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Blackpill An Autistic Incel's Human Needs and NT Society's Cruel Response

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
These are real responses revealing their underlying hidden intent. this is how NT society feels and thinks about me. They use deception and manipulation to sugarcoat this truth, so they can continually exploit and torture me, while delighting in my pain and the fact my life is ruined.

Me: "I want a decent job, I am skilled, quick to learn, responsible, a good decision maker and highly motivated to work hard. But I don't have the necessary qualifications."

Them: You are not entitled to a job you weirdo. Go get the qualifications first, btw even if you get the degree, you need connections and to be likable and charming or else we will never hire you since you are not a good fit. Considering your weird autistic mannerisms, we don't care whether you can help it or not, nor do we care if it's illegal since we can get away with it. So fuck off you ugly subhuman sperg.

Me: "I just want to make some friends and be liked. I wish people would give me a chance".

Them: [Laughing mockingly] You want us to be friends with you. Keep dreaming loser, a creep like you can never have real friends. If you even want us to say a word to you, you gotta be our slave and punching bag. We can ask for anything and you gotta to give it to us. We'll also constantly ridicule, criticize and subject you to humiliation and you must continue to bear it. We can beat you and kick you around whenever we feel like it. We will exploit and abuse you and you will get nothing in return since a weirdo spaz like you deserves nothing but pain.

Me: " I just wish I had loving supportive parents who weren't abusive and a good child-hood which wasn't full of trauma

Them: We can treat you however we want because we raised you, which makes you our property. You have no rights and you are dependent on us, so we will keep making you suffer. You can't touch us, you worthless waste body. [Evil Laughter]

Me: "I just want one women who will love me"

Them: You disgusting ugly evil piece of shit, how dare you ask to have basic needs which every male who isn't considered a loser gets. You are clearly an entitled piece of misogynistic trash for wanting something from women while being an ugly autistic loser.

Me: "Why can't people treat me with respect. Why am I always treated coldly, rudely and receive negative discriminatory treatment compared to others everywhere I go"

Them: You are just looking at it wrong, people are treating you as you deserve. You are the problem, change yourself, be more giving and caring so people can take advantage of you and hurt you even more. You deserve it because of your autism and ugliness you are supposed to be everyone's whipping boy, never stand up for yourself or say no when others take advantage of you. No your place you hideous and disgusting sperg.
I can relate to 100.00% of what you posted here, not exaggerating.
society will collapse and burn
Us ugly non-NTs don't deserve this constant series of bullshit.
i can relate to this to an extent
I seriously think I might be on the spectrum,I have never had more than 1 friend at a time,even in childhood.
The moment I start to communicate with more than 2 people at a time everything starts to ruin and tear,constant confrontations and problems for menial shit not worth getting into.
When i cross the magical number of 2,everyone of my "friends" starts to chimp out on me,blame,lie and gaslight like no tommorow
While most of my peers were juggling multiple social circles i had trouble getting more than 1 person to socialize with me.
I have asked counselours and therapist,they were like "Nah dude,you alright because you can bearely communicate and have that 1 guy befriended,I have/had another patient just like you and after a YEAR of therapy got a gf and a social circle,your fine br0!""
The NT female (and usually male) views anyone not NT as sub human.
If you go ER then they do a 180 :feelsLSD:
Don't go ER. Going on a shooting rampage is not as effective as what I will propose in this post. You most likely won't have access to any decent firearms anyway, if you have them at all.
Blow up an oil refinery. A well placed home-made handful of pipe bombs strapped together in a vulnerable location could cause the whole site to go up in flames. Pipe bombs really aren't that hard to make, and you could place them next to a few molotovs for that extra incendiary kick. The reason for doing this is because our society is dependent on oil. Who will transport supplies, who will come to fill up the petrol tanks at the station? Causing this type of chaos will lead to riots, looting and general chaos. People freak out if their internet is cut for a week, imagine how they'll act when the all the stores are empty.
I'm really going off topic from your original thought. But if society treats you like a piece of shit than you should do everything that's possible to bring it down.
society will collapse and burn
Won't happen boyo, but we are gonna keep suffering.
Don't go ER. Going on a shooting rampage is not as effective as what I will propose in this post. You most likely won't have access to any decent firearms anyway, if you have them at all.
Blow up an oil refinery. A well placed home-made handful of pipe bombs strapped together in a vulnerable location could cause the whole site to go up in flames. Pipe bombs really aren't that hard to make, and you could place them next to a few molotovs for that extra incendiary kick. The reason for doing this is because our society is dependent on oil. Who will transport supplies, who will come to fill up the petrol tanks at the station? Causing this type of chaos will lead to riots, looting and general chaos. People freak out if their internet is cut for a week, imagine how they'll act when the all the stores are empty.
I'm really going off topic from your original thought. But if society treats you like a piece of shit than you should do everything that's possible to bring it down.
Since you got it all figured out, why don't you go ahead and do it?
Us ugly non-NTs don't deserve this constant series of bullshit.
But we will continue to suffer because nobody cares and we are in the minority.
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Can I just be treated the way this society says it will when it virtue signal's about Autistic support, will you let me be happy?

Them - Noooooooo
Socially awkward males are the most hated group in the world. People will say "improve your social skills", how? How do you teach social skills? It's borderline impossible
Socially awkward males are the most hated group in the world. People will say "improve your social skills", how? How do you teach social skills? It's borderline impossible
Just be yourself bro'.

I am being myself.

Oh, well in that case fake it like the rest of us & pretend to be appealing by bullshitting & manipulating others.
Try to get a job at a massive corporation. They don't care about "connections" so much, and you can be a small time drone for a while and hopefully work your way up by being diligent and all those other positive traits you said you are.
Socially awkward males are the most hated group in the world. People will say "improve your social skills", how? How do you teach social skills? It's borderline impossible
Teaching social skills must be done in conjunction with huge amounts of practical exposure. Otherwise it will be ineffective. For the practical component, it must be done through both real life social interaction and suggestions in them, while combined with teaching of practical non-verbal communication through video examples. Otherwise they bombard you with too much theory which is difficult to apply in real life and is often contradictory. It must also be emphasized that social rules are flexible and change in the blink of an eye, based on the situation and group. All the social skills classes I have been to failed me in this regard.
Teaching social skills must be done in conjunction with huge amounts of practical exposure. Otherwise it will be ineffective. For the practical component, it must be done through both real life social interaction and suggestions in them, while combined with teaching of practical non-verbal communication through video examples. Otherwise they bombard you with too much theory which is difficult to apply in real life and is often contradictory. It must also be emphasized that social rules are flexible and change in the blink of an eye, based on the situation and group. All the social skills classes I have been to failed me in this regard.

Not only that, but it must be done in conjunction with exposing blue-pill "just be yourself" advice
Not only that, but it must be done in conjunction with exposing blue-pill "just be yourself" advice

Yes, It's never really about being genuine in social situations, it's always about what the other thinks and or how they feel about your behavior. You must constantly adjust based on the person, to ensure you can get what you want.

In cases where the other person has power or authority over you or where you must trust the person, it's absolutely vital to seem likable, friendly, nice and fun, while at the same time standing up for yourself when they commit transgressions, so they don't bully or screw you over.
Teaching social skills must be done in conjunction with huge amounts of practical exposure. Otherwise it will be ineffective. For the practical component, it must be done through both real life social interaction and suggestions in them, while combined with teaching of practical non-verbal communication through video examples. Otherwise they bombard you with too much theory which is difficult to apply in real life and is often contradictory. It must also be emphasized that social rules are flexible and change in the blink of an eye, based on the situation and group. All the social skills classes I have been to failed me in this regard.
Autistics fail at things like social interactions due to there not being an exact science or step by step guidelines to follow. Neurotypicals fit in by feeling the vibes rather than through analysis, it just comes naturally to them & they go with the flow but Autistics treat most things like a 100% predetermined science experiment, you add element X to element Y in a given amount & you'll always get the same outcome, this of course does not work in a real world situation with multiple variables & different characters in play so running through the "script" that an Autistic tends to do gives different results each time & that is jarring, dealing with the unknown & it comes across as weird to the average person.
Don't go ER. Going on a shooting rampage is not as effective as what I will propose in this post. You most likely won't have access to any decent firearms anyway, if you have them at all.
Blow up an oil refinery. A well placed home-made handful of pipe bombs strapped together in a vulnerable location could cause the whole site to go up in flames. Pipe bombs really aren't that hard to make, and you could place them next to a few molotovs for that extra incendiary kick. The reason for doing this is because our society is dependent on oil. Who will transport supplies, who will come to fill up the petrol tanks at the station? Causing this type of chaos will lead to riots, looting and general chaos. People freak out if their internet is cut for a week, imagine how they'll act when the all the stores are empty.
I'm really going off topic from your original thought. But if society treats you like a piece of shit than you should do everything that's possible to bring it down.
These are real responses revealing their underlying hidden intent. this is how NT society feels and thinks about me. They use deception and manipulation to sugarcoat this truth, so they can continually exploit and torture me, while delighting in my pain and the fact my life is ruined.

Me: "I want a decent job, I am skilled, quick to learn, responsible, a good decision maker and highly motivated to work hard. But I don't have the necessary qualifications."

Them: You are not entitled to a job you weirdo. Go get the qualifications first, btw even if you get the degree, you need connections and to be likable and charming or else we will never hire you since you are not a good fit. Considering your weird autistic mannerisms, we don't care whether you can help it or not, nor do we care if it's illegal since we can get away with it. So fuck off you ugly subhuman sperg.

Me: "I just want to make some friends and be liked. I wish people would give me a chance".

Them: [Laughing mockingly] You want us to be friends with you. Keep dreaming loser, a creep like you can never have real friends. If you even want us to say a word to you, you gotta be our slave and punching bag. We can ask for anything and you gotta to give it to us. We'll also constantly ridicule, criticize and subject you to humiliation and you must continue to bear it. We can beat you and kick you around whenever we feel like it. We will exploit and abuse you and you will get nothing in return since a weirdo spaz like you deserves nothing but pain.

Me: " I just wish I had loving supportive parents who weren't abusive and a good child-hood which wasn't full of trauma

Them: We can treat you however we want because we raised you, which makes you our property. You have no rights and you are dependent on us, so we will keep making you suffer. You can't touch us, you worthless waste body. [Evil Laughter]

Me: "I just want one women who will love me"

Them: You disgusting ugly evil piece of shit, how dare you ask to have basic needs which every male who isn't considered a loser gets. You are clearly an entitled piece of misogynistic trash for wanting something from women while being an ugly autistic loser.

Me: "Why can't people treat me with respect. Why am I always treated coldly, rudely and receive negative discriminatory treatment compared to others everywhere I go"

Them: You are just looking at it wrong, people are treating you as you deserve. You are the problem, change yourself, be more giving and caring so people can take advantage of you and hurt you even more. You deserve it because of your autism and ugliness you are supposed to be everyone's whipping boy, never stand up for yourself or say no when others take advantage of you. No your place you hideous and disgusting sperg.
This is why more and more people are coping with video games.

In video games, the rules are set. You follow the instructions and you get your reward.

Life doesn't work that way. There's a lot of unwritten rules and a lot of things are different depending on WHO you are.
An FBIcel wouldn't tell you to do something so smart and effective. They would tell you to go on a mass shooting rampage that will kill probably 5 people. No more oil and the system collapses. Riots, looting and general civil unrest will follow. You know how hard that would be for the government to control, especially if it was not contained to one small area?
Won't happen boyo, but we are gonna keep suffering.

Since you got it all figured out, why don't you go ahead and do it?

But we will continue to suffer because nobody cares and we are in the minority.
"If you got it all figured out why don't you go ahead and do it"
I might in the future but this is not something you do spur-of-the-moment on a whim because you're upset. This requires years of planning and refinement. I am not currently in an ideal situation so it will have to wait.

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