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JFL Almost got arrested today



Angry Kikecel
Nov 15, 2017
Story time, incels...

Had a super fucked-up day at work. Now, I'm an independent consultant (meaning, people need tech implemented or fixed, they call me and pay me shekels because they are too goddamn stupid to use Google). I actually mostly enjoy what I do, money is good, I get to travel, and people usually kiss my ass and treat me like a hero genius.

My current gig is in my hometown. Pay is very good, because I work with stupid incompetent motherfuckers who can't tell their ass from their elbow, but still need shit done. It's frustrating as fuck, but I am under contract and have to see it through. This gig makes me mad as fuck, so I've been drinking and getting high more than usual. Today was ESPECIALLY bad.

So after I got off, I went to a bar for a couple beers to chill out. Got drunk, but not any less angry. Went to the local comic book/game store to pick up my weekly haul (such as it is, I maybe get 1-3 comics a week). Now, this place has been pissing me off for a while; most comic book stores are pretty liberal but these motherfuckers are getting more and more SJW by the minute. Still I keep (or should say kept) shopping there because location is kind of convenient.

So today above their counter there's a sign saying "This comic book welcomes women and girls." I looked at it and looked at it while checking out, and then just lost it, reached up, tore it down, crumpled it up and tossed it on the floor. The guy behind the counter goes WTF. At this point I had no brakes and no filter, so I got in his face and went off on a five-minute rant about how femoids ruined comic books, video gaming and nerd sphere in general. Now when I get to ranting, I can pass for a fucking preacher or an auctioneer, I have quite a set of lungs on me and can go on like a goddamn machine gun... especially when drunk...

Anyway... the manager gets out... a femoid working in another area of the store gets out... another salesguy gets out... of course I get in the femoid's face... they all try to push me out of the store and debate whether to call the police on me... LOL, thankfully I didn't swing at anyone because at the end of it they just said fuck it, I left, of course I'm banned for life from the store now.

Probably could have been at least harassed by the cops but they didn't call them in the end. Felt stupid for losing my shit but also cathartic as fuck. So there you have it.

but also based. You have my respect.
Somewhere, on a blog out there, a roastie is hammering away on a story about how a creepy creeper got into a fight at her store and how her righteous white knights swooped in to save her from the patriarchy.
Somewhere, on a blog out there, a roastie is hammering away on a story about how a creepy creeper got into a fight at her store and how her righteous white knights swooped in to save her from the patriarchy.
Lol i bet u can find it on fb in ur little hometown u said

But u need to control urself more. Props for doing it and u were lucky they knew u as not to call the cops
No assburger, just drunk and mad... Though who the fuck knows, I might have it, was never professionally diagnosed. Fake disease anyway.

Good idea about FB or other social media I know all those people's real names. My home town isn't exactly small but it should be easy to find them. Will post if I find a sufficiently funny rant that can be properly anonymized.
you had the right to protest about feminazi shit
If I ever got a job at a gaming company, I would speak all of my mind and be against any & every "pro-female" bullshit they come up with
JFL if you think Im gonna read your BBC text
donate to us poorcels
What the fuck? Lmao low inhib as FUCK.
Somewhere, on a blog out there, a roastie is hammering away on a story about how a creepy creeper got into a fight at her store and how her righteous white knights swooped in to save her from the patriarchy.

Everyone then clapped and gave her the Nobel peace prize
At first I just ignored it, but the constant pandering in sports, games, tv, film, and comics to the uninterested female demographic is ruining many past times. Now I actively avoid anything I see trying to push a blatant agenda. Arguing upfront about this agenda pushing only seems to empower them in the end, so I'm hoping that voting with our wallets will end this phase sooner rather than later
lmao alcohol is amazing i should try it
At first I just ignored it, but the constant pandering in sports, games, tv, film, and comics to the uninterested female demographic is ruining many past times. Now I actively avoid anything I see trying to push a blatant agenda. Arguing upfront about this agenda pushing only seems to empower them in the end, so I'm hoping that voting with our wallets will end this phase sooner rather than later

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