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Antisemites Are Cucks Making Excuses For Women

Red Shambhala

Red Shambhala

Death to America
Nov 10, 2017
I'm only half joking. There are obviously societal, economic factors influencing our lifestyle choices. Like, most households simply economically depend on both partners having an income. Contrasting idealized 50's memes with pictures of drunken sluts on the street won't fix an economy that forces people to have double-income in order to barely survive. (Burning down synagogues won't help, either.) 

That being said, if men are rightfully held responsible for their bad actions, women should also be held responsible for their bad actions! If you drive a car under the influence and hit a kid, you will get punished. Rightfully so. Because you're held responsible for your bad actions, even if your mind was clouded.

What feminists, antisemites and other groups have in common is that they blame men for the bad actions of women. [font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]While liberals believe that anything bad a woman does is the fault of the patriarchy and sexism, conservatives believe that anything bad a woman does is the fault of liberals and feminists tricking them: women [/font]don't[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] even have agency when it comes to abortions which are the results of trickery by unchristian men who refuse to "man up" --- rich men force women into jobs and careers they actually [/font]don't[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif] want. Old-fashioned conspiracy theorists believe that anything bad a woman does is the result of the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergers, Jesuits, Freemasons, and other rich people conspiring to trick women into feminism. Hence, the real enemy is the Rockefellers, the Jesuits, etc. who are conspiring to depopulate the world so women aren't responsible for their behavior. [/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The Red Pill claims that women's bad acts are the correct biological response to men who have no game and that women can't be held responsible for their own biology. Finally, the alt-right is essentially a Pagan fertility cult in which white women are worshipped as motherhood goddesses; obviously, anything bad a woman does is the result of the Jews and minorities tricking them into feminism and multiculturalism. [/font][/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]In one of the most popular alt-right memes, a group of Jewish feminists is listed, while the text reads "Feminism: A Jewish War On Women." Feminism isn't something (white) women do but something that is done to (white) women. It's not even a "Jewish war on men", but a war on white women; white women are depicted as these innocent little wheat field princesses men have to protect since they themselves have no agency.

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Women having AGENCY and INTERESTS is the most dangerous idea in the world, because if you have agency, you are held responsible for your bad actions. If people believe that you don't have agency, you can always hide behind a boogeyMAN - you will never get called out because men will always just end up blaming other MEN instead of holding women responsible for their bad actions. So men will continue to fight each other and women fuck the winner.[/font][/font]
Most conspiracy theories dwindle into antisemitism.
your posts are always on point.

Personally I think an alliance with the alt-right is necessary to at least weaken the influence of feminism.
Alt-right is zionist tho
incel scum said:
are u a jew?

No, but antisemitism always goes hand in hand with other forms of racism, because Jews are always seen as the ones who brought in non-white people. This is antisemitism in a nutshell:


See, there is the Asian guy, the black guy, the Hispanic dude - all brought in by the Jew who only uses them as tools to destroy the "European gene pool."
Vary good post, great observation. You kinda expand my mind, now il be able to spot cucked narratives like that.

In a way id say anti-semitism is a coping mechanism for the alt/far-right.
They just don't wanna admit the hard truth that majority of people don't share their world.view and simply don't care about nationalism and their specific concept of racial and cultural "purity". So they happy indulge in conspiracy theories how jews and "liberal media" have everyone brainwashed and if some how they defeat the boogieman everyone would naturally align themselves to their world-view.
Reads like a phd in lib studies.

Not the library kind.
NightMare said:
Reads like a phd in lib studies.

Not the library kind.

Just doing my part to keep the alt-reich away and preventing them from taking over yet another place and turning it into an antisemitic /pol/ish circlejerk.
What is this CNN and UC Beckley Campus day?
NightMare said:
What is this CNN and UC Beckley Campus day?

This is not the Daily Stormer.
I agree, however his doesn't prove that antisemitism is unfounded or unreasonable. The logical conclusion of this post should be that the enemy of incels is both women AND jews, not one or the other. Women are vacuous succubi devoid of morality, however this is capitalized and pushed further by Jewish elites in the media and government. The two work in conjunction against us, so to ignore the Jewish problem simply because other National Socialists have been cucked by femoids, does not mean that they are entirely wrong that we ought to completely forget the issues that Jews have caused. Were it not for the jews hypergamy and promiscuity would be far less rampant, and women's rights would continue to be nonexistent rather than omnipresent.
We ought to be against both women and jews, as they are against us.
Pro-semites who make excuses for Jewry and fail to mention its role behind the sexual revolution, as well as Marxism in general are cucks who should be ashamed of themselves. Obviously someone with a Communist logo won't admit this fact. Feminism and leftism are directly related.

And no, the Alt-Right is not for the empowerment of women. This is a myth spread mostly by MGTOWs. Conservative Christianity was able to control female instincts and degeneracy for hundreds of years. It was Jews and Commies like yourself, starting from the 1920s, who began to push for social change. Weimar Germany was exactly like the US today. Berlin was the sinful, sexual capital of the world back then.

The National Socialists fought to reverse the degenerate changes that their nation encountered, and they succeeded in doing that. The Alt-Right opposes the immoral hookup culture that made it much more worse for incels. Without the Jews, your life would have been easier my friend.
Blackpill101 said:
Pro-semites who make excuses for Jewry and fail to mention its role behind the sexual revolution, as well as Marxism in general are cucks who should be ashamed of themselves. Obviously someone with a Communist logo won't admit this fact. Feminism and leftism are directly related.
Ayyy Leninism is pretty clever
Battlefield3cel said:
Ayyy Leninism is pretty clever

Leftist Jewish kikes like Rosa Luxembourg in the early 1900s all supported female suffrage and empowerment. The USSR was never opposed to feminism in the first place.

Red Shambhala said:
No, but antisemitism always goes hand in hand with other forms of racism, because Jews are always seen as the ones who brought in non-white people. This is antisemitism in a nutshell:


See, there is the Asian guy, the black guy, the Hispanic dude - all brought in by the Jew who only uses them as tools to destroy the "European gene pool."

It is a fact that Zionist Jews, both in the US and Europe, are mainly behind multiculturalism. You wanna debate this and get destroyed, or not? Only cucks deny this fact.
I really disagree with your premise that alt-righters are avoid being critical of women.

Also your meme is almost unbearable to read through. The left really can't meme.
Blackpill101 said:
It is a fact that Zionist Jews, both in the US and Europe, are mainly behind multiculturalism. You wanna debate this and get destroyed, or not? Only cucks deny this fact.

Antisemitism is just another form of racism and it gets hand in hand with these other forms of racism: in your eyes, we are all just props and tools of the Jews, meant to destroy your purity with our non-white genes. 

So far, all antifeminist places have been taken over by alt-right/ish groups, and only time will tell if this place here will be able to resist. Maybe we should have installed a no-racism rule; otherwise, this place, too, will only be welcoming for racist white guys and their non-white cucks.
Excellent post, agreed.

Antisemites are generally low-IQ individuals who are suspicious of higher-IQ individuals.

The Jews are the most un-cucked people in the world. Just read the Old Testament. The Bible attempts to solve so many of these incel issues.

For example, the reason Judaism passes down through the mother’s line is because they didn’t really know who the father actually was. They knew about the female nature long ago.
Blackpill101 said:
Leftist Jewish kikes like Rosa Luxembourg in the early 1900s all supported female suffrage and empowerment. The USSR was never opposed to feminism in the first place.

It is a fact that Zionist Jews, both in the US and Europe, are mainly behind multiculturalism. You wanna debate this and get destroyed, or not? Only cucks deny this fact.

Have Jews been at the forefront of leftist movements across the world? Yes. But is it all part of some grand conspiracy to destroy civilization? I don't think so. Disadvantaged and persecuted people just generally tend to have more liberal politics, and this combined with the naturally high IQ and creativity of Ashkenazim meant that Jews would have a prominent role in socialist/communist movements.
Red Shambhala said:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]

Everything about the picture is accurate exept one thing. Feminists always support open borders and always apologize for Islam. Apparently its the religion most misunderstood region ever, and the one also most compatible with feminism. Feminists don't want us to die in the middle east fighting ISIS patriarchy. They want it in the West.

MayorOfKekville said:
Excellent post, agreed.

Antisemites are generally low-IQ individuals who are suspicious of higher-IQ individuals.

The Jews are the most un-cucked people in the world. Just read the Old Testament. The Bible attempts to solve so many of these incel issues.

For example, the reason Judaism passes down through the mother’s line is because they didn’t really know who the father actually was. They knew about the female nature long ago.

There is a big difference between the Israelites (Hebrew people) and the Jews who hate Christ. Stupid boomer cucks can't understand this!
NegroKing said:
Have Jews been at the forefront of leftist movements across the world? Yes. But is it all part of some grand conspiracy to destroy civilization? I don't think so. Disadvantaged and persecuted people just generally tend to have more liberal politics, and this combined with the naturally high IQ and creativity of Ashkenazim meant that Jews would have a prominent role in socialist/communist movements.

Not only leftist Jews are pushing for multiculturalism. Even right wing ones are heavily supportive of diversity for Europeans, but get triggered when asked about the homogeneity of Israel...
Dingus_Incel said:

Red Shambhala said:
Antisemitism is just another form of racism and it gets hand in hand with these other forms of racism: in your eyes, we are all just props and tools of the Jews, meant to destroy your purity with our non-white genes. 

So far, all antifeminist places have been taken over by alt-right/ish groups, and only time will tell if this place here will be able to resist. Maybe we should have installed a no-racism rule; otherwise, this place, too, will only be welcoming for racist white guys and their non-white cucks.

The Jews are hypocrites, especially the neoconservative cucked ones. A belief that 90 percent of religious, right wing Jews (even those who voted for Trump) share is that white Western nations should be diverse racially. Israel should not, however. It must preserve its homogeneity.
MayorOfKekville said:
Excellent post, agreed.

Antisemites are generally low-IQ individuals who are suspicious of higher-IQ individuals.

The Jews are the most un-cucked people in the world. Just read the Old Testament. The Bible attempts to solve so many of these incel issues.

For example, the reason Judaism passes down through the mother’s line is because they didn’t really know who the father actually was. They knew about the female nature long ago.

Is that why Jews are constantly promoting cuckhold pornography, because they're uncucked?
Jews are the enemy of humanity, they continually pollute people. They are not as bad as women, but Jews work in the same ways women do: manipulation, cruelty, degeneracy.

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