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Blackpill America is the THOT capital of the world, it must collapse



Navy Commander
Jun 2, 2018
Hey guys, I'm a kiwi............ and in my opinion, if the world is to survive then the United States has to die. Everything there is fucking poison. In my country we get all the shit American films like SuperBad that prey on generate male insecurities. We've all seen it right? There's the main character Seth, he's had sex with a girl once before, but not recently, and he's the leader of the gang. Then there's his incel buddy with the glasses - basically the nerd. The American idea of chad jocks fucking stacy cheerleaders always seemed weird to me, I always thought that skinny blondes were the dumbest women of the lot and I don't desire them at all.

The Problem of America

America is a nation which worships money and pussy. Donald Trump is the perfect example. America is based on a sociopathic philosophy: if you can make a quick buck at someone else's expense then you should do it. That's what it comes down to - economy. If you didn't study economics in high school then call up your local university/college and ask if you can study two courses, part-time schedule. Make one of your courses economics, then you will understand America. Everything in America (and the global economy) is consistent to the point that a nation's buying power can be determined by how much of a currency is required to buy a McDonalds cheeseburger. Even sex is an economy now. I read YouTube comments where people say that if a guy lifts weights then he will get laid, because women are attracted to men who have big muscles. Total bullshit. How is muscle mass worth more than, for example, musical talent or knowledge of God? Muscle mass is just another thing, but it's the one thing that's pushed by bars and clubs and television media. In my opinion, a man's worth is not determined by his muscle mass or penis length/girth. The idea that certain traits are universally attractive is a bullshit idea.

For me personally, I barely give a shit about a woman's looks. Attractive women just use their looks to take advantage. I'd rather fuck a less attractive woman who is a real brat. I want* a wife who will passionately argue with me but still agree to have angry sex after the argument. I don't need a high maintenance barbie doll. An average woman is fine, especially if she can keep her hands to herself in public and not make other guys jealous or uncomfortable. No make-up and a deadly focus-face is a huge turn-on for me. I like a bitch who is comfortable wearing trackpants and who has wind-blown hair. This flys in the face of all the modern crap (air-brushed models) that's rammed down our throats from a young age and I enjoy being the rebellious one, even if it means being seen as uncool or unpopular.

*still a long way off, gotta find other goals in the meanwhile :c

The Solution

The United States promotes a toxic, neo-slut culture and there's no hope that this will gradually shift. Roosh V and guys like him say that they practise "evolutionary psychology" but this is a fraud. What they practise is pretense and bragging. Since change ain't coming, the only solution is to prepare the United States' population for a civil war, and then seize control of vast territory. Once achieved, Americans can burn every dildo and ban birth-control, then get every slut pregnant. They will build a society that values a person's positive nature, rather than their narcissistic boasting. I believe that the end is near for America and the good news is that wars usually kill off the male population**, and this leaves many single women up for grabs. The systematic abuse that women carry out against men has a silver-lining because it has created an army of guys like Elliot Rodger who have little to live for. Helter Skelter provides the means and manpower for its planned ending - a natural cycle.

**don't be the guy who gets killed though, make your militia squad the best one ;)

Everyone here should celebrate attacks against America. When the U.S. loses a war (eg. Syria) and when they blame a foreign government for electing a populist candidate - these are moments of joy for me. Not every American can find himself a rural tradwife or a Slavic cutie, and that's just it isn't it? The 'general' culture and the 'general' atmosphere of high unemployment and social isolation puts men at a disadvantage. Most women care only for themselves and their narrow personal life, they don't care about the great masses who suffer - their life is great so fuck everyone else. I've read Siege and I can't wait for the collapse. It will be awful for most people, the best option is to prepare for the end. Change is coming guys so get a bayonet for your rifle and make sure that you at least have the will-power to dig trenches and live in the mud, even if you don't have the muscle at the present moment. Those who 'came' first will soon be last. Their easy life will become hard and the normies will shake with fear!
didnt read the post but i agree lets kill america
sorry americrats
But women are the problem, not the US. The US was great before women got too many rights and freedoms which they abused to shit. Even if you destroy the US you cucks played yourselves, women will still exist and hypergamy will continue to rise.

Only solution is a return to full patriarchy.
didnt read the post
Me neither lmao. I get the anti-american sentiments though. Don't really give a fuck about Siege or any of that political shit.

It's tragic because this country has so much natural beauty and potential to be great. I love the land we sit on and most of what we originally stood for.

Modernity choked the life out of the United States.
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The United States is the main problem in the world right now. It's a country derived from anglo-saxon puritanism that puts women on a pedestal. It's also a country that forces all other countries to destroy their traditional values and adopt american ones (democracy, humans rights, individualism, equality under the law).
The United States has become a fucked up pile of horse shit
democracy, humans rights, individualism, equality under the law
I'm FAR from being an american, and I see nothing wrong with it. Try living in a place where it's rejected (but as a common joe) and you'll understand why. The problem isn't with western values, the problem is that whoever implemented them thought they are enough. They were, for some times. Now they have to be expanded with rights to self and binding marriage contracts.
DC97F75C 2A4F 4168 B113 33A46CFADB4E
I'm FAR from being an american, and I see nothing wrong with it. Try living in a place where it's rejected (but as a common joe) and you'll understand why. The problem isn't with western values, the problem is that whoever implemented them thought they are enough. They were, for some times. Now they have to be expanded with rights to self and binding marriage contracts.

These are the "values" that destroy the sexual stability of any country:
1 - Democracy means anyone can vote, even stupid people who are easily manipulated by the media. Most people are women, and women will vote to make men's lives worse.
2 - Humans Rights were created by western european liberals with a narrow view of the world. We can't have more arranged marriages because this hurts women's human rights. We can not suppress female hypergamy anymore because it hurts human rights
3 - Individualism means selfishness and people not helping each other. It means bullys having full freedom to shit on the weak.
4 - Equality under the law is not true equality. This puts women, chads, incels all in the same boat, when in fact there is a very great difference of privileges between them.
Good post.

But women are the problem, not the US. The US was great before women got too many rights and freedoms which they abused to shit. Even if you destroy the US you cucks played yourselves, women will still exist and hypergamy will continue to rise.

Only solution is a return to full patriarchy.

Impure thoughts → impure thots. Culture is located upstream of behavior and so the cosmopolitan American ideal - itself nothing more than permissivity and economic/sexual liberalism, the absence of positive mores, the levelling of differentiation - has unsurprisingly produced a decadent and broken society. Alluding to a misremebered halcyon past ignores the chain of causality leading to our present situation. Even ignoring the basic ideological elements of what is American, the cunt problem was inextricably woven into the fabric of the metastisized Post-WWII liberal order in the West. Hedonism, plenitude, liberty, and democracy (or their respective facsimiles) constitute a Trojan horse for social control, the overriding factor of importance.

A land of striking beauty being run into the ground by women and their enablers. Expect the process to consume the world.
ya ali ya husayn
And you're going to do that by convincing people and by your vote at the ballot box?
No you silly junecel, lurk more. I believe its over. There will be no "incel" uprising.
What if there was another type of uprising, and you could take part?
I love America, but I agree that a lot of stuff can be fixed. It isn't a great idea to destroy everything if you want to improve your conditions. Things like healthcare, food, housing should be much more affordable, internet should be considered a necessity while congress is still fighting over it or asking stupid tech questions (a la stupid questions asked to Zuck)
1 - Democracy means anyone can vote, even stupid people who are easily manipulated by the media. Most people are women, and women will vote to make men's lives worse
You're confusing democracy and ochlocracy. Democracy is when everything is decided by voting and election. Ochlocracy is where every citizen has a free right to vote, just given to them. Under democracy, voting is a privilege that has to be earned (usually through distinguishing oneself).
2 - Humans Rights were created by western european liberals with a narrow view of the world. We can't have more arranged marriages because this hurts women's human rights. We can not suppress female hypergamy anymore because it hurts human rights
The flaw isn't in the rights per se, it's in implementation. Arranged marriages aren't necessary with proper marriage contracts (where you can stipulate stuff like reproductive rights for both parties) and equal marriage law that doesn't distinguish sexes. That doesn't hurt anyone's rights, but makes both parties equally responsible in a formal union.
In a similar fashion, it's simply useless to outright suppress hypergamy. It's like suppressing sneezing: even if you put death penalty on it, people will sneeze, it's in their nature. All you have to do is manage the situation properly, without resorting to drastic measures.
3 - Individualism means selfishness and people not helping each other. It means bullys having full freedom to shit on the weak.
It also means progress. USSR tried collectivism, removing individual from the picture. You can see how it worked out from recent history. The problem is, if you don't let people do what they want, they will only do bare minimum to sustain themselves and no more, and a nation that implements such a social order will inevitably lose in competition against a nation that allows for freedom.
4 - Equality under the law is not true equality.
It is. The "true equality" you're talking about is equity, which is a terrible approach. Let's say I'm an average joe. I can learn to code, and work at some company to make decent money. However, with equity, I know I won't make anything if I better myself, so why bother? And as other average joes make the same decision, the progress stops, economy stagnates, and the nation loses, outperformed by its meritocratic neighbours.
What if there was another type of uprising, and you could take part?

Maybe there will be an uprising when automation get rid of most of the jobs and there is no system in place to fix structural changes.


This shit is just going to get worst and worst. I believe the next recession which is inevitible with the boom and bust cycle will be the breaking point. Maybe somewhere during 2025, it's coming soon definitely
Void, another factor will be the next election. Obama was meant to be the Promised Messiah for the nogs, and Trump was meant to be the Promised Messiah for the huwyatt mahn. Yet, Trump abandoned his base! Obama was no good either, he kept shit playing to the same old tune.


Where was I? Oh yeah, how will the Washington parasites pacify the masses at the next presidential election? People are sick of being conned by slimey politicians like Trump.
You're confusing democracy and ochlocracy. Democracy is when everything is decided by voting and election. Ochlocracy is where every citizen has a free right to vote, just given to them. Under democracy, voting is a privilege that has to be earned (usually through distinguishing oneself).

The flaw isn't in the rights per se, it's in implementation. Arranged marriages aren't necessary with proper marriage contracts (where you can stipulate stuff like reproductive rights for both parties) and equal marriage law that doesn't distinguish sexes. That doesn't hurt anyone's rights, but makes both parties equally responsible in a formal union.
In a similar fashion, it's simply useless to outright suppress hypergamy. It's like suppressing sneezing: even if you put death penalty on it, people will sneeze, it's in their nature. All you have to do is manage the situation properly, without resorting to drastic measures.

It also means progress. USSR tried collectivism, removing individual from the picture. You can see how it worked out from recent history. The problem is, if you don't let people do what they want, they will only do bare minimum to sustain themselves and no more, and a nation that implements such a social order will inevitably lose in competition against a nation that allows for freedom.

It is. The "true equality" you're talking about is equity, which is a terrible approach. Let's say I'm an average joe. I can learn to code, and work at some company to make decent money. However, with equity, I know I won't make anything if I better myself, so why bother? And as other average joes make the same decision, the progress stops, economy stagnates, and the nation loses, outperformed by its meritocratic neighbours.

Democracy is not when "everything is decided by elections". This never happens. I live in a country that is indirectly controlled by the United States, and here when most people want something that goes against liberal/american values (more labor rights, more laws based on religious values) this can hardly become a law. In a liberal democracy, the judges hold the real power. They decide what is constitutional or not, and almost always they decide in favor of liberalism. With regard to the Soviet Union, I do not think they are an example to be followed. Like the United States, they were also progressive and feminist. The only country where good ideas circulated in my view was in Germany during World War II. If they put in practice some plan to prevent ugly people from reproducing, that would avoid much of the problems we face today.
Void, another factor will be the next election. Obama was meant to be the Promised Messiah for the nogs, and Trump was meant to be the Promised Messiah for the huwyatt mahn. Yet, Trump abandoned his base! Obama was no good either, he kept shit playing to the same old tune.


Where was I? Oh yeah, how will the Washington parasites pacify the masses at the next presidential election? People are sick of being conned by slimey politicians like Trump.

Indeed, nothing ever changes, trump went back to boot licking the Israelis and Saudis, I love how he used U-3 for unemployment rating while he criticized it when Obama used it, classic. The next election will be amazing to see, are people apathetic enough to not give a damn? or they learned that Washington and the media have fucked us over and manipulating everything, so that they can actually realize that nobody will fight for them, only for those who own them.

I can't wait tbh, underemployment, student debt, wage stagnation, higher cost of living, cut in social benefits (SNAP, SSI, Medicaid).
If they put in practice some plan to prevent ugly people from reproducing, that would avoid much of the problems we face today
Won't work. You forget the ever-raising bar of expectations that is also in human nature. Let's say we eliminate everyone sub-5. What happens next? Differences in the perception of beauty on the whole shift a little and 5 becomes the new 1. Repeat this cycle three times, and initial 7s will become 1s. Human notions of beauty aren't separate from human evolution, and 1/10 is not objective biotrash, it's just the worst the population has. It will always be there, and it will always be perceived as such, because it's in human nature to have trash. For every winner, there must be at least one loser. Until there are no winners, at least half of the population will get the short stick, plain and simple (and it's the best case scenario: normally, the competition always gets fiercer, so we'll get back to 80% pretty soon).
The roots of meritocracy are not created socially. We derive almost everything from our genetic heritage. Eugenics is a valid method, but it's only means to an end. It can give humanity immunity to HIV or make everyone uniformly aryan, but it will not eliminate competition as it's not a genetic variance, it's evolution itself.
High IQ post. I like you already.
Bluepilled cuck spotted.
usa is number 1 tho
In degeneracy yeah.
Indeed, nothing ever changes, trump went back to boot licking the Israelis and Saudis, I love how he used U-3 for unemployment rating while he criticized it when Obama used it, classic. The next election will be amazing to see, are people apathetic enough to not give a damn? or they learned that Washington and the media have fucked us over and manipulating everything, so that they can actually realize that nobody will fight for them, only for those who own them.

I can't wait tbh, underemployment, student debt, wage stagnation, higher cost of living, cut in social benefits (SNAP, SSI, Medicaid).
The Saudis bootlick trump who in turn bootlicks Israel.
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Now here's a few photos of Russian hotties, this is an album which I didn't want to include in my original post because it might make some members thirsty. Plus it could constitute bragging if it were put in the wrong context. Anyway here it is. My argument is that Russian culture produces a higher grade of women than American culture, though, you'd need to be fluent in Russian to seduce these women.

***AWKWARD LAUGH*** .... that could be hard for anyone.

I selected these photos to demonstrate that Russian women frequently pose their legs in clever ways (feminine posturing). This style is completely normal in Russian culture. I know that Russia has its fair share of sluts but that doesn't mean all of them are that way. I am interested, because the Russian language is very direct, Russian people do not hesitate to ask a tough question. Russian people do not smile at you when they are still getting to know you. It is very interesting. Russian women don't get "creeped out" as easily as kiwi women, and also, from my experience Russians like to make amends if there is a confusion or a misunderstanding. It is heaps better than America. Oh yeah, I must add that Russian humour is often sexist and not at all politically correct, a very nice bonus indeed.

As a kiwi I always worry that people think I'm autistic because I don't smile very often, and when I do smile it's often sheepish or a nervous smile, but in Russia it is normal not to smile unless you know someone really well. Look at the serious chick in photo #5 she doesn't smile at all - different culture!

Disclaimer: I said Russian hotties, but photos #2 and #3 and #4 are of a girl who graduated elementary school just days ago lmao. She's cool. The patriarchy has already taught her how to dress and pose like a woman. If only such things existed in the English-speaking nations. If only we got young girls and brainwashed 'em to be good wives at a very young age. MU-HA-HA-HA-HA!
America is my home. Hating your homeland is a cucked mentality.
America is my home. Hating your homeland is a cucked mentality.

Certainly. I'd never wish to be a self-congratulating oikophobe. I love the country and I love much of what it has produced. All of these glories, though, are effectively collateral; propitious coproducts of Americanism's ineluctable pursuit of categorical abnegation. Shining images have played upon the confluent waters of rootless diversity, but we've been sent hurtling into the Styx regardless.

I still have faint hopes that a reaction will pave over our Sodom with glorious monuments, but it seems more likely that a collapse is coming. This is why incels professing allegiance to nation, race, or state strike me as hopelessly errant. You've never had a genuine community of fellows and in all likelihood you're not going to get one - what you can have is is the spectacle of widespread suffering. Lie supine and gaze at the firmament of the Eschaton, watching the icy stars fall squealing on the ground next to you.
Certainly. I'd never wish to be a self-congratulating oikophobe. I love the country and I love much of what it has produced. All of these glories, though, are effectively collateral; propitious coproducts of Americanism's ineluctable pursuit of categorical abnegation. Shining images have played upon the confluent waters of rootless diversity, but we've been sent hurtling into the Styx regardless.

I still have faint hopes that a reaction will pave over our Sodom with glorious monuments, but it seems more likely that a collapse is coming. This is why incels professing allegiance to nation, race, or state strike me as hopelessly errant. You've never had a genuine community of fellows and in all likelihood you're not going to get one - what you can have is is the spectacle of widespread suffering. Lie supine and gaze at the firmament of the Eschaton, watching the icy stars fall squealing on the ground next to you.
Fair enough. I guess America is already doomed anyways.
Once the petrodollar completely fails it's fema camp time.

Used to be afraid of it, but now I know there's little in the way to stop it.

Fucking normies wont even know what hit them.

Mere existence? Have you been in a coma for the last 20 years or so?
Ever heard of: Iraq invasion, Libya intervention, the Mujahideen, Vietnam war and Agent Orange, Guantanamo and torture, overthrowing of democracies in South America, the constant payments to Israel, the support for Saudi Arabia, Wikileaks and war crimes,...
There are thousands of reasons to hate the Jewnited States of America. You must have been severly brainwashed from a young age as a Yankee tbh
Won't work. You forget the ever-raising bar of expectations that is also in human nature. Let's say we eliminate everyone sub-5. What happens next? Differences in the perception of beauty on the whole shift a little and 5 becomes the new 1. Repeat this cycle three times, and initial 7s will become 1s. Human notions of beauty aren't separate from human evolution, and 1/10 is not objective biotrash, it's just the worst the population has. It will always be there, and it will always be perceived as such, because it's in human nature to have trash. For every winner, there must be at least one loser. Until there are no winners, at least half of the population will get the short stick, plain and simple (and it's the best case scenario: normally, the competition always gets fiercer, so we'll get back to 80% pretty soon).
The roots of meritocracy are not created socially. We derive almost everything from our genetic heritage. Eugenics is a valid method, but it's only means to an end. It can give humanity immunity to HIV or make everyone uniformly aryan, but it will not eliminate competition as it's not a genetic variance, it's evolution itself.

Stupid post. If Germany reached its supposed goal of making everyone tall, blond and blue-eyed, there would still be differences when it comes to beauty, but there is no comparision with modern society, where a short, nerd-faced, physically weak curry boy goes to the same school as a tall, strong, and attractive white man. How is this absurdity permitted?.
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A colonist preaching about colonists, Australia/NZ is much the same. England is technically the route of the problem.
Stupid post. If Germany reached its supposed goal of making everyone tall, blond and blue-eyed, there would still be differences when it comes to beauty, but there is no comparision with modern society, where a short, nerd-faced, physically weak curry boy goes to the same school as a tall, strong, and attractive white man. How is this absurdity permitted?.
There is. "Short" is just an arbitrary measure. Is 165 short? Yes, if the baseline is 175 and tall is 185 and higher. If baseline moves to 185 and there is nobody at 165, then 175 becomes the new short, and that's it.
Same with physical strength. Baseline is lifting 40 kilos, so if you lift 30, you're considered weak. Okay, let's say baseline has moved to 50 kilos and nobody lifts less than 40, then somebody lifting 45 will be the new weak.
It's all comparative, relative, not absolute.

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