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Serious Any clue what foids do when they aren't with chad?



Nov 2, 2019
Mathematically if a small number of gigachads are having sex with a large number of foids, how are foids using up the rest of their time? Is it by getting betabuxxed? Dancing lessons? What are they doing in their spare time?
im actually really curious to know this as well. I cannot think of anything foids do when they are not with chads.
They watch Netflix, or YouTube. That's it. Women lack genuine hobbies.
Women have very few things in there lives. And alot of it depends on age. If they're younger whore, they have a bit more to do. School (to meet chads), instagram, "girl nights out", netflix, and "traveling the world". As they get older, they have less and less to do.
Yeah never see foids at any hobby shit. Maybe they would go except that they hate being around incels and that's the reason they don't go. If they could go in an environment without incels they would.
They're dreaming about Chad.
Holes are boring and uninteresting. All they do is shitty online shopping, posting status about every petty mundane activity they do and gossip.
They get validation from social media and their orbiters.
Women browse their Social Media feeds for HOURS
They watch low IQ popular Netflix shows
They read low IQ porn literature with the bad boy shtick
They watch the same shitty TV shows
They talk about sex and Chads with their girl friends
youtube, netflix, dog, instagram
Selling nudes of snapchat or poasting their ass online
They are on their phone mindlessly scrolling through social media. About 90% of their free time. It's like porn to them, but even men don't spend 90% of their time on porn..
They are on their phone mindlessly scrolling through social media. About 90% of their free time. It's like porn to them, but even men don't spend 90% of their time on porn..
Like stay indoors on their phone all day? Really?
Probably generic normie shit. I've noticed some of them draw, or play instruments. So at least some of them have hobbies (for whatever reason 2/3rds of my high school orchestra was made up of foids, including almost our entire violin section. No idea why. It was orchestra. Not exactly a ton of chads were there, and it was the same group for years, so it's not like they didn't know that. ) The in-shape ones probably work out a lot. They're hypergamous cunts, but this "they're all identical dumb sluts" shit is just weird. Like yeah I'm sure Emily Dickinson wrote all those poems she never intended to publish to get Chad's attention. They still have lives outside of Chad. They have the time for hobbies because they don't need to spend any competing for sex. Why would foids spend all day focusing on something that's handed to them whenever they want?
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They're sucking Chad cock 24/7 you fuck
Getting validation and attention by everyone around them .

Satisfying their basic carnal desire .
Swiping tinder,scrolling social media,hanging around with orbiters.Anything that gives them validation until they can fuck with chad again
when they aren't with chad, they're selling underwear and access to their premium snapchat to their orbiters. Or they are on tinder/bumble in search of another chad.
Swiping tinder,scrolling social media,hanging around with orbiters.Anything that gives them validation until they can fuck with chad again
basically ths^^
play with their clitoris to the thought of Chad
but netflix only has so much movies tbh
it literally took me 1 month to watch all the interesting and widels recognized movies and shows and the leftover 75% is pure garbage
play with their clitoris to the thought of Chad

but netflix only has so much movies tbh
it literally took me 1 month to watch all the interesting and widels recognized movies and shows and the leftover 75% is pure garbage
If that were the case every foid would be watching anime by now. Netflix doesn't make sense. Play with clitoris maybe but most foids don't cum that often nor do they need to. They don't get turned on unless chad is around. So what do they do when they aren't turned on...
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Watching hours and hours of tv, and on their phones. Foids also take pointless university degrees and work part time low paying jobs too. Just the pointless degrees and the part time work take most of their waking hours each week.

Its sad really all their pointless degrees and low paying jobs, as all they would have to do is marry a guy with a good career then not have to worry about money again. But it is a price they are willing to pay to join all the hordes of other women competing for Chad.
Watching hours and hours of tv, and on their phones. Foids also take pointless university degrees and work part time low paying jobs too. Just the pointless degrees and the part time work take most of their waking hours each week.

Its sad really all their pointless degrees and low paying jobs, as all they would have to do is marry a guy with a good career then not have to worry about money again. But it is a price they are willing to pay to join all the hordes of other women competing for Chad.
Mean why aren't they gymfemcelling (not hot enough for chad)? Would be epic if the femcels and incels practiced in the same gym but the femcels were only interested in chad.
Mean why aren't they gymfemcelling (not hot enough for chad)? Would be epic if the femcels and incels practiced in the same gym but the femcels were only interested in chad.

Good question, I don't know how many women go to the gym. From what I've seen the majority of women in my city are willing to just not date their entire 20's if they can't get a Chad('waiting for Chad'). Which as you point out, mathematically most women are not with Chad.

They would be smarter to not even go to university and just get an easy job and dedicate themselves to going to the gym to increase their odds of getting Chad.

Also thinking about it, at the university there must be way more girls than guys.. yet even normie guys are struggling to get a date in university. Showing definitively women just won't lower their standards.
Nothing. Women exist to serve men, that's the only thing they do and think about.
Good question, I don't know how many women go to the gym. From what I've seen the majority of women in my city are willing to just not date their entire 20's if they can't get a Chad('waiting for Chad'). Which as you point out, mathematically most women are not with Chad.

They would be smarter to not even go to university and just get an easy job and dedicate themselves to going to the gym to increase their odds of getting Chad.

Also thinking about it, at the university there must be way more girls than guys.. yet even normie guys are struggling to get a date in university. Showing definitively women just won't lower their standards.
They must be incredibly bluepilled too if they are putting all their efforts into universitycelling and then wagecucking when they could achieve their goal of getting chad by focusing on looking pretty and keeping their holes wet.
Dancing lessons?

small number of gigachads are having sex with a large number of foids
LDARing minus the rotting part.

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