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Theory Among foids, blacks seem to be the most reasonable



all-star NEETcope
May 14, 2022
It’s my experience that black foids, compared to whites especially, tend to be the most reasonable/level-headed, and also the most genuine and caring, as much as foids can be of course .. like i’ve been in situations where other foids are being super hysterical and psycho and then it’s the black foid who comes in and takes care of me, like think logistical stuff, waiting in line for a long time at the DMV and then the black woman being the only helpful and sympathetic person…was at Waffle House yesterday and the black chic working the register just gave me an extra waffle for the hell of it….just wondering if others have this experience. It’s like i don’t even feel right in calling some of these black women foids cause they’ve been more humane to me
It’s my experience that black foids, compared to whites especially, tend to be the most reasonable/level-headed, and also the most genuine and caring, as much as foids can be of course .. like i’ve been in situations where other foids are being super hysterical and psycho and then it’s the black foid who comes in and takes care of me, like think logistical stuff, waiting in line for a long time at the DMV and then the black woman being the only helpful and sympathetic person…was at Waffle House yesterday and the black chic working the register just gave me an extra waffle for the hell of it….just wondering if others have this experience. It’s like i don’t even feel right in calling some of these black women foids cause they’ve been more humane to me
Black foids are a very mixed bag you have the straight up ghetto retarted ones or the ones like you described that are caring and know their role.
Wrong. I imagine you've never seen a black in their natural habitat if you think this. They are playing pretend as white people wherever you are meeting them. For the most part they are loud and aggressive like their counterparts. My neighbor will never shut up. She is always screaming and hitting things. I worked in a call center for a year with all black women. They're vicious mongrels who can act nice for a bit. They call it "code switching". In reality they are detestable she boons
It’s my experience that black foids, compared to whites especially, tend to be the most reasonable/level-headed, and also the most genuine and caring, as much as foids can be of course

I'll provide a response to this once I prepare my next meal.
Wrong. I imagine you've never seen a black in their natural habitat if you think this. They are playing pretend as white people wherever you are meeting them. For the most part they are loud and aggressive like their counterparts. My neighbor will never shut up. She is always screaming and hitting things. I worked in a call center for a year with all black women. They're vicious mongrels who can act nice for a bit. They call it "code switching". In reality they are detestable she boons
Yeah i gotcha…it’s prob that I’ve just had so little experience with them, i live in a white and Latino state hardly any blacks
Black foids are a very mixed bag you have the straight up ghetto retarted ones or the ones like you described that are caring and know their role.
Lol, “know their role”…nice
Lol, “know their role”…nice
It’s true. They are least the desired foids so the smart ones know that they have to make up for it in non-physical ways like being a nice person.
Idk I didn't have much contact with black foids though I do have to say if I have to pick the race of women who bullied me the least it was probably black women, they either ignored me or were nice to me. Every other race of woman pretty much abused me. But that's also not entirely true because there was a black foid in my school who bullied me hard actually two of them they bullied me just for the hell of it to feel superior it was pretty suifuel so I guess it's a mixed bag though I do have to say that on average black foids were a lot nicer to me in the past.

This days I don't come in contact with any so I wouldn't know really.
Wrong. I imagine you've never seen a black in their natural habitat if you think this. They are playing pretend as white people wherever you are meeting them. For the most part they are loud and aggressive like their counterparts. My neighbor will never shut up. She is always screaming and hitting things. I worked in a call center for a year with all black women. They're vicious mongrels who can act nice for a bit. They call it "code switching". In reality they are detestable she boons
Jedi levels up :feelsLSD:

Me looking through every reality for a version of myself that see's black women as a legit option

At this point I don't even find the proper well mannered ones gf material tbh

(I'm a black male fyi)
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Maybe older ones but not all of them from my experience. Many young girls here are friendly, hard working n shit
All the Latinas I've known only want to whore around and party
>black foids

What? You must have found the few white acting ones then because I've never met a sheboone that didn't act like a monkey let out of captivity.
It’s my experience that black foids, compared to whites especially, tend to be the most reasonable/level-headed, and also the most genuine and caring, as much as foids can be of course .. like i’ve been in situations where other foids are being super hysterical and psycho and then it’s the black foid who comes in and takes care of me, like think logistical stuff, waiting in line for a long time at the DMV and then the black woman being the only helpful and sympathetic person…was at Waffle House yesterday and the black chic working the register just gave me an extra waffle for the hell of it….just wondering if others have this experience. It’s like i don’t even feel right in calling some of these black women foids cause they’ve been more humane to me
With black foids, my experience is....wildly different and the complete polar opposite of yours
All women are the same. Don't buy into this shit. Besides, it's a generalization. Maybe you can find "good" foids among any race, but they're rare exceptions.
Wrong. I imagine you've never seen a black in their natural habitat if you think this. They are playing pretend as white people wherever you are meeting them. For the most part they are loud and aggressive like their counterparts. My neighbor will never shut up. She is always screaming and hitting things. I worked in a call center for a year with all black women. They're vicious mongrels who can act nice for a bit. They call it "code switching". In reality they are detestable she boons

Yes. The Mongrelized Holes of the U.S(Common Brown Bonobos) are known for their violent tendencies.

Yes, I used to have more "closeness" with my maternal female cousins; they were the only "youth" who did not laugh at my autistic fidgeting behaviors(While I was present, at least). I would sit in a corner and fidget with pencils for hours.

Sadly, they changed during adolescence and eventually started laughing at my severe social anxiety. One tried to trip me down a set of stairs(twice) and threw cake batter at me because I tried to help them with a recipe(As my mother told me to). She also hit my head out of anger.

A girl named "Lyric" bullied me in elementary school. Lyric kicked and hit me several times. I was already very anxious and being bullied by several school youth(Mostly males), so this meant I had to speak to the principal while sweating.

They pummeled me to the ground and hit me. They insulted me because I wore glasses. They insulted me because I was anxious from GI problems. I was eventually "removed" and homeschooled.

My relative hit me several times and tripped to trip me down a set of stairs twice as well. As young children, she would punch me when angry.

Yes. My half-cousins would tell me "Well? Get out of the car!" when I would arrive home after going somewhere with them.

She was quite incompetent. She learned to count change at seventeen and had to take night classes due to her idiocy. And, of-course, we have the BPD violence:

Your princess simply prefers a different sort of male. You must respect her decision to hit you since she believed that, as a lesser male, you must know your place.


In my "regular" life, Mother told me to respect my half-cousins despite them hitting me and denigrating me.

"Just ignore it. She is bipolar"

My relatives, though, denigrated me for my autistic traits. My maternal half-cousins laughed at my severe anxiety when I was an adolescent, and my paternal cousin would disregard me while I was fidgeting with items.

Cool. My half-cousins threw cake batter at me when I tried to aid them with a recipe, as Mother instructed.

I overheard them lying to step-grandfather.

Ironically, the two who would hit my younger half-cousin were also the two who told my grandmother that I was "sexually abusing" her.

Nice. My half-aunt would always provide fake "Wow!" gestures to me and Mother while visiting my grandparents.

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Yes. The Mongrelized Holes of the U.S(Common Brown Bonobos) are known for their violent tendencies.
Reading your posts is like reading different chapters of a book,still nevertheless very interesting
If you are white, they'll go out their way to treat you nicer. Otherwise, it's a mixed bag. Some are extremely kind and others act like sheboons
also the least attractive so overall its not worth it
If you are white, they'll go out their way to treat you nicer. Otherwise, it's a mixed bag. Some are extremely kind and others act like sheboons
Black foids generally don't like white foids
>black foids

What? You must have found the few white acting ones then because I've never met a sheboone that didn't act like a monkey let out of captivity.
Black foids love you
I've been around a lot of blacks all my life as a ricecel.

Let me tell you, black foids are up in your face hostile. They will let you know to your face. They are angry but they do have a very good sense of humor at times.

The only reason why I really like them is because of one experience I had with one. After that incident I know that many must feel that way.

Lets just say that the black foid sided with me against the white chad in the situation. And we didn't have to discuss what had happened later after the incident because it was damn obvious to both of us that we knew that we were the two specific groups experiencing genuine oppression by white society. It was like an ESP telepathic moment. The two specific demographic of people getting fucked over the most by whitey. When liberal whites have their way, we Asian men and Black foids lose and we lose HARD in a very undignified way. Just simply observe who black men and noodlewhores date.
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Jfl brown and asian r prob most reasonable, or should I say least insane
Wrong. I imagine you've never seen a black in their natural habitat if you think this. They are playing pretend as white people wherever you are meeting them. For the most part they are loud and aggressive like their counterparts. My neighbor will never shut up. She is always screaming and hitting things. I worked in a call center for a year with all black women. They're vicious mongrels who can act nice for a bit. They call it "code switching". In reality they are detestable she boons
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: True as well though, most are naturally loud and aggressive. I’ve seen this switch up happen too, a white chad is around black foids they quiet down and talk respectfully and calmly, but then when he’s gone and she’s back around her black foids they get back to being loud and shit.

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