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Venting Any other currycels frustrated with their parents trying to set them up with an arranged marriage? That shit doesn't work!



Apr 24, 2018
I can't even begin to describe how over it is for me. Fucking can't even get a curry foid through arranged marriage. For you uncultured swine, arranged marriage doesn't mean forced. That's more for Arabcels or Islamcels.

My parents just don't understand how fucking repulsive and low IQ I am. I can never score a curry foid cause Im just a STEM wagecuck in a deadend job. Not some rich betabuxx normie tier curry.

As soon as they give me contact information to talk to some curry foid, I get ghosted by them. And my parents think that it's fucking my fault that I'm ignoring them. JFL. I followed up on some of the foids and 2 out of the 5 have fucking white boyfriends :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

Just end my shitty torture already, FFS. It's not meant to be in this life :cryfeels:
I wonder what whitecels who say "just be ethnic and get arranged marriage bro" will say.
Conver to islam and get a forced one then idk bro. Just tell them things are different from when they grew up
I thought arranged marriages were forced because the ethnic parents would pay a dowry for the foid wtf.
I thought arranged marriages were forced because the ethnic parents would pay a dowry for the foid wtf.
That's from the dark ages or in the current Arab countries. Shit like that used to happen all over Asia. Now foids want betabuxx to support their InstaThot lifestyles while they go and fuck Chads all day.
Conver to islam and get a forced one then idk bro. Just tell them things are different from when they grew up
Converting to Islam only works if your whole family does it. That's where you get family connections. But even then foids are treated as some sort of commodity. You have to be able to give their family something too.
Based currycel
Curry families will only benefit moving to west if they have a daughter, if they have a son.

They will be forced to watch him grow in isolation and die alone since they can’t do don’t do anything about his situation.

You can’t force other guys to be his friends, can’t force girls to find him sexually attractive
I can't even begin to describe how over it is for me. Fucking can't even get a curry foid through arranged marriage. For you uncultured swine, arranged marriage doesn't mean forced. That's more for Arabcels or Islamcels.

My parents just don't understand how fucking repulsive and low IQ I am. I can never score a curry foid cause Im just a STEM wagecuck in a deadend job. Not some rich betabuxx normie tier curry.

As soon as they give me contact information to talk to some curry foid, I get ghosted by them. And my parents think that it's fucking my fault that I'm ignoring them. JFL. I followed up on some of the foids and 2 out of the 5 have fucking white boyfriends :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

Just end my shitty torture already, FFS. It's not meant to be in this life :cryfeels:

it's over if you get forced into the 'intelligence path' but don't make a lot of money...

the paths are either NT-maxxed thug or money-maxxed beta. anything else means playing dice with your life.
curryland should nuke itself to spare suffering for future currys
Curry families will only benefit moving to west if they have a daughter, if they have a son.

They will be forced to watch him grow in isolation and die alone since they can’t do don’t do anything about his situation.

You can’t force other guys to be his friends, can’t force girls to find him sexually attractive

almost every curry I've met is a socially isolated ugly nerdy guy, just like me

sure there's some Chadpreets but barely any
chadpreets are rare tbh
I'm positive arranged marriage in India is identical if not worse then arranged marriage in Islam (Especially present day arranged marriage). I honestly would just start ghosting the girls if if was that hopeless, if not then just go along with it and tell your parents to find more nasty foids.
I followed up on some of the foids and 2 out of the 5 have fucking white boyfriends :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

The last few years Currybitches are giving noodlewhores a run for their money. Just yesterday I saw a currybitch with a 6'5 white guy with an incel looking face :feelshaha: You know; glasses, pasty, long-face, no facial hair, lack of forward growth, etc (LifeFuel for tall mayocels?)
I thought arranged marriages were forced because the ethnic parents would pay a dowry for the foid wtf.

Where do you live boyo? Texas?

Where you are trying to get married OP? Western currywhores or currywhores from the curryland? Ghosting happens a lot in curry arranged marriage, specially if you try to find a whore way above your league (looks, status, money wise). And this is more severe if you are only targeting western currywhores, almost all of them have already rode a decent number of white cocks. I think you should target currywhores from the curryland, specially from a lower middleclass background, they are in constant search for betabucks who live in the west. Similar to SEA game like whites do.
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I can't even begin to describe how over it is for me. Fucking can't even get a curry foid through arranged marriage. For you uncultured swine, arranged marriage doesn't mean forced. That's more for Arabcels or Islamcels.

My parents just don't understand how fucking repulsive and low IQ I am. I can never score a curry foid cause Im just a STEM wagecuck in a deadend job. Not some rich betabuxx normie tier curry.

As soon as they give me contact information to talk to some curry foid, I get ghosted by them. And my parents think that it's fucking my fault that I'm ignoring them. JFL. I followed up on some of the foids and 2 out of the 5 have fucking white boyfriends :feelsgah::feelsgah::feelsgah:

Just end my shitty torture already, FFS. It's not meant to be in this life :cryfeels:
Currywenches must be hung. Taaakbiiiir
I know boyo, same here, tech support shit, got fired last week tho
Sucks brother. I hope you find a new gig soon if you haven't already :feelsbadman:
Where do you live boyo? Texas?

Where you are trying to get married OP? Western currywhores or currywhores from the curryland? Ghosting happens a lot in curry arranged marriage, specially if you try to find a whore way above your league (looks, status, money wise). And this is more severe if you are only targeting western currywhores, almost all of them have already rode a decent number of white cocks. I think you should target currywhores from the curryland, specially from a lower middleclass background, they are in constant search for betabucks who live in the west. Similar to SEA game like whites do.
I'm in the west so I'm fucked. I've been introduced to currywhores from curryland too and they ghost as much as the western ones, cause they think k they're hot shit for being in the west. Westernized ones, I've lost hope completely.

Also my family isn't rich at all. It's not easy to just betabuxx either. It might be easier if I actually lived in curryland, but I can barely speak the fucking language. What a shitty situation.
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Maybe you could get some ugly Arabian woman to marry you if you got her a green card. She'll probably leave you within a year though.
Just refugeemax. Go to Germany and run the JBE game.

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