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JFL Anti incels are obsessed with pushing this notion that we're terrified of strong women

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

The only good women are the dead ones
Nov 29, 2022
"they're afraid of strong women"
No, I'm not. Because women are neither mentally or physically strong. There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of outside of cunts complaining getting me in trouble. That's all women are capable of, whining and demanding men to do something. I'm not scared of the intellectual prowess of roasties. If they were actually intelligent then IQ tests wouldn't have to be altered to accommodate them.
Simps are more of a threat.
There's been times where women have slapped me, and I could have easily broken her in half,
but a simp was there to stop me.

So, no. Women are not scary. Life isn't a marvel movie where women can just beat up any man who offends them
They deserve to be broken in half for what they've done to me.
"strong women" are just annoying and repulsive. they talk too much, complain too much, are far too greedy, and are far more likely to contribute to that ungodly "women initiating divorcing far more statistic" over trivial matters.
"strong women" are just annoying and repulsive. they talk too much, complain too much, are far too greedy, and are far more likely to contribute to that ungodly "women initiating divorcing far more statistic" over trivial matters.
Yep. Strong woman = nagging bitch any man with balls wants to shut the fuck up. They're enabled by their training wheels to act like cunts
No, I don't fear strong women. I would love to ascend with one.
There's been times where women have slapped me, and I could have easily broken her in half,
but a simp was there to stop me.
This is one of the biggest reasons I despise simps; women wouldn’t be able to act this way if weak men didn’t enable them. The only reason they have power is because of the millions of desperate men who worship them like goddesses—I have had it with these cucks :woke:
No such thing as a strong woman.
"strong" women have an inflated ego because you aren't allowed to hit them.
Their "strength" is a pathetic illusion. They have to hide behind lies, societal taboos, and actual muscle in order to be any sort of real threat.
"strong women" lol. any 12 yr old boy could crush any womans skull with their bare hands
There are two kinds of violence overall, male violence and female violence. Yes there are exceptions, and people can engage in opposite sex-style violence, but overall the sexes keep to their nature.

Male violence: Physical aggression, fighting, direct bullying, in your face, often one-on-one.
The male, as he is less social than the female, prefers to be direct and deal with what he considers a problem face-to-face.
If a man doesn't like you, you will know it. He will directly insult you to your face, spit on you and physically attack you.

Female violence: emotional/psychological/social agression, gossiping, slander, indirect bullying, proxy violence (getting the boys to physically attack you) behind your back, social isolation and ostracization.
The female, as she is a social being (more linked to the group/herd than the male) will be indirect and attack the social standing of their target, hoping to inflict heavy emotional and thus psychological damage to them
If a woman doesn't like you, you will often don't know about it, or why. She will be sweet and/or polite to your face, while dragging your reputatio through the mud when you turn your back. Even if you know they women don't like you, you won't understand why.

Female violence is EXTREMELY dangerous and damaging towards boys, as they in most cases don't know how to deal with it.

1-When the conflict is between boys, they will settle it, physically if necessary, between themselves, without involving other parties (unless the situation has grown more serious and reached criminal stage) and then the matter is finished. They won't continue to torment one another after being physically put in their place.
Boys understand each other, and know how to deal with it.
2-When the conflict is between girls and boys, teh girls will target the boys social standing through gossip and slander, hoping to ostracize and socially isolate him, leading to serious emotional and psychological damage.
What can boys do against this?
Nothing really, as they with very rare exceptions can't engage in a social fight with the girls, who are much more adept at it than boys, and escalating towards physical violence is basically commiting social suicide due the "don't hit girls" cultural brainwashing as well as the perception that "they hit first" (even though the girls started the fight and escalated it towards dangerous levels with social sabotage).

Worst part ist that in mixed environments, such as mixed-gender schools, the boys begin to adopt and engage in female type violence against other boys. They are obviously less effective at it than the girls, but if there is a girl behind it directing the affair then the victim will often ve totally isolated, with no one there to stand on their side.

Yes, sometimes, there are girls who engage in male type violence, that is physical violence, but they are much rarer and in a way less dangerous, as boys know how to deal with male type violence. Its the female type violence that is poison towards boys.
If the woman is particularly vile and combines both male and female type violence, she is a legitimate hazard for men to even be around, as they will be constantly in danger.

You probably noticed that a male-dominated environment is more honest, direct and crude. There are insults of course, but they often don't reach the truly hurtful stage. Even women have noticed it. That is because physical violence is on the table, and men know that if they go to far, the other side can retaliate with a physical attack. Its an incentive towards true politeness.
Female-dominated environments are filled with gossip, mean girl queen bee stuff, barbs traded between sweet smiles and glances. As physical violence isn't on the table, there is no incentive for them to stop, so they don't. This kind of environment has led to the suicide of those unfortunate enough to fall prey to these social predators.
Le tall stronk females still fear me at night when they walk past me, they often cross the street to avoid me. I've never felt that way about a female and I never will. I could kill any female on this planet because I'm a man, I'm big and I don't give a fuck if she's roided up, I could kill her with my bare hands and I'm 100% confident in this fact.
There is not a single female on this planet who could physically dominate me. Cry, little faggots on reddit.
>b-but some MMA dyke
You faggots can't even imagine the kind of rage I have inside me. I despise females, I would fucking kill her because I'm a man, I'm angry and ready to kill a whore.
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It’s like when I see women say that men are “scared” of tall women. No we ain’t lmao? What is this shit.
"they're afraid of strong women"
No, I'm not. Because women are neither mentally or physically strong. There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of outside of cunts complaining getting me in trouble. That's all women are capable of, whining and demanding men to do something. I'm not scared of the intellectual prowess of roasties. If they were actually intelligent then IQ tests wouldn't have to be altered to accommodate them.
Simps are more of a threat.
There's been times where women have slapped me, and I could have easily broken her in half,
but a simp was there to stop me.

So, no. Women are not scary. Life isn't a marvel movie where women can just beat up any man who offends them
Foids have less IQ than a literal monkey
I don't fear foids at all they are inferior creatures.
A "strong woman" is an oxymoron.
Anything a woman claims to be is an act, is a strong woman physically/mentally/intellectually strong? Or has she never been challenged in her life. Anyone can think themselves strong if they have never lifted a weight. The vast majority of women have faced 0 (ZERO) hardships in their entire lives.
i'm a little terrified of strong women tbh.
wtf is a strong woman lol

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