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LifeFuel Anherocels, why are you so sure it's a good decision?



May 12, 2019
Why are you so sure there isn't a hell that you will burn in for eternity if you anhero when science and evidence has yet to and will never be able to explain the existence of the universe?

muh big bang

So what came before the big bang? What created the big-bang? What created what created the big bang? and what created that? What created that which created that again to infinite? There is no logical answer to this, so why would you be so sure that there is no God, that there is no Hell?

Do you really want to risk ending up in Hell with all the degenerate satan worshiping normies?

Corinthians 4:8-10
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.

Corinthians 4:17
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
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Hell is our predetermined end road either way. it doesn't matter whether God's real or not. Whether we die naturally or off ourselves.

There's no salvation from anyone. Anytime. Come on man., most of us wish for people to die in a daily basis and suffer in the worst way imaginable. We're not exactly good Christians/Muslims/whatever...

You really think we'll be accepted anywhere but hell?... it's our destiny. Sharing it with satanist Degenerate is just an extra punishment.
The religious beliefs handed down to me by my parents are coincidental also the only correct ones ¯\(ツ)

Cope + Not an argument. I'm not talking about what specific religion is right, wrong, or less/more accurate, or even true or false.

You know science can't prove how the universe came into existence, or what created it, and it can't explain the infinite creation question, because any answer contradict how we determine facts and logic. The existence of the universe defies all scientific logic and reasoning. The big bang theory, that everything came from nothing, lacks objectivity, because you can't apply objectivity to something that defies everything we know about the universe and existence.

Why take on the belief of there being no god and nothingness after death when existence itself is unexplainable?
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While science can't accurately prove how the universe was made or how it existed in the first place. Religion can't either, as there is not way to test theories put out by any religion in a realistic way. At the end its a standstill, you can't use religion to prove anything anymore than you can use science.
Aside from telling me you don't know what to think, why did you make this thread?

You have 2 options

1. To be dogmatic and believe there is no god, and nothingness after death, and risk eternal hell with degenerate demonic satan worshiping normies

2. To accept the fact that existence of the universe and how it came into creation defies all science, objectivity, reasoning, logic, etc, and that there is a chance you will end up in eternal paradise after you die by simply having the belief that it is a possibility.

Only the most egotistical humans can be so foolish to completely reject and deny the possibility, especially when one is aware that the issues cannot be explained.
I just can't take religion seriously. It's such a massive and obvious cope it's a joke to me. I can't accept religion, my mind won't allow it. It's so painfully obvious that it's the biggest cope known to mankind. It's nothing to me, just another coping mechanism, but it's so far fetched and ridiculous that I just can't practice it. It doesn't feel right. It's simply one of those too good to be true kind of things.
The actual truth and reality is so simple and often harsh which is what makes it hard to swallow for many people, even people who claim to be incels and blackpilled.
I don't pretend to know the nature of the universe, but I have trouble believing in any kind of interventionist god who gives a crap about what I do or don't do (and somehow doesn't know exactly what that is already, despite being omnipotent and omnicient). Banning suicide because god said so was just a way for societies in the past to grow their numbers, make sure the peasant class didn't nope the fuck out of being the servants and foot soldiers of the ruling class. All religious laws are basically this. Religion, especially based around distant god(s) or prophets from the past rather than a living king, were a way to create laws that people would follow out of fear and which would survive changes in earthly authority. This asshole dethroned that asshole, but the priests are still the priests.
All that said, don't commit suicide, my fellow 'cels. Find a cope, find a way to NEETbux, opt out of society as much as possible, live for yourself if only to piss the normies off with your continued existence.
I believe in hell and I believe we are in it right now. I don't believe your consciousness survives death but I see a non-literal afterlife being the echoes and rammifications of your actions in life carrying on for eternity.

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