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American attacks an Polish foid for being with an Indian 'Why are u mixing your Genetics with a Shitskin?'

Curry new world order is inevitable
5th time i see this shit today not like it has happened a million times before
/pol/troons are embarrassing
White immigrant attacks brown immigrant for the right to be with a Polish woman, while the local Polish guys are just hiding in the background and waiting which of the two immigrants will win the mating rights over one of their women, brutal @To koniec.
That guy is called aryanbacon. He has rented trucks and plastered it with anti-jewish shit then driving around town. His optics aren't great but he does have big balls.
That guy is called aryanbacon. He has rented trucks before talking and plastered it with anti-jewish shit. He's optics aren't great but he does have big balls.
mirin this guys low inhib
White immigrant attacks brown immigrant for the right to be with a Polish woman, while the local Polish guys are just hiding in the background and waiting which of the two immigrants will win the mating rights over one of their women, brutal @To koniec.
Likely just as sexpatish as indian normie, but muhh white race when westoids see slavs as untermenchs :feelstastyman:
This should be done by every white guy who sees a fucking racemixing whore, all this jewish racemixing propaganda would be meaningless real quick if everyone had the balls to do what this guy did. Everyones thinking it, her own dad and uncles and nephews think she's disgusting, but we're all trained like little cucks to not speak on it.
One bullet causes more change than a thousand words.
but muhh white race when westoids see slavs as untermenchs
Racialism does not extend to pussy, revealing the hypocrisy of the so-called eugenicists and racialists.
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Racialism does not extend to pussy, revealing the hypocrisy of the so-called eugenicists and racialists.
very true

Racism is tarot to men i realized this recently
He sounds like the same guy from this clip
He really is pushing a hardline against Indians in Poland :feelskek:

View: https://youtu.be/wA6Ub7u76Ns?si=FygGoWAETGovvO9K

No different guy but they're friends. This one is Handsome Truth, the guy from the OP is Aryan Bacon.
(on the left is AB on the right is HT)
thats a tallfag chadpreet

i dont care because those slavwhores would laugh at a 5'6 ricecel like me
I would say these guys are based if my parents didnt drag me to white lands.
This should be done by every white guy who sees a fucking racemixing whore, all this jewish racemixing propaganda would be meaningless real quick if everyone had the balls to do what this guy did. Everyones thinking it, her own dad and uncles and nephews think she's disgusting, but we're all trained like little cucks to not speak on it.
So true
This should be done by every white guy who sees a fucking racemixing whore, all this jewish racemixing propaganda would be meaningless real quick if everyone had the balls to do what this guy did. Everyones thinking it, her own dad and uncles and nephews think she's disgusting, but we're all trained like little cucks to not speak on it.
i thought poland was supposed to have like extremley strict migration laws how come shit skins are getting in
Based. Also what fucking purpose does this bitch serve to be imported here just to mix with an Indian.

Go to India, bitch, or go back to Poland. SIMPLE AS!!!!
Being low inhib enough to say "shitskin" and "pajeet" in real life kek this is what happens when a /pol/ user goes outside :feelskek: :lul:
I think that he moved out of the USA because too many non-white (40% of the population.)

But either way, this is too far. I don't support this guy.
Pajeet should’ve chimped out. She would’ve rewarded him with the backdoor
Pajeet should’ve chimped out. She would’ve rewarded him with the backdoor
Honestly, I think this is too far, and I don't support shitskin immigration to white nations (esp. Europe)
i thought poland was supposed to have like extremley strict migration laws how come shit skins are getting in
Maybe in the past but there's massive brown flow into there now. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.


There's a similar video from apparently Poland in 2022 which has popped back up:

Maybe in the past but there's massive brown flow into there now. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Reading this currently, I even plan on making a thread over it.

Truly, Stoddard was ahead of his time & was racepilled.
Based. Also what fucking purpose does this bitch serve to be imported here just to mix with an Indian.

Go to India, bitch, or go back to Poland. SIMPLE AS!!!!
This should be done by every white guy who sees a fucking racemixing whore, all this jewish racemixing propaganda would be meaningless real quick if everyone had the balls to do what this guy did. Everyones thinking it, her own dad and uncles and nephews think she's disgusting, but we're all trained like little cucks to not speak on it.
This. :yes:
Ricky Gervais Lol GIF

My favorite part is the white BBC cuck resisting the urge to chimp after he says nigger only for the black guy to hold him back :feelskek:

Remember, BBC worship and American “culture” are one and the same

Pick one.
Pol is full of trannies and browns, no white supremacist worth their salt is still on 4chin
It ended in 2017, it's been just a giant shitfest of trolls, LARPs, or glowies pushing agendas.
but muhh white race when westoids see slavs as untermenchs :feelstastyman:
It's hypocritical that normies in the West(not the US & Canada, Slavs have good reputations here especially Czechs & Poles) practically idolize Black mainstream "culture" yet have a disdain for Slavs, who literally sometimes look more "White" than many of them do & have a similar crime-rate to us.
White immigrant attacks brown immigrant for the right to be with a Polish woman, while the local Polish guys are just hiding in the background and waiting which of the two immigrants will win the mating rights over one of their women, brutal @To koniec.
From what I've read about that guy, he does stuff such as this as a stunt as a way to try & garner attention for his views.

But yeah, it's a shame that in places such as EE & SEA, sexpats run rampant yet no one says anything or does anything.
It ended in 2017, it's been just a giant shitfest of trolls, LARPs, or glowies pushing agendas.
Suifuel when you never enjoyed it (and 4chan in general) at its peak:feelsbadman:. Once you had high IQ, massive raids with legit intelligence agency-tier counter-intelligence and obfuscation tactics to sabotage normies attempts to stop it. Now, you have glowies and brainrot victims trying to psy-op each other.

From what I've read about that guy, he does stuff such as this as a stunt as a way to try & garner attention for his views.
Seems like its working out quite a lot for him:feelshaha:. Also, unrelated, but I just today watched a video on Connor Murphy's mental downfall, and I can't not say, as crazy as this dude seems he looks like the embodiment of sanity compared to that:feelskek:.

But yeah, it's a shame that in places such as EE & SEA, sexpats run rampant yet no one says anything or does anything.
Indeed. I read like one article that there were lynch squads in Ukraine when they had some sports championship there, and that's it.
Suifuel when you never enjoyed it (and 4chan in general) at its peak:feelsbadman:. Once you had high IQ, massive raids with legit intelligence agency-tier counter-intelligence and obfuscation tactics to sabotage normies attempts to stop it. Now, you have glowies and brainrot victims trying to psy-op each other.
Yup- I remember it back in 2016 right before the election, those were the days.
Yup- I remember it back in 2016 right before the election, those were the days.
Indeed. I'm not even sure if anything genuinely noteworthy had happened on 4chan in the last few years.
Indeed. I'm not even sure if anything genuinely noteworthy had happened on 4chan in the last few years.
Telegram & Twitter is the frontier nowadays, at least in regards to that kind of stuff.
Telegram & Twitter is the frontier nowadays, at least in regards to that kind of stuff.
Yeah, they sure seem to be. Telegram especially from what I've noticed has had its profile rise, both when it comes to this and in general when it comes to the "forbidden" topics.
Telegram & Twitter is the frontier nowadays
Twitter? I’m surprised ngl. I know it’s technically the social media platform most permissive of wignats, but most of the memes seem to be downstream from soyjak.party while propaganda seems more effectively disseminated on TikTok

Imagine being the White Knight in this video (assuming it's legit of course). God, White Knights are the lowest form of life on Earth. I would rather reincarnate as a sewer rat than a WK.

Imagine being the White Knight in this video (assuming it's legit of course). God, White Knights are the lowest form of life on Earth. I would rather reincarnate as a sewer rat than a WK.

I would like him if he was actually white and not a spic who believes him and whites are the same.

Imagine being the White Knight in this video (assuming it's legit of course). God, White Knights are the lowest form of life on Earth. I would rather reincarnate as a sewer rat than a WK.

"I'm a scientist, me having sex with niggers will make my kids the new ubermenschen" yeah good luck, hope the mongrel never needs a bone marrow transplant or have blood donated to it. When racemixing bimbos like this are "the science" then no wonder people have lost faith in it.


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