critical eye. Try to find what's wrong with it and then write that out. The written word is the organized thought.
i have never seen a cat in the forest ngl.
I live in the countryside though so we have pheasants in your yard sometimes.

yes true, i read there too.
Lucky you. Countryside life must be better than city life. I would like to live in a rural area .
Sounds like literal autism , I can relate though
Well, your thoughts are like objects and actions in some sense. They can be planned and organized.

If you want to improve your thinking, start writing and then reading it with a critical eye. Try to find what's wrong with it and then write that out. The written word is the organized thought.
i see, I will try that.
Thanks for your advice based cel.
I will heed the call and attempt to stall

Lucky you. Countryside life must be better than city life. I would like to live in a rural area .

it is much better.
I have to go into the big city once a week for school.
I hate that place.
Even normalfags like my bus driver say that the big city is AIDS and that he wears gloves when he goes there.

The city is pretty much death for me, just constant noise, constant stress. I hate it.

Sounds like literal autism , I can relate though
How come?
I dont see that. Maybe I am just ugly so I need to retreat more often.
Explain yourself agent UKhapacel, what dost you see in those letters that you loose so much complexion?
i see, I will try that.
Thanks for your advice based cel.
I will heed the call and attempt to stall
View attachment 336038

it is much better.
I have to go into the big city once a week for school.
I hate that place.
Even normalfags like my bus driver say that the big city is AIDS and that he wears gloves when he goes there.

The city is pretty much death for me, just constant noise, constant stress. I hate it.

How come?
I dont see that. Maybe I am just ugly so I need to retreat more often.
Explain yourself agent UKhapacel, what dost you see in those letters that you loose so much complexion?
It sounds like you are very sensitive and need your personal space to be in a certain state in order for you to be comfortable. I can relate in that sense which is why I hate having people near when I’m in my room. My room is my sanctuary basically , when I’m living with parents I hate people bursting in , even when I’m just on my pc alone I hate to be disturbed
It sounds like you are very sensitive and need your personal space to be in a certain state in order for you to be comfortable. I can relate in that sense which is why I hate having people near when I’m in my room. My room is my sanctuary basically , when I’m living with parents I hate people bursting in , even when I’m just on my pc alone I hate to be disturbed
hmm interesting.
are you diagnosed with the tism?

yes, yes very relatable dang.

I get fucking mad when somebody interrupts me.
When I was a kid, I would read all the time in my room but because I would get pissed so easily, my little brother and sister would tick me off on purpose by coming in.

I would also get pissed if I had to stop reading to eat dinner and so on.
I would also constantely complain about headaches to my parents and tell them I need peace and quiet but they would just laugh at me.

Yes, I also dont like people being in the same room.
Like I said, it is like they radiate or are on fire or something.
I cant ignore them, they taint the atmosphere with stress.
Only when I am completely alone, I feel kind of good.

It is liberating, sometimes I dance a little lol
It doesnt happen often at all that I am on my own in the house.

I think my parents think that I go on a fap marathon everytime I am home alone.
But in reality I eat cookies with milk and read.

It was especially bad during my teens, I would get exhausted from being around people.
One time we went to a fair in the city for my 15th birthday.
I got so tired after 30 minutes that I couldve slept on the spot.

When I get to that state I become very irritated and stressed out, I start sweating and may verbally attack people.

During my companies xmas party in 2019, I had to organize a few things, take photos.
I fucking freaked out and my colleague asked me if I was ok.
I love silence honestly, it's peaceful.
It sounds like you are very sensitive and need your personal space to be in a certain state in order for you to be comfortable. I can relate in that sense which is why I hate having people near when I’m in my room. My room is my sanctuary basically , when I’m living with parents I hate people bursting in , even when I’m just on my pc alone I hate to be disturbed
btw, I also like text.
text is nice to look at.
nah, i dont like bg noise.

btw where is your avi from, i like it.
my mom literally cant stop talking ever, her first instinct is to just bombard me with massive amounts of information that i cant process, so ill wait a second, then simply reply "what". and then she gets mad and starts raging
my mom literally cant stop talking ever, her first instinct is to just bombard me with massive amounts of information that i cant process, so ill wait a second, then simply reply "what". and then she gets mad and starts raging
my mom will also approach you and talk about shit personal matters that should not concern her.
And she doesnt stop.
She cant get to a point, make a statement and leave.
nah, i dont like bg noise.

btw where is your avi from, i like it.
I was kinda too lazy to respond to what you said before, but sounds like you're more extreme than me lol. I am not officially diagnosed autistic I just feel abnormal compared to most people. I guess you are also not officially diagnosed? it wouldn't help anyway they would just give you Jew pills to turn your brain to mush
I was kinda too lazy to respond to what you said before, but sounds like you're more extreme than me lol. I am not officially diagnosed autistic I just feel abnormal compared to most people. I guess you are also not officially diagnosed? it wouldn't help anyway they would just give you Jew pills to turn your brain to mush

i have lots of quirks and features


i am not diagnosed.
But I score way above average on tests like this:

and my uncle has 3 kids on the spectrum.
My dad is weird af and his mom was too.

I am not one to self-diagnose though, just looking for answers.

Also, I feel abnormal too. I just dont have many of the telltale autism features.
so idk wtf is wrong with me.
Could just be years of isolation and stress tbh.
i am who i have to be depending on the situation

school i am nt, jestermaxxed sociable guy

home i am incel blackpilled person

i have never liek dpure silence tho

it makes me feel trapped
I like silence
I like the quiet.

That's why i spent most of my life in the deep woods. With my bicycle and trailer.

When i had a car all the strange sounds freaked me out as a potential failure about to happen. (Never had a new car.) Besides, a bike doesn't need a road. Therefore it's hard to follow into the woods.

If you can drive there, so can the forest rangers/ cops/ loud party scum...

Now i live deep rural and i can hear my neighbors if they are loud or play music. Luckily it's rare.

My career was woods based as well. Prospecting gems and minerals... It paid the food bills. And the car bills too, in good years...

You might want to consider some kind of future job/ career so that you can enjoy the silence...
People being loud for no reason bothers the shit out of me as well.
I like the quiet.

That's why i spent most of my life in the deep woods. With my bicycle and trailer.

When i had a car all the strange sounds freaked me out as a potential failure about to happen. (Never had a new car.) Besides, a bike doesn't need a road. Therefore it's hard to follow into the woods.

If you can drive there, so can the forest rangers/ cops/ loud party scum...

Now i live deep rural and i can hear my neighbors if they are loud or play music. Luckily it's rare.

My career was woods based as well. Prospecting gems and minerals... It paid the food bills. And the car bills too, in good years...

You might want to consider some kind of future job/ career so that you can enjoy the silence...

I appreciate your post.
Feels like Gandalf himself just commented on my popsicle stick sculpture.

Yes, you are right, I have to find something quiet that gets me across the rubicon eventually.
I live in germany though, the population density if high.
Especially during mushroom season there are so many people in the woods, it is more like a fair than forest.

Good to hear that you live in the countryside now, it really is much healthier than the city.
I grew up in the german countryside so I was kind of lucky.
Our neighbours can be loud as well occasionally, however.

This morning I saw two foxes btw.

Are you retired now?
I appreciate your post.
Feels like Gandalf himself just commented on my popsicle stick sculpture.

Yes, you are right, I have to find something quiet that gets me across the rubicon eventually.
I live in germany though, the population density if high.
Especially during mushroom season there are so many people in the woods, it is more like a fair than forest.

Good to hear that you live in the countryside now, it really is much healthier than the city.
I grew up in the german countryside so I was kind of lucky.
Our neighbours can be loud as well occasionally, however.

This morning I saw two foxes btw.

Are you retired now?
I retired in my 20s. Into the woods!
Neet/ disability, for 30 years arthritis plus... I seem to have shifting health crap. Like "whack a mole" where i get a handle on one health problem then another pops up. (#thanksjews)

Currently battling severe tiredness... Fatigue. Lack of motivation etc... Pretty common for Incels.
...58 now.
I really enjoy silence and being alone.

Growing up, I would get up early and make myself tea in the kitchen.
Then I would sit there for an hour and just read or do nothing.
Not even listen to radio.

Sometimes I would also make breakfeast for my younger siblings and pack their lunchboxes.

At some point, my mom started working again.
Compared to me, my mom is like Taz, the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes.

View attachment 336022

She is loud.
She dominates.
She makes her territory very clear by making as much noise as possible and expanding her sphere of influence.
When she shows up its like a cluster bomb has been dropped.

I remember the day, I was sitting there in the kitchen doing my ritual, drinking tea.

Then, I hear a noise in the basement where my parents sleep.
My mom comes up, naked.
Thats another thing, she is always naked.
Like I said, domination shit, animal IQ.

She will start doing 10 things at once.
Maximum Noise, radio on, start coffee machine, brush teeth, wake up siblings, get dressed...
everything at once, ok?

So for example, she is half naked in the living room, folding laundry while brushing her teeth and listening to the radio in the kitchen at the same time.

It is fucking mental.

The first time she interrupted my routine like that,
I went to my room and started crying.
Like actually crying with tears.

I need my quiet time.
And when I tried to explain it to my parents they would just say "you have enough time, stop complaining"

But I need 100% silence to recover.
Even if a person is in another room, I cant cope.
It is like people radiate stress.
I can feel someones vibe the second they come in the door, even if I am somewhere else in the house.

I can tell how they feel by the way they walk or the sound of them taking off their shoes.
Or when my dad would put his keys down, I can tell when he is pissed by the amount of energy he is using.

So i have to be completely alone to relax.
No other way.


I need my peas and quiet and I am sensitive to even minor noise and peoples overall energy levels.
So I cant relax unless I am in complete silence without people around.
Anyone else like this?
Sometimes but I like sound but only my sound
I retired in my 20s. Into the woods!
Neet/ disability, for 30 years arthritis plus... I seem to have shifting health crap. Like "whack a mole" where i get a handle on one health problem then another pops up. (#thanksjews)

Currently battling severe tiredness... Fatigue. Lack of motivation etc... Pretty common for Incels.
...58 now.
With that level of brutality you should have been a character in Mortal Kombat, jeez.

Arthritis is BRUTAL. Fuck bro, what is your diet like? some say that arthritis is related to certain fruits and vegetables.

View: https://youtu.be/AfNfehT5F2g

Maybe look into keto/carnivore diet if you have not tried that already.

idk, I am just dropping shit here. I hope it helps somehow.
I used to work in a nursing home for a very short while,
I dont wish that fate on anybody.
My advice, if you cant help yourself to better health, help yourself to a shotgun blast to the brain before they put you in a home.
You really dont want to be put in a home.
Especially from what I am seeing in the US, the level of abuse is unreal.
Sometimes but I like sound but only my sound
lol I imagine you like a caveman making noises and listening to his own echo.







nods in an understanding manner

Last edited:
yes, she always does it.
It is all about dominance, power.

My mom is not a very subtle person so through living and observing her I have learned a lot about how women operate.
Women are viscious creatures, they can be resentful for long periods of time, intentionally inflicting damage upon their victims for years and years.

One recent example of this:
I was on vacation and at home, in my room.
My mom wanted me to visit my sisters. I refused.

She got pissed.
So for the entirety of my vacation she kept reminding me how little vacation time I had left.
"oh, already half way through huh?"
"teehee just a few days left teehee"

and ive seen her do other manipulative shit to.

There was a murder case here years ago.
This betabuxxer, giant guy, tradesman, his wife was an absolute cunt, mentally ill.
The guy was known for being very nice, couldnt harm a fly.

One day he was fixing something in the house and his wife had a screaming fit for no reason.
So he snapped and hit her on the head with a hammer he had in his hand at that moment.
She died on the fucking spot.

Obivously the guy was not a psycho.
Even the wifes parents agreed in front of court that she was a cunt and what happend was understandable.
yes, she always does it.
It is all about dominance, power.

My mom is not a very subtle person so through living and observing her I have learned a lot about how women operate.
Women are viscious creatures, they can be resentful for long periods of time, intentionally inflicting damage upon their victims for years and years.

One recent example of this:
I was on vacation and at home, in my room.
My mom wanted me to visit my sisters. I refused.

She got pissed.
So for the entirety of my vacation she kept reminding me how little vacation time I had left.
"oh, already half way through huh?"
"teehee just a few days left teehee"

and ive seen her do other manipulative shit to.

There was a murder case here years ago.
This betabuxxer, giant guy, tradesman, his wife was an absolute cunt, mentally ill.
The guy was known for being very nice, couldnt harm a fly.

One day he was fixing something in the house and his wife had a screaming fit for no reason.
So he snapped and hit her on the head with a hammer he had in his hand at that moment.
She died on the fucking spot.

Obivously the guy was not a psycho.
Even the wifes parents agreed in front of court that she was a cunt and what happend was understandable.
Damn, man, it's disgusting, but I don't think that's "how women operate," that's just how some sick women do. Also, wtf, lol, didn't expect somebody's parents would pretty much agree that their kid """deserved""" their death.
With that level of brutality you should have been a character in Mortal Kombat, jeez.

Arthritis is BRUTAL. Fuck bro, what is your diet like? some say that arthritis is related to certain fruits and vegetables.

View: https://youtu.be/AfNfehT5F2g

Maybe look into keto/carnivore diet if you have not tried that already.

idk, I am just dropping shit here. I hope it helps somehow.
I used to work in a nursing home for a very short while,
I dont wish that fate on anybody.
My advice, if you cant help yourself to better health, help yourself to a shotgun blast to the brain before they put you in a home.
You really dont want to be put in a home.
Especially from what I am seeing in the US, the level of abuse is unreal.

lol I imagine you like a caveman making noises and listening to his own echo.







nods in an understanding manner

View attachment 336370

Yeah it's brutal. I've been studying nutrition and various diets for a while now. Still learning. Thanks for links
I really enjoy silence and being alone.

Growing up, I would get up early and make myself tea in the kitchen.
Then I would sit there for an hour and just read or do nothing.
Not even listen to radio.

Sometimes I would also make breakfeast for my younger siblings and pack their lunchboxes.

At some point, my mom started working again.
Compared to me, my mom is like Taz, the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes.

View attachment 336022

She is loud.
She dominates.
She makes her territory very clear by making as much noise as possible and expanding her sphere of influence.
When she shows up its like a cluster bomb has been dropped.

I remember the day, I was sitting there in the kitchen doing my ritual, drinking tea.

Then, I hear a noise in the basement where my parents sleep.
My mom comes up, naked.
Thats another thing, she is always naked.
Like I said, domination shit, animal IQ.

She will start doing 10 things at once.
Maximum Noise, radio on, start coffee machine, brush teeth, wake up siblings, get dressed...
everything at once, ok?

So for example, she is half naked in the living room, folding laundry while brushing her teeth and listening to the radio in the kitchen at the same time.

It is fucking mental.

The first time she interrupted my routine like that,
I went to my room and started crying.
Like actually crying with tears.

I need my quiet time.
And when I tried to explain it to my parents they would just say "you have enough time, stop complaining"

But I need 100% silence to recover.
Even if a person is in another room, I cant cope.
It is like people radiate stress.
I can feel someones vibe the second they come in the door, even if I am somewhere else in the house.

I can tell how they feel by the way they walk or the sound of them taking off their shoes.
Or when my dad would put his keys down, I can tell when he is pissed by the amount of energy he is using.

So i have to be completely alone to relax.
No other way.


I need my peas and quiet and I am sensitive to even minor noise and peoples overall energy levels.
So I cant relax unless I am in complete silence without people around.
Anyone else like this?

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