Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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It's Over Almost A Decade Since I Joined My First Online Community



Nov 20, 2022
I technically joined it in early 2016, but I started taking an interest and lurking since around mid-late 2015 or so, and even interacted with a few users before I actually joined.

That was because this community is on Instagram, and what is left of it is still there, though im sure the more "extreme" ones probably had to migrate elsewhere or take excessive precaution, so they didn't get nuked. The community is/was called Politigram back in the day, though as I have been informed, it seems to have polarized and nowadays is "RWgram" which I could have seen coming now that I look back tbh.

A fun fact, is that this community was actually my introduction towards the Incel/blackpill community as a whole. One of my friends one day(who e-dated a few thots in the community funnily enough) shared a meme about ER; I kinda assumed that ER was just some influencer who was controversial, but little did my naive self at the time know he would come to represent a community which I would inevitably find myself in.

I have plenty of funny stories I could share from my time on there, because my two-year tenure there was for sure one to recall: Keep in mind, it was around the 2016 election and myself alongside tons of others spent tons of hours making+sharing Trump memes.

That place was my home for my first two years of HS, especially Freshman year. I had it very rough back then, especially during my Freshman year, but being able to go on there, share some memes, and just shitpost helped ease the pain- alongside Battlefield 1.

A fun fact here, is that years after I had left @KILLEVERYLASTCURRY ended up joining; meaning it is likely he interacted with some of my former friends just under different handles.

The internet is both a vast, yet small place.
@edgelordcel @KillNiggers @Uggo Mongo @Fat Link @LeFrenchCel @wereq @Mystorious @Biowaste Removal @To koniec @WorthlessSlavicShit @Castaway @Diddy @Da_Yunez @Grodd @weaselbomber @OwariDa @Fevet
A fun fact, is that this community was actually my introduction towards the Incel/blackpill community as a whole.
I first learned about incels when a guy in my city went ER.
Very interesting lore, I've always been in online communities ever since I learned how to speak English (which tbf was relatively early on in my life)
I used to be on NationStates forums back in the day, made my first batch of online friends there. They were all equally as underage and retarded as I was. I wonder what that Slovene guy is up to nowadays
I wasn’t really active in online communities and the first one I became a part of was the incel community back in summer 2020.
This summer will be the half decade anniversary.
That place was my home for my first two years of HS, especially Freshman year. I had it very rough back then, especially during my Freshman year, but being able to go on there, share some memes, and just shitpost helped ease the pain- alongside Battlefield 1.
I relate heavily
I used to have terrible experiences at school but the internet and video games were a safe haven for me
I love how you said that you played Battlefield 1. Just like I did back then. So much nostalgia.
Lore just dropped,i found out about the Blackpill only about 2-3 years ago didn't join anywhere except .is
Been lurking on the incel and incel adjacent communities since around 2020
I've never really been heavily involved with any online communities until I joined here. I never really felt like I could fit in anywhere else
I joined my first online community in 2007, it was some Italian Nintendofag forum
Nobody cares about your shitty edgy group nigga
(Just kidding, I also knew all of this about 10 years ago)
Tfw you realize 2016 was nine fucking years ago :fuk:
I remember another incel forum which allowed women to post on it. What we found is women just asking
basic questions like 'what is an incel' or 'what is wrong with you' and then turning threads into attention black holes.
Such a sweet story man
Nice sarcasm. :feelsokman:
I am not being sarcastic brocel
Give you my word :feelsYall:

It's cool to feel part of something, I haven't never been part of anything tho :feelscry:
Lucky you to have had your first community being a based one, mine was a leftard clown show:feelshaha:.
I used to despise Elliot Rodger and the Incel community before becoming a blackpiller. Now that I'm mature, I have realized that I was wrong, and I hate the person who I used to be.
I first learned about incels when some roblox user on some forum referred to this other user as an "incel". at first I legitimately thought he was referring to intel the company and he just misspelled it. so then that user responded back with something like "you can't say slurs." I then searched up the word incel and I was like "oh my gawd." though I was still extremely in-denial about being one until after COVID when I browsed r/niceguys and r/inceltears and I ended up strongly empathizing with the incels' pain, misery, and anger

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