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Any else think the female hypergamy narrative is exaggerated?

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Deleted member 25467

Deleted member 25467

Hispanic manletcel just waiting to perish
Apr 3, 2020
Most site online dating as proof that female hypergamy has run amok.
Just out of curiosity I looked up the stastics for the most popular dating site, Tinder, and it showed that there are 50 million Tinder profiles - of which 76.9% are male. That's an astonishing imbalance. Online dating is a virtual sausage fest, and I would venture to say that most of the women there are just attention-whoring and not even looking to hookup. I've Chadfished a few times and although there were foids that were DTF immediately, most were just content with the validation that they could get a Chad if they wanted. The women who use online dating do so because they know they can sleep with men out of their leagues. Having them commit is another thing altogether, however.

Moreover, most of the women that are there are low-quality anyway (they're drug addicts, they have personality disorders, they're ugly af, they have a high sense of entitlement, they have daddy issues, etc.). Most foid don't even bother with online dating because they know they can get the men they want in the real life. I think the incels who claim that online dating is the the "end-all-be-all" or the "ultimate proof of hypergamy" need to leave their basements.

Not all women are going to be demanding you be a Chad. In the real world most women are not as shallow as the bitches who use online dating. Most couples are looksmatched.

I definitely think things have gotten worse for men, but a lot of people here exaggerate with this "Chad or nothing" narrative like online dating is completely analogous to real life.
Not all women are going to be demanding you be a Chad. In the real world most women are not as shallow as the bitches who use online dating. Most couples are looksmatched.
they are betabuxxers abused by their wife AWALT
online dating == women without boundaries, their true demonic form. it is absolutely reflective of real life
I definitely think things have gotten worse for men, but a lot of people here exaggerate with this "Chad or nothing" narrative like online dating is completely analogous to real life.
go out sometime and see the blackpill with your eyes rather than through an online interface
"they are betabuxxers abused by their wife AWALT"

Nice cope. whatever helps you sleep soundly.

"go out sometime and see the blackpill with your eyes rather than through an online interface."

I do go out and I work (unlike a lot of ppl here) and I observe dozens of couples every day.
Maybe is exaggerated a little bit but still doesn't change the fact that females desire only the most genetically fit males.
"they are betabuxxers abused by their wife AWALT"

Nice cope. whatever helps you sleep soundly.

"go out sometime and see the blackpill with your eyes rather than through an online interface."

I do go out and I work (unlike a lot of ppl here) and I observe dozens of couples every day.
The betabuxx abuse is real!

A local example: All the dude is, is hands to fix shit, and a wallet to buy shit... That the bitch then claims as her own work! Lol. She outclassed him by maybe 2 smv points. Yet they are both
Equally fat and ugly now, after three kids! So at least eventually she no longer mogs him! Lol.

But the Beckies are usually single/ divorced who'res.
MegaSpicCel said:
Most couples are looksmatched.

Hypergamy definition= the action of marrying a person of superior caste or class.

"Superior" does not mean in this context that the man is "better" than the woman in any way, but rather that he is on an acceptable level to her own and thus head and shoulders above the rest of the men she has to select from via her own SMV (Sexual Market Value).

You'll pretty much NEVER catch any woman of even plain Jane attractiveness levels say dating a "Bob the plumber" archetype.

Which is to say your stereotypical slovenly dressed, perhaps even a bit physically dirty and dishevelled kind of man who may be balding and whose overall appearance and physical health isn't the best (to put it mildly).


She will ALWAYS choose the closest thing to Chad thats available to her via her own SMV ability to attract and choose from a selection of mates.

You'll only ever see a foid with the above "Bob the plumber" archetype if she's either "hit the wall" (ie become old and ugly/haggard looking) and thats literally ALL that she can get or much like many of us said hypothetical foid definitely did not win the genetic lottery, but rather hit every branch of the "ugly tree" when the proverbial stork dropped her off unceremoniously like a lump of unwanted shit on an already shit filled world.

So a woman with a "looksmatched" partner only highlights my point and renders your own invalid ie her selection of a looksmatched partner is pure hypergamy at play since she made sure to not select lower on the totem pole but rather the best that she could get.

MegaSpicCel said:
I definitely think things have gotten worse for men, but a lot of people here exaggerate with this "Chad or nothing" narrative like online dating is completely analogous to real life.

Isn't it though?

Online dating is set up in an online environment, yes this is true, but it does not change the participants into literal NPC's that are fundamentally different from any other collection of humans out there.

Even leaving out all the weirdos, freaks and mental defectives (of the female species) hypergamy would continue to exist in women since it is simply a part of their nature, unfortunate as it may be for people like us.
Women are hypergamous in more ways than just online dating. They all have chad waiting on standby if their current looksmatched relationship "doesn't work out" thus why they always end up leaving average men for an above average man. Once a foid gets a taste of chad she will not settle for anything less.
As for looksmatched couples, 99% of the time they end up in dead bedrooms, fraud marriages, and divorce rape because women refuse to settle, this is why so many end up single mothers as well.
I think the incels who claim that online dating is the the "end-all-be-all" or the "ultimate proof of hypergamy" need to leave their basements.
Ok chad
Most site online dating as proof that female hypergamy has run amok.
Just out of curiosity I looked up the stastics for the most popular dating site, Tinder, and it showed that there are 50 million Tinder profiles - of which 76.9% are male. That's an astonishing imbalance. Online dating is a virtual sausage fest, and I would venture to say that most of the women there are just attention-whoring and not even looking to hookup. I've Chadfished a few times and although there were foids that were DTF immediately, most were just content with the validation that they could get a Chad if they wanted. The women who use online dating do so because they know they can sleep with men out of their leagues. Having them commit is another thing altogether, however.

Moreover, most of the women that are there are low-quality anyway (they're drug addicts, they have personality disorders, they're ugly af, they have a high sense of entitlement, they have daddy issues, etc.). Most foid don't even bother with online dating because they know they can get the men they want in the real life. I think the incels who claim that online dating is the the "end-all-be-all" or the "ultimate proof of hypergamy" need to leave their basements.

Not all women are going to be demanding you be a Chad. In the real world most women are not as shallow as the bitches who use online dating. Most couples are looksmatched.

I definitely think things have gotten worse for men, but a lot of people here exaggerate with this "Chad or nothing" narrative like online dating is completely analogous to real life.
OP I really hear you, I do. And I think i speak for all of us when I say that I will GLADLY take my looksmatch or any foid, and I have approached the ugliest fucking foids you can dream.
"AWALT" is law and "chad only" is supported by juggernaut theory (the idea that any land beast can land a chad, but in no possible universe can any subhuman land stacy in the same way).

The normie relationships you're referring to don't really invalidate either of the two. Women very regularly monkey branch and upgrade. And despite dating a normie, she can't turn off her evolutionary programming that dictates she seek the genes of the hottest, fittest male. If one comes along and shows interest, she'll gladly hop on that dick and let the men fight it out and possibly kill each other, just as they did in the caveman days.
Not exaggerated at all.

Just put yourself in a completely different world.
To receive affection and love, you just need to go to any club or dating app, choose between 200+ males. Do absolutely no effort. If you are unsure about the guy, you go to a bar and see if the guy seems to be a weirdo. And there you go.

If it were that simple, but you had just a bit less sex drive, what would you do?

Would you only choose one partner, or would you seek for the best of them, the one who'll make you feel the best?

Personally, I would be a woman in this world, I would abuse this privilege and fuck until I find a very good chad partner. And most of them do actually. They are very discrete though. I had a girl I was friendzoned with who told me everything about her life. People around her would genuinely say she has had like 4-5 partners, and if asked, she would say less that ten.

The reality was, she was waaaaay over 30. She didn't even count JFL, she was telling me suifuel story about guys she met in the club and fucked on the backseat of her car and then bitch about the fact that the guy wouldn't even return her calls.

Even in your family, look at your cousins or anything and ask yourself "how many men could she have fucked?" Get the number, and multiply it by 5.

Don't be naive, women are like millionaires in the seduction system. They won't eat ravioli every day when they can go to 3* restaurants.
Most site online dating as proof that female hypergamy has run amok.
Just out of curiosity I looked up the stastics for the most popular dating site, Tinder, and it showed that there are 50 million Tinder profiles - of which 76.9% are male. That's an astonishing imbalance. Online dating is a virtual sausage fest, and I would venture to say that most of the women there are just attention-whoring and not even looking to hookup. I've Chadfished a few times and although there were foids that were DTF immediately, most were just content with the validation that they could get a Chad if they wanted. The women who use online dating do so because they know they can sleep with men out of their leagues. Having them commit is another thing altogether, however.

Moreover, most of the women that are there are low-quality anyway (they're drug addicts, they have personality disorders, they're ugly af, they have a high sense of entitlement, they have daddy issues, etc.). Most foid don't even bother with online dating because they know they can get the men they want in the real life. I think the incels who claim that online dating is the the "end-all-be-all" or the "ultimate proof of hypergamy" need to leave their basements.

Not all women are going to be demanding you be a Chad. In the real world most women are not as shallow as the bitches who use online dating. Most couples are looksmatched.

I definitely think things have gotten worse for men, but a lot of people here exaggerate with this "Chad or nothing" narrative like online dating is completely analogous to real life.
Yeah, this tbh. I kinda feel the same way.
76.9% are male.
Just that figure alone is proof of hypergamy.

Normies always brag about how there's "somebody for everyone" which would suggest their should be a 50|50 ratio of foids to men, however that clearly is not the case.

I don't care how retarded you are, the only conclusions you can draw from that is:

-Foids are chasing the few top men,
-Men are not good enough for average foids
-Foids are inundated with requests, that tinder isn't worth it for them.

There is not a single conclusion you can create that would imply women have it as hard as men.
"they are betabuxxers abused by their wife AWALT"

Nice cope. whatever helps you sleep soundly.

"go out sometime and see the blackpill with your eyes rather than through an online interface."

I do go out and I work (unlike a lot of ppl here) and I observe dozens of couples every day.
ok GrAYcel
Agreed until the last part. All females are shallow whores. if you're genetically disadvantaged you'll miss out on sexual development in teen years. By adult years foids have slept with many men and are going to be judging any new partner against all of those past experiences. Most foids will get chad when they get a chance. Foids only care about looks and resources.
It is *NOT* exaggerated. It's a fact that females have sex years before males do even though they are the same age. 14 year olds and 15 year old girls have sex with boys that aren't 14 and 15.
"they are betabuxxers abused by their wife AWALT"

Nice cope. whatever helps you sleep soundly.

"Abused" is taking it too far but most of the looksmatched males in relationships are indeed betabux. Their wife/gf isnt sexually attracted to them but settled because she cant get chad.

This might sound ridiculous at first but just go on reddit to some thread where females say how many men they find sexually attractive. Its at most like 1 out of 100 based on looks and ime based on status its like 1 out of 10
Women don't need dating sites when they are being regularly propositioned in real life. Most foids already have 3 or 4 backup dicks on tap for when they get bored of their current.

I do not think female hypergamy is exaggerated but I do think most men would do the same exact thing had they the opportunity. Honorable people are few and far between.
very grey thread. have you seen the speed at which these zoomers scroll through their instagram feeds? 2 pics a sec or more. that's 120 pics, 5% of which are bound to be chads(everybody likes chad's pics, everybody sees them). that's 6 chads a minute and they easily scroll that shit at the very minimum 2 hours a day, so 6*120=720 chad pics a day. now even irl if a normie or below walks up trying to talk to her she'll just be severely repulsed because she's FULLY used to CHAD ONLY.

yeah couples are looksmatched jfl after she's ridden the cc for 20 years and needs to settle down with cuckold they might be somewhat looksmatched. but everybody is single now, normies are jerking off and beckies are getting pumped and dumped by the local chad so the few young looksmatched couples you see are really outliers
ok greycel.

why do you think 76% of tinder users are men in the first place? if women are so accepting in real life why are so many men resorting to trying tinder?
ok greycel.

why do you think 76% of tinder users are men in the first place? if women are so accepting in real life why are so many men resorting to trying tinder?

Tinder is a hookup app and men are hornier than women. Of course more men are going to be there to try their luck.
Women are hypergamous in more ways than just online dating. They all have chad waiting on standby if their current looksmatched relationship "doesn't work out" thus why they always end up leaving average men for an above average man. Once a foid gets a taste of chad she will not settle for anything less.
As for looksmatched couples, 99% of the time they end up in dead bedrooms, fraud marriages, and divorce rape because women refuse to settle, this is why so many end up single mothers as well.

Ok chad

99% of couples end up in dead bedrooms? Thats ultra BS. Plus, not all women have a Chad waiting for them. Theres not enough Chad's to go around anyway. The women who cant settle down a live a stable life with a looksmatched partner are usually whores and mentally-unstable.
Last edited:
Maybe is exaggerated a little bit but still doesn't change the fact that females desire only the most genetically fit males.
Most site online dating as proof that female hypergamy has run amok.
Just out of curiosity I looked up the stastics for the most popular dating site, Tinder, and it showed that there are 50 million Tinder profiles - of which 76.9% are male. That's an astonishing imbalance. Online dating is a virtual sausage fest, and I would venture to say that most of the women there are just attention-whoring and not even looking to hookup. I've Chadfished a few times and although there were foids that were DTF immediately, most were just content with the validation that they could get a Chad if they wanted. The women who use online dating do so because they know they can sleep with men out of their leagues. Having them commit is another thing altogether, however.

Moreover, most of the women that are there are low-quality anyway (they're drug addicts, they have personality disorders, they're ugly af, they have a high sense of entitlement, they have daddy issues, etc.). Most foid don't even bother with online dating because they know they can get the men they want in the real life. I think the incels who claim that online dating is the the "end-all-be-all" or the "ultimate proof of hypergamy" need to leave their basements.

Not all women are going to be demanding you be a Chad. In the real world most women are not as shallow as the bitches who use online dating. Most couples are looksmatched.

I definitely think things have gotten worse for men, but a lot of people here exaggerate with this "Chad or nothing" narrative like online dating is completely analogous to real life.
yes 1000%
ok greycel.

why do you think 76% of tinder users are men in the first place? if women are so accepting in real life why are so many men resorting to trying tinder?
Exactly I downloaded tinder after I failed IRL
Most site online dating as proof that female hypergamy has run amok.
Just out of curiosity I looked up the stastics for the most popular dating site, Tinder, and it showed that there are 50 million Tinder profiles - of which 76.9% are male. That's an astonishing imbalance. Online dating is a virtual sausage fest, and I would venture to say that most of the women there are just attention-whoring and not even looking to hookup. I've Chadfished a few times and although there were foids that were DTF immediately, most were just content with the validation that they could get a Chad if they wanted. The women who use online dating do so because they know they can sleep with men out of their leagues. Having them commit is another thing altogether, however.

Moreover, most of the women that are there are low-quality anyway (they're drug addicts, they have personality disorders, they're ugly af, they have a high sense of entitlement, they have daddy issues, etc.). Most foid don't even bother with online dating because they know they can get the men they want in the real life. I think the incels who claim that online dating is the the "end-all-be-all" or the "ultimate proof of hypergamy" need to leave their basements.

Not all women are going to be demanding you be a Chad. In the real world most women are not as shallow as the bitches who use online dating. Most couples are looksmatched.

I definitely think things have gotten worse for men, but a lot of people here exaggerate with this "Chad or nothing" narrative like online dating is completely analogous to real life.
I hate the over exagertion here but I could never get a gf anyway
Hypergamy definition= the action of marrying a person of superior caste or class.

"Superior" does not mean in this context that the man is "better" than the woman in any way, but rather that he is on an acceptable level to her own and thus head and shoulders above the rest of the men she has to select from via her own SMV (Sexual Market Value).

You'll pretty much NEVER catch any woman of even plain Jane attractiveness levels say dating a "Bob the plumber" archetype.

Which is to say your stereotypical slovenly dressed, perhaps even a bit physically dirty and dishevelled kind of man who may be balding and whose overall appearance and physical health isn't the best (to put it mildly).


She will ALWAYS choose the closest thing to Chad thats available to her via her own SMV ability to attract and choose from a selection of mates.

You'll only ever see a foid with the above "Bob the plumber" archetype if she's either "hit the wall" (ie become old and ugly/haggard looking) and thats literally ALL that she can get or much like many of us said hypothetical foid definitely did not win the genetic lottery, but rather hit every branch of the "ugly tree" when the proverbial stork dropped her off unceremoniously like a lump of unwanted shit on an already shit filled world.

So a woman with a "looksmatched" partner only highlights my point and renders your own invalid ie her selection of a looksmatched partner is pure hypergamy at play since she made sure to not select lower on the totem pole but rather the best that she could get.

Isn't it though?

Online dating is set up in an online environment, yes this is true, but it does not change the participants into literal NPC's that are fundamentally different from any other collection of humans out there.

Even leaving out all the weirdos, freaks and mental defectives (of the female species) hypergamy would continue to exist in women since it is simply a part of their nature, unfortunate as it may be for people like us.
10th Generation Intel Core i9 IQ
Just out of curiosity I looked up the stastics for the most popular dating site, Tinder, and it showed that there are 50 million Tinder profiles - of which 76.9% are male. That's an astonishing imbalance. Online dating is a virtual sausage fest
77% are male for a reason. Because rosties in real life reject their looksmatches and income matches, which is hypergamy.
If one is sufficiently ugly/low SMV, all of this becomes insignificant.

Imagine how ugly many of our members are compared with the general population...

"Chad only" does apply to plenty of foids, and even if it may not for everyone, a foid will not go for the uglier of two males unless there is a strong incentive to do so.

Since the vast majority of foids have multiple options, chances are high that we are getting mogged by those options and thus we are rejected.

Hypergamy exists and it definitely has a strong influence of female mate choice. We can debate the small parts of it all day long, but in the end, it does not matter.

Because we are too ugly to compete in the first place.

And don't kid yourself that if given the free choice to choose any male a foid wants, she will always go for a good-looking one.

Let's not forget that lookism plays a major part in nearly all social interactions, regardless of gender, and we can see from lookism alone that it's over for the ugliest males.
Exaggerated or not, it still fucks us over at the end of the day
Never thought about that
Tinder is a hookup app and men are hornier than women. Of course more men are going to be there to try their luck.

99% of couples end up in dead bedrooms? Thats ultra BS. Plus, not all women have a Chad waiting for them. Theres not enough Chad's to go around anyway. The women who cant settle down a live a stable life with a looksmatched partner are usually whores and mentally-unstable.
cope, foids are horny for chad, not you.
I think the incels who claim that online dating is the the "end-all-be-all" or the "ultimate proof of hypergamy" need to leave their basements.

I definitely think things have gotten worse for men, but a lot of people here exaggerate with this "Chad or nothing" narrative like online dating is completely analogous to real life.
Yeah. Sub8theory and "chad or nothing" philosophy is just cringe cope

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