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Alt right slut Lauren Southern exposed for dating ethniks



Nov 10, 2017
Isn't it funny how many alt right whites are salivating online over Lauren Southern and similar right wing attention whores, thinking that she is going to be their aryan birthmachine and fair maiden, ready to defend Europe and muh western civilization from the hordes of muslims? Meanwhile the first dick she received was from an ethnic dick?

Someone posted this online who knew her:  

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"Lauren was by all means a normal, dumb, white girl. She is now a racist, dumb, white girl. She had a reputation for being a bit weird, very insecure, attention seeking, and "easy." So basically she dated a bunch of brown guys. One dumped her because he upgraded to a hot Middle-Eastern girl, and also because he discovered about Lauren's reputation. Lauren got super attached to the second guy but he ended up dumping her because she was batshit crazy (and also ended up dating a rich brown girl). She didn't take the break-up well and turned into a mess. She dropped out of uni (read: dumb, white, girl) and did the whole anti-SJW thing at the slut walk for attention. I'm not surprised she embraced the whole white nationalism thing because she was burned very badly by the brown guys she dated. Not at all surprised that she specifically screeches against brown immigrants/Muslims, although that's also equally because of current events and their recent prominence."[/font]

Thats her ethnik ex boyfriend, imagine how often his ethnik dick creampied her nordic aryan pussy and now alt right cucks are paying her thousands each months on patreon  :giggle:  :


her openly pro interracial opinions stated online:

I would love to fill her with my seed.
hope for deathnics
Lauren is a fine example of why I hate the alt-right.

They're the biggest cucks of all, bowing down to the white woman.

She's boring, unintelligent and a poor speaker that is obviously only relevant due to her looks.
Grotesque said:
Lauren is a fine example of why I hate the alt-right.

They're the biggest cucks of all, bowing down to the white woman.

She's boring, unintelligent and a poor speaker that is obviously only relevant due to her looks.


Grotesque said:
Lauren is a fine example of why I hate the alt-right.

They're the biggest cucks of all, bowing down to the white woman.

She's boring, unintelligent and a poor speaker that is obviously only relevant due to her looks.

Unless she makes it up to them doing secret gangbangs and taking all their cocks, they are cucks
Politics are cope anyways.
>we need to protect muh whyte wymyn
Just lol @ salt right cucks
Arab said:
Look at how uncomfortable the subhuman on the far right looks, I especially despise couples that parade themselves around like this, knowingly and intentionally rubbing it in the face of incels.
The ONLY alt-right figure who properly hates women is manlet Andrew Anglin. 

I enjoy seeing the alt-right getting cucked and destroyed, tho. I hate them as much as I hate feminists.

But I also hate the idea of "exposing" women by "accusing" of them having fucked someone of another race. Like, there are many GOOD reasons to hate someone like Lauren Southern. But her having fucked a non-white man one is NOT once of these good reasons.
Red Shambhala said:
The ONLY alt-right figure who properly hates women is manlet Andrew Anglin. 

Makes perfect sense
Because of Feminism men in the west are becoming more feminine which makes them unattractive to females so males with traditional values of males being dominant are coming over to the west and surprise femoids are attracted to them because thats what your biologically programmed for


He also probably treats her like garbage and she loves it, all the white knights are probably putting her on a pedastal and she is disgusted by it

Damn she was hot though.

I also had to drop out of ink because bad grades/depression/psychosis. But I transferred to a state school and got good grades..
jagged0 said:
Politics are cope anyways.

Spoken like someone who lives in an upper-middle class white neighborhood.

If you're white, and the racial and cultural demographics of your neighborhood radically changed...so that you were suddenly forced to be surrounded by tons of blacks and deathnicks, you would realize...

....that politics is not "cope".

Not any more.
She isn't even that special. She's average looking.
Ceiling Cat said:
Spoken like someone who lives in an upper-middle class white neighborhood.

If you're white, and the racial and cultural demographics of your neighborhood radically changed...so that you were suddenly forced to be surrounded by tons of blacks and deathnicks, you would realize...

....that politics is not "cope".

Not any more.

What difference does it make if you don't socialize with anyone anyway, don't have money to get mugged for, prefer to stay indoors? Just changing the gamma on the background.
Ceiling Cat said:
Spoken like someone who lives in an upper-middle class white neighborhood.

If you're white, and the racial and cultural demographics of your neighborhood radically changed...so that you were suddenly forced to be surrounded by tons of blacks and deathnicks, you would realize...

....that politics is not "cope".

Not any more.

Feelz bro

Defend your race
Ehhhh. At least she's outspoken about the evils of feminism and socialism, which are the real, true enemies of ugly men, and the primary cause of inceldom in the modern age.

I don't mind her. She's a femoid, so she's automatically and by definition an object, but she's at least been semi-educated of blackpill theory.
Anyone who thinks modern womyn can be part of any movement and not fuck it up/use it for personal gain is just delusional. Womyn have no emotions, no sense of shame, no sense of regret. They do and say whatever gets them more attention and money. I've always hated these alt-right slags, not because they're alt-right but because of how fucking shallow and disgusting they are.

"Teehee, based whites amirite? XDD now excuse me while I whore around and take 50 dicks from tyrone"
microDongCityUSA said:
Because of Feminism men in the west are becoming more feminine which makes them unattractive to females so males with traditional values of males being dominant are coming over to the west and surprise femoids are attracted to them because thats what your biologically programmed for


He also probably treats her like garbage and she loves it, all the white knights are probably putting her on a pedastal and she is disgusted by it


prettyboys are also feminine but it doesnt make females any less interested in them. its all about the face.
The fact is that we are all losing because people are fighting a racial war while what is destroying us is the cultural one.
Alt-cucks are pathetic, worshiping white femoids because the skin around their cunt is white and blaming muh joos for "ruining them" when the only cause is their biology.
What ethnicity is that guy supposed to be ? He looks Mediterranean or possibly Levantine to me. In my
book that's white
WarmIncelation said:
What ethnicity is that guy supposed to be ? He looks Mediterranean or possibly Levantine to me. In my
book that's white

According to herself he is half black half white (Irish).
WarmIncelation said:
What ethnicity is that guy supposed to be ? He looks Mediterranean or possibly Levantine to me. In my
book that's white


Biggest cope I seen all day
that guy white hahaha
blickpall said:
What difference does it make if you don't socialize with anyone anyway, don't have money to get mugged for, prefer to stay indoors? Just changing the gamma on the background.

What difference does it make?! Are you for real?

I just to move back in when with my half-deaf elderly father, because the air quality in my apartment is toxic and unbearable.....so now I'm back in this semi-ghetto neighborhood.

Half the people who live in this neighborhood are black. They fucking BOOM rap music on their stereos, YELL when talking on their smartphones, have loud heavy footsteps, have strange smells that emanate from their apartments, loiter out in the parking lot after midnight, take poor care of the laundry room, and the children scream too fucking loud when they play.

I don't want to fucking hear my black neighbors a mere 30 feet away from my bedroom window, speaking either in ebonics or in some incomprehensible African language.

My neighbors are polite to me, as I'm physically robust, slightly ethnic-looking,  and slightly physically intimidating.....but I still don't want to be surrounded by this bullshit. Section 8 in an upper-middle class white town, is the worst fucking thing on the planet.
Women have no firm beliefs in anything. This shouldn't be a surprise. Everything they do is literally for attention, zero integrity.
NekoStance said:
Feelz bro

Defend your race

I'd better not talk about this too much, or I'll just get riled up, lol.
NekoStance said:

Biggest cope I seen all day
that guy white hahaha

It's not a cope. It's hard to tell sometimes with the mixed breeds, especially when the features are mostly European despite darker pigmentation.

That's why I asked.
Most females don’t throw their race under the bus like Asians or currys
ilieknothing said:
Most females don’t throw their race under the bus like Asians or currys


All females will, in fact it's in their nature to do so
This thread is saddening.
Lauren is a public figure. Of course people will use her past and even make up things to make her look bad and ruin her credibility. What did you expect? And alt-right does not mean racist. Not defending her, just uncovering the coping.

Also feminine guys being not attractive is a shameless cope. Pretty boys > than any gymcel.
Ceiling Cat said:
What difference does it make?! Are you for real?

I just to move back in when with my half-deaf elderly father, because the air quality in my apartment is toxic and unbearable.....so now I'm back in this semi-ghetto neighborhood.

Half the people who live in this neighborhood are black. They fucking BOOM rap music on their stereos, YELL when talking on their smartphones, have loud heavy footsteps, have strange smells that emanate from their apartments, loiter out in the parking lot after midnight, take poor care of the laundry room, and the children scream too fucking loud when they play.

I don't want to fucking hear my black neighbors a mere 30 feet away from my bedroom window, speaking either in ebonics or in some incomprehensible African language.

My neighbors are polite to me, as I'm physically robust, slightly ethnic-looking,  and slightly physically intimidating.....but I still don't want to be surrounded by this bullshit. Section 8 in an upper-middle class white town, is the worst fucking thing on the planet.

Your surroundings are a reflection on your choices, what you can afford, what you earn. No one to blame but yourself. I lived in the depths of a practically 100% Hispanic neighborhood for years. 3-2 beat music 24/7. Loud Spanish-speaking parties. Pretty much just a different flavor of what you described. And you know what? I improved Spanish and just dealt with it because it was my lot in life. If you're unhappy, move. If you can't move, make more money. If you can't make more money, don't hate on the people that live in your area for making as much as you.
blickpall said:
Your surroundings are a reflection on your choices, what you can afford, what you earn. No one to blame but yourself. I lived in the depths of a practically 100% Hispanic neighborhood for years. 3-2 beat music 24/7. Loud Spanish-speaking parties. Pretty much just a different flavor of what you described. And you know what? I improved Spanish and just dealt with it because it was my lot in life. If you're unhappy, move. If you can't move, make more money. If you can't make more money, don't hate on the people that live in your area for making as much as you.

Hispanic > black

I feel sorry for him, show a little compassion for your brother man
blickpall said:
Your surroundings are a reflection on your choices, what you can afford, what you earn. No one to blame but yourself. I lived in the depths of a practically 100% Hispanic neighborhood for years. 3-2 beat music 24/7. Loud Spanish-speaking parties. Pretty much just a different flavor of what you described. And you know what? I improved Spanish and just dealt with it because it was my lot in life. If you're unhappy, move. If you can't move, make more money. If you can't make more money, don't hate on the people that live in your area for making as much as you.

Dude, these people were shipped into an upper-middle class white town for the specific purpose of white genocide. That is the exact reason why "multiculturalism" exists in America. If you want a more pronounced example of this, look at western Europe....and the social problems occurring there. It's impossible for you to be on this site, and unaware of this.....unless you're some upper-middle class Communist Reddit cuck.

And I'm on disability, so my control over all this crap is extremely limited, as I did not choose to be disabled. And no, I'm not going to discuss why I'm on disability, as it is not germane to the point of this discussion. You're basically blaming poor people for being poor, or blaming white people for being made miserable by their non-white neighbors....when Section 8 was deliberately created to make neighborhoods LESS WHITE.

And I wouldn't complain about this, except that blacks do not respect the social contract in the same way that whites do. If you don't understand this, then I suggest you go back to Reddit.
Ceiling Cat said:
Dude, these people were shipped into an upper-middle class white town for the specific purpose of white genocide. That is the exact reason why "multiculturalism" exists in America. If you want a more pronounced example of this, look at western Europe....and the social problems occurring there. It's impossible for you to be on this site, and unaware of this.....unless you're some upper-middle class Communist Reddit cuck.

And I'm on disability, so my control over all this crap is extremely limited, as I did not choose to be disabled. And no, I'm not going to discuss why I'm on disability, as it is not germane to the point of this discussion. You're basically blaming poor people for being poor, or blaming white people for being made miserable by their non-white neighbors....when Section 8 was deliberately created to make neighborhoods LESS WHITE.

And I wouldn't complain about this, except that blacks do not respect the social contract in the same way that whites do. If you don't understand this, then I suggest you go back to Reddit.

I guess if you're on disability then that's a different story, but I still think you care too much. No point in caring about what you are powerless to control. You can sit there and be mad and stew in your hate and it won't change a single thing. Just get over it. 

Also, if you can shitpost on forums, then you're not too disabled to find a job you can do from home, which can be your way out. But here you are.
The alt right loves sucking off any """redpilled""" female

They are loser cucks
Ceiling Cat said:
Dude, these people were shipped into an upper-middle class white town for the specific purpose of white genocide. That is the exact reason why "multiculturalism" exists in America. If you want a more pronounced example of this, look at western Europe....and the social problems occurring there. It's impossible for you to be on this site, and unaware of this.....unless you're some upper-middle class Communist Reddit cuck.

And I'm on disability, so my control over all this crap is extremely limited, as I did not choose to be disabled. And no, I'm not going to discuss why I'm on disability, as it is not germane to the point of this discussion. You're basically blaming poor people for being poor, or blaming white people for being made miserable by their non-white neighbors....when Section 8 was deliberately created to make neighborhoods LESS WHITE.

And I wouldn't complain about this, except that blacks do not respect the social contract in the same way that whites do. If you don't understand this, then I suggest you go back to Reddit.

Bruh... Disabled = untermensh

you are just as bad as ppl you are complaining about unfortunately, time to get real
NekoStance said:
Bruh... Disabled = untermensh

you are just as bad as ppl you are complaining about unfortunately, time to get real

This too.
Lauren fights Arabs refugee in front of her youtube fans and fucks them during off camera.

It's hilarious seeing alt-right getting cucked bwahaha. Alt-right are probably bigger cucks then incelQueres they will marry a white girl who got gang-banged by 10 black dudes per day and they blame the culture for spoiling the women. As if women cannot think for themselves ahahaha.

Death to Alt-right!
blackcel said:
I would love to fill her with my seed.

Calm down Ainsley.

Good find OP. I always knew there had to be some kind of motivation behind Lauren's particular pathology. Women are so simple minded that it seemed unlikely it was that complex of a motivation. She has been crusading to defend Europe just because she got pumped and dumped by some ethniks. What a cheap slag. Now she is probably looking for a Billy Beta wage cuck to support her after her career with a journalist runs its course.

The bitch rebel media got to replace Lauren is even crazier. Laura Loomer apparently stalked some guy for months. Even going to his work and texting him hundreds of times.
NekoStance said:
Bruh... Disabled = untermensh

you are just as bad as ppl you are complaining about unfortunately, time to get real

Did you read what I said, and the specific issues I have with my black neighbors?

I don't loiter in the parking lot at midnight; they do.
I don't litter; they do.
I don't scream into my smartphone; they do.
I don't blast rap music into the speakers of my car; they do.
I don't stomp hard on the floor; they do.
I don't damage the laundry room; they do.
I don't have stinky smells emanating from my apartment; they do.

I can quietly co-exist with my neighbors, but blacks in large groups are not fully capable of that. If articulating this makes me "racist", then who cares.....so long as I'm telling the truth? It seems that lots of the incels on this site live an upper-middle class sheltered life, just like the leftist cucks on Reddit......and would probably be happier there.

My father moved our family to this town decades ago to escape the blacks. He very specifically engaged in white flight, in the act of moving us here. Now the racial demographics have noticeably changed (for the worse) within the past few years....so now I feel like have to flee from the hometown I've lived in for most of my life.

And that's supposed to be MY fault, just because I'm on disability?

Fuck this thread.
Ceiling Cat said:
And that's supposed to be MY fault, just because I'm on disability?

Fuck this thread.

Caring about the situation happens within you so technically it is your fault, but not because you're on disability. Disability just makes it so you can't escape as easily.


This gave me some hope as I am mixed with sand nigger.

But girls can never stay to their word/beliefs, just saying.
Ceiling Cat said:
Did you read what I said, and the specific issues I have with my black neighbors?

I don't loiter in the parking lot at midnight; they do.
I don't litter; they do.
I don't scream into my smartphone; they do.
I don't blast rap music into the speakers of my car; they do.
I don't stomp hard on the floor; they do.
I don't damage the laundry room; they do.
I don't have stinky smells emanating from my apartment; they do.

I can quietly co-exist with my neighbors, but blacks in large groups are not fully capable of that. If articulating this makes me "racist", then who cares.....so long as I'm telling the truth? It seems that lots of the incels on this site live an upper-middle class sheltered life, just like the leftist cucks on Reddit......and would probably be happier there.

My father moved our family to this town decades ago to escape the blacks. He very specifically engaged in white flight, in the act of moving us here. Now the racial demographics have noticeably changed (for the worse) within the past few years....so now I feel like have to flee from the hometown I've lived in for most of my life.

And that's supposed to be MY fault, just because I'm on disability?

Fuck this thread.

White flight again?

Tbh if you don't have a job or whatever tying you down you might aswell
Regardless of her race.

You can't ever expect any women to pledge loyalty and respect to her kind, if you think you do, then you must be kidding yourself, or coping hard.
Ceiling Cat said:
Spoken like someone who lives in an upper-middle class white neighborhood.

If you're white, and the racial and cultural demographics of your neighborhood radically changed...so that you were suddenly forced to be surrounded by tons of blacks and deathnicks, you would realize...

....that politics is not "cope".

Not any more.

The niggers have invaded my middle-upper class white area and made my life even worse
fuuark. Is this confirmed? When did this happen? 

AngelOfDisease said:
The fact is that we are all losing because people are fighting a racial war while what is destroying us is the cultural one.

most sensible post ITT

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