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Blackpill Anti-degeneracy is a cope the size of the Empire State



Nov 8, 2017
Most traditioncels, patriarchycels and antidegeneracycels on here would be the most degenerate sex-haver party-goer partner-cheater polygamous ones if they were born wit 8+/10 looks and without the subsequent society overall rejection that comes with incel looks. Hell even if AFTER all the lifelong incel conditioning, they were granted top tier looks, i'm sure that in the span of a year maximum they would be participating in all the degeneracy they bash.
Like, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.
fakecel trying to educate people on copes....


Ever since I had an interest in girls I've only cared about having a one and only. It's literally never been my intention to be a "slayer". I could give a fuck about acting like a pig. Give me someone to GENUINELY love and adore me.
fakecel trying to educate people on copes....


This is basically Inquisition where everyone is an Inquisitor. If one yells "heretic" at you, you yell "heretic" back.

Give me someone to GENUINELY love and adore me.

You already skipped to stage 2, but it's alright, OP said "most" anyway. I don't think slayer life is good on the long run, people want to be loved and adored.
Here we fucking go again. I hoped you had finally fucked off for good.
Most traditioncels, patriarchycels and antidegeneracycels on here would be the most degenerate sex-haver party-goer partner-cheater polygamous ones if they were born wit 8+/10 looks and without the subsequent society overall rejection that comes with incel looks. Hell even if AFTER all the lifelong incel conditioning, they were granted top tier looks, i'm sure that in the span of a year maximum they would be participating in all the degeneracy they bash.
I totally agree. It's like poor people who want everyone to live in soviet style apartments because they are unable to buy a mansion themselves.
For the record, I'm a poorcel myself.
"I'm ugly so good and evil don't exist".

OK, I'll write that down and try to remember it.
Wrong. If that were true, every good looking guy on the planet would participate in degeneracy, which obviously isn't so. As hard as it may be to get a gip on for you, some people have standards and moral value and are disgusted by today's copious amounts of degeneracy.
Wrong. If that were true, every good looking guy on the planet would participate in degeneracy, which obviously isn't so. As hard as it may be to get a gip on for you, some people have standards and moral value and are disgusted by today's copious amounts of degeneracy.
They just can't comprehend such a concept.
"I'm ugly so good and evil don't exist".

OK, I'll write that down and try to remember it.
Good & evil don't exist anyway. The universe will still disappear into heat death and nothing that happened on this godforsaken insignificant planet will ever have mattered.
Maybe partying and casual sex is the life style for vampirecels. But some of us really entertain romantic notions of monogamy and enduring love in the depth of our black rotten incel-hearts.
"I'm ugly so good and evil don't exist".

OK, I'll write that down and try to remember it.

No such thing as what you're describing. If you aren't bound by religion, life is indeed ultimately worthless. Doesn't mean to shortage your empathy. But "good" and "evil" are subjective.
No such thing as what you're describing. If you aren't bound by religion, life is indeed ultimately worthless. Doesn't mean to shortage your empathy. But "good" and "evil" are subjective.
Lots of things are subjective, but we still make judgements, deveop beliefs, and act on those. Are you equally happy with watching any movie ever made, or do you think there are good movies and bad movies?

such-and-such being subjective doesnt nullify its relevance or make it unreal.

Lol fart nigga back at it again

Ever since I had an interest in girls I've only cared about having a one and only. It's literally never been my intention to be a "slayer". I could give a fuck about acting like a pig. Give me someone to GENUINELY love and adore me.

Me too. I want a one and only soulmate. We ARE souls inside the body and love is formed between two souls but lust is of the body and it lasts short and is never satisfied. Chad and Stacy is trapped in lust and not real love.


Swallow the framepill.

Nice gratuitous unrelated to the thread looks shaming on a INCEL forum which is supposed to be agaisnt it.

How is this shit not cause of ban while I was banned for "bragging"?
Nice gratuitous unrelated to the thread looks shaming on a INCEL forum which is supposed to be agaisnt it.

How is this shit not cause of ban while I was banned for "bragging"?
I'm not shaming you, you still mog me. But you post your pics everywhere online and i just took one or two of them to show that frame matters greatly (swallow the framepill).
I'm not shaming you, you still mog me. But you post your pics everywhere online and i just took one or two of them to show that frame matters greatly (swallow the framepill).

I already shallowed it long time ago lmao, what do these pics have to do with the OP topic?
I already shallowed it long time ago lmao, what do these pics have to do with the OP topic?
Nothing, that's why i didn't quote your posts. If you don't want me to go off-topic in your threads, then fine, i'll delete my replies.
I geniunely wanted a virgin Christian girl who truly loved me and was loyal to me.

Unfortunately I just can’t seem to be able to find one so slaying would be the next best thing (not that I have the looks to be a slayer)

I hope you find her and that you will look and hear as a Chad to her.
Hating women is also a cope.
This entire website is cope.
Good & evil don't exist anyway. The universe will still disappear into heat death and nothing that happened on this godforsaken insignificant planet will ever have mattered.
we're the only ones who can make it matter, because it's happening to us
I totally agree. It's like poor people who want everyone to live in soviet style apartments because they are unable to buy a mansion themselves.
For the record, I'm a poorcel myself.
Holy fucking shit what a great analogy. Absolutely.
Nope. I just dont like degeneracy. I like commited love with one woman. I would never cheat on my oneitis.
Yeah man, definitely. I'd love to partake in degenerate culture
Why, because you participate in it you fucking hypocrite?
Only if you don't value a healthy society with undefiled women, sure.
You make this thread every week faggot.

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