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Another extremely relevant quote from The Turner Diaries



Time is a flat circle
Jun 23, 2024
"What is really precious to the average American is not his freedom or his honor or the future of his race, but his pay check. He complained when the System began busing his kids to Black schools 20 years ago, but he was allowed to keep his station wagon and his fiberglass speedboat, so he didn't fight.

He complained when they took away his guns five years ago, but he still had his color TV and his backyard barbecue, so he didn't fight. And he complains today when the Blacks rape his women at will and the System makes him show an identity pass to buy groceries or pick up his laundry, but he still has a full belly most of the time, so he won't fight.He hasn't an idea in his head that wasn't put there by his TV set. He desperately wants to be "well adjusted" and to do and think and say exactly what he thinks is expected of him. He has become, in short, just what the System has been trying to make of him these past 50 years or so: a mass-man; a member of the great, brainwashed proletariat; a herd animal; a true democrat.

That, unfortunately, is our average White American. We can wish that it weren't so, but it is. The plain, horrible truth is that we have been trying to evoke a heroic spirit of idealism which just isn't there any more. It has been washed right out of 99 per cent of our people by the flood of Jewish-materialist propaganda in which they have been submerged practically all their lives."
-William Luther Pierce, The Turner Diaries, 1978

Sums up perfectly the everyday White American NPC.
Americans are the most enslaved and brainwashed people on Earth
Too bad the nukes are fake. A jew fraud, much like space...

Dresden and Nagasaki were hit with huge fuel-air fire bombs...
Comfort... at what cost it comes.
Good quote but this applies to most people in general. Comfort is the God of our current age and control is its religion.

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