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LifeFuel An old lady complimented me



18th century gentleman
Apr 14, 2018
So I was at the house of an acquaintance and his 94-year-old grandmother (pretty healthy for her age) was there too so we talked for a while, eventually she said ''I've never met such a well educated young man before, you are like the men back in my day''. I felt really good because I definitely consider myself old fashioned and that someone who was young in the '40s thinks the same meant a lot :feelsokman: Also I was wearing a modern suit so it wasn't just and old clothing halo (I usually wear oldfashioned clothing, sometimes even 19th century when I feel extroverted enough).
:chad: :chad: :chad:

Subtle not so subtle brag thread.
Why don't you FUCK HER THEN??? BRAG!!! MAKE IT STOP!!! :feelsohgod: :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
she probably has dementia and will forget you the next day
Maybe 95yo lady on a wheelchair is the ultimate legit ascension.
she probably has dementia and will forget you the next day
It doesn't matter if she forgets me, the thing is that she identified me as one of the '40s gentlemen she knew :feelsohh: also she had physical health problems but she was mentally healthy for her age, I talked to her for a while and I can confirm she hasn't lost her mental capabilities yet.
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Just fuck 95 year old hag theory
:chad::banhammer::chad::banhammer::chad::banhammer::chad::banhammer::chad::banhammer: Chad get out. At least a 60% warning should be given for this thread.
:chad::banhammer::chad::banhammer::chad::banhammer::chad::banhammer::chad::banhammer: Chad get out. At least a 60% warning should be given for this thread.
You got me, I am a chad larping here because I hate inkels :soy::soy: larpers deserve to get killed, I hate them more than IT :feels:
Those compliments mean nothing
Those compliments mean nothing
The point is not that I got a normie compliment from a foid, it's that old people consider me oldfashioned and therefore superior to the majority of my generation.
Well, that was nice of her.
Mogs me because suit
Nice, I would feel proud to receive such a compliment.

I'm getting interested in old fashioned suits myself. Although it's kind of hard to find something that wont make me stick out like a sore thumb. Hate that feeling.

He mogs me to hell, but I really like the outfit of the one in the middle. Looking for something more subtle though.

The point is not that I got a normie compliment from a foid, it's that old people consider me oldfashioned and therefore superior to the majority of my generation.
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She wants your dick
Old women compliment people all the time, it is meaningless since by 94 they no longer feel any normal foid sexual feelings.
Nice, I would feel proud to receive such a compliment.

I'm getting interested in old fashioned suits myself. Although it's kind of hard to find something that wont make me stick out like a sore thumb. Hate that feeling.

He mogs me to hell, but I really like the outfit of the one in the middle. Looking for something more subtle though.
Now those are three elegant gentlemen, I dress just like them 85% of the time. But when I wear my 19th or early 20th century clothing I feel on top of the world, even if people look at me like I'm mentally ill. You should definitely start wearing clothing like that if you like it, there aren't many gentlemen left, we are a dying breed.
Now those are three elegant gentlemen, I dress just like them 85% of the time. But when I wear my 19th or early 20th century clothing I feel on top of the world, even if people look at me like I'm mentally ill. You should definitely start wearing clothing like that if you like it, there aren't many gentlemen left, we are a dying breed.

How do you go about buying such clothing? Any place you would recommend?
How do you go about buying such clothing? Any place you would recommend?
I usually get them done specially for me but it depends, sometimes I will buy it if I trust the brand, for historical clothing it gets more tricky, I buy clothing online but I have to make sure that I am a getting good quality pieces and not some cheap halloween costum, I don't have one main go to place, I just browse, except for medieval-renaissance clothing, I always buy those on revival. Even if I buy something online I get it tailored, that really changes the whole thing and boosts your confidence.
Old women compliment people all the time, it is meaningless since by 94 they no longer feel any normal foid sexual feelings.
You didn't get the point of the thread. If she made a compliment like "You are a nice young man, you probably will make a girl very happy" I wouldn't care because I know it's just a generic compliment from an old lady and that it's not true, but she said I was lile the men back in her day, I don't think she would say that to everyone.
Mogs me because suit
Suit is the way to go :feelzez: everyone thinks I'm much older because of them :feelskek:
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I usually get them done specially for me but it depends, sometimes I will buy it if I trust the brand, for historical clothing it gets more tricky, I buy clothing online but I have to make sure that I am a getting good quality pieces and not some cheap halloween costum, I don't have one main go to place, I just browse, except for medieval-renaissance clothing, I always buy those on revival. Even if I buy something online I get it tailored, that really changes the whole thing and boosts your confidence.

Thanks, this very helpful advice, I imagine the fit is very important.

I've got a lot of spare money from wageslaving these days so I'm definitely going to look into tailored clothing.
Thanks, this very helpful advice, I imagine the fit is very important.

I've got a lot of spare money from wageslaving these days so I'm definitely going to look into tailored clothing.
Yes, it's a great cope. I like history so I also own a medieval armour (of course I don't wear that outside) and many swords, it's great to have a meaningful interest and not something that you might get bored of with time or not even love from the start, it makes life better.
Good for you OP
Yes, it's a great cope. I like history so I also own a medieval armour (of course I don't wear that outside) and many swords, it's great to have a meaningful interest and not something that you might get bored of with time or not even love from the start, it makes life better.

I don't like to reduce this to the level of "cope". To me it's more than that, it's about taking part in bringing back decency into the modern world.
Hopefully we will inspire other men to do the same because, lets face it, modern aesthetics is ugly as sin.
she is ur looksmatch in 2019
I don't like to reduce this to the level of "cope". To me it's more than that, it's about taking part in bringing back decency into the modern world.
Hopefully we will inspire other men to do the same because, lets face it, modern aesthetics is ugly as sin.
Yes, you are right, I don't really consider it cope (if this was just a cope it would have started after the blackpill, but I've been into this since as long as I can remember) but I wanted to use a term that might be attractive to other guys here. It's nice to find someone like you on this forum. And yes, modern clothing is really ugly, I can't believe fashion has degenerated that much
Yes, you are a degenerate if you would

Incel means "Involuntarily celibate." Celibate not by choice. If we start discounting everything because "Nah, that's degenerate," inceldom becomes indefinable. And if it's indefinable, we might as well open our arms to anyone who feels bad about their romantic situation.
Incel means "Involuntarily celibate." Celibate not by choice. If we start discounting everything because "Nah, that's degenerate," inceldom becomes indefinable. And if it's indefinable, we might as well open our arms to anyone who feels bad about their romantic situation.
Well, I don't think I would bang a 95yo to "ascend"
Well, I don't think I would bang a 95yo to "ascend"

Neither would I. But it makes me ask, being absolutely true to the definition, am I actually "incel" if I wouldn't fuck a 95 year old? Because there are some degenerate-ass 95 year olds out there.

Maybe we should change our name. Because it seems our main gripe isn't that absolutely no one will fuck us, but that men in general have it harder than they should. In having sex. Or being cared about when it comes to social justice nowadays. We're not saying no one would fuck us, we're saying common decency and standards are beyond us.
What a Chad we got here :chad::chad::chad:
But what are those limits? Regarding a word that means "Celibate not by choice?"
-Not heavily deformed.
-Not women that are about to die.
-Not kids that aren't sexually mature yet.
-Not heavily deformed.
-Not women that are about to die.
-Not kids that aren't sexually mature yet.

What is "heavily" and what is "about to die?" And those are your standards, but what makes a definition real is objective definition, not subjective. I'm not saying I would fuck a deformed 9 year old/95 year old, but isn't there a difference between "I can't fuck them, it's illegal/they're a dude" and "I can't fuck them, they're not pretty enough?"

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