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Any life fuel for a depressed 15 year old?



Nov 11, 2017
I need stuff to keep me from either the rope or a school shooting, but here in the UK that would be difficult.
15 and bitching about inceldom. What a fucking joke some of you youngcels are. High school is the best chance to get any pussy because a lot of stupid roasties don't know their worth until they hit college.
anincelforlifelol said:
15 and bitching about inceldom. What a fucking joke some of you youngcels are. High school is the best chance to get any pussy because a lot of stupid roasties don't know their worth until they hit college.

Did you go to school ? Its impossible to get pussy unless you look like a greek god mate.
oilonthe-Rose said:
Did you go to school ? Its impossible to get pussy unless you look like a greek god mate.

Get a rope buddy. You're retarded.
maybe femoids do not like ugly no matter their age ?

Always go after liberal women. The ones who are vegan or into astrology. They always give it up easy.
You still haven't fully grown or matured yet.

Also your test levels are pretty high, be sure to be lifting weights also.
Eh, just try and survive until you leave school. Looksmax if you can. At your age, if you hit the gym, you'll earn mad respect. Then try and looksmax. If not, neetbux and LDAR.
BonePressed said:
Always go after liberal women. The ones who are vegan or into astrology. They always give it up easy.
Hah, I wish...
You are 15 FFS. You shouldn't even be thinking about this.
I legit though, whoops, I mean, KNEW i'd be incel at 15, even younger because I was ugly, and ethnic. There's hope for pretty much most people at 15 since 16-17 is like the average age to find love/happiness.
What should the age limit be to post here? I say 18.
what, you think we are some kind of clown to entertain retarded kids?

if u r under 22 u shud fuck off from here in the first place
oilonthe-Rose said:
Did you go to school ? Its impossible to get pussy unless you look like a greek god mate.

Don't listen to the retards in this thread, if you're an outcast now, you probably always will. Those people who say "it gets better" and that they were bullied, are lying. They had friends, they had decent lives, they just want sympathy for the minor problems they dealt with. 
There is no lifefuel.
CopingGymcel said:
Go get laid.

Is this a joke? You all realize this is the same normalfag tier advice that we get and hate all the time, right? Just because this kid is young, doesn't mean he can just go "find pussy" If he knows he's fucked now, and he's on this forum, then it's not likely he'll just wake up as chad one day.
15? It's over for you. JFL if you didnd't lose your v card in elementary shcool.
Berdea said:
Don't listen to the retards in this thread, if you're an outcast now, you probably always will. Those people who say "it gets better" and that they were bullied, are lying. They had friends, they had decent lives, they just want sympathy for the minor problems they dealt with. 
There is no lifefuel.

You're right to an extent, but I saw a lot of ugly fucks in high school getting hot girls. It is because the girls don't know their true worth is until they hit college, and the population isn't big at their high school. There isn't a lot of guys to choose from. And then once college started a lot of those said ugly guys got dumped when the girl went to a college where there are hundreds of Chads.

High school is your best chance as an incel to get laid, because you can get lucky. You cannot get lucky when you're older unless the bitch is like a whale, and even then, look how difficult that will be for us ugly fucks.

I think all incels can agree that high school is the time where you are able to try and build up anything. It is the last chance. If you hit college, and you still haven't had women interested in you, then get a rope, it's game over. You will never have women interested in you.
You are 15, your genetic potential can still shine at once.

Many men get handsome when they reach the age of 20, you still have hope.
Berdea said:
Is this a joke? You all realize this is the same normalfag tier advice that we get and hate all the time, right? Just because this kid is young, doesn't mean he can just go "find pussy" If he knows he's fucked now, and he's on this forum, then it's not likely he'll just wake up as chad one day.

It's over for him, because he is a retard. At 15 you still have a chance to not be a complete loser. But since he'll probably cry about it on here like other youngcels and jump on the said bandwagon of inceldom, then fuck it, let him rot.

You're not a real incel until you're in college and still a complete loser.
anincelforlifelol said:
You're right to an extent, but I saw a lot of ugly fucks in high school getting hot girls. It is because the girls don't know their true worth is until they hit college, and the population isn't big at their high school. There isn't a lot of guys to choose from. And then once college started a lot of those said ugly guys got dumped when the girl went to a college where there are hundreds of Chads.

High school is your best chance as an incel to get laid, because you can get lucky. You cannot get lucky when you're older unless the bitch is like a whale, and even then, look how difficult that will be for us ugly fucks.

I think all incels can agree that high school is the time where you are able to try and build up anything. It is the last chance. If you hit college, and you still haven't had women interested in you, then get a rope, it's game over. You will never have women interested in you.

Are you sure you went to highscool. The experiences of myself and any other outcast is nothing like that. High School is just a preparation for real life; the chads get all the girls, then the betas pick up the pieces and get scraps, and the losers get nothing. If you're an autistic failure in high school, you'll be an autistic failure for life. These failed normalfags saying that "if you're young just go get laid bruh lol" are braindead.
You’re absolutely right that getting pussy is impossible for sub8s at high school. Fuck, high school was just the worst.

But yeah, don’t do anything rash. Give it time. Wait until you’re 25 before rope.

Until then, find a cope. Becoming a gymcel while young is probably good.
Berdea said:
Are you sure you went to highscool. The experiences of myself and any other outcast is nothing like that. High School is just a preparation for real life; the chads get all the girls, then the betas pick up the pieces and get scraps, and the losers get nothing. If you're an autistic failure in high school, you'll be an autistic failure for life. These failed normalfags saying that "if you're young just go get laid bruh lol" are braindead.

Just the truth. It doesn't happen to everyone obviously, but a lot of guys. Just remember most incels are in their early 20s for a reason, and then you have blackpilled normies who are unable to attract any women after high school. No one is saying high school is a walk in the park. I'm not even saying I got laid in high school because I didn't, but I've seen it so many times. And high school did not end that long ago for me.

You have a better chance of getting laid in high school than you have in your college years and post college years. And I stand by that 100%.
CopingGymcel said:
What do you think?

I don't know, you've made similar normalfag-tier posts before, so I'm not too sure.

anincelforlifelol said:
Just the truth. It doesn't happen to everyone obviously, but a lot of guys. Just remember most incels are in their early 20s for a reason, and then you have blackpilled normies who are unable to attract any women after high school. No one is saying high school is a walk in the park. I'm not even saying I got laid in high school because I didn't, but I've seen it so many times. And high school did not end that long ago for me.

You have a better chance of getting laid in high school than you have in your college years and post college years. And I stand by that 100%.

16 year old me who had zero friends and who was hated by everyone in high school would disagree.
Berdea said:
I don't know, you've made similar normalfag-tier posts before, so I'm not too sure.

16 year old me who had zero friends and who was hated by everyone in high school would disagree.

"It doesn't happen to everyone obviously"
anincelforlifelol said:
"It doesn't happen to everyone obviously"

I was mostly responding to your last sentence, but I suppose I can agree to that. SOME people had a better chance to escape in high school, but most incels were incel from the day they were born. At least, true incels were.
Lucky I wish I was blackpilled at 15.
I don't get why ya'll are ripping on this dude. He's only a couple years younger than a good portion of you.

Personally at 15, I don't blame you at all. When I was 15 I considered myself subhuman. I got blackpilled at 11.

However, I've been on a college campus and the social ostracizing and lack of female attention is far, far worse. I only ever saw girls eyeing the biggest Chads in the area. Don't worry, at 15 you're probably still in puberty. My puberty's 95% over and I'm 17 right now. Try to get girls when you know puberty's almost over, don't wait too late to build yourself up, it's only over once you're about done with puberty.

Also don't forget to looksmax and gym, it's truely not over until you do so.
anincelforlifelol said:
15 and bitching about inceldom. What a fucking joke some of you youngcels are. High school is the best chance to get any pussy because a lot of stupid roasties don't know their worth until they hit college.
When did you last go to high school? I'd sure love to go where you once were (at the time period in which you were in high school), because I've been rejected by more than 50 girls in high school so far and I'm about to graduate being a loner, a social outcast, and a virgin.
oilonthe-Rose said:
I need stuff to keep me from either the rope or a school shooting, but here in the UK that would be difficult.

start looksmaxing, the younger the better
better be careful wat u post online youngcel

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