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Discussion Any mathcels out there?



Sep 30, 2021
I wanna git gud at math as a form of cope, however I'm beginning to think I'm too retarded for it. I used to be among the best in the class in math but I started reading La Geometrie by Descartes and I'm starting to think I may be too retarded for this.
Is math that hard or am I just retarded?
It's hard depending on the [UWSL]depth [/UWSL]level you want to reach, hence why JEE or ITA crakcers study up to 15 hours a day.

Start solving the problems I posted and evaluate your current mathematical basis level

Easy: https://incels.is/threads/problem.385005/

Easy: https://incels.is/threads/problem.366411/

Easy medium: https://incels.is/threads/problem.383140/

Easy medium: https://incels.is/threads/problem.381860/

Medium: https://incels.is/threads/problem.385560/

Medium: https://incels.is/threads/problem.376643/

Medium hard: https://incels.is/threads/problem.369049/

Medium hard: https://incels.is/threads/problem.368274/

Medium hard: https://incels.is/threads/problem.367773/

Hard: https://incels.is/threads/problem.386088/

Hard: https://incels.is/threads/problem.376886/
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repetition and trying to understand topics that you dont quite understand through different means will probably help you tbh.
I am horrible at math
I haven't studied math "seriously" since the first year of my bachelor's degree. Everything after that was just statistics and applied math which were much easier. I thing the furthest I got was differential equations, that sheit was fucking hard but I still passed the exam. Never needed them for other courses, they were in the textbooks but you could ignore that part completely because it didn't matter for the problem sets.
Mathematics is seriously one of the best hobbies of abstraction for a man with the mind for it.

Opens up vistas to whole new worlds.
(theoretical physicists can attest to that)

But it's a bit of a specialist thing. Not a hobby i'd recommend if ur aim is to attract females primarily.

But for own mental stimulation if ur that way inclined it is top tier mental fap and escapism

I used to enjoy it a lot until i dropped out of my math-heavy course at uni back in my heyday. Then lost my way completely.

Never made it back and LDAR'd for many of what shoulda been my prime years. But i still miss it though.

Anyway, if you do decide to take it up, some nice books i'd recommend for the amateur who enjoys a challenge would be

Recreations in the theory of number by Albert Beiler

and once youve built up your confidence and wana go further to see how mathematical abstractions actually correspond to certain real shit in the world:

The Road To Reality by Sir Roger Penrose
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Okay. I'll enter the ring.

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Off-Topic Logic Game

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185501144Wednesday, March 16, 2016 11:07 PM CDT
Greetings, Off-Topic. On this particular occasion, I have decided to have an entertaining discussion with all of you by composing a simple game based on logical-reasoning. Firstly, while utilizing mathematics, we have objective statements such as "x = 5" Those particular type of statements are properly known as "predicates", given that they equate to either the Boolean values of true and/or false. within the above premise, it merely defines the quantity that variable 'x' represents. Therefore, it is "true" predicate. Although I used "x = 5", we could use symbolic notation such as this: E(x) = 5 Where uppercase "E" refers to the word "Equal", and the input variable 'x' receives the quantity described on the opposite side of the "=" operand. --------------------------------------- Recognizing the above objective explanation, the goal of the game is rather basic: to derive logical expressions to be interpreted by other users. I have devised a minimal list of logical symbols below: "-->" - The logical "if-then" operator. "If certain cookies are delicious, then some grapes are bluish"(Note that the premise predicate and the conclusion predicate do not necessarily need to be related. They merely need to have an obtainable Boolean value. '~' - The logical "NOT" operator. It merely negates "true"/"false" Boolean predicates into the opposite Boolean value. ~"I decided to traverse the area" becomes "I decided not to traverse the area." "^" - The logical AND operator. "(1+1 = 2) ^ (2 + 2 = 4) --> (5 + 5) == 10", which is true, given that "1 + 1 = 2 ^ 2 + 2 = 4" are both (true ^ true) respectively. Disregarding all of the other logical operators for the current moment, this is a sample expression that I have devised below: Suppose that we have variables 'a' and 'b': a = 100 b = 50 Firstly, let us define a predicate to determine whether the first value is a factor of the second value: R(a,b) = (a % b) This will retrieve the remainder of the division operation "a/b", using the difference between 'a' and 'b' as a referent. Likewise, R(b,a) would also retrieve the remainder of the division operation "b/a", using the difference between 'b' and 'a' as a referent. If I had an expression such as this: (R(a,b) = 0) ^ (R(b,a) = 0) It would be an expected case of a true/false pair. This is due to the mere fact that the (100 % 50) does not have a remainder, whereas (50/100) does indeed have a remainder of fifty itself. Hopefully the above descriptions provides a rather wholesome and otherwise precise discussion involving mathematical logic.
I wanna git gud at math as a form of cope, however I'm beginning to think I'm too retarded for it. I used to be among the best in the class in math but I started reading La Geometrie by Descartes and I'm starting to think I may be too retarded for this.
Is math that hard or am I just retarded?
Trigometry and discrete mathematics should come after high school math.
Can you elaborate?

It allows the abstract imaginative part of the mind to roam free without any bounds, other than the need for good logic (which suits the male mind often), pen, paper, and aptitude. Totally unlike this ever-more restrictive, limiting, mentally suffocating & retardive world.

Like I said im aware it's not for everyone. That's why I wouldnt talk about it to people unless someone asked (as you have here). But there's even a sense of harmonic and elegant 'beauty' in the order associated with some of it

I feel this way about music as well. Next to pr0n these are my primary c0pes

(…and yes, i know im a sad fuck)
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I'm so terrible at math. I can't do it no matter how hard i try. IQpill is very brutal indeed.
I'm so terrible at math. I can't do it no matter how hard i try. IQpill is very brutal indeed.

for the small consolation that it's worth slim, it's done me absolutely no good whatsoever in that department. HighIqmaxxing = bogus fantasy.

You end up just finding more imaginative ways to brutalise yourself with additionally sharp detail.

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